If you're a soon to be Mom weighing your options between breastfeeding and formula feeding, let me give you a list of breastfeeding benefits that are sure to help you make up your mind.

Breastfeeding is nature's way of helping Mom's give their babies what they need most, the best possible nutrition, and protection against diseases such as Asthma, Type 2 Diabetes, and Obesity. It's God's gift, intended to nurture and protect, and build a long lasting bond between mother and child. There are so many breastfeeding benefits for both you and your baby that I decided to only focus on some of the most important.

Best Possible Nutrition for Baby

First of all, the number one breastfeeding benefit is that your baby will receive the best possible nutrition, designed to promote healthy growth, and easy digestion. Breast milk was designed by nature, obviously, and in the first few days after birth your baby will receive colostrum, also known as "liquid gold". This is a thick, yellow milk that can be present during the pregnancy as well as after. This "liquid gold" milk offers rich nutrients and antibodies that will protect Baby from all types of germs as well as to provide enough sustenance to fill your little ones tiny tummy. After about 5 days or so, your milk will change into something called, mature milk. Mature milk is not as thick as the colostrum, but it still provides all the nutrients and antibodies, as well as just the right mix of sugar, protein, fat, and water that will help your little one grow. One of the best breastfeeding benefits is that you never need to worry about mixing it right, because it's already perfect, and as your baby grows, and the need to feed grows, your supply will too.

Protects Against Disease's

Protection against disease's is another huge breastfeeding benefit. Breast milk contains antibodies, as well as different hormones and cells that offer the best protection against illness. In fact, several studies have been done to compare breast-fed babies with formula-fed babies, and the findings are clear, breast-fed babies have a lower risk of being infected with diseases such as, lower respiratory infections, asthma, obesity, type 2 diabetes, ear infections, gastrointestinal tract infections, and diarrhea. In some research, breastfeeding has even been shown to minimize the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). And the list goes on and on.

Inexpensive and Easier To Digest

Perhaps one of the best breastfeeding benefits is that it's extremely affordable. If you compare the cost of formula to the cost of breast milk, well, you'd come out a little one-sided. Formula is expensive, especially if your little one has a sensitive digestive system. Formula offers proteins that come from cow's milk which are harder for babies' to digest and take some adjusting to, whereas human breast milk is designed specifically for babies' bodies, and therefore is easier to digest.

In the end, breastfeeding is healthier, provides more protection, and costs less. Those are three breastfeeding benefits that are hard to ignore.


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