Inflammation of the colon is referred to as colitis. This condition results from prolonged inflammation and irritation of the membrane lining of the inner walls of the colon. When the condition is in a severe state, prolonged inflammation of the large bowel or the colon occurs and is known as ulcerative colitis with ulcers forming on the walls of the colon. Finding a colitis cure can offer freedom from these painful symptoms. Ulcerative colitis or UC is diagnosed in people from the ages of 16 to 50 but can affect people of all ages and it appears to be hereditary.

Some think it is cause by the immune system reacting abnormally to the bacteria in the digestive tract. It is a result of food that is not properly digested and forms hard fecal matter that never properly leaves the colon causing irritation. Chronic constipation results and people will take purgatives that only increase the irritation.

People will feel a sense of bloating, have alternating diarrhea and constipation with pain radiating from their lower bowel up. They can experience cramping and have bloody stools. The rectum gets strained and the bowel movements become more frequent and watery. Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, weakness and fever accompany the symptoms. Patients can be malnourished and underweight and have insomnia and a feeling of bloating.

A physical examination and blood tests will need to be done to determine the severity of the disease. Inflammation in the body will be seen through a high white blood cell count. Stool samples can reveal ulcerative colitis or inflammatory disease. Parasite, virus and bacteria could also cause the symptoms.

A sigmoidoscopy or a colonoscopy are the most accurate ways to diagnose the disease and rule out other conditions such as Crohn's disease, cancer or diverticular disease. It is advised that for both of these tests endoscopy is employed. X-rays, a CT scan or a barium enema are also used to diagnose the disease.

Conventional treatment methods include drug therapy to put the disease in a remission state. Some of the drugs used to control inflammation are corticosteroids, aminosalicylates and immunomodulators which are processed through the immune system. Other drugs are used as well to eliminate infection, diarrhea and relieve pain. Periods of remission can last from months to years but many patients report their symptoms returning.

In severe cases hospitalization may be required to stabilize the patient if they have diarrhea and are dehydrated or have a large loss of blood and fluids. A special diet may be administered intravenously along with medicines. Surgery is done in 25 to 40 percent of patients. Colons that rupture, have massive bleeding or patients at a risk of cancer will have their colons and rectum removed with a proctocolectomy procedure. An Ileostomy will be performed to collect waste externally in a pouch and will require emptying by the patient. An Ileoanal anastomosis procedure allows the patient normal bowel movements.

Taking a natural approach offers quick relief and corrects the associated immunological and pathological factors. Homeopathic, Ayurvedic herbals, nutraceutical remedies and modern biotechnology provide the body with a natural and safe way for lasting colitis relief. Colitis treatment will also require diet modification by eating small meals of soft cooked food eaten slowly and chewed well.

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