Every parent should be well aware of proper infant nutrition. This means that their job is to ensure that their baby is getting the essential nutrients needed by infants during the first 12 months. These nutrients include protein fat, calories, vitamins and minerals. Every baby is different and their caloric needs depend on their size, rate of growth and metabolic activity. It is wise to consult with your pediatrician about infant nutrition to make sure that your baby is getting the right amount of nutrients for proper growth and development.
Breastfeeding is the recommended method for infant feeding during the first 6 months. It is naturally superior to infant formula and contains the nourishment that infants need to be healthy which include fat, proteins, lactose, vitamins, minerals and water. Benefits of breastfeeding include reduced risk of diseases and a decreased incidence of respiratory and ear infections.
Contrary to popular belief, cow milk and other cow milk-based products should not be fed to infants before they are 12 months old because their kidneys are not designed to handle high protein until that age.
As your baby grows older, his needs for nutrients change. Most parents introduce solid food between 4 and 6 months, although solid foods are not recommended until the 6th month..
Here are some signs that your baby is ready to try solid food:
- Your baby's birth weight has doubled
- Your baby shows signs of being hungry for more than the recommended daily amount of milk
- Your baby shows interest in the food you eat
- Your baby can hold his head and neck up well
Rice infant cereal and pureed fruits like avocados and bananas are the only solid foods approved before 6 months of age. Cereal grains such as oat, wheat and barley can be introduced to infants after the 6th month is reached. As your baby grows accustomed to solid food, you can start introducing varieties to his meal.
Plenty of parents follow the "4 day wait rule" wherein they allow 4 days between introducing new food to their babies. As new food is introduced, be aware of any allergic reactions such as rashes, diarrhea and vomiting. If any of these reactions occur, consult with your pediatrician immediately.
Making sure that your newborn gets the proper amount of nutrients indeed is a lot of work. It involves a lot of worrying and sleepless nights but seeing your baby healthy will be worth all the work