Both cloth and disposable diapers have their advantages and disadvantages. Whatever is right for your family is OK. You shouldn't feel like you're an awful person for choosing one over the other, and you shouldn't worry about other people's opinions. Let's face it. You're probably the main one that is going to be cleaning up pee and poop. So you might as well be happy with what's catching all that waste.

Disposable diapers are readily found at just about every grocery store you can think of. You can buy different shapes, sizes and gender specific types. On the other hand, cloth diapers aren't as easily found. They are at some grocery stores, but you can have your pick of the litter if you're shopping online.

Let's examine the good points found in each.

Disposable pros:

  • They are disposable. You throw one away and never think about it again.

  • Travel poses no problems.

  • They won't leak if your kid has a case of diarrhea.

Cloth pros:

  • They are natural and better for the environment.

  • They have Velcro straps for easy access.

  • A diaper service can pick up soiled diapers, wash them and return cleaned diapers to your house.

  • Cloth diapers are less expensive in the long run than disposables.

  • They can double as burp cloths and later be used as dusting rags.

That all sounds well and good. But both choices have some major minuses to consider.

Disposable cons:

  • They are horrible for the environment; they continue to fill landfills.

  • They can cost a pretty penny. I noticed that as a baby increases in age, you get less diapers for a higher price tag in a package.

  • Disposables may delay the potty training process because a child will feel dry with one on.

Cloth cons:

  • They use electricity and water.

  • They must be rinsed in a toilet, and you have a huge mess and terrible smell to contend with.

  • Even with plastic pants, cloth diapers leak more disposables.

  • You have to carry used diapers with you during travel.

So after reviewing this information, maybe you have a solid answer for which variety of diaper is right for you. If not, give both a try. If you like using a combination, I'd say you have the best of both worlds.


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