The simplest way to describe chronic acid reflux would be to call it a more severe case of reoccurring heartburns. There is a lot of acid and pepsin in the stomach that is used for the digestion of food. Sometimes there is even bile that moves backwards into the stomach from the duodenum. Acid reflux occurs when the lower esophageal sphincter at the top of the stomach opens and allows these liquids to come back up into the esophagus. This coming back up is what is called the reflux. When this happens, the esophageal wall is inflamed and this is where the burning sensation comes from. The recommended treatment of this is therefore Omeprazole but like with every other drug circulating the globe today the Omeprazole side effects are issues that have to be kept in mind at all times.

Chronic acid reflux hurts so much because first of all, the liquid being regurgitated contains acid. This acid stays in the esophagus longer than any of the other components in the liquid just eating away at the esophageal lining. The end result is esophagitis. The body's natural way to prevent things from getting to this ugly stage is to find a way to neutralize the acid and this is through the bicarbonate in the organism's saliva. Omeprazole is therefore made from sodium bicarbonate which works to neutralize the acid. The Omeprazole side effects that almost every person with chronic acid reflux should expect to get are diarrhea and vomiting on varied scales.

The problem with chronic acid reflux however is, not that it is impossible to treat; it is that you can hardly permanently treat it. It keeps reoccurring after a couple of months. Since it keeps reoccurring then one is more prone to Omeprazole side effects as a result. Omeprazole side effects have been seen to occur more often when the patient has to be on the drug for a prolonged amount of time. For instance if the patient was to use the drug for curing chronic acid reflux which will need about 40mg of Omeprazole for more than two months he is more likely to have the Omeprazole effects than a person treating stomach inflammation for two weeks.

The Omeprazole side effects that one will encounter depend on a large number of variables because not all our organisms work in the same way. A pregnant mother who has her hormones elevated will be more prone to Omeprazole side effects than a middle aged man who has been living healthy. The numbers of variable factors are a myriad. The effects of Omeprazole that come from prolonged usage of the drug attack different systems of the body because of all these different variables. As a result, each individual can have a unique set of Omeprazole side effects.

On the body's metabolic system, a couple of Omeprazole effects can happen. The first and most common would be hypoglycemia and elevated uric levels. Weight gain is also one of the very common Omeprazole side effects to the metabolic system. The rarest side effect on the metabolic system would be a gout attack but this is not seen in many cases.

Omeprazole side effects on the gastrointestinal system are the most widespread because of the way the drug works. The drug works increasing the pH of the gastric juice. The gastrointestinal Omeprazole side effects would be from the common diarrhea and vomiting to constipation and flatulence.

No matter what Omeprazole side effects one will be faced with, the key importance is to make sure that if they persist, you seek professional help as soon as possible.

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