Human milk with all of its greatness has always attracted scholars to explore. Exclusive breastfeeding in six months and continued to two years will provide great benefits not only for the child, and also for Mom and Dad. Most recently, a study reported in a medical journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology suggested that if a mother breastfeeds her baby until the age of 1 year; there will be a great added value for her health and her child's. The research found that the extension of the duration of breast-feeding can reduce the risk of mother to experience high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and cardiovascular disease after menopause. Isn't it a miracle?

Here are some great benefits you will get from breastfeeding:

Great Children

What do I mean by the word great children? Children who were breastfed will be healthy, intelligent and have stable emotion. Immune substance in breast milk is the best; it helps our kids to conquer germs that infect their bodies. Breast milk also provides the best DHA (Decosahexanoic Acid), an important constituent of human brain and nerve.

Breast milk is healthy because:

1. It is very rich in antibodies (immune substances) that functions to fight against disease and infection. Immunoglobulin A (Ig.A) in the colostrums of breast milk are quite high. It is not absorbed but can cripple a bacterial pathogen i.e. E. coli and various viruses in the digestive tract.

2. Breast milk is very easily digested by babies.

3. Breastfeeding may reduce the risk of diarrhea, respiratory infections, lower urinary tract infections, and also reduce the risk of sudden infant death.

To find out more about benefits of breastfeeding, please read on this one


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