Cholera is a water borne infection/disease that involves the lower intestines [small bowel] which causes severe diarrhea and vomiting, this leads to dehydration and if left untreated has a very high mortality rate. The actual germ that causes this illness is called Vibrio Cholerae, which releases a powerful poison/endotoxin when active and can be spread via contaminated water, cross contamination of infected people and/or flies.

Early symptoms are mild diarrhea - stools are loose and watery, and as the infection worsens there will be violent purging, vomiting, nausea, stomach cramps, restlessness, thirst and the patients temperature will skyrocket. The color of the stool will be a brown-grey and as the stages progress the patient will have a cold clammy feel to their skin [even with the high temperature] and their pulse will weaken, this is followed by the body getting colder, the skin having a dry feel and becoming wrinkled with a purplish tinge, the voice will be husky and weak with urine being scant and very dark. The blood pressure will drop, the cramps will become more painful and imminent signs of total collapse start rearing their ugly heads.

As you can see this disease can have a rapid onset and gets pretty severe very quickly, immediate attention needs to be given to this patient, home remedies will not work in the healing/curing of this disease, they will only be useful in the recuperation of the patient [once the medical team has ensured that the patient is on the road to a full recovery].

So please if you suspect that the patient has come into contact [or had contaminated water] with cholera get medical attention as fast as is humanly possible. Also be careful of cross contamination by ensuring the good personal hygiene of the patient [washing of hands etc] and maintaining your own personal hygiene to the best of both yours and the patients ability.


Using lemon juice externally [washing of hands etc] and internally can assist in preventing cross contamination as this juice can kill the cholera germ in a short time. In times of a epidemic this fruits juice can assist in the prevention of the healthy getting ill, they need to drink at least one glass of pure lemon juice daily as well as using it as a cleansing tool by rinsing their hands [after a thorough washing] in the pure juice.

Natural treatments - if unable to get medical attention immediately

onions - thirty grams of this vegetable pounded with several pepper kernels down to a fine paste, this needs to be given to the patient in 3 doses over the course of the day. This helps reduce thirst and restlessness which in turn helps the patient rest.

Guava - the root bark of this plant is rich in tannins which helps in the reduction of vomiting and diarrhea, take 30 grams and 1/2 liter of water, boil together till the amount has been reduced down to 2 thirds. Give this liquid to the patient twice a day.

Cucumber - the juice of this plant mixed with equal quantities of coconut water will assist in alleviating the patients thirst as well as restoring the electrolyte balance in the case of dehydration [give the patient doses of 60 ml about 3x a day]

Nutmeg - assist with relieving dehydration, soak 1/2 a nutmeg in 1/2 a liter of boiled water [or mix 1 teaspoon of the powder into uncontaminated cool water] till cool, add 1/2 liter coconut water and give to the patient in 15 ml doses every hour or so.

Cloves - boil 4 grams of this spice in 3 liters of water until reduced by half, give a glass of this to the patient to drink at least three times a day [cooled]

Other treatments include bitter gourd, Achyranthes aspera and drumstick leaves but these are not found in our pantries as easily as the home remedy ingredients mentioned above.


Avoid until fully recovered - uncooked vegetables and solid food

Eat bland foods [liquidized where possible]
and increase the consumption of - lemon juice, mint, onions and vinegar

Remember [if there is a epidemic] to stick to the following strict rules:

Purify all water - boil all water that is used in the preparation of food and drink before use [even though you are going to boil it when cooking rather start off with uncontaminated water]
Wash all fruit and vegetables thoroughly before using to cook or eat [a solution of potassium permanganate is the best]
Ensure all food is covered or in tight containers to avoid contamination by flies
Personal hygiene at this time is paramount.

As I have already mentioned - go to a doctor as soon as possible if you suspect that you have been in contact with a infected person and are starting to show the symptoms mentioned above.


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