Valtrex is a successful and often prescribed antiviral prescription drug that is used to control genital herpes Although Valtrex cannot cure herpes it will help with reducing the symptoms.

The anitivral drug works cuts down on the growth of the virus which drastically minimizes the spread of the virus in your body. It's important to know that it will not prevent it from being spread to someone else so precautions are necessary. It can be a trial to live with genital herpes.

Expect to have to deal with many problems, both physical and emotional. When you first contract the disease it will seem as if it is taking over your whole existence. Remember that there are presciption medications for herpes such as Valtex that will make life easier for you.

It should be taken immediately when the first burning and tingling appears. Don't wait for the blisters to show up.

One of the problems associated with Valtrex are the side effects.

The side effects can be:

o Fever

o Red spots on skin

o Bleeding

o Bruising easily

o Vomiting

o Yellowed or pale skin

o Fainting

o Bloody diarrhea


If you experience any of these symptoms you should contact your doctor right away. Those people that are allergic to acyclovir or valacyclovir must not take Valtrex.

People who have a disease such as HIV or Aids or any condition that may weaken the immune system should definitely consult their doctor before taking Valtrex.

Generic Valtrex - Valacyclovir

o Generic Valtrex (Valcyclovir) will do the same job as Valtrex and will most certainly help to make living with herpes that little bit more comfortable, and do it at a substantially cost.

Reducing the outbreaks and lowering the symptoms of the herpes virus will enable you to carry on living a normal life again.

Simply by taking common sense precautions you will be able to help fight the spread of the virus and have a normal and active sex life.

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