目前分類:watery diarrhea (364)

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Here are some of the most commonly asked questions about dog stress diarrhea, its causes, and how to treat it:

Q. What is dog stress diarrhea, and how do I know if my dog has it?

A. Dog stress diarrhea is the presence of excessive amounts of loose, watery stools, with an emotional cause. Getting stressed out can cause your pet to exhibit some physical signs of anxiety, and diarrhea is one of them. Things like moving to a new home, the arrival of a new pet or baby, or even a prolonged thunderstorm can trigger a round of diarrhea in your dog.

Q. Could my dog have diarrhea from something other than stress?

A. Your dog may have stress diarrhea, or he may have something else entirely. Dogs can suffer from diarrhea for any number of reasons, including:

* Overeating

* Eating "people" food

* Eating non-food items

* Virus or other illness

* Bacteria (possibly from drinking unclean water)

* Worms or other parasites

* Intestinal issues

* Side Effect of medication

Q. How is dog stress diarrhea treated?

A. Your dog's treatment will depend on his diagnosis, age, and overall health, and what you suspect the cause of his diarrhea is. If you know Fido got into the garbage yesterday, then today's bout of diarrhea was probably caused by this excursion. Offer him plenty of water, and put him on a carefully balanced, bland diet for a day or so. Offer small amounts of boiled chicken and white rice in place of his regular food. Dog stress diarrhea can be improved with diet, but the most effective treatment is removing or treating the source of the stress.

Q. What else will help?

A. If you are certain your pet is not sick, and hasn't ingested anything he shouldn't, he may be suffering from stress diarrhea. If you can determine the cause of his anxiety, you can help him cope with it better. You can also provide him with a gentle and affective homeopathic remedy designed to calm his anxiety and even out his mood. These products are safe and gentle enough to use on dogs of all ages and sizes, and do not have harmful side effects.

Q. When should my dog be seen by a vet?

A. Your dogs stress diarrhea could have a medical cause, so you should take him to the vet if you are worried, or if you suspect he is ill. If your dog is very young, very old, or one of the smaller breeds, keep a close eye on him. These pets are most vulnerable to dehydration. If you suspect your dog is becoming dehydrated, then a visit to the vet is warranted.

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Please keep in mind your purpose for trying to find out if someone is doing alcohol and/or drugs- To Identify and Help rather than Catch and Punish.

General: General and specific guides to detection of alcohol and drug use, and definition of addiction.

Contents:I. General Guide to Detection

II. Definition of Addiction

III. Pupil Dilation

IV. Signs and Symptoms

V. Paraphernalia a) S/S Chart Version

VI. Drug Facts

VII. Articles and Other Resources

VIII. Drug Pictures/Resources

IX. Topics

X. Additional Articles (Alcoholism, Drugs, Teenage Addiction, Interventions)

XI. Overdose and Emergency Intervention Techniques

I. Specific: General Guide to Detection

Abrupt changes in work or school attendance, quality of work, work output, grades, discipline.

Unusual flare-ups or outbreaks of temper. Withdrawal from responsibility. General changes in overall attitude. Deterioration of physical appearance and grooming.

Wearing of sunglasses at inappropriate times. Continual wearing of long-sleeved garments particularly in hot weather or reluctance to wear short sleeved attire when appropriate. Association with known substance abusers. Unusual borrowing of money from friends, co-workers or parents. Stealing small items from employer, home or school. Secretive behavior regarding actions and possessions; poorly concealed attempts to avoid attention and suspicion such as frequent trips to storage rooms, restroom, basement, etc.

II. Specific: DSM-IV Definition of Addiction

A maladaptive pattern of substance use, leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by three (or more) of the following, occurring at any time in the same 12-month period:

(1) Tolerance, as defined by either of the following:

a. A need for markedly increased amounts of the substance to achieve intoxication or desired effect.

b. Markedly diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of the substance.

(2) Withdrawal, as manifested by either of the following:

a. The characteristic withdrawal syndrome for the substance

b. The same (or a closely related) substance is taken to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms. (

3) The substance is often taken in larger amounts or over a longer period than was intended (loss of control).

(4) There is a persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control substance use (loss of control). (

5) A great deal of time is spent on activities necessary to obtain the substance, use the substance, or recover from its effects (preoccupation).

(6) Important social, occupational, or recreational activities are given up or reduced because of substance use (continuation despite adverse consequences).

(7) The substance use is continued despite knowledge of having a persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problem that is likely to have been caused or exacerbated by the substance (adverse consequences).

III. Specific: Pupil Dilation

Before you do anything, consider this. There are two trains of thought prior to detection and intervention. One thought is to catch and punish, and the other is to identify and help- remember why you are doing this, and the intervention will turn out much better.

Note: A 6mm, 7mm, or 8mm pupil size could indicate that a person is under the influence of cocaine, crack, and meth, hallucinogens, crystal, ecstasy, or other stimulant. A 1mm or 2mm pupil size could indicate a person under the influence of heroin, opiates, or other depressant. A pupil close to pinpoint could indicate use. A pupil completely dilated could indicate use. Blown out wide pupils are indicative of crack, methamphetamine, cocaine, and stimulant use. Pinpoint pupils are indicative of heroin, opiate, depressant use.

Other causes of pupil dilation

IV. Specific: Signs and Symptoms

Alcohol: Odor on the breath. Intoxication. Difficulty focusing: glazed appearance of the eyes. Uncharacteristically passive behavior; or combative and argumentative behavior. Gradual (or sudden in adolescents) deterioration in personal appearance and hygiene. Gradual development of dysfunction, especially in job performance or schoolwork. Absenteeism (particularly on Monday). Unexplained bruises and accidents. Irritability. Flushed skin. Loss of memory (blackouts). Availability and consumption of alcohol becomes the focus of social or professional activities. Changes in peer-group associations and friendships. Impaired interpersonal relationships (troubled marriage, unexplainable termination of deep relationships, alienation from close family members).

Marijuana/Pot: Rapid, loud talking and bursts of laughter linearly stages of intoxication. Sleepy or stupor in the later stages. Forgetfulness in conversation. Inflammation in whites of eyes; pupils unlikely to be dilated. Odor similar to burnt rope on clothing or breath. Tendency to drive slowly - below speed limit. Distorted sense of time passage - tendency to overestimate time intervals. Use or possession of paraphernalia including roach clip, packs of rolling papers, pipes or bongs. Marijuana users are difficult to recognize unless they are under the influence of the drug at the time of observation. Casual users may show none of the general symptoms. Marijuana does have a distinct odor and may be the same color or a bit greener than tobacco.

Cocaine/Crack/Methamphetamines/Stimulants: Extremely dilated pupils. Dry mouth and nose, bad breath, frequent lip licking. Excessive activity, difficulty sitting still, lack of interest in food or sleep. Irritable, argumentative, nervous. Talkative, but conversation often lacks continuity; changes subjects rapidly. Runny nose, cold or chronic sinus/nasal problems, nose bleeds. Use or possession of paraphernalia including small spoons, razor blades, mirror, little bottles of white powder and plastic, glass or metal straws.

Depressants: Symptoms of alcohol intoxication with no alcohol odor on breath (remember that depressants are frequently used with alcohol). Lack of facial expression or animation. Flat affect. Flaccid appearance. Slurred speech. Note: There are few readily apparent symptoms. Abuse may be indicated by activities such as frequent visits to different physicians for prescriptions to treat" nervousness", "anxiety"," stress", etc.

Narcotics/Prescription Drugs/Opium/Heroin/Codeine/Oxycontin: Lethargy, drowsiness. Constricted pupils fail to respond to light. Redness and raw nostrils from inhaling heroin in power form. Scars (tracks) on inner arms or other parts of body, from needle injections. Use or possession of paraphernalia, including syringes, bent spoons, bottle caps, eyedroppers, rubber tubing, cotton and needles. Slurred speech. While there may be no readily apparent symptoms of analgesic abuse, it may be indicated by frequent visits to different physicians or dentists for prescriptions to treat pain of non-specific origin. In cases where patient has chronic pain and abuse of medication is suspected, it may be indicated by amounts and frequency taken.

Inhalants: Substance odor on breath and clothes. Runny nose. Watering eyes. Drowsiness or unconsciousness. Poor muscle control. Prefers group activity to being alone. Presence of bags or rags containing dry plastic cement or other solvent at home, in locker at school or at work. Discarded whipped cream, spray paint or similar chargers (users of nitrous oxide). Small bottles labeled" incense" (users of butyl nitrite).

Solvents, Aerosols, Glue, Petrol: Nitrous Oxide - laughing gas, whippits, nitrous. Amyl Nitrate - snappers, poppers, pearlers, rushamie, .Butyl Nitrate - locker room, bolt, bullet, rush, climax, red gold. Slurred speech, impaired coordination, nausea, vomiting, slowed breathing. Brain damage, pains in the chest, muscles, joints, heart trouble, severe depression, fatigue, loss of appetite, bronchial spasm, sores on nose or mouth, nosebleeds, diarrhea, bizarre or reckless behavior, sudden death, suffocation.

LSD/Hallucinogens: Extremely dilated pupils, (see note below). Warm skin, excessive perspiration and body odor. Distorted sense of sight, hearing, touches; distorted image of self and time perception. Mood and behavior changes, the extent depending on emotional state of the user and environmental conditions Unpredictable flashback episodes even long after withdrawal (although these are rare). Hallucinogenic drugs, which occur both naturally and in synthetic form, distort or disturb sensory input, sometimes to a great degree. Hallucinogens occur naturally in primarily two forms, (peyote) cactus and psilocybin mushrooms.

Several chemical varieties have been synthesized, most notably, MDA , STP, and PCP. Hallucinogen usage reached a peaking the United States in the late 1960's, but declined shortly thereafter due to a broader awareness of the detrimental effects of usage. However, a disturbing trend indicating resurgence in hallucinogen usage by high school and college age persons nationwide has been acknowledged by law enforcement. With the exception of PCP, all hallucinogens seem to share common effects of use. Any portion of sensory perceptions may be altered to varying degrees. Synesthesia, or the "seeing" of sounds, and the "hearing" of colors, is a common side effect of hallucinogen use. Depersonalization, acute anxiety, and acute depression resulting in suicide have also been noted as a result of hallucinogen use. Note: there are some forms of hallucinogens that are considered downers and constrict pupil diameters.

PCP: Unpredictable behavior; mood may swing from passiveness to violence for no apparent reason. Symptoms of intoxication. Disorientation; agitation and violence if exposed to excessive sensory stimulation. Fear, terror. Rigid muscles. Strange gait. Deadened sensory perception (may experience severe injuries while appearing not to notice). Pupils may appear dilated. Mask like facial appearance. Floating pupils, appear to follow a moving object. Comatose (unresponsive) if large amount consumed. Eyes may be open or closed.

Ecstasy: Confusion, depression, headaches, dizziness (from hangover/after effects), muscle tension, panic attacks, paranoia, possession of pacifiers (used to stop jaw clenching), lollipops, candy necklaces, mentholated vapor rub, severe anxiety, sore jaw (from clenching teeth after effects), vomiting or nausea (from hangover/after effects)

Signs that your teen could be high on Ecstasy: Blurred vision, rapid eye movement, pupil dilation, chills or sweating, high body temperature, sweating profusely, dehydrated, confusion, faintness, paranoia or severe anxiety, trance-like state, transfixed on sites and sounds, unconscious clenching of the jaw, grinding teeth, very affectionate.


Stimulants (Cocaine, Ecstasy, Meth., Crystal)

Depressants (Heroin, Marijuana, Downers)

Hallucinogens (LSD)

Narcotics (Rx. Medications)

Inhalants (Paint, Gasoline, White Out)



Note: Paraphernalia- Keep in mind, that you may not find drugs, if you are searching for them, but you can usually find the paraphernalia associated with use.

VI. Specific: Drug Facts

Includes identifiers, definitions, language of users and dealers. Drug Terms Slang and Street Terms

VII. Specific: Articles and Other Resources

This the additional information for brain chemistry and the drug user)

VIII. Specific: Drug Pictures/Resources from the DEA



NARCOTICS Narcotics of Natural Origin

Opium, Morphine, Codeine, Thebaine

Semi-Synthetic Narcotics

Heroin Hydromorphone Oxycodone Hydrododone

Synthetic Narcotics


Narcotics Treatment Drugs

Methadone Dextroproxyphene Fentanyl Pentazocine Butorphanol

DEPRESSANTS Barbiturates

Controlled Substances Uses and Effects (Chart) Benzodiazepines Gamma

Hydroxybutric AcidParaldehyde, Chloral HydrateGlutethimide 7


Newly Marketed Drugs

STIMULANTS Cocaine Amphetamines

Methcathinone, Methylphenidate


CANNABIS Marijuana Hashish Hashish Oil

HALLUCINOGENS LSD Psilocybin & Psiocyn and Other Tryptamines Peyote & Mescaline MDMA (Ecstasy) & Other Phenethylamines Phencyclidine (PCP) & Related Drugs Ketamine



IX. Specific: NICD Topics

Do you have questions relating to addiction /addictions / substance abuse? Contact us...Health Info and Videos Medical issues updated weekly. Family Resources for the family, intervention information, support, and counseling. Medical information, doctor and specialists directory, terminology and dictionary of terms. Treatment.

The Villa at Scottsdale- Providing a full continuum of care for the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction.

Alcohol and Drug Addiction Survival Kit

General: A series, for the individual, family, friends, employers, educators, professionals, etc. on prevention, intervention, treatment, recovery, relapse prevention, support, and other issues relating to alcoholism and drug addiction.

1. Prevention- Includes tips on how to talk to your kids about alcohol, tobacco, and drugs.

2. Detection of Signs and Symptoms- A guide to detection of alcohol and various drug usage.

3. Definition of Addiction- A DSM-IV definition of exactly what constitutes alcoholism and drug addiction.

4. Intervention- Interventions can and do work. We will show you how to do it effectively.

5. Treatment & Housing- A treatment center and halfway house locator.

6. Support- Some guides to how to support someone while they are in treatment.

7. After Care- What to do prior to and after release from treatment.

8. Recovery / Relapse Prevention- Addiction can surface again, in the form of relapse.

9. Other Issues- Issues to think about regarding those affected by substance abuse, as well as those around them.

10. References- A list of those who contributed to this series of articles.

Articles Medical Today Dr. William Gallagher takes us through his use of DNFT with his patients. Psychotherapy Today Psychologist Jim Maclaine keeps us up to date with his articles of insight, therapy, and healing. Counseling Today Therapist Thom Rutledge gives a creative approach to dealing with life on life's terms via his unique counseling sessions. Big Book Bytes Author Shelly Marshall shares via the Big Book on issues of concern to those in recovery. All pages are set-up to copy, for use by counselors, professionals, sponsors, and others.

Recovery Today Interviews of people in recovery, about alcoholism, drug abuse, addictions, recovery, sobriety, spirituality, wisdom, experience, strength, and hope. Tune in monthly for new articles!

A.A. History Author Dick B. will take you back to a time when the recovery rates were as high as 93%.

Journaling Today A series of informative articles by Author Doreene Clementon how, why, and what to write about.

Spirituality Today Author Carol Tuttle takes us to new heights on our spiritual journey.

Articles of God and Faith Features 100's of topics relating to God, faith, spirituality, and more.

Life Today Everyday life experiences from people all over the world. Life, Addictions, Recovery, Hope, Inspiration, Wisdom, Advice, and so much more. Tune in on a regular basis to see what others have and are going through. Find hope from the experiences of others.

Steps Today Recovery Peer and Advisory Board Member Dean G. gives creative approach to dealing with life on life's terms via his unique recovery sessions.

Step Work / Relapse Prevention This service is designed to assist with step work, with quotes and pages from the Big Book, with forms ready to copy and utilize. There is a section devoted to relapse prevention as well.

X. Specific: Additional Articles

Health and Medical News, videos, text from the world of medicine, health, and medical.

Ecstasy information.

How Do I Talk With My Kids About Alcohol?

How Do I talk to my kids about drugs?

How Do I talk with my teenager about drugs and alcohol?

What does a crack pipe look like?

Family assistance for substance abuse.

Addiction treatment for my teenager.

Overdose or OD Information

XI. Specific: Overdose & Emergency Intervention Techniques

Drug Overdose- Drug overdoses can be accidental or on purpose. The amount of a drug needed to cause an overdose varies with the type of drug and the person taking it. Overdoses from prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, "street" drugs, and/or alcohol can be life threatening. Know, too, that mixing certain medications or "street" drugs with alcohol can also kill.

Physical symptoms of a drug overdose vary with the type of drug(s) taken. They include: Abnormal breathing Slurred speech Lack of coordination Slow or rapid pulse Low or elevated body temperature Enlarged or small eye pupils Reddish face Heavy sweating Drowsiness Violent outbursts Delusions and/or hallucinations Unconsciousness which may lead to coma (Note: A diabetic who takes insulin may show some of the above symptoms if he or she is having an insulin reaction.)

Parents need to watch for signs of illegal drug and alcohol use in their children. Morning hangovers, the odor of alcohol, and red streaks in the whites of the eyes are obvious signs of alcohol use. Items such as pipes, rolling papers, eye droppers and butane lighters may be the first telling clues that someone is abusing drugs. Another clue is behavior changes such as: Lack of appetite Insomnia Hostility Mental confusion Depression Mood swings Secretive behavior Social isolation Deep sleep Hallucinations.

Prevention- Accidental prescription and over-the-counter medication overdoses may be prevented by asking your doctor or pharmacist: What is the medication and why is it being prescribed? How and when should the medication be taken and for how long? (Follow the instructions exactly as given.) Can the medication be taken with other medicines or alcohol or not? Are there any foods to avoid while taking this medication? What are the possible side effects? What are the symptoms of an overdose and what should be done if it occurs? Should any activities be avoided such as sitting in the sun, operating heavy machinery, driving? Should the medicine still be taken if there is a pre-existing medical condition?

To avoid medication overdoses: Never take a medicine prescribed for someone else. Never give or take medication in the dark. Before each dose, always read the label on the bottle to be certain it is the correct medication. Always tell the doctor of any previous side effects or adverse reactions to medication as well as new and unusual symptoms that occur after taking the medicine. Always store medications in bottles with childproof lids and place those bottles on high shelves, out of a child's reach, or in locked cabinets. Take the prescribed dose, not more. Keep medications in their original containers to discourage illicit drug use among children: Set a good example for your children by not using drugs yourself. Teach your child to say "NO" to drugs and alcohol. Explain the dangers of drug use, including the risk of AIDS. Get to know your children's friends and their parents. Know where your children are and whom they are with. Listen to your children and help them to express their feelings and fears. Encourage your children to engage in healthy activities such as sports, scouting, community-based youth programs and volunteer work. Learn to recognize the signs of drug and alcohol abuse.

Questions to Ask:

Is the person not breathing and has no pulse? FIRST AID Perform Cyprinids the person not breathing, but has a pulse? FIRST AID Perform Rescue Breathing AND is the person unconscious? FIRST AID lay the victim down on his or her left side and check airway, breathing and pulse often before emergency care. Do CPR or Rescue Breathing as needed. ANDdoes the person have any of these signs? Hallucinations Confusion Convulsions Breathing slow and shallow and/or slurring their words

Do you suspect the person has taken an overdose of drugs? FIRST AID Call Poison Control Center. Follow the Poison Control Center's instructions. Approach the victim calmly and carefully. Walk the person around to keep him or her awake and to help the syrup of ipecac work faster, if you were told to give this to the victim. Also, see "Poisoning". AND is the person's personality suddenly hostile, violent and aggressive? FIRST AID Use caution. Protect yourself. Do not turn your back to the victim or move suddenly in front of him or her. If you can, see that the victim does not harm you, himself or herself. Remember, the victim is under the influence of a drug. Call the police to assist you if you cannot handle the situation. Leave and find a safe place to stay until the police arrive. AND Have you or someone else accidentally taken more than the prescribed dose of a prescription or over-the-counter medication? DO NOT perform any technique unless it is a matter of life and death! If you are unsure of what you are doing, please follow the instructions given by a 911 operator.

Note: If doctor is not available, call Poison Control Center. Follow instructions given.

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Fulvic Acid, a natural plant extract found in ancient sea beds, has many uses in the human body. One important function of fulvic is that of an antifungal agent. Fungus not only includes mold, but also the spores mold uses to regenerate and the mycotoxins it emits.

Mold is very hazardous to human health. The more mold exposed to, and the longer one is exposed to mold, drastically compounds the deadly effects of this fungus. Low exposure to mold will induce allergic and asthmatic-type reactions. In 1999, a study conducted by the Mayo Clinic charged fungus as the cause of almost all chronic sinusitis cases in America, a total of which is around 37 million.

What is mold, and how does it affect you?

Molds are microscopic fungi, which are neither plants nor animals. In nature, molds use enzymes to eat dead plants and animals. If there is a moist environment and other proper conditions, molds can attack materials in a house or building such as fiberboard, drywall, carpet backing, paper, dust, wood, or exposed soils in crawlspaces. Once established in a building, molds/fungi can spread, destroying structural wood components, and can be hard to get rid of.

Mold releases spores, which act as fertilized eggs, attaching to wet surfaces and breeding. Their food source is diverse, ranging from sulfur grains in concrete to metals in paint, or glue in wallpaper. Any toxic substance not useable by the mold spore is filtered through the spore and released into the air as a gas.

Mold and mold spores both release mycotoxins, which are by-products produced by fungi. Mycotoxins are as diverse and varied as the mold that produces them, but their affect ranges from carcinogenic and oestrogenic (which describes the ability of a substance to promote or mimic the effect of the female hormone estrogen) to neurotoxic and immunosuppressive.

The effects of mold include allergic reactions such as respiratory problems such as coughing, sneezing, wheezing, and infection; nose and throat irritation; nasal or sinus congestion; and common allergy symptoms such as red, itchy, watery eyes; and a runny nose. Other symptoms include fatigue and headache.

People allergic to mold may often exhibit asthmatic symptoms and attacks when exposed to mold. Some types of fungus can cause more severe problems, for example, conjunctivitis, rhinitis, bronchitis, and hypersensitivity pneumonia.

Those with weak immune systems are more vulnerable to infections caused by molds. One condition which affects immune-suppressed patients actually manifests itself as a mold growth in the lungs.

Other complaints that have been caused by mold exposure include depression, irritability, anger, inability to concentrate, loss of appetite, sleep disorders, and muscular aches.

Physical ailments associated with mold exposure include vomiting, diarrhea, ear infections, shortness of breath, congestion, and hives.

Some molds are actually good for you, and not toxic at all. But many are. It is important to keep your body fungus-free to promote a healthy lifestyle. The fact that Fulvic is such a strong anti-fungal, in combination with many other amazing features, makes it the perfect choice to eliminate fungus from your body.

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About 20% of Americans are prone to irritable bowel syndrome. The people affected by IBS are mostly females as it is seen in women more than men. About 50% experience this at the age of less than thirty-five. It is believed that this kind of disorder is a cause of irregular or uncontrolled diet as well as stress. Abdominal pain, constipation, cramping, diarrhea are some characteristics of IBS. Constipation is common in this process where a smooth movement of stool is not seen. In this case a person will have slow or very less amount of stool removal. The case with diarrhea is also related to a person's bowel movement where he or she has a loose or watery stool and this creates frequent necessitate of eradicating stool.

However the causes of IBS are still to be discovered but it has been revealed so far that people with the problem of diet and stress are the ones that are prone to IBS. There are many ways that you can recognize if you are prone to IBS, you should visit a doctor and get details regarding it. If you happen to be prone to irritable bowel syndrome your doctor will advice you about proper eating habits as well as what food should be eaten by you and most importantly stress. May be you can help yourself by accepting correct eating habits but there is yet another thing that has to be taken care of and that is the all important stress factor. Wondering what stress has to do with your abdominal pain or irregular stools?

Our brain that is connected to all parts of the body needs to be eased as distress to it will cause or increase the effect of any disorder that a person may have. The problem of our back pain too may be related to movement of bowel because of the passage through which the food passes. The large intestine (colon) is also connected to your brain. Which means that if your mind has any stress than it will have a negative response. Meaning that at the stressful times you will experience abdominal pain that is caused due to stress. Stress has yet another negative part to play with your immune system that fights with different infections in a person's body. The first thing that has to be taken care of is your discomfort, anxiety and mental strain that have been caused by GAD.

Many doctors advice hypnosis treatment, where your mind is allowed to relax and the stress you are dealing with is dealt with. Hypnosis treatment is available in the form of mp3; this is available on the Internet. An mp3 hypnosis dealing with your mind will allow it to relax and respond to situations without getting angry, nervous, or anxious. If you have irritable bowel syndrome then it is suitable for you to look for an mp3 hypnosis treatment. Hypnosis helps you deal with IBS on a daily basis and soon you'll regain your confidence and deal with the awkwardness caused by IBS.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Loose, watery stools can be a symptom of a condition called diarrhea. It is the body's means to rid itself of harmful substances. Diarrhea in itself is not really a bad thing. What make us worry are the symptoms and problems associated with it, such as fever, vomiting, thirst, and dehydration. Diarrhea is more dangerous in children and older people.

The main danger with this digestive tract problem is in the loss of fluid. When the body does not have enough fluids inside, it cannot perform normal functions thus rendering you weak. There are several causes of diarrhea, including excessive caffeine consumption, bacterial contamination, food poisoning, and adverse drug reactions.

Due to the fact that a person could suffer from diarrhea at least a few times in his lifetime, it would be helpful to be aware of some useful home remedies. We will provide you with the top 4, and hopefully, from this list you will be able to get a home remedy for diarrhea that will work for you.

Remedy #1: Tea

Several kinds of tea can help fight diarrhea. Blackberry tea is known to relieve a person of mild diarrhea. On the other hand, ginger tea is helpful in getting rid of stomach pains brought about by the ailment. Drinking any of the abovementioned teas 2-3x daily can aid you in getting rid of diarrhea.

Remedy #2: Water Therapy

As mentioned, the danger in diarrhea is the loss of fluid. For this reason, it would really help to take in lots and lots of water. Not only does this help maintain electrolyte balance, but will also help flush out the toxins and bacteria in the body that are causing diarrhea. Drink at least 10 glasses of water when suffering from diarrhea.

Remedy #3: Charcoal

Since the early 19th Century, charcoal has been used to expel intestinal gas because of its absorptive properties. It is also being used as remedy for nausea, indigestion, intestinal bloating, and yes, diarrhea. There are charcoal tablets you can take to help you get relief from the pain and discomfort caused by diarrhea.

Remedy #4: Arsenicum

One homeopathic medicine that is recommended to treat diarrhea is Arsenicum. This is especially helpful if you ate rotten food, which caused diarrhea. In addition, cuprum Arsenicosum, which is another option, can be taken if you feel burning pain in your mid-section.

Always talk to your doctor before you start any therapy or remedy.

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Once treatment has concluded, depending on the type of treatment and the stage that the cervical cancer was in, you will most likely feel some side effects. Here are a few, based on the three most common treatments: surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy.


It takes time to heal after surgery, and the recovery time is different for each woman. You may be uncomfortable for the first few days. However, medicine can usually control the pain. Before surgery, you should discuss the plan for pain relief with your doctor or nurse. After surgery, your doctor can adjust the plan if you need more pain relief.

If you have surgery to remove a small tumor on the surface of the cervix, you may have cramping or other pain, bleeding, or a watery discharge.

If you have a hysterectomy, the length of the hospital stay may vary from several days to a week. You may also experience hot flashes and menopause occurs immediately.

It is common to feel tired or weak for a while, you may also have bladder and bowel problems. The doctor may restrict your diet to liquids at first, with a gradual return to solid food. Most women return to their normal activities within 4 to 8 weeks after surgery.

Radiation therapy:

Side effects depend mainly on the dose of radiation and the part of your body that is treated. Radiation to the abdomen and pelvis may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or urinary problems. You may lose hair in your genital area. Also, your skin in the treated area may become red, dry, and tender.

You may have dryness, itching, or burning in your vagina. The radiation may also make your vagina narrower.

Although the side effects of radiation therapy can be distressing, your doctor can usually find ways to relieve them.


The side effects of chemotherapy depend mainly on the specific drugs and the dose. The drugs affect cancer cells and other cells that divide rapidly:

Chemotherapy can cause a poor appetite, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, or mouth and lip sores. Chemotherapy can cause you to lose your hair. The hair will grow back, but it may be somewhat different in color and texture.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Constipation is one of the most common complains among Americans. It hit even the babies. It is more common to someone who suppresses their bowel when there is the urge for bowels to come out. Lack of exercise can contribute to the symptom. Those who don't drink much water too suffer from constipation. Constipation, though not a disease can be really alarming. Constipation is the number one cause of bowel obstruction, hemorrhoids, IBS and all other colon diseases. Impacted bowel is cause by a large and dry stool. This large and dry stool cannot pass through the rectum and clogged there. Impacted bowel may cause diarrhea. How? When our colon is impacted by this large and very dry stool, soft watery stools on top of this will move around the colon and leak, which causes diarrhea. But the impacted bowel still remains there causing obstruction. Those who are at risk of bowel obstruction are those people who are bid ridden patients because they cannot move. Their body is in a stationery position. Even us who can walk and move freely still get constipated without exercises just imagine these people who have limited reflex to move their body. People who take anticholinergic medicine are most likely to suffer bowel obstruction. This type of medicine can interact muscle spasm. Anti diarrhea medication can also help stool to obstruct more in the colon. When you take diarrhea tablet, it suppresses bowel from coming out that's why diarrhea stops. But the bowel that is supposed to be coming out is obstructed.

Symptoms of impacted bowel

o Abdominal cramping and pain
o Passage of liquid stool in a small amount but continuous
o Blood in the rectum
o Small and round like stools similar to that of goats'

Upon examining your stomach, lumps can be felt around the lower abdomen. And when your rectum is press hard mass is also felt. Treating impacted feces would mean removing what causes the obstruction and that is removing obstructed stool. Stool softeners are given to help soften impacted stool and laxatives are also given to give liquid to softened stool.

Suppository may also be given along with bowel retraining program so that regular movement will be established once again. After the medication, dietary measure should be observed. Eating more fiber containing foods should be your main meal. Whole wheat grains, vegetables and fruits should be the main course instead of meat and burger. Exercise should also be one the main changes that you should have to. Exercise is a proven activity that aid in relieving constipation. Drinking a two glasses of water in the morning when stomach is empty also helps in bowel movement. Another thing is inserting finger into the rectum and breaking the impacted feces. When doing this you should use lubricant in between to avoid rectal laceration.

If you experience one of these symptoms call the attention of a doctor right away:

o Abdominal pain
o Abdominal bloating
o Abdominal cramps
o Inability to pass out flatulence
o You passes out stool but its too thin like pencils.

In this case do not do anything, do not take any laxatives or any medication that helps in passing out stool. Medical attention should be your priority first instead of medications. Always remember that prevention is better than cure.

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Microsporidiosis is define as an illness that is due to infection with microscopic organisms called microsporidia.Microsporidia are small simple single-celled protozoan parasites that form spores widely found in nature that produce disease in both animals and humans. These parasites must exist within other cells and are grown in the liver,intestine, kidney, cornea, brain, nerves, and muscles. These spores moved to other cells or are eradicated in the stool or urine.

There are more than 1,200 species belonging to 143 genera have been known as parasites infecting a various number of vertebrate and invertebrate hosts. Species identified as causing disease in humans include the following such as encephalitozoon hellem, enterocytozoon bieneusi, encephalitozoon intestinalis, encephalitozoon cuniculi, pleistophora species, trachipleistophora hominis, trachipleistophora anthropophthera, nosema connori ,nosema ocularum ,brachiola vesicularum, vittaforma corneae, microsporidium ceylonensis, microsporidium africanum & brachiola algerae.These organisms infect the lining of the small intestine and can result complex loose bowels and unable to absorb food. Some organisms can also cause eye, sinus, and kidney symptoms.


Scientific report shows that microsporidiosis may be water-borne microscopic organism, that causes disease and may be transmitted from human to human. In most conditions the patients with HIV infection appear with complex immunodeficiency. Individuals who are immunocompetent are reported to develop self-limited lose bowles due to microsporidia.

Microsporidiosis is produced by small protozoan parasites called microsporidia, the most common of which is enterocytozoon bieneusi. A number of scientific reports shown that enterocytozoon bieneusi infections of the small intestine are an important result of chronic diarrhoea in people with AIDS.

The microsporidia spores are discharged from the gastrointestinal and urinary tracts of infected animals. The spores are then inhaled by people. In the bowels it is used to penetrate a cell. Once within the cell, the microsporidia develop and increase in large number cause chronic diarrhea, hepatitis, myositis, or sinusitis.


Infection with microsporidia can cause blood in the urine, kidney failure, bladder inflammation, and bowel perforation. Microsporidia can also moved in the hole body to produce inflammation in the brain, pancreas, gallbladder, sinuses, and ears. Lung symptoms are irregular breathing & cough.

Microsporidiosis is occurs with heavy watery diarrhoea In the condition of microsporidiosis persons body not able to absorbed nutrients & results weight loss. Some other symptoms can include such as cramping stomach pains, nausea, wind and irregular bowel movements.

There are some common symptoms of microsporidiosis are:

  • Vomiting.

  • Pain in abdominal.

  • Weight loss.

  • Appetite loss.

  • Dehydration.

  • Flatulence.

  • Pain in stomach.

  • Wind bowel movements .

  • Irregular bowel movements.


There is no proper treatment, however a drug called albendazole is an efficacious treatment for some kinds of microsporidiosis. But it appears less effective against enterocytozoon bieneusi.

To cure microsporidiosis there are some other treatments are available such as itraconazole,metronidazole, atovaquone, nitazanoxide and thalidomide. To ebb diarrhoea metronidazole has shown some success,but does not able remove the parasites themselves from the gut. In a number of conditions itraconazole has been shown to be efficacious against microsporidiosis impacting the eye.

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Signs of Hyperthyroidism is Your Skin: Too-Dry or Oily are Clues

Hyperthyroidism, an overactive thyroid condition, displays symptoms of nervousness, worry, bulging eyes, diarrhea, sensitivity to heat, weight loss, muscle weakness, hand tremors, irritability and sudden, unfounded flashes of temper.

The thyroid controls all three layers of the skin. If hyperthyroidism is a problem, the skin will be one of the first indicators. Normally the outer skin exhales gases, sweats out water, and salty or toxic substances, and oils itself and the hair follicles. A symptom of thyroid imbalance is when the sweat becomes acidic, the skin forcefully exhales gases and skin oil takes on a greasy consistency. Chronic eczema, ichthyosis and psoriasis are symptoms of toxic skin irritation and can usually be easily remedied with diet directed toward eliminating a thyroid imbalance.

When the thyroid is overactive, or on overload, it can force toxins out through the inner and middle skin. When only the superficial cells of the inner skin are involved the mucus secretion is watery and we experience the symptoms of the thyroid problem as a cold. If the problem persists or worsens, the deeper inner skin layers become involved and we can experience sinusitis, bronchitis, enteritis, appendicitis and other acute "itis" diseases.

A thyroid imbalance affecting the middle skin layers can show up as arthritis, bursitis, neuritis, iritis and other chronic "itis" diseases. If the cause of the inner skin problems isn't addressed and the middle skin becomes involved in the toxic elimination, the acute diseases can become chronic. If no changes are made in diet and lifestyle the chronic can become degenerative.

The most common therapy for hyperthyroidism is treatment with radioactive iodine. Since it's difficult to judge what is the correct amount of radioactive iodine necessary to bring the thyroid into balance, many doctors prefer to give enough radioactive iodine to destroy all thyroid function. This seems to be too much or nothing thinking, since the patient is then required to take thyroid supplements the rest of their life.

Foods that lower or suppress thyroid function include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, mustard greens, peaches, pears, rutabagas, soybeans, spinach and turnips. People with hypothyroidism should avoid the above foods. Sufferers of hyperthyroidism should avoid dairy product, stimulants, coffee, tea with caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and all soft drinks.

Foods soothing to the thyroid include as a protein source: eggs, light meat poultry, fish but no shellfish, lamb with fat cut off, organ meats and lean beef. A salad combination that includes the same vegetables as the adrenal and pituitary recommendations. Raspberry leaf tea is the preferred beverage for healing and maintaining a healthy thyroid. Brown rice or millet are the grains most helpful to the thyroid. Sugar and honey are especially detrimental to the thyroid.

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Below are some brief outlines of guinea pig illnesses.

Extremely Soft Stool or Diarrhea

A guinea pig can die within hours from suffering from diarrhea.

Sometimes this condition can be caused by feeding your pet guinea pig too many wet or vegetable foods.   A good way to correct this digestive balance if you feel it is food related is to feed it more hay.

Another thing you can do is go to a health food shop or even a chemist and buy some lactobacillus acidophilus in capsule form. You should easily be able to get this as you do not need to have a prescription. It can be purchased at the counter.

Losing its Hair

There a quite a few reasons your guinea pigs hair may fall out. One of these is that it might have mites.

A guinea pig with a cut or bit will lose its hair around the affected are. This condition is completely normal and nothing to worry about unless the wound gets infected.

If your bit suffers from tremendous hair loss this could be caused by ringworm.

Another cause of this can be ovarian cysts.

Unless you know that the hair loss is due to a cut or mites you need to call your vet to see how to proceed.

Eyes That Water

Watery eyes are usually because you guinea pig has irritants in the eye. These could be excessive dust or bits of hay.

Another cause of watery eyes could be allergies.

In this case it is best to call you to find out directions on how you might best rinse the irritants from your guinea pigs eyes eye.

On occasion these eye sores can be from eyelid cysts. These will irritate the eye and should be removed by a qualified vet as they can be quite serious and cause a lot of pain for your guinea pig pet.

Stiff Joints

This usually comes about because of scurvy. Scurvy is just a severe lack of Vitamin C. It should be treated immediately. Call your veterinarian to make an appointment to see them.

To ensure this does not happen to your pet guinea pig make sure he is taking at least 10 mg of calcium per day!

Tilting Head Often

Sometimes a guinea pig will tilt its head to one side. This is usually accompanied by having trouble walking. These symptoms indicate a middle-ear infection.

You should take your pet to the veterinarian quickly as this condition has been known to damage if not deafen guinea pigs hearing. You must get him treated, do not put it off.


Two types of seizures can be described.  If his body is aligned normally with head in the hair straight (that is head is not tilted to one side.), this is just mites.  Mites can burrow under the skin and this can affect the nervous system. Take him to a veterinarian to take care of this, and he will be ok.

If however your guinea pig pet is tilting his head to one side or his body is curling during the seizure it is a more serious guinea pig illness and could come from any number of things.

In this case take him to the vet quickly to get some blood tests done.

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Nowadays allergy symptoms plague a majority of Americans. I for one have continually struggled with understanding the signs that indicate an allergic reaction. Every day we are exposed to foods that could cause us food intolerance like lactose intolerance to drugs that can give us side effects that are due to our body reacting negatively to it. Even the simple pleasure of spending time in the backyard expose you to other possible allergens like grass and flowers.

Understanding your allergy symptoms and treating the underlying causes are two very important parts of finding an effective solution to improving your health and wellness. There are many ways that people treat allergy symptoms. The band-aid approach of treating the allergic reaction quickly is pretty popular, yet often these treatments are short-lived. With patience and research, one can learn to manage these otherwise debilitating allergies.

Common allergy symptoms are seen throughout the world by both Allergists and Family Practitioners. Doctors tend to categorize the symptoms as mild, moderate or severe. The most common fall into the mild and moderate category and include:

  • Chronic Sinusitis

  • Watery Eyes that can become Red and Itchy

  • Rash

  • Congestion

  • Itchiness

  • Difficulty breathing

Chronic sinusitis is possibly the most frequent sign of an allergy. This usually causes sinus headaches as the nasal passages are continually clogged and sometimes draining as well. Watery eyes are another very common allergy symptom which can cause painful irritation. This causes scratching which can make matters worse particularly in children who usually show no restraint. In order to treat these symptoms, there are a variety of medications available to help stop this reaction and inflammation process. Both prescription and over-the counter medicines are available. Eye drops like Visine are often used as well to take out redness and irritation from the eyes. Natural approaches popular for treating so many things nowadays are also an option when it comes to treating allergy symptoms as well. An example of this is the herb milk thistle which cleanses the liver and helps it to function properly which helps those with food intolerance.

Severe reaction otherwise known as anaphylaxis is more rare but is life-threatening. It may begin with a common symptom like itching of the eyes or face but will suddenly progress to include:

  • Swelling that effects breathing and swallowing

  • Abdominal pain

  • Cramps

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea

  • Dizziness(possible mental confusion)

If you think you are experiencing anaphylaxis seek emergency help immediately.

Other allergy symptoms may cause more reactions that can occur even weeks after an exposure. This type of allergy is probably the most difficult to diagnose. Sufferers continue to experience problems for years. Some are continually misdiagnosed particularly for those with allergy symptoms that include gastro-intestinal issues such as irritable bowel syndrome, constipation or diarrhea. Finding the food that causes these reactions and eliminating them is the only way to find relief. Depression and attention deficit have also surprisingly been linked as an allergy symptom to certain chemicals or food additives. Out of the box treatments such as acupuncture may help to find the root causes of these allergy symptoms.

Many times we like to brush off our allergy symptoms as minor nuisance. We would rather think we have a cold than address the process of trying to identify your allergies and treat them appropriately. We continue to eat some things that we know don't agree with us and just chalk it up to the latest stomach flu. Do yourself a favor and bring these symptoms up to your doctor. It doesn't hurt to ask and the answers could help drastically improve the quality of your life.

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Traveler's diarrhea or TD occurs when a traveler has three or more unformed stools in 24 hours. This is accompanied by abdominal cramps, bloating and nausea. Escherichia coli is common in people suffering from TD. This could be due to contaminated food and water consumption. Travelers often suffer from this TD as they are not sure of how hygienic is the food they eat. He should always check for the expiry date before consuming any food and ensure that the mineral water is sealed properly and is of a good brand.

This diarrhea occurs within the first week of travel, but may occur at any time while traveling. In few cases it can happen after one returns back home from his trip.

Symptoms of TD are:
Symptoms of TD are diarrhea as the name implies, vomiting at times, abdominal cramps, experiences four to five loose or watery bowel movements each day, bloating, low fever, urgency and uneasiness. Dehydration is also common and one should not ignore this as it may lead to death in serious cases.

Eat plenty of natural yogurt, soy milk and other fermented products which comprises of live Lactobacillus bacteria during your treatment. These bifido bacteria help to restore the stocks of friendly bacteria in the large intestine and gut. It thus fights the disease causing bacteria like salmonella and others. Diarrhea is caused due to bad bacteria such as Salmonella, Campylobacter, Yersinia, Aeromonas, and Plesiomonas spp. Sometimes Cryptosporidium and Giardia lamblia may also be responsible for it.

As travelers suffering from TD experience dehydration, oral rehydration therapy proves to be beneficial to replace lost fluids and electrolytes. There is a need for proper water quality management systems in hotels and resorts. Travelers should also take some safety measures when they travel to a foreign country. Always make sure that the water or food you consume is safe. Do not eat anything on the roadside, go to hotels which are hygienic. Drink plenty of water. Eat curds, but do not eat packed curds which are expired. Avoid salads and half cooked meat. Unpasteurized milk and seafood should be avoided. dairy products, mayonnaise and pastry icing consumption can increase the symptoms of TD. Therefore avoid it.

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The disease known as colitis refers to the inflammation of the lining of the
large intestine. The Colitis may be an acute or chronic membrane inflammation.
Individuals with colitis may experience stomach pains, diarrhea, and other
abdominal disturbances. To understand colitis, one must be know what the colon is all about. The colon is the part of the large intestine extending from the
cecum to the rectum. The colon is largely responsible for maintaining water
balance in the intestine. Another function of the colon is the absorption of
some vitamins such as vitamin K.

When a colon is healthy, stools have enough liquidity to be soft
and pass on the intestines. When the liquidity reaches a high level,
dehydration may occur. A injury on the colon, or instances that necessitate
the removal of the colon, would mean that stools would have have high liquidity
or would be so watery.

In individuals who have colitis, the colon will appear read and swollen when
viewed through a scope exam. The stomach pain is partly caused by the frequent
ejection of stool or diarrhea since the colon cannot absorb water. The result
brought about by the malfunctioning colon may result into the damages on the
lining of the large intestine. With this damage, the release of surface cells
occur with the passage of stools with blood and mucus. The kind of white blood
cells that are in the lining of the intestine determines some reasons of the
inflammation in the intestine itself. An examination of the stool may reveal
the presence of white blood cells. The very fact of the presence of white
blood cells indicate an infection somewhere in the body.

There are some natural remedies that may help in the reduction of inflammation
associated with some forms of colitis, particularly ulcerative colitis.
Colloidal Silver, and Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish oil and flaxseed, are available in
pill form or as enemas.

To reduce the risk of contracting colitis, a balanced diet that focuses on
fiber and protein are important. Protein is especially important since
adequate amounts of protein affects healing and reduces the possibility of
muscle loss. (Note that the intestine if a kind of muscle.) Fiber is broken
down in the colon into short chain fatty acids. The colon uses these short
chain fatty acids as an energy source. Adequate fluid intake also helps in
reducing the risk of contracting the disease.

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Chinchillas do a good job at hiding their illnesses and injuries, they're prey animals. If your Chinchilla needs medical care, a veterinarian acquainted in Chinchilla care is required. If you notice your Chinchilla acting drowsy, having a change in appetite, or having discharge from the eyes or nose, you should get your Chinchilla to the vet ASAP. Hand-feeding is often necessary when dealing with a sick or injured Chinchilla. It's common for a Chinchilla who is sick or injured to become anorexic. Becoming anorexic will lead to even more problems. Once a Chinchilla goes of its feed, it's necessary to begin hand-feeding.

A first-aid kit is good to have for minor injuries and ailments. It's a good idea to be prepared for a more serious illness by having all of the basic supplies early. You should have Blu-kote, which is a cleaning spray/liquid that can be used on fungus and wounds. You'll need Oxbow Critical Care, which is for hand feeding. Next, you'll need Life Line, a great supplement for sick/injured Chinchillas. You will need Syringes, both large and small for hand feeding and managing medication. Then, you'll need Vitamin E Oil and/or Bag Balm for dry skin. You'll also need Acidophilus, for maintenance of good bacteria of the digestive tract. Last, you will need Kaolin-pectin, treatment of stress induced diarrhea.

If your Chinchilla stops eating on their own, it's necessary to hand feed them. Chinchillas unfortunately commonly go anorexic if they're sick, injured, or taking medication. Oral Baytril is infamous for causing Chinchillas to stop eating. Place your Chinchilla in a carrier and lay down paper towels if you're unsure if your Chinchilla is eating. Observe your Chinchilla to see if any stools are produced. If no stools or small, hard poops are created, than it may be a sign that they have gone of their feed. The best food replacement for Chinchillas is Oxbow Critical Care. Critical care comes in primitive and apple banana flavors. You can get critical care from a vet that supplies Oxbow products. It comes in a powder form and it's mixed with water to become a paste or liquid consistency. It's good to have it on hand in case an emergency should emerge. Then, you're prepared and time isn't wasted if something does happen to your Chinchilla and it refuses to eat.

If a Chinchilla doesn't eat, it can go into GI Stasis. GI Stasis is where the digestive system shuts down. The Chinchilla must constantly have food moving through its system or it will begin to shut down. That's why hand feeding is so critical if a Chinchilla stops eating. To hand feed a Chinchilla or manage antibiotics, it's a good idea to wrap him up in a towel or a blanket. It's called the burrito method. You wrap the Chinchilla up securely, but not too tight. Make sure to wrap the legs. Hold firmly, but not enough to injure the Chinchilla. After being wrapped up, the Chinchilla will usually calm down.

A syringe can be used to hand feed or to give medication. Place the syringe in the side of the mouth, behind the front incisors, and squirt only a small amount of liquid in at a time. Keep in mind not to give too much, the Chinchilla can aspirate.

Fungus is caused if Chinchillas are kept in environments with high humidity. It makes them delicate to ringworm. If can also occur if a Chinchilla gets wet and isn't dried thoroughly. It's highly contagious so it can easily be transferred from other Chinchillas, animals, or people. They lose their fur, they get itchy, they get dry, and they get red and/or scaly skin. You must see a vet. The vet can do a skin scrape and test for the area for fungal spores. If you're fine with treating the fungus yourself, you can follow the treatment guideline. If the treatment doesn't seem to be working, definitely consult a vet. To treat yourself, add Tinactin powder to the dust bath. Add about one heaping spoon to a cup of dust. Apply Blu-kote to the affected area. Sanitize the cage and anything else with bleach. Throw away any wood since it's porous and hard to sanitize. Continue the treatment for at least six weeks or until the vet says. Be sure the Chinchilla is fungus free before allowing contact to others.

You can prevent by keeping the cage clean. Be sure the Chinchilla isn't in a humid environment. Keep the Chinchilla from getting wet. Keep any effected Chinchillas away from others and be sure to isolate new Chinchillas for at least thirty days. Fungus is extremely contagious, but not deadly. It can be difficult to get rid of. When treating the fungal infection, being persistent is key. It's important to practice safe hygiene because the ringworm can be transferred to you. Fungus in Chinchillas is most common around the eyes, nose, mouth, and ears.

Chinchillas get eye infections from irritation in the eye, bacteria, or a virus. You will know if you see wet fur around the eye, watery eyes, red/irritated eyelids, swollen eyelids, or goop coming from the eyes. You should definitely see a vet! It's a good idea to have the vet test their eye with a dye solution to make sure the cornea has not been scratched. You can treat it by giving them eye drops or applying gel to the effected eye(s). You can also be prescribed an oral antibiotic. You can prevent eye infections by keeping the cage hygienic and practice hygienic handling. Avoid contact with other pets!

Parasites in tap water cause Chinchillas to get parasites. They could also get it by other infected animals. They get diarrhea, mucous like stools, larger stools, weight loss, loss of their appetite, or change in their activity levels. You should take them to a vet. The vet will test a fresh sample and then examine it under a microscope looking for parasites and/or other cysts. The Chinchilla should be given antibiotics or antiparasitics in rounds. The most common medication prescribed that's effective is flagyl. If the infection is bad, it will be needed more than once. To upkeep fiber, unsweetened shredded wheat can be used. Clean everything the animal comes in contact with! Sanitize the cage with bleach. Any wooden items should be sanded down or disposed. Keep in mind, their recovery can take weeks. It may be necessary to hand feed. Definitely monitor their weight. To prevent parasites, give your Chinchilla filtered, bottled, or reverse osmosis. Isolate any new animals for a minimum of thirty days. Avoid any contact with other animals. The most common parasite that Chinchillas become infected by is giardia. Giardia is an intestinal parasite that can cause diarrhea and anorexia, and leading to dehydration. Giardia is contagious. It can be passed from pets to other pets and even people. After coming in contact with the parasite, it could take between one to two weeks for any symptoms to appear. When treating the parasite(s), vet care and prescribed medication is a MUST!

Upper respiratory infections are caused by bacterial infection, contact with other animals, crowded conditions, or poorly ventilated housing. They start sneezing; have labored breathing, nasal discharge, watery eyes AKA: conjunctivitis, clicking sound when breathing, wheezing, or squeaking. You should definitely see a vet quickly. URI's can be serious very quickly. Most likely, the vet will prescribe an oral antibiotic, but may give an injectable if you're comfortable with it. Keep your Chinchilla away from drafts. Keep up with sanitation conditions and avoid contact with other animals.

Bumblefoot is caused by unsanitary cage conditions, or wire flooring which causes feet to become dry and cracked. A bacterium gets into their wounds and causes infection known as bumblefoot. Their symptoms consist of dry, cracked, or bleeding feet. To treat bumblefoot keep the animal on soft bedding such as fleece. Remove any wire or cover with solid shelving or fleece. Apply Blu-kote to the feet. If the problems continue to occur, then take the Chinchilla to the vet for antibiotics.

Chinchillas bloat because of bad feeding habits including excessive treats, vegetables, fruits, anorexia, or constipation. They are stretching, have lethargy, twisting, lie flat, or press their belly to the ground. If you notice the symptoms, see a vet immediately! X-rays can be taken to determine if the belly is full of gas bubbles. The vet should prescribe GI medications like Reglan and Propulsid. Manage infants' Mylicon AKA Simethicone. It helps break down gas bubbles. Give Reglan and Propulsid. With small, circular, firm motions moving downward, the belly can be massaged. Let the Chinchilla have gentle exercise to help get their gut moving. Give them plenty of high count acidophilus. Do not feed them excessive or sugary treats. Do not give any fruits or vegetables. Make sure to provide the Chinchilla with healthy Chinchilla pellets and hay. Complete the diet with acidophilus.

GI Stasis is caused by anorexia, stemming from stress, dehydration, pain, injuries, illness, or blockage. They appear to have anorexia, lethargy, small hard stools or even no stools at all. Definitely see a vet immediately! It is very hard to treat. They should get constant massages, hand feeding, and medications are definitely needed such as Reglan and Propulsid. To prevent GI Stasis, hand feed the Chinchilla if it goes of its feed for ANY reason.

Dental Spurs are caused by uneven wearing teeth. They drool, lose their appetite, paw at the mouth, have gagging motions when chewing or eating, and have weight loss. See a vet! Oral exams can pinpoint teeth spurs. It's a very good idea to get x-rays. The vet can file the affected teeth down. It's a good idea to bring the Chinchilla in for routine check-ups if they're common. After dental work, you may need to hand feet.To prevent Dental Spurs, provide your Chinchilla with plenty of chew toys and different varieties of hay.

Malocclusion is from uneven wearing teeth, genetics, and environmental injuries. They drool, lose their appetite, get watery eyes, paw at the mouth, make gagging motions when chewing or eating, lose weight, change activity level, or have bumps on their jaw. See a vet! The vet will have to perform a thorough oral exam such as x-rays. They're urgent to be sure that the roots are not overgrow into the jaw or sinus cavities. It's not a curable disease. Their symptoms may be impediment and looked after, but only for a certain amount of time. If the teeth are overgrown, the vet can file down the molars or clip the incisors. The Chinchilla will need routine check-ups. You may have to hand feed after dental work. To prevent it, provide many chew toys along with different varieties of hay.

They don't know what causes fur chewing. Some believe that it's stress, the environment, boredom, or genetics. Their fur is chewed short down the hips/back. Even cage-mates could be chewed. They'll need a visual examination. There isn't a known treatment for fur chewing. Just provide the Chinchilla with many enhanced items and things to do may help. To prevent it, give them plenty of chew toys and activities.

Hunchback is caused by malnutrition leading to liver disease. They get a characteristic "hunched" back. To come to a diagnosis, a vet can run tests. Offering a high quality diet can help. Provide your Chinchilla with a high quality feed, and do not feed excessive treats or unhealthy treats.

Overheating is caused by keeping a Chinchilla in an environment with too high temperature, allowing the Chinchilla to play excessively. They get red ears; have labored breathing, and lethargy. Vet care may be needed. Immediately move the Chinchilla to a cooler area. Put a frozen water bottle next to the Chinchilla or lay the Chinchilla on a chilled granite tile. To prevent the Chinchilla from overheating, keep the Chinchilla in temperatures lower than seventy-five degrees Fahrenheit.

Male Chinchillas are inclined to hair rings. A hair ring is a ring of fur that forms around the Chinchillas penis. Males usually clean their penises themselves and remove any hair rings. Fur may build up and the Chinchilla might be unable to remove the ring itself. That's when you must step in. Once a month hair ring checks should be performed. You can do that by wrapping the Chinchilla in a towel securely. To remove the penis from the cover, a dab of KY Jelly could help lubricate and make it easier. Gently roll the cover back to reveal the penis. Take the penis with your fingers and gently pull outward until the penis is fully revealed. If there's fur present, it'll need to be removed. The ring can be lubricated with more KY Jelly and gently worked off of the penis. Then, the penis should withdraw itself, but it may take some time. If the penis is still revealed after a few hours have passed, you then may need to see a vet. If your Chinchilla has a fur ring that can't be removed, then you should definitely see a vet. Make sure to be gentle and not hurt the Chinchilla.

Chinchillas have dainty skeletal structures. Broken bones are common in many pet Chinchillas unfortunately. Cages that have ramps are infamous for causing Chinchillas to get their legs caught and ultimately broken in between the wires. Cages with wire flooring that's too large and shelves could also break their legs. Another thing that's known to break their legs is wire wheels. A broken leg will be cut off by a vet. Chinchillas with their legs cut off do pretty amazing on three legs. They can still hop, run, and play like regular Chinchillas. They can even run on their wheels with no problems at all. If you notice your Chinchilla favoring a leg, and the condition doesn't improve within a day, take it to the vet for X-rays. X-rays are great for finding out if your Chinchilla has a broken bone. For a broken leg, cutting it off is the best option. Under some circumstances, some have been able to save the leg.

Chinchillas can turn on their cage-mates and cause nasty wounds. If the wounds are shallow, they can be cleaned with a damp cloth and Blu-kote can be applied to them. If the wounds are more serious, vet care should be seen immediately because Chinchillas can go into shock. Shock is dangerous if it isn't treated and it can be fatal. The vet will most likely shave the affected area and clean the wounds. To either prevent the infection or fight the infection that has set in, an oral antibiotic may be prescribed. If you notice your Chinchillas wound looking red, inflamed, or seeping, vet care should definitely be provided in case an infection is beginning to take place. A wounded Chinchilla may stop eating and you'll need to step in and hand feed. It's crucial to watch your chinchilla to see if they're eating. If they go anorexic, they can face more serious problems. Hope this has helped and good luck!

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Hamsters are small animals that require care and attention. Like all other animals hamsters fall ill but due to their small size hamster illness is often fatal. Although there are many medicines that can treat your hamster if the illness is caught in time it is always advisable to prevent illness by taking adequate care of your beloved pet. The following paragraphs will help you understand how to avoid hamster illness by following some easy steps.

The first way to avoid hamster illness is to use the right bedding. Improper bedding like pine or cedar shavings can cause respiratory problems in hamsters. Improper bedding can also cause allergies like watery eyes, diarrhea and hair loss. Dusty bedding like mud and sand should also be avoided. If you are using hay as bedding then you should ensure that the hay is dust free and is free of pesticides. Old clean newspaper and safe commercial bedding can be used in your pet hamsters enclosure.

The second way to avoid hamster illness is to change the bedding periodically. Since bedding absorbs your pets urine and excreta it is important to change the bedding every 5 to 7 days. If the bedding is not changed on time then mold spores can develop in the bedding and insects can also be attracted to the bedding. Dirty bedding can also cause skin infections like wet bottom, ring worm infection and scaly skin. Skin mites are a common problem in enclosures that have dirty bedding.

The third way to avoid illness is to feed your hamster a varied diet. The diet you feed your beloved pet should consist mainly of vegetables. Fruits can be fed to your pet hamster twice a week but fruits should not be fed every day. Seeds should consist of a small part of your pet diet and you should feed healthy seeds to your hamster once or twice a week. You may also need to give your pet supplements during certain periods of his life. Nursing mother hamsters and baby hamsters often require various supplements to remain healthy. Supplements should be mixed in the food and not in the water, since water has some supplements that attract bacteria very fast.

The fourth way to avoid hamster illness is to change the drinking water in the enclosure often. If you are using a water cup for your pet then you will need to change the water twice a day and wash the cup well once a day. A good way to keep the water in your pet enclosure is to use hamster water bottles. These bottles prevent food from getting into the bottle and they are easy to clean. The food cup should also be washed once a day well.

Every hamster owner wants to avoid illness and by simply following the four methods listed above you should have great success. Your pet should enjoy a healthy life.

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Are you often bothered by a runny nose, watery eyes, headaches, fatigue, itchy throat, and similar symptoms? Then you are probably suffering the effects of an allergy. There are several causes of allergies, ranging from food to insect bites. Oftentimes allergies can be misdiagnosed as the common cold. However, when these symptoms persist, it is important to try to identify the allergen, or the cause of the allergic reaction.

No one knows for sure why one person has an allergic reaction to a particular substance, while another person does not. However, it has been found that children, whose parents have allergic reactions, tend to be predisposed to allergies. Of interest, is the fact that a child will not necessarily be affected by the same allergen that has an effect on their parent.

Allergens can enter the body by various methods, they can be breathed in, touched, eaten, or injected. However they enter, they are viewed by the body as being harmful, and as a result, the immune system produces histamines and other chemicals, to combat the invasion. These are the early stages of an allergy. The response will be the same, each time you are exposed to the allergen in the future.

Allergies can be triggered by breathing in certain irritants. Some of the more common ones are pollen, animal dander, mold, and dust mites. These airborne allergens are very difficult to battle because they are all around in the atmosphere. In the case of pollen, these are constantly released into the air by trees, flowers, and grasses, and are especially prevalent during the summer, spring, and fall seasons.

In terms of touch, substances like latex can cause allergic reactions. Latex is made of rubber, which contains high levels of protein. Latex products include rubber bands, gloves, and balloons. The allergic reaction is due to the response of the immune system, when an individual comes in contact with the natural rubber latex. Symptoms of this type of allergy can include runny nose, sneezing, hives, and an itchy throat.

Certain foods can trigger allergies. Some of the more popular ones are: eggs and milk, peanuts, wheat, soy, shellfish, and tree nuts. It is the proteins in food that is usually the cause of allergies. These are generally not broken down during cooking, or by digestive enzymes, and as a result, they precipitate allergic reactions in the body. Common symptoms of food allergy include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.

An allergic reaction to medication can also occur. One of the drugs that persons tend to be especially allergic to is penicillin, or antibiotics which are penicillin based. Painkillers such as codeine and morphine are also known to cause allergic reactions. Reactions can range from mild symptoms like rashes, to life threatening symptoms that can affect vital organ systems.

Insect stings can also cause an allergic reaction when the body overreacts to the insect venom. The insects that commonly cause this response are honeybees, ants, and wasps. These all have a venom sac on their tail, which they use to inject the venom into a victim.

In rare cases, a serious allergic reaction known as Anaphylactic shock can occur, this can lead to dizziness, unconsciousness, difficulty breathing and sometimes death, and therefore requires immediate treatment. As we have noted, the causes of allergies are various. However, once identified, every effort should be made to either avoid the allergen, or treat the symptoms of the condition.

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It is estimated that about fifty million Americans are allergic to one or more things. Our body's immune system produces antibodies when it mistakes any harmless substance or allergen as an intruder. These antibodies are produced to defend the body against the substances mistakenly regarded as offenders. The cells around the affected areas also produce histamine and other chemicals. The release of histamine can result to sneezing, hives, itchiness and other known allergic reactions. These allergic reactions usually appear in areas of the body where the allergen comes to.

Among the most common types of allergies are food allergies, allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma and allergic contact dermatitis. Each of these types has its own specific symptoms and probable form of treatment.

It is estimated that about 100 Americans are killed each year due to food allergies. Studies show that only 1 to 2 percent of all adults with allergies are suffering from true food allergies. The most common food allergens are milk, eggs, fish, peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, almonds and cashew. It is estimated that about 3 million Americans are allergic to peanuts and tree nuts - the number one causes of food allergy deaths. People suffering from food allergies may experience swelling and tingling of the lips. There may be itchiness, hives or rashes occurring in any part of the body. Additionally, those suffering from food allergies may also feel bloating, abdominal cramps, gas, diarrhea and vomiting.

In severe cases, food allergies can be life threatening. Fortunately, this is rarely the case. If you have known food allergies, the best treatment is to avoid the offending food sources. Otherwise, antihistamines may be administered for mild reactions. Corticosteroid creams may be used to treat skin rashes. For life-threatening reactions, an injectable epinephrine such as EpiPen may save your life. Allergy shots can also be administered especially if drugs don't work, or if you are unable to avoid the allergens.

Allergic rhinitis is a form of allergy which affects one in seven Americans. This form of allergy may occur during a specific season as in hay fever. This can also be perennial, meaning it can be a whole year round condition. Both types however, exhibit similar symptoms. Hay fever is commonly caused by pollen from trees (usually during the spring season), grasses and ragweed. On the other hand, perennial allergies are triggered by indoor allergens like dust mites, feathers, mold spores and pet dander. The most common symptoms of allergic rhinitis are itchiness, watery eyes, sneezing, sore throat and stuffy nose. Allergic rhinitis is commonly treated with antihistamines, decongestants and inflammatory sprays.

Allergic asthma is perceived to be a potentially hazardous disease. Once a person with allergic asthma is exposed to offending allergens, breathing difficulty may commence. This is often elicited by allergens such as pollen, spores, mold, feathers, pet dander and cockroach droppings. Allergic asthma is characterized by coughing, wheezing, tightness of the chest and shortness of breath. Bronchodilators are the treatment of choice during allergic asthma attacks. These function to widen the patient's airways and cease sudden attacks.

Skin contact with allergens like poison ivy, skin care products, jewelries and a person's saliva can trigger allergic contact dermatitis. Common symptoms are itchy, dry, red skin patches with blisters. Corticosteriod creams are used to treat the mild forms of contact dermatitis. Oral corticosteroids may be administered for severe cases.

Finally, allergies affect both children and adults. It is observed that adults hardly ever outgrow their allergies completely. However, the symptoms may become lesser and less severe with time. Others also develop allergies as they grow older. The best defense against allergies is through avoidance of the known allergens.

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Most people don't bother to go to their doctor about IBS, as their symptoms are so mild that they can go about their days without being overly aware of them. But IBS varies greatly from person to person, and sometime the symptoms can be a lot more severe, and begin to become troublesome to the sufferer. Abdominal cramps, diarrhoea and bloating can be especially bad. One symptom will usually make more of itself in an IBS sufferer, causing them to experience either pain, constipation or chronic diarrhoea more prominently.

The most common IBS symptom is abdominal pain - this is often described as being colicky or achy. The pain can be a mild one causing prolonged discomfort, or a severe one that is difficult to ignore. Pain can be relieved by opening the bowels, eating or passing wind, but it can also be made worse by these. It will sometimes occur at a particular time of day, often the evening, and women tend to find the pain ties in with their menstrual cycle (which can bring its own abdominal discomfort). Women are also more likely to suffer from constipation than diarrhoea - also, women are more likely in general to suffer from IBS in the first instance.

IBS sufferers often feel they need to urgently move their bowels, especially when they've just had breakfast. Stools often vary in consistency from hard and pellet-like to loose and watery, and sometimes only consists of small amounts of mucus. Subsequently there can be the frustrating feeling of the bowels being incompletely emptied, although a sufferer cannot do anything about this.

Other symptoms may be a bloated abdomen, nausea, excess wind, indigestion and even vomiting, although this is much less common in IBS sufferers. A sense of over-fullness is sometimes experienced. If diarrhoea is the main symptom, food is passed through the digestive system faster than is normal and healthy. IBS can be accompanied by other problems, including back pain or groin pain, depression, lethargy and tiredness, disturbed sleep patterns, headaches and an urge to urinate more often. This last can be extremely urgent and cause pain - again, this symptom is more commonly found in women, who can also experience painful periods and pain during intercourse. Some IBS patients also report experiencing sexual dysfunction. Such symptoms may be due to an overlap with another condition such as chronic fatigue syndrome or interstitial cystitis.

Attacks of symptoms may occur at any time, sometimes even waking sufferers from sleep. If the symptoms only occur briefly they may just be the kind of occasional bowel disturbance from which everyone suffers; if however the symptoms occur continuously then it is more likely to be IBS. Symptoms can sometimes be made worse by diet, hormones or stress. Whatever the combination and severity of the symptoms, IBS can compromise quality of life by upsetting emotional equilibrium and disrupting activities.

Copyright 2006 David McEvoy

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There are two categories for headaches: primary and secondary. Primary refers to tension, migraine, and cluster headaches whereas the secondary type refers to those caused by infections or diseases.

Here, I will be focusing on the symptoms for Primary headaches only.

Tension Headache Symptoms:

-The pain begins at the back of the head and the upper neck and feels like a tight band around your head. The pain is most intense over the eyebrows.

-They are seldom associated with nausea and vomiting or sensitivity to light and sound.

-They usually occur infrequently with no fixed pattern. Although in some cases they can be frequent, even daily.

-Despite the pain, they do not stop you from getting on with you daily routine.

Migraine Headache Symptoms:

-40% - 60% of attacks are preceded by premonitory warning symptoms that can last hours or days. These symptoms may include: sleepiness, irritability, fatigue, depression or euphoria, yawning, and cravings for sweet or salty foods.

-Aura is usually associated with migraines in 20% of cases and comes before or in sync with the pain. The most common Aura symptoms are: a blind spot, flashing, brightly colored lights in a zigzag pattern that usually start in the middle of the visual field and progress outward. Less common is a pins-and-needles sensation on the same side of the body in the hand, mouth, arm and nose.

-Throbbing/pounding pain usually in one temple (although in some cases it can be located in the back of the head, the forehead or around the eye)

-Usually aggravated by light, sound and daily activities like walking up stairs and sudden movements.

-Usually accompanied by cold feet and hands, pale face, Nausea, Vomiting, and Diarrhea.

-Typical attacks can last anywhere from 4 to 72 hours.

-The pain is usually only on one side, although in about 1/3 of the cases it can be bilateral. Unilateral headaches usually change sides from one attack to another.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If unilateral attacks are always on the same side, this could be caused by a tumor. See your physician at once to rule out this possibility!

Cluster Headache Symptoms:

-More common in males

-The person is usually restless (pacing, and being driven to desperate measures due to the pain) as opposed to a migraine sufferer.

-excruciating pain around or behind one eye making it become red, inflamed and watery accompanied by a congested runny nose on the same side.

-These headaches come in groups and can be weeks or months long with pain once or twice a day, or more, and then may cease for months or even years.

-The pain lasts from about 30 minutes to one and a half hours at about the same time every day.

In Conclusion:

Although it is always advisable to see your doctor for a specific diagnosis on your case, you can get an idea of what your dealing with by looking over these symptoms to see if they sound familiar to you.

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What is IBS?

IBS is irritable bowel syndrome. IBS symptoms typically include abdominal pain which is relieved by a bowel movement. There may be excessive gas and bloating. Changes in frequency and appearance of stools are also IBS symptoms. IBS symptoms may include constipation and/or diarrhea.

What is IBS with constipation?

Doctors make this diagnosis when IBS symptoms include constipation or when a person has fewer bowel movements than what they are accustomed to. The stool may be hard or difficult to pass.

What is IBS with diarrhea?

This is when IBS symptoms include loose, watery stools, possible with mucus present and going more often than usual.

What is IBS with constipation treated with?

There are many treatment options for IBS symptoms when constipation is present. An increase in dietary fiber and water are usually the first recommendations. If IBS symptoms are not relieved, doctors may recommend laxatives, but only for short-term use. A botanical supplement containing aloe is often recommended, because it is gentler than stimulant laxatives and is not habit-forming. Diet and lifestyle changes are often recommended, as is stress management, if stress is a problem. Alternative therapies such as hypnosis and chiropractic have been effective for relieving IBS symptoms in some people. Anti-depressants are sometimes prescribed because they block pain and may relax stomach muscles. Zelnorm, a prescription medication for women who have IBS symptoms with constipation, is sometimes prescribed, but it can have serious side-effects.

What is IBS with diarrhea treated with?

Treatment options for IBS symptoms when diarrhea is present are as numerous as those for constipation. Doctors may suggest over the counter anti-diarrhea products like Kaopectate. Medications to reduce muscle spasms may be prescribed. Herbal remedies are available. Hypnosis was shown to be effective in one study. Stress management, anti-depressants, dietary and lifestyle changes may all be effective for relieving IBS symptoms with diarrhea.

What is IBS caused by?

The cause of IBS is not known. It is not believed to lead to more serious conditions, does not appear to increase the risk for colon cancer, but the symptoms are similar to those of inflammatory bowel diseases and should be evaluated by a physician. Stress is not believed to be a cause, but it does tend to worsen IBS symptoms. IBS symptoms are more common in women than men, possibly indicating that monthly hormonal changes are a cause, but this has not been proven. For more information about IBS and other digestive problems, visit www.digestive-disorders-guide.com.

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