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There is a difference between the discomfort caused by anal fissures and hemorrhoid pain and symptoms.

And when you are feeling discomfort, it is important to find out which type you are suffering from, as to not undergo the incorrect treatment.

Anal fissures are a tear in the anal opening which can be caused by a hard bowel movement, constipation, or after explosive diarrhea.

These can be quite painful, especially for every bowel movement after wards because the rip would continue to be stretched.

You will notice streaks of blood in on the toilet paper or bleeding stools. Most (over 90 percent) of anal fissures can be healed without surgery.

To help stop fissures from happening again, it is recommended that you increase the fiber in your diet, by eating more fresh fruits and vegies, drink plenty of water and get some regular exercise or thing else to promote soft stools.

To ease the pain of an anal fissure you can sit in a warm bath for about fifteen minutes two to three times a day. Normal pain relievers like Tylenol and Ibuprofen can also help ease the discomfort too. Sometimes, special cortisone creams will be prescribed.

Hemorrhoids are common in both men and woman. They are most likely to develop during pregnancy and if you are overweight, or over the age of 40.

A hemorrhoid is basically an enlarged varicose vein of the anus. These veins can also get enlarged during hard bowel movements.

However, straining the pelvic muscles and severe constipation can also cause the veins to swell. There are two types of hemorrhoids: internal and external.

Internal hemorrhoids are not visible and are normally not painful, but can cause bleeding and discomfort is some cases.

External hemorrhoids however can be very irritating and painful and can cause bleeding, itching and swelling. A lump around the anus may also be visible. If you have hemorrhoids, it is extremely important to try to find a suitable hemorrhoid cure and soon as possible, before your condition worsens.

A hemorrhoid cure is similar to anal fissure treatments: warm baths, high fiber, drinking plenty of water and moderate exercise, etc.

How to get fast, temporary hemorrhoid relief? - There are many conventional and home remedies that can be used to help ease hemorrhoid pain, in the short term.

Some Hemorrhoid Relief Solutions include:- Creams and ointments, medicated wipes and pads, hemorrhoid pills, oral pain killers (avoid codeine as this promotes constipation), warm baths, hemorrhoid cushions.

Please be aware that these are only meant as a quick solution to the problem and you should still take the correct action and find a permanent hemorrhoid cure asap.

A good start would be to improve your diet, drinking plenty of water, losing weight (if you are overweight) and getting regular exercise.

In the mean time, researching what options are available for curing hemorrhoids permanently would also be very wise, as this condition is very treatable using the correct method.

If after reading this article you do not have hemorrhoids or anal fissures and you still experience anal bleeding, it is very important to get your condition checked by your doctor.

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What if you turned on your faucet and no water came out? That will never happen, right? Well, if the power grid went down, the municipal water supply would soon be interrupted. A power grid failure could happen from terrorist hackers or simply from an overload like happened on August 14, 2003 Northeast United States, which plunged 55 million Americans and Canadians into darkness. A major economic collapse would be much worse, disrupting transportation and delivery of chemicals needed to treat the water. Don't count on bottled water being available - store shelves are emptied within hours of a crisis.

The good news is that you can be self reliant very easily. While everyone might not want to be so prepared as to be able to fetch water from rivers and retention ponds and drink it without worry, you can be that prepared very easily. However, it is critical to understand what is in the water that can make you very sick and what you can do about it.

Step 1: Start by Storing Some Water

Do I need to buy water jugs?

While you can buy 6 gallon plastic water jugs at Walmart for $10, this is not recommended. They cost too much money and too hard to move around (a full 6 gallon jug weighs about 50 lbs.). Instead, just rinse out 2 liter pop bottles and use them. They are free and you don't even need a special "storage area" as you can put them in the back of the closet, in the car, or wherever you have a little space. The thicker two quart and gallon fruit juice bottles are also great. While they seem popular on a lot of 'preparedness supply' websites, the blue 50 gallon water drums seem impractical for anyone without a dedicated survival retreat. If a hurricane is coming and you fear water may be interrupted, or just want a larger supply, there is an economical, hundred gallon bladder worth looking into called the WaterBob, which you set in your bathtub and fill. It is worth looking into building a bathtub sized box in your basement and putting one of these in for only $25.

Do NOT use gallon milk jugs, as they are a pain in the neck. The plastic is too thin and will degrade in a few months, and unlike a two liter bottle, if you drop it you will have a big mess.

How much should I store?

The rule of thumb is that you need to store a gallon per day per person to ensure a good supply for drinking, cooking and minimal sanitation (hand washing, dish washing and brushing teeth). This does not take into account bathing and laundry. Your water will go farther if you have some paper plates and cups and plastic utensils in your cupboard.

Step 2: Tap Your "Hidden" Sources of Water

By opening your upstairs faucets, you can get whatever water is in the pipes from the downstairs faucets - it will simply drain out. Also, your hot water heater contains about 40 gallons of water! (Hopefully, you are in the habit of draining a gallon each month to drain off the rust or sediment, or you have a newer hot water heater.)

Remember that your toilet tanks have a couple of gallons of water as well. This is 'clean' water that has not flowed down into the bowl yet, but it should be treated as suspect water and purified (see below).

Step 3: Know How to Purify Suspect Water

Having the supplies and know-how to get water from a retention pond in your subdivision, or even a dirty river or lake, and make it totally safe and drinkable gives you a great feeling of security. That feeling is even better if you've ever had a waterborne illness like 'Montezuma's Revenge' or Giardia with its explosive diarrhea (yes, that is actually a term from a medical book!).

There are three 'levels' of purifying your water that you should understand. That is not to say that you must take three steps, but rather there are three types of contaminants that you need to remove from your water to make it absolutely safe and drinkable.

Level 1: Particulate Matter - "Scum and Floaties"

If you've ever had water from a well at a forest preserve that is brown from iron and minerals, it is small consolation that it is safe to drink. It is just downright unappetizing. Particulate matter includes anything in the water that makes it cloudy or less than crystal clear. If you are dipping a bucket into a pond or river in an emergency situation, this is the first thing you'll notice. While all water filters will remove particulates, they will clog your filter and shorten the usable life of this precious resource. The best way to handle particulates is to let the water stand for 12 hours while the floaties settle to the bottom, then 'pre-filter' it by gentling pouring the water through some towels or cotton t-shirts. You should see a noticeable difference in the water. However, it is not safe to drink.

Level 2: Bacteria / Protozoa / VOC's / Heavy Metals

The next group of things that you want out of your water can be eliminated through boiling (bring to a rolling boil for at least one minute). This kills the bacteria and protozoa, and the VOC's (volatile organic compounds - think fertilizers and other chemicals...) will boil off. The only problem is that this will not eliminate the heavy metals (mercury, lead, etc), and boiling takes energy (difficult when your stove doesn't work) and time for the water to cool back down before you can drink it. You can add iodine or bleach to kill off the bugs, but this will do nothing to get rid of the VOC's and the heavy metals. Therefore, a filter is the best option if you are going to have to drink this water for any period of time (a couple of days of mercury and lead probably won't hurt you....)

Level 3: Viruses

While viruses are killed off by boiling, they are not typically eliminated with filters. The problem is that the filter elements have to be so fine to eliminate viruses that the flow rate is very slow and most manufacturers figure that viruses are not as big a problem in the US, so they get ignored. This can be addressed by pretreating the water with iodine or bleach before it is filtered; the additive kills the viruses and the filter removes the bad taste of the additive.

Step 4: Buy a Berkey or Sawyer SP 190 Filter and Rest Easy

If the power is out, a filter that mounts on your faucet will be worthless. So will Reverse Osmosis filters, which rely on water pressure to work. The only viable, foolproof option is a system that needs only gravity to move water through a filter that will remove everything we have talked about. Two such filters are the Berkey, widely considered as the "gold standard", and the Sawyer SP 190. There may be other filters available that will remove viruses as well as all the other nasties, but these two are the best. (Note that Sawyer has an SP 184 filter that is popular, but does NOT remove viruses like the SP190 model...) A Berkey comes with two filter elements that will supply you with 6,000 gallons of safe water.

Step 5: Collect Rainwater

Along with your filtration system, you will need to carry the water from the water source. Consider that five gallon buckets filled with water weigh about 40 pounds, so smaller containers are more practical. The best solution is merely purchasing a few extra plastic garbage cans for use as rain barrels. Just a half inch of rainfall will yield 300 gallons of water from a 1000 square foot roof. That would fill ten Rubbermaid 32 gallon garbage cans that cost only $10 each. (If you purchase a "rainbarrel" you can expect to pay $65 dollars each for a 40 gallon barrel). A simple downspout diverter can be obtained for under $30, like the Emsco Universal Water Diverter available at HomeDepot.com.


If you've read everything above and you take these precautions, you'll never have to worry about the most important commodity you need to survive. Storing some water and getting a good water filter takes almost no extra time. The rainbarrel setup takes a trip to the store and you don't even need to set it up unless something bad happens.

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Some extra attention is needed for your unspayed female Yorkshire terrier when her heat cycle begins. Be prepared for her cute little personality to do an about face while she is in heat. Here are some facts you should know while your dog is experiencing her heat cycle.

Give her that extra attention while she is in heat especially if you have other dogs in the home.

Keep her eating schedule on a strict routine and reduce the amount of food during her heat cycle will help her feel a bit more comfortable. Be sure to increase her water intake in lieu of the reduced food.

Your female Yorkie will want to be exercised. To eliminate the male characters that might be hanging around your front door ready to take advantage, it would be a wise idea to take your Yorkie by car to an area that is remote. In doing this you will be eliminating a possible scent trail leading back to your front door.

If you're female Yorkshire terrier continues to be out of sorts exhibiting aggressive behavior, vomiting or diarrhea due to her hormone imbalances while in heat consult with your veterinarian by either calling or with a visit.

Of course if you are not planning on breeding your Yorkshire terrier you should consult with your vet's preferences as to the best time to have her spayed. Some vets tell people to let their dog experience one heat cycle or one litter first.

So now that you have some facts about female Yorkies in heat, I highly recommend you find out more information about training and caring for your precious small dog.

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There are so many different canine neurological disorders that dogs and puppies can experience it would be almost impossible to cover them all on this page. Having said that we will aim to cover the most common canine neurological disorders, starting with a list compiled below and then going into more detail covering each disorder. Remember that the illnesses listed below do not always display noticeable symptoms until the disease has progressed.

Please do not use this information as a diagnostic tool - we are not Vet's and this is for information only.

If you have any concerns we advise you to take your dog to the Vet asap as canine neurological disorders can be progressive, degenerative and lead to death if not treated fast.

  1. Canine Vestibular Disease

  2. (leading to seizures) - Epilepsy

  3. Degenerative Myelopathy

  4. CDS - Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome

  5. Parkinsons

  6. Rabies

  7. Hepatic Encephalopathy

  8. Acquired Myasthenia Gravis

  9. Distemper

  10. Strokes

Now lets discuss all of the canine neurological disorders listed above in a little more detail.

Canine Vestibular Disease - This illness is also a serious issue if it affects your dog (as is any illness). Canine Vestibular disease has very similar symptoms to the symptoms of a stroke.

The main causes of Canine Vestibular disease include congenital factors - this is when it is transmitted to the puppy before it is even born. The most common age for dogs to be affected by this disease is when they are middle aged or older (around 13 years of age).

Another cause of the disease is through tick bites causing a nasty infection known as Rocky Mountain Fever. It can also be caused by lesions affecting (on) the brain. If your dog has recently suffered an ear infection (middle ear infection) this has also been known to cause the disease.

The symptoms of Canine Vestibular disease can include...

  • Coordination problems - this can include your dog walking around in circles.

  • Watch for problems with your dog's face. The disease is known to cause your dog to have problems being able to control the muscles in his face/head.

  • Watch for sickness in your dog - motion sickness is another symptom of the disease.

  • The nervous system is also affected by the disease sometimes causing a dog's eyes to roll backwards and forwards in the socket - this is called Nystagmus.

Epilepsy - This condition is actually more common in dogs and puppies than you might think. Epilepsy normally starts when your puppy is very young (as early as 2 years of age). Fortunately Epilepsy can be controlled quite well with appropriate medication - so your puppy is quite capable (even with the illness) of living a full and active life.

Seizures can come in a variety of types including....

  • Tonic Clonic Seizures

  • Petit Mal Seizures

  • Partial Seizures

  • Complex Partial Seizures

  • Status Epilepticus

  • Cluster Seizures

Your dog will go through three stages when having a seizure including the...

  1. Pre-Ictal Phase - this is just before the seizure starts - you may notice that your dog has sudden behavior changes.

  2. Ictal Phase - This is when the seizure starts - your dog's muscles may go into an uncontrollable condition that leaves their legs straight and stiff - your dog may also be paralyzed when suffering the seizure. The seizure may last anywhere from several seconds to a few minutes. Your dog may lose control of his bowels during the seizure and may also salivate.

  3. Post-Ictal Phase - This is the period after the seizure has ended.

Degenerative Myelopathy - This disease is also referred to as Chronic Degenerative Radiculomyelopathy. This illness normally affects dogs between the age of 7 years of age and 14 years of age. The main cause of the disease is thought to be due to the sheath that surrounds the neurons in the spinal chord is attacked by dog's immune system which leads to a progressive and degenerative loss of coordination in the back legs (Ataxia) and eventually paralysis. Basically the brain and the back legs stop communicating effectively.

Below are some of the symptoms that you should look out for.

  • Dogs with this disease will often stand with their back legs very close together with the feet also pointing in different directions due to the lack of coordination.

  • Your dog may appear to stagger when he walks around the House or when outside.

  • You may notice that your dog is actually not capable of walking as the disease progresses - this may leave your dog trying to drag his feet along the floor - causing problems with the paws and nails.

  • As the disease continues to progress your dog's back legs may become completely paralyzed.

  • Balance will be affected.

  • You may notice that your dog is unable to control his bladder and/or bowels.

  • The disease can progress quite quickly (in months) or it can take a few years.

  • Eventually the nerves in the cranium and respiratory system will be affected which will lead to you making the very upsetting decision to have your dog put to sleep. Follow your Vets advice throughout the disease as you don't want your dog to suffer any more than you would want to suffer.

CDS - Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome - This refers to dementia (as dogs can get this degenerative disease too). Always watch for sudden behavior changes in your dog as this is normally a good indication that something untoward may be happening.

The signs and symptoms of CDS can include the following...

  • Your dog may not respond to you when he is called.

  • Watch for signs of disorientation.

  • Does your dog seem confused and even walk around in circles?

  • Watch for changes in your dog's personality - normally you as the owner will be the first to notice any things that 'just don't seem right' about your beloved pooch.

  • Memory loss is another symptom.

Parkinsons- This is one of those canine neurological disorders that many owners don't realize can actually affect dogs as well as humans with very similar signs and symptoms. This disease is hereditary and will normally affect younger dogs.

The signs and symptoms of Parkinsons in dogs can include...

  • Muscle jerks and twitches.

  • Your dog may suffer from the onset of tremors

  • Muscle stiffness

  • Problems walking and a difficulty in balancing

Hepatic Encephalopathy-Also referred to as Portosystemic Encephalopathy. This disease is caused by renal failure in dogs or to put this is into an easy language that is more understandable, this disease is caused when the liver stops working properly and adequately removing toxins from your dogs blood. Due to the livers failure to work properly these toxins eventually build up in your dog's blood stream leading to Hepatic Encephalopathy. This disease can be treated but if it is left to progress it can lead to....

  • Confusion

  • Constipation

  • Coma

  • It can even be fatal if not treated.

Rabies - This disease is one of the more serious illnesses that a dog (or human) can suffer from. The disease is transmitted via saliva and can be fatal. The incubation period for the disease can vary with signs and symptoms of Rabies sometimes taking several months to appear. Due to the fact that most bites which transfer the saliva and disease occur around the head and facial area the disease can affect the brain quite quickly - with incubation being as short as 2-3 weeks.

As previously mentioned the disease is normally transmitted via a bite. The infected saliva carrying the Rabies virus will then travel via the nerves in your dogs body and then directly to the brain. The virus will then return through the nervous system again and start affecting the glands and other organs within your dog's body.

The signs and symptoms of Rabies depend on the form that your dog is infected with as there are two types - Dumb and Furious. Both types will lead to massive personality changes in your dog. If for example your dog is quite aggressive without being infected - after infection he may become affectionate and want to be around humans. If however your dog is quite quiet before infection after he is infected he may become furious, savage and very unpredictable.

Other symptoms can include...

  • An inability to control the facial muscles with the facial expressions changing.

  • You may notice that your dog is salivating and drooling massively.

  • Alongside the salivating the jaw will be fixed (paralyzed) with the eyes staring in a fixed manner.

  • Dogs with rabies also shy away from bright lights.

  • Do NOT approach a dog if you fear it has Rabies - they are VERY dangerous.

  • Paralysis, coma and death will normally occur approximately 15 days after the first signs and symptoms of the disease have been exhibited.

Acquired Myasthenia Gravis - This nasty disease is classed as a Autoimmune condition (disease) - basically this means that the immune system actually turns on itself and starts attacking it's own immune system. The cause of this disease is due to the neurons and interconnecting muscles being damaged - which will then lead to...

  • Muscle weakness

  • Tiredness after exercise

  • The muscles in the eyes may also be affected

  • The muscles in the face may become affected which will cause changes to your dog's facial expressions.

  • You may also notice that there are some changes in your dogs voice.

  • Problems with the esophagus can also occur which will then lead to a difficulty in swallowing.

This is another of those canine neurological disorders that can be congenital and affect certain breeds including...

  1. Dachshunds (Miniature)

  2. Springer Spaniels (all types of this breed)

  3. Fox Terriers (smooth variety)

  4. Jack Russell.

Distemper - This is another particularly nasty disease. Distemper is actually a virus which can be transmitted from dog to dog normally by your dog inhaling particles which have been infected by the discharges from another dog that is carrying the disease. The incubation period for the disease is anywhere between 7-21 days.

The early signs and symptoms of Distemper will include some of the following...

  • A cough

  • High temperature

  • Tiredness and lethargy

  • Eyes that have become reddened

  • Loss of appetite

  • Runny nose

  • Your dog may also make a noise when he breaths

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea

Later symptoms (normally after a few weeks) of Distemper may include...

  • Nervous twitches

  • Fits

  • Paralysis

  • The pads of the nose may become thickened.

Dog Strokes - This is a problem that can cause quite severe behavioral changes in your dog. The symptoms of a stroke can also leave your dog with mobility problems too. There are two types of Strokes - one which is caused by hemorrhaging in the brain and the other which is caused by a blocked artery which blocks blood flow to the brain.

The major symptoms of a stroke in dogs can include the following...

  • Your dog may find it difficult to balance.

  • You may notice that your dog becomes more tired and seems lethargic.

  • Watch your dog when he eats - by supervising your dog closely you may notice that your dog eats out of one side of the bowl - this a common symptom of a stroke in dogs.

  • You may notice that your dog has difficulty seeing and may even become blind through having a stroke.

  • Try calling your dog - this is important - if you suspect your dog has had a stroke watch for his reaction when he is called. A symptom of suffering a stroke can sometimes lead to dog's turning the wrong way when his name is called.

  • Watch how your dog holds his head - tilting of the head is another symptom of a stroke in dogs.

  • Of course sudden behavior changes should always be explored by the owner to make sure that they are not caused by an undiagnosed illness. Sudden changes in behavior is another symptom of your dog having suffered a stroke.

As we have previously mentioned please don't use the information above regarding common and less common canine neurological disorders as a diagnostic tool. Please always get paid or free vet advice if you are at all concerned that your dog has any of the conditions on this page

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There are many people who want to adopt these cute little pets but want to know what the link is between Salmonella and turtles. Most are probably already aware of the Salmonella threat that lies in turtles. The same people may wonder if there is a way to find a turtle without it, or possibly rid them of it by cleaning.

Unfortunately, most turtle lovers will find themselves out of luck as turtles carry non-typhoid Salmonella (the leading cause of food infection) on their shells and skin as a part of their natural bacterial make-up. It's something that they're born with. Most cases of Salmonella caused by turtles were more often those with weakened immune systems, such as the ill or elderly, and children.

When you understand the connection between Salmonella and turtles and you still wish to adopt a turtle as a pet, the most you can do is to handle it carefully. Wash your hands after touching it, keep it out of the kitchen and away from food, do not bathe it in a kitchen or bathroom sink or a bathtub, and keep it in its cage most of the time. Also, try to keep smaller children away from it, as they may try to kiss it, or if young enough, even eat the turtle.

If you manage to follow those simple guidelines and have done your research, you can still choose to adopt one. Just remember that the risk of Salmonella and turtles will always be there. If you have a pet turtle already and feel you may have it, here are some commonly reported symptoms of Salmonella poisoning:

Nausea and Vomiting
Diarrhea (in some cases, bloody)
Stomach and Abdominal Cramping
Fever and Headache

These are signs that should begin to appear a few days after infection. Though your immune system can kill it, check in with a doctor when the symptoms emerge, especially if it worsens or feels prolonged.

On a more encouraging note, there are turtles that carry less Salmonella than others. Just be selective about which one you get. And the majority of cases reported of Salmonella and turtles were concerning young children. If you are old enough and capable, and do not have a young child living with you, you have a better chance of not getting infected. Just continue to do your best to follow the safety tips.

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As most of you know by now, I broke the Guinness Book of World Records for Marathon Drumming in 1989. This is one of the stories that happened during that event.

One of the great volunteers (Ron) that stayed with me (To be an eye witness for the Guinness Book of Records log book) came into the Brandon Hall Auto Detail shop in Fort Mill S.C. where I was performing this 3 month long record breaking event. Ron came into the shop and I was taking a 10 minute break so he came over to talk to me. He looked me straight in the eye and said these exact words. "I won't be able to witness this event at night anymore because my mom had a vision about you that scared me". I said "ok, what did she see?"

Now Ron's mom was a very nice lady and a devout Christian who was a part of PTL. You know the PTL park (Praise The Lord) that used to be in Fort Mill, S.C. with Pastor Jim "I've sinned against you, now send me more money" Baker. He needed the money to keep his wife Tammy Fae Baker in facial make up.

Ron tells me his mom had a vision of a DANCING SKELETON on the roof of the Brandon Hall Detail shop. The skeleton had bees swarming all around it while it danced in the night. Now I myself after 40 days of drumming was a little freaked also, I had already had some strange hallucinations of my own. This will happen when you play drums for this length of time, trust me...The next day after Ron told me about his moms "vision" he stopped volunteering completely.

A vitamin company shows up about 2 days later and wants to sponsor me. It was some kind of blood and internal organ cleansing vitamin. You know boost your energy and endurance. These pills made me so physically sick they almost took me out of the event. Well within 2 days of taking these pills I had to set a snare drum up in the bathroom to keep drumming. My insides turned inside out and I had ungodly explosive diarrhea. Needless to say I stopped taking the pills immediately! I then called the vitamin guy and told him to keep the extra pills he was sending, and I was throwing the pills he already gave me into the garbage.

I started thinking about Ron's mom and her vision. I guess I was the skeleton, and the diarrhea was the swarm of bees. The diarrhea also started late in the night around 11 pm the day after I started taking the pills. Go figure she had a vision of my exploding butt...

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Whether it is a treat for good behavior, or a way to dispose of food without putting it in the trash or down the drain, certain human foods can actually be toxic to our pet's. Some of the most common foods we may be inclined or tempted to give our pets include raw or undercooked meats, bones and eggs. Raw or undercooked meat as well as eggs, may contain bacteria such as Salmonella and E coli which is not only harmful to humans, but to our pet's as well. Raw eggs contain an enzyme called Avidin. Avidin decreases the absorption of biotin (a B vitamin), which can lead to skin and coat issues. Feeding your pet raw bones may seem like a natural, healthy and harmless thing to do, however for domestic pet's this can be very dangerous. Raw bones may not contain high levels of toxins, but they can present a choking hazard, they may also splinter and become lodged in or puncture your pets digestive tract, which can cause your pet to sustain grave injury or can even be fatal.

Foods such as chocolate, Macadamia nuts, and avocados may be appealing to us, but are actually quite dangerous and can even be deadly to our furry companions. Chocolate, coffee, and other food products that contain caffeine are dangerous because of substances called methylxanthines which are present in cacao seeds, the fruit of the plant used to make coffee and in the nuts of an extract used to make some sodas. When these foods are ingested by pet's these methylxanthines can cause vomiting, diarrhea, excessive thirst and urination, panting, hyperactivity, tremors, seizures, abnormal heart rhythm, and in worst cases death. Please take note that the darker the chocolate the higher the level of methylxanthines. White chocolate contains the lowest levels, while baking chocolate has the highest.

Cookies, candies and cake can also be tempting to give our pet as a treat, but again beware of the chocolate content, and also in many instances these food items may contain Macadamia nuts, which can cause weakness, vomiting, tremors, depression and hypothermia. These symptoms usually appear within twelve hours and can last up to forty eight hours. Cookies, candies and other baked goods may also contain xylitol, which is used as a sweetener in many products, and baked goods. Xylitol can cause insulin release which can lead to liver failure. The increase in insulin may also lead to hypoglycemia (lowered sugar levels). Symptoms may include vomiting, lethargy, and loss of coordination, and could progress to recumbancy and seizures.

A chip dipped in guacamole or the last two bites of a bacon, avocado, and cheese omelet may seem harmless, but the truth is avocado's contain persin, which in dogs can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Birds and rodents are sensitive to avocado poisoning as well, even more so than dogs, and can develop difficulty breathing, congestion and fluid may accumulate around the heart, and again in severe cases can even be fatal.

Other foods we may find easy to toss to our pet as a quick treat while we snack on them ourselves are grapes, raisins, and potato chips. Although the toxic substance in grapes and raisins is not completely clear, they can cause kidney failure, and in pets with certain existing health problems the signs of kidney failure may be more dramatic. Although potato chips are a popular snack in many households, they are a salty food, and feeding them to pet's should be avoided as large amounts of salt may cause excessive thirst and urination or even sodium ion poisoning. Symptoms of too much salt may include vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, depression, elevated body temperature, seizures and even death.

Another food product to avoid giving a pet is yeast dough. When baking bread or working with yeast dough, if a bit of it falls to the floor, it is best to pick it up and throw it away rather than letting the family pet clean it up, as it can rise and cause gas to accumulate in their digestive system, which can be painful and may cause the stomach or intestines to rupture. However after the dough is cooked and the yeast has fully risen, pets can have small bits of bread as treats, but should not exceed five to ten percent of their daily caloric intake.

Since we cherish our pet's and consider them part of our families, the best thing to do is to keep treats purchased from a veterinarian, or a local pet store on hand. This will keep them happy and healthy, and prevent unnecessary trips to the emergency room. But if you do believe your pet has ingested any of these foods, take note of what and how much and immediately contact your local veterinarian or call the ASPCA animal poison control center at (888) 426-4435.

Please let's keep our pets safe and healthy, because they are in fact part of our families!

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Food Unlike having diabetes Type I, where there is certainly not enough insulin creation, in Type 2 diabetes the pancreas create typical or more than normal amounts of insulin. Nevertheless, the biochemical problems that come up within the latter type express themselves as insulin resistance.

These types of problems cause hyperglycemia simply by interfering together with the traditional function of insulin and in so doing glucose uptake into the cells. The raised levels of fat oxidation typically present in Type 2 diabetic patients can also be considered for being a factor in insulin resistance.

Type 2 Diabetes (maturity onset diabetes) was basically, as it's ancient label indicates, relating to folks of middle age growing older or also older. However with dietary shifts; especially the raised consumption of prepared, unhealthy and sweet meals; and also the frequency of weight problems relentlessly growing, it's not at all exceptional for folks very young to develop the health issues.

Our body transforms sugar straight into two to five times extra fat within the blood vessels than it does starchy foods. Together with 146 tested main reasons why sugar isn't good for all of us, could there be maybe a single factor that explains why we might require it? The only real unique factor regarding sugar is the fact that it tastes great along with makes us temporarily really feel good. It is really a subject worthy of checking out.

Insulin Resistance Diet Which actually food products are quite obvious with no sugar? A simple way to do not forget the major ones will be that they can end within the letters "-ose". Sucrose, the normal whitened sugar; fructose sugar found in fresh fruits; maltose, a grain sugar; plus carbs and glucose, the particular sugar in bakery, flour, pasta etc.

Prepared foodstuff likewise contain basic all kinds of sugar in their processed carbohydrates, along with root vegetables for example potatoes, yams, and also other starchy green veggies.

Is actually fresh fruit sugar not a good idea? A lot of the sugar many of us consume gets to be broken down together with absorbed in your small intestine.

Swarms of unique digestive enzymes attack bigger substances together with transform these items straight into three simpler sugars: for the most part carbs and glucose, and also galactose (an element of lactose, the actual sugar found in milk) and fructose.

The actual common understanding of sugar for any type 2 diabetes just isn't excellent. The majority of people blame it as being the actual main cause of the diabetic issues. Nevertheless, the specific situation seriously isn't absolutely legitimate.

You will find various other food items, such as cereal is a bit more harmful for you as a type 2 diabetes persons than white sugar. However it is recommended that you lessen the total as low as possible.

Blood sugar level Once the blood sugar level increases the pancreas typical release insulin into your blood stream. Insulin is actually a hormonal agent which enables control of the amount of blood sugar.

Increased blood sugar is named hyperglycemia. Long-term slightly increased blood glucose amounts bring about heart problems as well as heart stroke, kidney problems, loss of sight, peripheral vascular problems and also amputation.

Reduced blood sugar is known as hypoglycemia. A rather minimal blood sugar can result in loss of awareness, seizure as well as death within a few minutes. Reasonably low blood sugar levels over a period of time may result in dementia as well as other neurologic problems.

Test your own blood sugar levels very carefully throughout a time period with stress and / or sickness, in case you take a trip, do more exercise than normal, or perhaps miss meals. These tips could affect your current blood sugar levels as well as your insulin shots dose must have might also change.

Are sugar OK? - Why Is Sugar So Harmful? Sugar can result in osteoporosis. Sugar results in an acidic atmosphere inside your tissues, which leads to your physique to cry out for alkaline foods. If you do not get sufficient calcium inside your diet, your physique may possibly pull it out of your bones and teeth to rebalance your pH, and you could cultivate bone loss and ultimately osteoporosis.

Well sugar does give your body energy but attempt to consume natural sugars like honey and fruit as an alternative to processed sugar like candy. All-natural sugars are more easy to digest than processed sugar. But actually if you consume an excessive amount of processed sugar, your physique will both shop it as excess fat or burn up off the energy when u are hyper.

The actual sugar business is just not in decline and obesity is enhancing. Sugar is often a main culprit in the case against obesity. For obese individuals, consuming even a teaspoon of sugar each day would trigger metabolic imbalances that contribute to obesity. Sugar is to be avoided, not just by the obese but by healthy people.

Sugar is addictive. Many people find it nearly impossible to cease eating sugar. In fact, eating lots of sugar could deplete the zinc inside your body, which can dull your sense of taste. When your taste perception is altered, you need much more sugar to give the same taste satisfaction. It becomes a vicious cycle.

The actual Harmful Results of Sugar Varieties of sugar which are not processed are greater choices than extremely processed and refined sugars, for a number of factors. Highly refined sugars tend to produce a significantly higher spike in blood glucose levels than do unprocessed or unrefined sugars. They're also lacking within the trace nutrients which will still be found in unrefined, additional natural sugars. Extremely refined sugars are quite difficult for the body to process, and as a result deplete your nutrient reserves as your body struggles to re-balance itself after ingesting these chemicals.

Honey Along with Diabetes The importance of sugar metabolism on the spinal column and brain is evident. The blood of the veins which leaves the brain contains less sugar and much more acids than the blood of the arteries which centers upon it. Sugar assimilation has an important function within the chemical activities of brain cells. The effective therapeutic application of insulin in different mental disorders clearly demonstrates this. The lack of sugar assimilation of a diabetic, the accompanying depression, comatose states, even fatal ending, prove the essential importance of sugar metabolism on the activities of the brain cells.

Sugar in the blood Plus sugar inside the blood damages everything -- nerves, brain, eyes, lungs, heart, kidneys, intestines, even your sex organs! When the nerves die, they trigger discomfort and tingling inside the hands and feet, known as NEUROPATHY. Diabetic harm to the brain typically leads to Senile Dementia and Alzheimers Illness. Numerous diabetics endure from blindness, pneumonia, strokes, heart attacks, and kidney failure. they've "digestive problems" which includes "explosive diarrhea" and severe constipation -- frequently each at the identical time.

The industry Sugar production for the year 2000 topped $3.5 billion, based on the Agriculture Section.

People in America take in more sugar compared to any other country as well as spend a lot more on healthcare than any other nation.

Sugar manufacturers would have the public believe that sedentary way of life and also eating too much are necessary for shoppers of sugar to succumb to poor wellness.

Whitened sugar has a darkish background. Sugar cane is actually believed to be native to Southeast Asian countries. Alexander the Wonderful brought in it via India around 325 BC, and it come to Egypt around 1000 years later. Christopher Columbus introduced sugar cane to the Americas. This producing sugar refining business had become the primary motivation for maintaining the African slave trade inside the Caribbean, Mexico, Brazil, along with the United States. Producing this kind of "white gold" ended up being hot, exhausting and harmful, and it claimed numerous lives.

A different sort of treatment makes use of prescribed medications - a number of them produced from the natural medicine traditions - which overcome insulin resistance by growing the cells' sensitivity to insulin, therefore assisting to manage blood sugar levels. A lot of of these drugs, however, are effective only for a restricted time, and a lot of are synthetic compounds not observed in nature. Such compounds almost invariably trigger unwanted side effects, which can range from merely annoying to downright risky. Issues of this sort are significantly much less likely to happen, however, if we use compounds which might be at property inside the human body because they are naturally discovered there, or elsewhere in nature.

Insulin up and down Anytime blood sugar levels lower, insulin production drops to a specific level where it stays until further carbohydrates are consumed as well as absorbed from the intestines. This kind of system is actually carefully tuned and, in wholesome folks, retains blood sugar ranges within a limit range. If there's not enough, or even absolutely no response, to blood insulin the cells are successfully starved of glucose, plus blood glucose levels turn into dangerously elevated. Insulin works in concert with various other hormones, for that reason abnormalities in each its creation and efficiency may have a massive amount adverse outcomes.

The suffering Countless diabetes patients suffer from blindness, pneumonia, strokes, strokes, as well as kidney breakdown.

Sweets can easily damage your immune program.

The sugar content in sodas are way too high and will lead to many wellness difficulties. Moreover, when you consume an excessive amount of sugar, your appetite will likely be suppressed for the nutritious foods. This results in nutritional deficiency.

Type 2 diabetes is often a metabolic disorder, which causes relative insulin deficiency within the patient's body. Insulin is produced by the pancreas of the human physique. It regulates the sugar (glucose) level inside the blood. Our body needs a steady amount of glucose all through the day. Glucose is utilized by our cells to generate power. Within the case of variety 2 diabetes, the glucose is unable to reach to the patient's physique cells, which results in lack of energy along with other wellness problems. Doctors often prescribe medicines to overcome these issues. Nonetheless, these drugs have numerous ill effects.

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Colon Hydrotherapy, Colon Irrigation or Colonic is a process of cleaning the large intestine using around 60 litres of low pressure water to flush out toxins, wastes and recondition weak intestinal muscles. This process makes many people as the tube that is used needs to be inserted into the rectum to allow for the water to flow. This is an alternative therapy which is gaining popularity for maintaining colon health and even weight loss. Many Hollywood actors practice in regular colonic irrigation such as Demi Moore, Ben Affleck and Goldie Hawn.

Why do you need to have a Colonic?

Our liver has a function to dump all of its toxins into the colon for elimination. Our colon is usually a host to many toxins, waste materials and parasites that may have accumulated for many years. The collection of these things, such as impacted feces, dead tissues, yeast overgrowth, mucus and worms is toxic to our system and is usually re-circulated if not expelled from the body.

Material built-up on the colon wall can weaken the muscles and cause constipation, sluggish bowel movement and even difficulty in weight loss. Parasite in the colon or intestine such as hookworm and tapeworms (various types) can breed and spread into other parts of the body, causing ailments like malnutrition, diarrhea, bloody stools, pain in lower abdomen, weight loss, nausea and anemia., stomach cramp, heart attack, asthma, eye pain, insomnia, rashes, blindness, paralysis or even death.

How does Colonic help in reconditioning weak intestinal muscles? When low pressure water is introduced in the colon in large amounts (40-80 liters), it expands and contracts the muscle in a rhythmic fashion, therefore exercising them. This is one body part that we can't exercise on our own! Usually, the patient is required to introduce more fruits and vegetables into the diet, as well as fiber and water to help flush it regularly and relieve constipation caused by hardened stool and weak muscles.

Another benefit of Colonics is the improvement of our skin health. Because the toxins have been eliminated from our bodies, our skin now receives nutrients and clean oxygen. Any blemishes or pimples will clear up and we will get back the healthy glow we had as children. Other organs are also relieved from the extra work of cleaning out the toxins such as our liver, lungs and kidneys.

How does cleansing the colon help with weight loss? Many people are not aware of this fact. Our body has its own detoxification system but we are ingesting more toxins than we can expel. This is causing toxic built-up in our bodies. The body reacts by accumulating fat around the organs to protect them against these invaders. In this instant, regular exercise and diet alone will not be enough to help eliminate the fats, especially in the stomach and lower body region, especially for women. Stomach fat is dangerous to our health and should be the first priority in fat loss. Once our colon has been cleansed, it makes the body easier to lose the organ fat (intramuscular) because our system is efficient and healthy once again.

Besides Colon Hydrotherapy Cleansing, you can get herbal treatments in the form of supplements and herbal teas which have their own kit for detoxification. However, not everyone will benefit from one source of treatment. We need to cleanse our liver and gallbladder as well. There are products that have a comprehensive cleansing kit but as everyone is different, what works for one person may not work for another. If you don't have any idea on which products to buy, you might be interested to look at this site by The Health News Journal. This page compares 21 different colon cleansers and rates them in different categories. It is very useful. Find the best one that suits your needs and budget and try them for the duration advised. If one doesn't work, you may need to try another until you find one that's comfortable for regular use.

If this is a new awareness for you, take your time to study the benefits of cleansing and make the necessary changes in your lifestyle, including changing your eating habits slowly and introducing exercise to strengthen your overall body.

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What is Escherichia coli 0157:H7?

E. coli 0157:H7 belongs to one of hundreds of stains of bacteria know as Escherichia coli. These bacteria live in the intestines of animals and humans and are found in their feces. E. coli 0157:H7 bacteria are normally transmitted via the fecal-oral route under unsanitary conditions, poor hygienic practices and other cross contamination practices. While most of these bacteria are harmless, E coli 0157: H7 produces a powerful toxin that can cause severe food poisoning. E coli 0157:H7 and are now becoming a public health concern because of its high prevalence as a possible cause of contamination of meat and poultry products. The Centers for Disease Control has reported approximately 73,000 cases of infection with E. coli 0157:H7 resulting in 61 deaths per year. There is therefore an eminent need to prevent, reduce and if possible eliminate E. coli by adopting stringent proactive measures as discussed in this present article.

Symptoms caused by E. coli 0157:H7

o Appear 3-4 days after exposure and may last several days.

o Bloody diarrhea.

o Abdominal cramps.

o Occasional vomiting.

o Low grade fever or absent.

o Kidney damage.

o Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) in 2-7% of infections involving children under five of age and the elderly.

Diagnosis of illness caused by E. coli 0157:H7

o Clinical history of patient.

o Medical examination by a physician.

o Stool culture specific for E. coli 0157:H7.

o Tests used to confirm HUS include, but not limited to kidney function test, blood clotting factors, blood counts.

Treatment of illness caused by E. coli 0157:H7

o Most persons recover within a few days without any specific treatment.

o Antibiotics may or may not be used. Antibiotics may precipitate kidney complications.

o Drink plenty of fluids.

o Use of oral rehydration solution.

o Blood transfusion and kidney dialysis for HUS.

How is E. coli 0157:H7 spread?

o Eating raw or undercooked meat.

o Using poorly sanitized equipment or utensils.

o Poor hygienic practices.

o Poor agricultural practices.

o Unhygienic and unsanitary slaughtering practices.

o Improper hand washing techniques.

o Other sources of cross-contamination.

How to avoid or prevent the spread of E. coli 0157:H7

What can consumers do?

o Become more knowledge in food safety.

o Cook all food especially ground beef, steak and hamburger thoroughly. Use a digital instant read thermometer to ensure thorough cooking. The thickest part of the steak or hamburger should be at least 160°F. The middle of steaks and beef patties should not be pink and bloody, but should be brown and fluids should be clear.

o Wash hands with hot soapy water for at least 20 sec. after contact with raw meat and before and after changing tasks.

o Use separate cutting boards for raw and processed foods or thoroughly wash and sanitize cutting boards between use and after use.

o Ensure good hygienic practices are followed after using the toilet and when changing diapers, assisting young children or handling pets.

o Clean and sanitize food contact surfaces before, during and after food preparation.

o Wash raw fruits and vegetables thoroughly under running water, soak in chlorine water for 2 minutes and rinse with clean water. Avoid the use of bruised and rotting fruits and vegetables.

o Be sure to use clean plates and utensils for cooked meats - don't use the same ones that were used for raw meat.

o Always thaw food in the refrigerator. If thawed in the microwave, continue the cooking process immediately.

o Buy food and drink from reputable sources only.

o Use only pasteurized milk, juice, nectar, or cider.

o When shopping, pick up cold and refrigerated foods last. Separate and pack raw meats from ready-to-eat foods (lunch meats, produce, bakery items, etc). Transport promptly cold and refrigerated foods on ice or in a cooler. Do not leave these foods in a hot car for more than two hours.

o Promptly refrigerate or freeze these products at home. Refrigerators should be maintained at 40°F or below. Use refrigerated ground meat within 1-2 days; frozen meat should be used within 3-4 months for best quality. Store raw meats at the bottom shelve of the refrigerator/freezer so that juices cannot drip contaminate onto other foods.

o Do not store raw and ready to eat foods in the same compartment of the freezer or refrigerator. Cross contamination may occur if this practice is done.

What can regulatory agencies do?

o Develop and implement easy accessible educational programs on food safety and safe food handling practices to address the concerns of the entire population at all levels.

o Improve and increase the frequency of inspections of food processing plants.

o Enforce or enact existing laws to reduce the burden of non-compliance and public health risks.
o Increase sampling of meat and meat products at food processing plans to ensure stringent adherence to microbiological standards, chemical standards and other regulatory requirements.

o Develop and implement a data base for surveillance data and corrective actions on all meat and poultry processing plants.

o Develop links to laboratories for fast and efficient detection of pathogens.

o Engage in research into microtechnologies such as nanotechnology that would lead to the development of microdetectors thereby increasing the accuracy and detection time of common food pathogens.


o United States Department of Agriculture, Food Safety Inspection Service, Consumer Education and Information - Focus on Ground Beef.

o Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases, - Escherichia coli 0157:H7.

o University of Minnesota Extension Service - Preventing Illness from E. coli.

o Minnesota Department of Health, Acute Disease Epidemiology Section - HUS and E. coli 0157:H7 Infection

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To a very large degree, a mammal is a mammal. The anatomy and physiology of dogs and cats is very similar to humans. It stands to follow that most pharmaceuticals have uses that transcend species lines. Almost all medications used in veterinary medicine have counterparts (often the exact chemical) in human medicine.
But just like humans, not all medications are safe and appropriate for all animals. And just because a drug can be sold without a prescription does not imply that it is without risk or side-effects.

No medications, even those sold readily over-the-counter, should be given without the expressed permission of a doctor.

When conditions arise that are not immediately life threatening or when there is a less expensive alternative to prescription medication, you may find a source of therapy right in your own medicine cabinet. Just don't forget to ask your veterinarian first!

So what are some common medications that can be used for your pet?

Which medications should be avoided completely?

The list below will help you separate the good from the bad and the ugly. Purposely omitted from most of the list are exact dosages. Dosages are best determined by a trained medical professional...you got it... this means call the vet.

Did I mention you must call your vet?


Anti-inflammatories are used for a variety of reasons ranging from pain to heart disease. The most common OTC anti-inflammatories are called NSAIDS (non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) which means they do not contain cortisone. NSAIDS are generally labeled for the treatment of headaches and arthritis and would include drugs like aspirin, ibuprofen (Motrin), and naproxen (Aleve). Although it is not an NSAID, we will include acetaminophen (Tylenol) in this group as well.

Out of this group, aspirin is the only commonly used OTC anti-inflammatory in veterinary medicine. Acetaminophen is highly poisonous to cats and can create liver problems in dogs. Ibuprofen and naproxen carry increased risks of upset stomachs and kidney damage.

In dogs it is critical to use either baby aspirin or buffered aspirin in order to prevent GI side-effects. It is important to note that coated aspirin is not the same as buffered aspirin. Cats lack the ability to quickly metabolize aspirin, so small doses last for several days. In fact, aspirin is only given to cats once or twice weekly. A critical point to remember: never give acetaminophen (Tylenol) to cats!


Antihistamines are chemicals which block the effect of histamine, a chemical released in the body during allergic reactions. The most common use of antihistamines in veterinary medicine is for itchy skin symptoms, but might also be used for respiratory problems and for insect bites.

The most commonly used OTC antihistamines include diphenhydramine (Benedryl), clemastine (Tavist), Loratadine (Claritin), and chlorpheniramine. If your veterinarian directs you to use an OTC antihistamine, be certain to examine the label closely and be sure the product does not contain a decongestant. Many human cold and flu medicines contanine antihistamines and decongestants, usually pseudoephedrine, which creates undesirable side-effects in animals.

The dosing of antihistamines is also different for animals. For instance, it takes a tremendous amount of diphenhydramine to work for a dog compared to a human on a pound for pound basis. Also antihistamines are extremely variable in their effectiveness. In allergic dermatitis, for example, it is estimated that antihistamines work only 5 to 20 percent of the time.


What pet owner hasn't experienced vomiting or diarrhea from their beloved companion? PeptoBismol, Kaopectate, and diphenoxylate (Immodium) can all be used to treat small intestinal diarrhea. Antacids like cimetidine (Tagamet), ranitidine (Zantac), famotidine (Pepcid), and omeprazole (Prilosec) all have uses in dogs and cats.

What if your pet eats something that we need to get out? Syrup of ipecac, commonly used to induce vomiting in children, can also be used to create vomiting in pets in cases of toxic ingestion.

In the miscellaneous category, motion sickness can sometimes be alleviated with Dramamine and the antacid magnesium hydroxide is given as an adjunct to treatment of kidney failure.


Other than antihistamines for cold-like symptoms, the only other respiratory condition commonly treated with OTC medications is a cough. Products containing dextromethorphan and guafenesin are safe for use in animals, but like the cold/flu products, cough suppressants often contain cocktails of ingredients we don't want. Read the labels carefully!


Many minor injuries such as scrapes, abrasions, localized allergic reactions, and minor infections can be treated with topical medications. The difficulty in using topicals is that what you apply, your pet (if they can reach) can lick off. The trick is to apply topicals, massage in well, then keep your pet distracted for at least 5 minutes. Generally licking the medication is not harmful, but it won't work on your pet's tongue when we need it on the boo-boo. Common OTC topicals would include cortisone creams and antibiotics like Neosporin. Often a combination of the two will treat both infection and inflammation.

Ear infections are one of the most common, recurrent, painful, annoying, smelly, (I'm running out of adjectives) medical problems your pet can have. Since prevention is always the best endeavor, anything you can do to reduce the risk of ear infections is worth trying. If you have a pet with a history of recurring ear infections, or an animal that likes to swim, using a 1/2x1/2 solution of vinegar and rubbing alcohol can work wonders. Applied once or twice weekly and especially after exposure to water, vinegar and alcohol will prevent many ear infections. Don't apply this solution to an already irritated ear...you pet will never forgive you.

Another handy topical product is saline, generally packaged for use with contacts. Using saline solution is a great way to clean wounds or flush eyes.

Hydrogen peroxide is also an acceptable wound disinfectant, just don't overdo it. With persistent or repetitive use, peroxide can become irritating.


More pets are surrendered to animal shelters and ultimately face euthanasia because of behavioral problems than from medical problems. Veterinarians now commonly prescribe antidepressant medications to treat behavioral disorders. Melatonin is an OTC medication that has been used alone and in combination with prescription drugs to treat behaviors like separation anxiety and noise phobias.


We all want to take the best care possible of our pets, and commonly this leads owners into the wide world of supplements which would include but not be limited to products like vitamins, arthritis remedies, and dermatological aids.

A strong word of caution: just because a label says "natural" doesn't make it safe or even advisable. Many supplements may cause severe side-effects or interfere with other prescribed medications. Another point of concern is that supplements and other holistic products are completely unregulated. They are not under the control of the FDA or the DEA. There is no guarantee that what the manufacturer claims is in the bottle is actually in the bottle. Buyer beware!

That being said, there are some supplements that have very specific uses and can be helpful. Two chemicals that are commonly used in both human and veterinary medicine are glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate. Classified as nutraceuticals, these products help to slow the formation of arthritis and are best used preventatively. Essential fatty acids, especially in the group known as Omega 3 fatty acids, are helpful in treating allergic skin problems.

With any OTC medication, the message to take home is ALWAYS ASK YOUR VETERINARIAN BEFORE ADMINISTERING ANY DRUGS.

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It's the holiday season and that means lots of decorations, yummy foods, and toasty gatherings by the fireplace. But all this fun can be spoiled with a trip to the animal emergency room, if you don't take precautions. As a matter of fact, during the holidays vet clinics and especially animal hospitals see an increase in toxicity and injuries of family pets. So here are 10 tips to help keep your pet safe during the holiday season.

10 Holiday Pet Safety Tips

  1. Be sure your pet is wearing his ID tag and collar at all times. With so many visitors coming and going, this is an important tip. The last thing you will want to do this holiday is look for your lost dog.

  2. Burning candles can be a pose a big problem without proper care. Make sure all candles are high enough off the ground so your pet's tail doesn't get singed or accidentally knocks over the candle and starts a house fire.

  3. Christmas trees, both real and artificial pose hazards to pets. Pine needles (both real and plastic) are sharp and if ingested can cause intestinal blockage. Other Christmas tree dangers include the ornaments, tinsel, wire hooks, ribbons, lights, and the list goes on and on. The best advice, keep a watchful eye on your pet around the tree and when you are away from home, restrict access to it completely.

  4. Electrical cords also need to be taped down and covered. If your dog is a chewer, electrical cords can be fatal. When not in use, instead of flipping a switch to turn off the lights, unplug cords directly from the wall.

  5. Even before they are opened decorated gifts can pose a threat but once they are opened and everything is strewn all over the floor you must be watchful of all the bows, wrapping paper, small toy parts, food items, string, and anything else your pet could ingest.

  6. There seems to be an abundant of chocolates and alcohol this time of year and both are toxic to dogs. Make sure holiday foods and drinks are out of your pet's reach.

  7. Keep your pets away from holiday plants including Poinsettias, Holly, and Mistletoe all which are toxic and can cause vomiting and diarrhea.

  8. Fireplace and space heaters can cause burns to your pet if they get too close.

  9. If your pet does not have a naturally thick coat, buy them a sweater or coat for those cold walks.

  10. Rock Salt can irritate your dog's pads. Be sure to rinse your dog's pads off with warm water when returning from a walk.

Taking a few precautions can help ensure your pet has a safe and happy holiday too.

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The People's Republic of China (PRC), known simply as "China," is located in East Asia and prides itself in its ancient civilization. With its exotic locales, culture significance, and invaluable relics, as well as a center for business and commerce, China is not only a tourist's paradise, but it is also an ideal hub for business to prosper. Here are a few tips on travelling to this faraway land.

Arrival and Departure

Arrival: The moment you arrive in China, you need to follow certain procedures, as you would do in any other country. Forms like Health Card, Entry Registration Card and Custom Luggage Declaration Form need to be filled out.

• Health Check: This is the first check that you will require to pass through. The Quarantine Check requires you show your passport as well as the Health Card Form, which was filled out while on board. Those found to be suffering with diseases like leprosy, VD, cholera, infectious pulmonary tuberculosis, AIDS, or yellow fever will be either prohibited from entering the country, or they will have to go to the clinic at the airport for further checking. Those who have travelled from areas that are plagued need to declare an official certificate of inoculation of that particular disease. If you have symptoms of vomiting, fever or diarrhea, you will need to declare this information as well. If your visit in China is for a long period, a quarantine certificate given to you by a certified health department abroad needs to be submitted.

• Border Entry: This is the second stage that you will need to pass through. You will need to show your passport, with a valid visa, as well as Entry Registration Card that was previously filled out. Visas are not issued at the border.

• Customs Check: The last stage involves the customs check. Once collecting your luggage, you will need to pass through either of the two channels: green (if there is nothing that needs to be declared) or red. Items like computers, video cameras, digital cameras, silver, gold, recorded or printed materials, for example, which you will need or that which you will not take with you when you leave the country, need to be included in the Customs Luggage Declaration Form. Once the form is filled out, you need to pass through the red channel. Here you may have to pay for duties. In some cases, items will need to be deposited at Customs, but you can take them out when you leave the country. The stamped form should be kept safely with you, as you will need to submit it to the Customs Officer on your departure from the country.

Departure: Upon your departure, show the items that you had declared on your arrival and as mentioned in the Customs Luggage Declaration Form. In the case of any missing item, a certificate issued by the relevant department needs to be submitted, or else you will need to pay import duty. The Departure Card will need to be filled out, followed by the security check.

There are a number of articles that you will be forbidden from importing into the country, namely:

• Arms and ammunition

• Counterfeit currency

• Forms of media like photographs, films, audio and video CDs, gramophone records, printed material, storage device for computers, for example.

• Poisons, marihuana, heroin, opium, morphine, as well as other drugs that cause hallucinations or that are addictive

• Plants and animals transmitting deadly diseases, as well as harmful organisms.

• Food items, medicines, and other items that are coming from plague-stricken locations, and which are harmful to domestic animals and humans.

The articles that are forbidden exports include all of the imports, as well as cultural relics which are of immense value, rare and endangered animals, and specimen plants and seeds.

Important Travel Documents To Take

• Your passport and valid visa prior to your entering the country; a single-entry visa is usually valid for 3 months from the date of issue. You will be allowed to stay for 30 days, at the most.

• If you have any medical record, you are recommended to take it, which also includes your doctor's name and contact information, an emergency contact and your insurance company's contact details.


Travelers are recommended to buy travel insurance from a trustworthy insurance provider prior to their departure from their hometown.

Health Requirements

The following vaccinations are required to be taken 4 to 6 weeks prior to your travel:

• Hepatitis A & B or immune globulin (IG)

• Typhoid

• Rabies


Prior to your departure, make a check list of the important items that you should carry. Some of them include:

• Your passport and necessary visas

• International airline tickets

• Authorized medical certificates, medicines, first-aid kit, insect repellant

• Clothes and accessories, depending on your place and time of visit, as well as the occasion (formal wear is mandatory is some dining places)

• Wallet, credit cards, traveler's checks

• Contact information of your travel agency (if you have made arrangements through one), friends and relatives back home, the hotel at which you will be staying.

Ensure that your check-in luggage is lightweight. For those traveling via first-class, a weight of 88 pounds (40 kg) per person is allowed. Those traveling in business class are allowed 66 pounds (30 kg) per person, while those holding economy tickets are allowed to carry up to 44 pounds (20 kg).

As far as hand luggage or "carry on" luggage is concerned, first-class ticket holders are allowed two pieces of luggage, while the business and economy ticket holders are allowed only one piece, the dimensions of which must not be more than 20 x 40 x 55 cm. The total weight must not exceed (11 pounds) 5 kg. If the luggage does not meet these requirements, it will be considered as check-in luggage.


To ensure that your baggage is safe and secure, it is recommended that tags displaying your name and contact information be attached to and inside your baggage. Hardcover suitcases having built-in locks are ideal for travel.

When traveling by domestic flights, the same rules apply as discussed in the section on "Packing."

Here's a tip for those traveling in a group: The baggage allowance can be shared while checking-in. For instance, if two people are traveling economy class, one can carry 35 kg and the other 5 kg. This rule applies to those traveling in groups of three, four, five and more, as long as they are checking in at the same time.

You should know the items that you will be allowed to carry with you on your journey.

• Items that are not to be taken: materials that are poisonous, flammable, corrosive, radioactive, magnetized, explosive and polymerizable; guns, knives, ammunition and sharp objects.

• Items that should not be packed in your check-in baggage because the airline carrier does not take responsibility for them: all vital documents, currencies, valuables and other important items that are needed to be safeguarded by someone.

• Items that can be packed in your check-in baggage: scissors, knife and wine or alcohol.

• The baggage that you check in must be properly locked and able to withstand pressure. If it does not meet with the specifications of the carrier, they may refuse to take it on board.

• If baggage is lost, you will receive compensation to not exceed RMB 50 yuan for every kilogram. If the value of the baggage is less than that, then compensation will equal the actual cost of the loss.

• If the value of the checked-in baggage is more than RMB 50 yuan per kg, a passenger can declare the cost of his baggage, the value of which cannot exceed RMB 8,000 yuan. However, in the case of lost baggage, the amount that was declared prior to travel cannot be more than the current baggage.

Safety And Security

To have a hassle-free visit to China, here are a few tips for safe travel:

• Pre-travel: Prior to departure from your country, make sure that several copies of your passport, credit cards, airline tickets, traveler's checks, itinerary as well as other travel documents are made, and that one copy of each item is left with a family member back home.

Ensure that your driver's license, passport and other IDs are current and valid, and that photographs on them are up to date. These forms of identification should not expire before you return from your tour.

• Hotel safety: Once in your hotel room, be sure that the door and windows of your room are locked at all times. Answer the door only after verifying who it is. It is always better to carry bottled water, as the tap water available in hotel rooms is not drinkable.

• Money Matters:

1. Traveler's Checks: The safest way to carry money for your trip is by traveler's checks. Ensure that you take a note of the denominations, serial numbers, date and the agency that has issued them. The checks should not be signed until they are used.

2. Credit Cards: Carrying too many credit cards is unsafe. Besides taking only what is required, take the credit card company's contact information in case the card gets lost or is stolen. A loss should always be reported at once.

3. Exchanging Money: Money should be exchanged in the hotel counter or Bank of China. Exchanging money in the black market is illegal and chances are that you may get cheated.

4. Small Cash: Always keep change on you as it will be useful when purchasing from street vendors. Check the change that you get back carefully.

• Travel And Transportation: When traveling from one city to another, it is safer to leave your driver's license, passport and other IDs in the hotel room's safety box or at the reception desk. If, however, you need to carry them with you, ensure that they are kept safely. When traveling by train, do not trust anyone who is not in uniform to keep your luggage safely. The railway stations in China are crowded, so always ensure that your luggage is with you. If you are traveling by taxi, it is better to have the hotel call for one. Ensure that contact information of the hotel, as well as the place that you wish to go to, is written in Chinese and in English. Once in the taxi, take a note of the driver's name and registration number. This will ensure you get back your items, if you have left any in it.

• Dress: You do not want to attract the wrong kind of attention, so avoid dressing up. Expensive jewelry and watches should be left back home.

• Communication: Carrying a phrase book that translates English to Chinese is important as most Chinese people do not speak English, nor do they understand it. This will help getting around on your own easier. A guide book to know Chinese culture is also useful.

• Medical Care: Hotels usually provide a doctor in the case of minor illnesses. Carrying a first-aid kit for headaches and a cold is always advisable. Pharmacies, which are usually indicated by a Green Cross, are found in many stores. There are several Green Cross pharmacies open 24 hours. However, if the condition is serious, it is recommended that you go to a hospital. To call for an ambulance, you need to dial 120.

• Staying Fit: Sometimes conducted tours can become hectic and be the start of some illness, more so with the change of climatic conditions in China. So, to avoid falling ill, ensure that you get enough rest, wear clothes depending on the weather and drink plenty of bottled water. If your tour is during the summer, make sure to wear sunglasses and a hat, put on sunscreen lotion, frequently change your clothes, and drink even more water. The moment you feel an illness coming on, seek treatment.

• Photography: Taking pictures is allowed in most places. However, in some it is either prohibited (as in certain museums and archeological sites) or a fee is charged. It is always recommended you get permission before capturing images of the locals.

• Toilets: Public toilets are usually not very clean, so carrying a roll of toilet paper in your bag is a good idea. Public toilets charge an amount of RMB 5 for usage.

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While obesity is bad for health but the wrong way to diet can also be harmful to your health. Common examples are anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorders. These are illnesses where extreme emotions, attitudes, and behaviors surround weight and food issues. These are serious emotional and physical problems with life-threatening consequences.
Anorexia Nervosa is an illness by self-starvation and excessive weight loss.

Symptoms of the illness include:

Refusal to maintain body weight at or above the minimal normal weight for height, body type, age, and activity level

Intense fear of gaining weight or being "fat" or "obese".

Feeling "fat" or overweight despite being at a below normal body weight

Overwhelming obsession with body weight and shape

Bulimia Nervosa is a condition of marked over-eating followed by purging through vomiting or diarrhea using laxatives, all done in secrecy. These patients stuff themselves on large amounts of food - within a short period of time, and then get rid of the food and calories through vomiting, laxative abuse, or over-exercising.

Symptoms of this illness include:

Repeated episodes of bingeing and purging

Feeling out of control during a binge and eating beyond the point of being "full"

Purging after a binge (typically by self-induced vomiting, abuse of laxatives, diet pills and/or diuretics, excessive exercise, or fasting)

Frequent dieting

Overwhelming obsession with body weight and shape

Compulsive Overeating is characterized primarily by periods of uncontrolled, impulsive, or continuous eating beyond the point of feeling "full". While there is no purging, there may be fasting or repetitive dieting and often feelings ashame of one self following a binge. People who overeat compulsively usually struggle with anxiety, depression and loneliness, which can contribute to their unhealthy episodes of binge eating. These patients can be normal in their weight, slightly overweight or obese.

Peer pressure that values "thinness" and obtaining the "perfect body" can be a social force for some patients to enter this pattern of self-destruction. Learn to beat Obesity the right way. Through exercise and the right diet, I believe that obesity can be beaten.

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Hemorrhoids affects millions of people worldwide today. Even with all the achievements of modern medicine, many people still fail to find a solution that is effective and permanent to rid themselves of this painful affliction. This is mainly due to the fact that most people do not really know how they had gotten hemorrhoids in the first place.

In order to find a proper effective hemorrhoids cure that will provide a permanent solution, the first step to take is to know the causes of hemorrhoids and what had caused yours. Knowing this, you will not only help your body speed up the healing process but also prevent further recurrence in the future.

Hemorrhoids is also known by many other names, most commonly hemroids or piles. This is a condition where the rectal veins swell, causing a weakening of the muscles of the anal walls and sagging into sacs of tissue which protrude from the anal walls. Hemorrhoids can occur either internally within the confines of the anal cavity or externally around the anus.

The two major causes of hemorrhoids are over straining in the toilet or excessive pressure to the rectal veins.

Over straining during bowel movement is noted to be the main cause of hemorrhoids for most people. Over straining causes excess blood to be pumped into the rectal arteries and veins, causing them to swell. The swollen veins will then push against the anal walls, causing the muscles to weaken and protrude out of the walls.

People tend to over strain because of constipation, when the stool is too hard to be ejected out of the anus. After the hemorrhoids have formed, any more over straining will cause it to swell even more and even rupture. Ruptured hemorrhoids will begin to bleed especially where internal hemorrhoids are concerned.

As internal hemorrhoids grow larger, they will protrude out of the anus, a condition also known as prolapsed hemorrhoids.

The excessive blood in external hemorrhoids will begin to clot after some time and harden. This condition is also known as thrombosed external hemorrhoids and is extremely painful, making it difficult to sit down comfortably.

Apart from constipation, diarrhea can also cause hemorrhoids due to over straining of the anal muscles from passing motion too much.

Sitting on the toilet bowl too long is also another cause of hemorrhoids. This is a habit for those who love to read in the toilet, which causes too much blood to be pumped to the rectal veins and arteries, which in turn causes them to enlarge.

Similar to sitting in the toilet, sitting down on a chair too long will also cause hemorrhoids, as too much pressure is being placed on the buttocks. This mainly happens to people who have to work at a desk and spend hours sitting without getting off the chair.

Standing for prolonged periods of time might also cause hemorrhoids because the gravity will draw blood down to the lower regions of your body. This happens mainly to people who have to work on their feet a lot such as working at a counter or in restaurants.

Obesity causes numerous health problems, hemorrhoids being one of them. Each year more and more people suffer from obesity because of lack of proper nutritional food and quick meals from fast food diners. The excess fat and increase weight causes unnecessary pressure to the muscles of the anal walls, causing them to sag and protrude.

Being pregnant might also lead to hemorrhoids. This is not only because of the extra weight gained but also because the fetus actually places more pressure on the rectal veins. Changes in a pregnant woman's diet, lifestyle (such as not getting enough exercise and sitting too much) and also toilet habits (sitting too long at the toilet) will all contribute to the formation of hemorrhoids.

These are some of the most common causes of hemorrhoids for most people today. Knowing what caused your hemorrhoids will enable you to isolate the factors, heal much faster and prevent it from recurring. Looking for a cure without putting an end to more hemorrhoids developing again is a big waste of time and effort.

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Sometimes it seems like a dog will eat almost anything. It can be very tempting to share what you are eating because of those big eyes that follow every move that you make. You may find yourself tempted to slip your pal some scraps from the dinner table. Before you do, however, you should know that there are some foods you should never feed to your dog. Some of them may surprise you!

  1. Almost everybody knows that chocolate can be harmful to dogs and is widely known as a food you should keep away from your dog. Chocolate can also cause increased urination as well as vomiting and diarrhea It can speed also up their heartbeat and in high enough concentration, lead to a heart attack and seizures. Chocolate + your dog = a medical emergency. As soon as you realize that your dog has gotten hold of chocolate you need to take it to the animal emergency center. Your vet will most probably induce vomiting and may even want to keep your pet for a short time for observation.

  2. Caffeine on any kind is not good for your dog. Anything containing caffeine, such as coffee or tea can negatively stimulate their system can have a bad effect. Your dog's heart might race which can lead to seizures or heart attacks.

  3. Try to avoid grapes and raisins because they simply do not agree with a dog's digestive system. There is no exact measurement of how much they can handle so it's best to keep all grapes and raisins away. If you don't, you may find yourself dealing with increased urination, vomiting, and diarrhea.

  4. Avocadoes may be great for humans to eat but they are toxins to dogs. They contain a chemical that can damage many of the body tissues in dogs. Don't forget that guacamole dip is made from avocadoes, so avoid it also. Symptoms of toxicity include difficulty breathing, abdominal enlargement, abnormal fluid accumulations in the chest, abdomen and sac around the heart. The amount that needs to be ingested to cause signs is unknown.

  5. Be extremely careful with any food that has a pit. The pits have cyanide in them making them extremely dangerous. It has the potential of overtaking the bodies of smaller dogs and can lead to death. Signs of toxicity include apprehension, dilated pupils, difficulty breathing, hyperventilation and shock. If the cyanide doesn't harm your dog, there is still the danger of choking on the pit itself. .

  6. Macadamia nuts are another food to be avoided. There is a substance in the nuts that can result in a number of unpleasant effects. Dogs that have consumed as few as six to 40 nuts can show severe signs of toxicity. Dogs develop weakness, depression, vomiting, difficulty walking, tremors, abdominal pain, lameness, stiffness and/or pale gums.

  7. Onions, onion powder and garlic are some other foods that can wreak havoc. All forms of onion and garlic are a problem. This includes raw, dehydrated, cooked, powders or those in foods. They can break down a dog's red blood cells and drastically decrease the oxygen that gets in to its blood. While the problems might not show up right away, they can accumulate over time. Keep an eye out for symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and a general malaise.

  8. Never give your dog raw fish. When fish is not cooked it can contain parasites. When a dog swallows these parasites they will attach to the wall of the intestines. Unfortunately, this is something you probably wouldn't notice right away. It is a tricky thing to catch when your dog has these parasites. If you must feed fish to your dog, you should make sure that it's thoroughly cooked and be sure you have removed all bones.

  9. Avoid bread dough. Its soft consistency may cause the dog to think that it can swallow the dough whole. The dough can then rise in your pup's stomach and cause bloating and nausea. Pets that've eaten bread dough may experience abdominal pain, bloat, vomiting, disorientation and depression. As the dough rises, it expands in the stomach making it almost impossible to "vomit". Some dogs have to have the dough removed surgically in some unusual situations.

  10. Dogs and alcohol are a bad combination. Their bodies simply cannot handle it. Giving a dog alcohol can very easily lead to alcohol poisoning, Signs of alcohol poisoning may include odor of alcohol on the animal's breath, staggering, behavioral changes, excitement, depression, increased urination, slowed respiratory rate or cardiac arrest and death.

  11. Beware of products containing xylitol. Xylitol is a sugar-alcohol sweetener found in sugar-free human food products such as chewing gum, candy and baked goods. If a dog eats significant amounts, it can develop a sudden drop in blood sugar, which can cause weakness, lethargy, loss of coordination, collapse and seizures.

  12. Avoid vitamin supplements containing iron. Toxic levels of iron cause damage to the stomach and intestinal lining. It can also cause severe liver damage and heart damage. Even small amounts of iron, given over time can be harmful as dogs do not have a way to excrete excessive iron from their bodies. The best preventative care is to give your dog supplements only if directed by your veterinarian. Medications and supplements that may be safe for people can be fatal to pets. Be sure to always store supplements and medications out of reach of children and pets.

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The dog parvovirus is a DNA virus, very contagious, manifesting mostly in dogs at their younger stages of life. This virus is known to appear in two versions: cardiac and intestinal. The first form will affect puppies until they will reach 1 year old or they can be affected while still being in the uterus.

The virus can attack the heart muscle for after that to cause a heart failure. As to the other type, the intestinal parvovirus, both puppies and older dogs can be affected. The virus installs in the intestine area as the environment from down there is appropriate for rapidly dividing. Because the cells of the intestines are attacked, this will lead to diarrhea and vomiting outburst.

How can one dog pet owner know if his dog is suffering from this viral disease? There are some symptoms and signs that you can observe leading you to the thought that your pet might carry this contagious dog parvovirus infection. This disease is not new, since it has been firstly discovered in the 70s and slowly but surely started to spread all over the world as there have been many cases of this disease seen with various dog pet breeds and ages.

Unfortunately, nowadays this infection is quite often met with puppies and even adult dogs that can carry the virus and transmitting it to other dog pets. This infection is not completely showing off unless it is already completely installed, this is why it can be hardly detectable in its incipient stages.

The symptoms will however show within 3 up to 10 days before this infection installs totally in the intestines. Once these symptoms are noticed, you should immediately take your dog pet to the vet as death will be on the watch right behind the corner.

There are some other symptoms to appear with your pet suffering from dog parvovirus infection: lethargic and depressive states. They will tend to sleep more showing less interest in the activities happening around them. Besides, no appetite will be present and as if these are not enough, your dog will feel more fearful as well.

As mentioned before, vomiting violently is another symptom that should be monitored along with the diarrhea which comes more often in a bloody stool. All these come with dehydration as it is expected in the cases of diarrhea.

Dog parvovirus symptoms are mostly associated with those specified above, but it seems that the more obvious ones and more alarming as well, are bloody diarrhea and violent vomiting. These are due to the fact that this virus attacks the intestines making it feel weak resulting from here those tendencies of oversleeping and depression.

After these symptoms show up, even in the first 2 days of their manifestation, make sure that you consult with a vet who will further prevail some blood samples and say whether or not your dog suffers from dog parvovirus infection.

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Picture this scenario: You and your spouse or partner are on the couch watching a movie and you start to get a little amorous. Maybe you are kissing or just snuggling and then here comes the dog. A moment ago, he was happily curled up on the floor and now he is barking, whining, pacing back and forth, or maybe even jumping between the two of you and growling. If you are a dog owner, there is a good chance you don't have to try very hard to imagine this situation. It is not uncommon for dogs to become disruptive during their owners' intimate moments.

So what is the problem? Is your dog jealous? Is he possessive or protective? Or is he simply anxious and high strung? The answer is that it could be any of the above. If you observe your dog's behavior carefully, not only "in the bedroom," but everywhere else as well, you can probably determine what he is communicating to you in those awkward moments. If the problem is so serious that you fear your dog may be aggressive or may bite someone, you should bring in a trainer as soon as possible. Chances are that the situation is not as bad or serious as this.

If your dog is anxious or nervous, you can easily pin point similar behaviors in other situations. A nervous dog will display certain symptoms such as shaking, whining, excessive licking or chewing, excessive barking, or even vomiting and diarrhea. If you spot any of these signs in your dog outside of the bedroom or in, he many have an anxiety problem. This can be brought about by changes in owners, new babies, a new diet, or an extended separation from the owner. In some cases dogs do have physiological issues that need addressing. Of course for those, you will want to speak with your vet. However, if you only see the behaviors during your intimate moments, the act itself is making him nervous. The best and simplest solution for this is to make the bedroom a dog-free zone.

A potentially more serious problem is if your dog is possessive or protective over just one person. This could be the issue if you find him trying to get between you and your partner or if he growls, snaps or barks excessively when you are close. This kind of behavior can escalate and can cause very real problems. There is the potential that someone will get bitten. If your dog is protective, you should notice it in other situations as well. If he reacts this way when his protected person is approached by a friendly stranger or when anyone approaches him and his owner when they are sitting together or cuddling, you may have a possessive dog. This is neither healthy for human relationships nor for the dog.

The possessive scenario is best handled by a professional trainer; but there is a strategy you can try on your own as well. You and your partner should sit on the couch together. When the dog approaches and tries to get between you, stand up and remove the dog from the couch. After a few seconds, sit down again and repeat the procedure. Keep doing this until the dog stops the unwanted behavior. Eventually he will realize that this certain behavior leads to being removed and he will stop. When he shows good behavior for three seconds while you and your partner are sitting together, reward him with affection, a treat or both.

Years of experience, but also scientific research, have shown that dogs do in fact experience jealously and possessiveness. They can be jealous of each other or people. When it gets in the way of your relationship, it can really be a problem. If the issue is only in the bedroom, simply make it a no-dog zone. If it occurs elsewhere, you may need some serious training with a professional to bring your life back to normal.

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Many pet owners wonder how much glucosamine for dogs is appropriate. The correct dosage depends on many factors including the weight of your pet, age, breed and how severe the arthritis may be. The malady affects about 30% of all canines and is a common problem for concerned pet owners. When dogs suffer from arthritis and their bodies are no longer able to produce an adequate supply of the compound naturally, glucosamine is necessary to maintain healthy cartilage and connective tissue. Supplements provide relief from inflammation and help regenerate joint tissues.

How much glucosamine for dogs is needed to cure the condition?

When an older animal develops arthritis it will have trouble getting up and will move much more slowly. Previously friendly pets will not like to be touched or handled because those actions can cause them pain. When your dog begins to show these symptoms, you should begin a course of treatment immediately. The dosage is usually calculated based upon the dog's weight and the method of administration. Sulfate and hydrochloride are generally the best forms of the compound for canines, so dosage information is based on their use. It is good to start out with 20 mg per pound per day. A pet weighing 50 pounds should receive a dosage of 1000 mg.

Many veterinarians believe that an increased dosage during the early stages will enhance the restorative process, kicking it into high gear. Some suggest doubling the dosage in the beginning for at least two weeks, then cutting back to a regular dosage. Unfortunately, this can have side effects that include vomiting and diarrhea. But the same symptoms may be caused by even a mild dose for the first few days. The best solution would be to administer the increased dosage and if the symptoms do not disappear within four or five days, then reduce the dosage. Your dog's body will take at least three or four days to make the adjustment, so waiting four or five days should give a good indication how well your pet is tolerating the medication.

How much glucosamine for dogs is needed for prevention?

The larger the breed of dog, the more susceptible he or she will be to arthritis. Breeds such as Collies, German Shepherds, Kelpies, Rottweilers, Labradors and Retrievers are very likely to develop the problem. Small breeds likely to develop osteoarthritis include Dachshunds and Pekingese. You can begin treating these animals in middle age at 500-750 mg for a 50 pound dog and adjust accordingly by weight. If your dog is injured, arthritis may develop during convalescence. Treatment should begin during this time at a full curative strength.

After a couple of weeks you can reduce the dose to a maintenance level of 750 mg per 50 pounds and continue this dose for the rest of the dog's life.

The above information should provide an accurate guide for determining how much glucosamine should be given to your pet. Supplements should always be paired with good basic nutrition and exercise to maintain a healthy weight.

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In the Chinese Medicine Materia Medica, the bark of the Magnolia tree is called Hou Pu. Hou Pu is the highly aromatic bark stripped from the stems, branches and roots of the magnolia tree. The first mention of magnolia bark as a Traditional Chinese medicinal substance was recorded around 100 C.E. It is used frequently by acupuncturists and practitioners of Oriental medicine in Chinese herbal formulas. These herbal remedies include formulas to resolve complaints such as abdominal distension and pain, vomiting and diarrhea. Magnolia bark's therapeutic actions include the promotion of qi in the gastrointestinal region. For the acupuncture patient, this translates to relief of stomach fullness, bloating and discomfort.

These properties are illustrated in the Chinese herbal formula Hou po wen zhong tang also known as Magnolia bark decoction for warming the middle. This medicinal formula features magnolia bark in addition to six other ingredients. The prescription remedies the diagnosis of damp-cold injuring the spleen and stomach. This clinical picture can arise most commonly from the overindulgence of foods and drink that are uncooked and cold, especially during colder months of the year. The nature of cold is to congeal, and when this condition strikes, the qi of the digestion becomes obstructed. Symptomatically, the patient may experience fullness, loss of appetite, fatigue in the extremities and diarrhea. The herbs in this formula work synergistically to move the obstruction, warm the digestion and dry the inappropriate stagnation of fluids in the gastrointestinal tract.

Magnolia bark is an invaluable asset in the Chinese herbal arsenal to restore poor digestion due to lack of movement from cold stagnation. A licensed and experienced Oriental medicine provider brings a lot to the table in the relief of digestive complaints. Acupuncture, Chinese herbs and dietetic recommendations can be a powerful combination to combat the symptoms and to rectify the underlying issues surrounding digestive discomfort.

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