Vitamin B has many benefits for the body and within the Vitamin B category there are nine different sub categories that each have a specific purpose in the body.  The nine categories are: B1 B2 B3 B5 B6 B7 B9 B12 and B15.


This is the one that helps us to have more energy and regulate our blood sugar level.  The lack of this vitamin can cause cardiovascular problems such as your arms and legs falling asleep and tightness of the chest as well as neurological issues such as tiredness, loss of concentration, irritability and depression.  You can find vitamin B1 in: meat, fish, nuts, and whole grain cereals.


Aside from also increasing our energy levels, it also helps our eyes and skin.  A lack in vitamin B2 manifests itself as skin, mucous membrane and eyes lesions.  It is found in milk and other dairy products, almonds, green vegetables and mushrooms.


Vitamin B3 controls our cholesterol and helps process sugar.  It is difficult to find a deficiency in this vitamin.  It is found in meat, fish and peanuts.


Vitamin B5 helps metabolize proteins, sugars and fats.  A deficiency of this vitamin can cause lack of focus, apathy, allergies and low energy levels in general.  This vitamin is found in almost all foods but whole grains and eggs are the best sources.


This vitamin supports helping major neurotransmitters in the production of red cells.  It is found in almost all foods of both animal and vegetable origin, so it is very rare to find a deficiency in this vitamin.  It is found in meats, poultry, fish, avocados, bananas, nuts, soy, whole grains and in some vegetables.


This vitamin helps cell growth, metabolize fatty acids and to maintain blood sugar levels.  A lack of vitamin B7 can cause problems with skin, hair, nervousness, loss of appetite and vomiting.  You can find it in dairy products, salmon, oysters, yeast, cauliflower, chicken and egg yolks.


Vitamin B9 helps the nervous system and in the production of new cells.  A lack of this vitamin can cause anemia, weakness, weight loss, palpitations, diarrhea and depression.  It is found in liver and kidneys, all green vegetables especially spinach, avocado and fortified cereals.


Vitamin B12 is necessary in the production of red blood cells, brain cells and genetic material or DNA.  A lack of this vitamin primarily leads to anemia and can be found in meats, liver, eggs, milk and yeast.


The essence of vitamin B15 to improve oxygenation of tissues, increase resistance to fatigue and help accelerate the body's recovery process.  It also protects against pollution as it has detoxifying effects.  It is recommended for those suffering from respiratory problems like asthma or chronic bronchitis.  A deficiency in vitamin B15 causes glandular and nervous disorders, heart disease and decreased oxygenation of tissues.  It can be found in apricot seeds, rice, grains, sesame and horse liver.


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