With the growing global demand for more natural health products many people are becoming aware of the substantial benefits of a healthy colon cleanse. A concern for some is will they experience diarrhea? With a safe healthy colon cleanse diarrhea should not be a symptom.

Clinical diarrhea is defined as frequent and watery bowel movements, often leaving the sufferer weak, drained and dehydrated and caused by temporary problems including,

- A Virus

- Infection

- Intestinal disease such as IBS, Celiac disease and inflammatory bowel disease

- Lactose intolerance

- Prescription drugs, reactions to medications such as blood pressure regulators and antibiotics

- Parasites

- Bacterial infections from contaminated food or water

If using Osmotic laxatives as a colon cleanse, diarrhea is an expected result. Their purpose is to leech water from the body and into the colon converting compacted waste into diarrhea. Commonly causing other distresses to the body including build up of gas, severe dehydration and electrolyte imbalance as well as the diarrhea.

Many herbal cleanses use ingredients such as Senna and Cascara sagrada. If using this type of colon cleanse, diarrhea can be an unwelcome side effect. Other herbal cleanses can have the opposite effect, causing hard to pass dry and bulky stool and in severe cases can actually cause total obstruction due to the bulking effect of the fibre trying to pass through an already restricted colon.

With a preferred oxygen based natural healthy colon cleanse, diarrhea is not a symptom. An oxygen based colon cleanse works by sustained time released oxygen (over 18 hours in proven effective oxygen cleansers). Providing a complete cleaning of the whole digestive tract as well as providing oxygen therapy to the blood, liver, kidneys and other organs as it is transported in safe ozonated magnesium oxide. Providing the added benefit of assisting in the elimination of a large number of parasites and anaerobic bacteria that cannot survive in an oxygenated environment.

The purpose of an oxygen colon cleanser is to oxidise compacted stuck stool. In other words it turns solids into a liquid or gas. it is highly recommended to start with small doses (which is usually enough for most people) and slowly build up until 3-5 bowel movements are achieved in a day, that way excessive, disruptive or extremely urgent bathroom visits are avoided, unlike a case of diarrhea.

Not all Oxygen based colon cleansers are the same however, some are not effective due to the use of improper and inferior ingredients. As a result of using these products for a colon cleanse, diarrhea, dehydration and other symptoms are possible.


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