Many of the foods and beverages we consume, such as chocolate, coffee, grapes and more, are physically harmful to cats. The impact of these types of foods can range from mild symptoms like indigestion or more severe outcomes such as coma or even death. It is vital that you -- as your cat's primary caregiver -- understand exactly which foods can cause health problems.

Below is a short list of foods - including some that are possibly surprising - to avoid giving your cat or kitten.

  • Milk. Most cats are actually lactose-intolerant, meaning milk or other dairy products can cause diarrhea.

  • Tuna. This fish, especially red tuna used in canned cat food, contains methyl mercury. While tuna in moderate amounts is okay, too much can lead to mercury poisoning.

  • Onions. These contain a compound that can destroy red blood cells, leading to anemia

  • Coffee and tea. Both beverages can cause vomiting and diarrhea

  • Grapes, raisins and currants. These can damage a cat's kidneys

  • Rhubarb. These leaves contain oxalates, which affect the digestive, urinary and nervous systems.

  • Persimmons. Their seeds can cause intestinal obstructions

  • Bread dough. Just as dough rises for baking, it can expand in the digestive system, which may lead to intestinal or stomach ruptures.

  • Chocolate. As it is for dogs, chocolate is also toxic for cats due to a chemical called Theobromine, which is a diuretic and cardiac stimulant that can lead to diarrhea, muscle tremors, vomiting, and in some cases, death.

For humans, a healthy diet can lead to a longer, healthier life. The same rule applies for our cats. To learn about additional foods that are harmful to cats, you can visit sites like the Humane Society or Pet Education.

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