Knowing how to spot dog disease symptoms is a very necessary aspect of pet ownership. While it's true catching an illness early on can save you thousands in vet bills, it most importantly saves your dog from suffering and being subjected to a flood of medications and therapies.

The following are descriptions of dog disease symptoms to watch for:

Loss of appetite- A loss of appetite for days in addition to not drinking requires attention. Dogs on commercial diets will also stop eating because they do not like the way the chemicals in the food make them feel.

Weight gain or loss- are two obvious dog disease symptoms. While small fluctuations are standard, excessive swings can indicate diabetes, hypoglycemia or thyroid problems.

Foul smelling feces and urine - usually a diet related problem that can indicate infection in the intestines or kidneys. Dry kibble can be very concentrated and often results in dehydration.

Changes in behavior- are often overlooked as dog disease symptoms. However, the neurological toxins Butylated Hydroxanisole and Butylated Hydroxytoluene found in commercial foods can affect your dog's neurological balances and processes.  

Blood in feces and urine- are very distressing dog disease symptoms. A large amount of blood accompanied by diarrhea signifies a rupture or infection. Chronic dehydration is common as dry foods promote kidney disease and infection.

Frequent vomiting and diarrhea- is how the body quickly rids itself of something dangerous. Left unchecked, this can lead to electrolyte imbalances and further problems. It is usually a rejection of the diseased, dying and disabled animals that make up the bulk of a commercial food diet.

Coat and skin- is a perfect barometer for dog disease symptoms. Healthy dogs have full shiny coats while ailing dogs have sparse, brittle coats with skin eruptions. This often occurs when excess toxins and substances from a commercial diet need to be excreted.

Extreme dry nose- is an indicator of extreme allergic reaction.  With discharge or lethargy, it can be an indicator of a diet related allergy to additives and preservatives.

Ears- are a standard spot for allergies to show up in dogs. Recurring infections can result in hearing loss or surgeries. A raw diet is the number one approach to ending chronic ear infections.

Extreme thirst- is one of the biggest dog disease symptoms that deserve attention as it is a tendency of diabetic dogs. Grain based foods and high sugar levels in commercial dog foods are known to lead to diabetes and kidney problems.

Discharge- can come from the eyes, ears, anus or nose and is a body's attempt rid itself of infection or foreign substances. It is usually a reaction to an overload of chemical additives from a commercial diet.

Coughing- is one of the most well known dog disease symptoms largely because it is associated with kennel cough. Dogs will also cough to relieve an irritated throat or airway when a low quality food source has resulted in an allergic reaction.

Limping- is a serious issue whenever accompanied with whining or it interferes with your dog's daily routines. A commercial diet with chemicals that depletes minerals can lead to arthritis, tendonitis, hip dysplasia or luxating patellas. 

Bad breath- can be an indicator of serious periodontal disease or severe digestive system upset. Canned foods or kibble will often stick to teeth and feed the bacteria in dental plaque causing a rotten smell.

Scratching, licking and chewing- are dog disease symptoms that can lead to even greater problems. When the preservative Ethoxyquin found in commercial pet foods causes an allergic reaction, excessive chewing can break the skin and lead to infections.

Gas and bloating- Chronic flatulence and bloating can be the sign of a digestive problem and possible infection or allergic reaction to the grains in an unsuitable food source.

Scooting- is one of the more common dog disease symptoms that indicates blocked or infected anal glands because of a consistent diet of soft or canned foods. 

Wheezing or gasping- are the dog disease symptoms to pay attention to as it concerns your dog's breathing ability. Respiratory distress is usually a reaction to chemicals and drugs in commercial foods left over from the dead and diseased animals used for making dog food. 

No dog can stay healthy 100% of the time; however there is no need to make them sick on purpose from a vastly inadequate commercial diet of canned and kibble dog food. By contrast, feeding a natural raw diet, health problems will heal within weeks. As the unique synergistic effects start to work their magic at a deep cellular level, the proteins, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other nutrients act as medicine healing, repairing, replacing and returning the body to balance quickly. You will likely see an end to everything listed above and move on to a new found freedom with your companion that you never thought possible.

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