The first few years of life - a time when most children receive the weight and grow much more rapidly than they will later. Sometimes, however, infants and children do not meet expected standards of growth. Although most of these children should be the pattern of growth, which are variations of normal, while others are believed to have "failure to thrive."

This is a common diagnosis, with many possible causes. Common to all cases, however, failure to get weight as expected, which is often accompanied by poor growth in height. Diagnosing and consideration of the child who is unable to flourish, focusing on how to identify any underlying problem. From there, doctors and the family are cooperating to bring the child into a healthy pattern of growth.

What is failure to thrive?

Although it is recognized more than a century, failure to thrive lacks a precise definition, partly because it describes a condition rather than a specific disease. Children who are unable to thrive do not receive or are unable to adopt, maintain, or use the calories, was supposed to gain weight and grow as expected.

Most diagnoses of failure to thrive done in infants and toddlers - for the first few years of life - a crucial period of physical and mental development. After the birth of baby's brain grows well in the first year, as it will grow during the rest of the child's life. Poor diet during this period can have permanent negative effects on the mental development of the child.

Taking into account that the average term baby doubles his or her birth weight by 4 months and triples it in 1 year, children with failure to thrive often do not meet those milestones. Sometimes, a child who is sent to "plump" and who shows signs of growing well, can begin to decrease in weight gain. After some time, linear (height) growth may slow as well.

If the condition progresses, undernourished child may:

* Becomes indifferent to his or her environment

* Avoid eye contact

* Becomes irritable

* Do not reach the milestones associated with the development of a meeting, walking and talking in the usual age

What causes this?

Failure to thrive can result from a wide variety of underlying causes. Some children are unable to thrive because of:

* Social factors. In some cases, doctors may not identify a medical problem, but may find that parents actually cause failure to thrive. For example, some parents inappropriately restrict the amount of calories they give to their babies. They may fear that their child raspolneet or put him or her on a limited diet, similar to one they follow. Or, they may not simply feed the child enough or because of lack of interest or because there are too many distractions in the household, which contributes to neglect of a child. Living in poverty can also lead to the failure to provide the child necessary food requirements.

* Conditions involving the gastrointestinal system like gastroesophageal reflux, chronic diarrhea, cystic fibrosis, chronic liver disease, and celiac disease. With ebb esophagus may become so irritated that the child refuses to eat, because it damages. Constant diarrhea may encounter with the body's ability to hold on to nutrients and calories from food, is eaten.

Cystic fibrosis, chronic liver disease, and celiac disease - conditions that limit the body's ability to absorb nutrients. They are known as the riots - the baby can eat a lot, but his or her body does not absorb and retain enough of the food. Celiac disease should be a sensitivity to dietary protein found in wheat and certain other grains. Invalid immune system's response to this protein brings losses leveling intestine, when confronted with its ability to absorb nutrients.

* Chronic illness or medical disorder. If a child has trouble eating - because of prematurity or a cleft lip or palate, for example - he or she may not take sufficiently many calories to maintain normal growth. Other conditions that can lead to failure to thrive, would include the heart, and respiratory disorders. These disturbances can increase the thermal needs of the child so that it became difficult to keep up with them.

* Milk protein intolerance. This condition can initially lead to difficulty absorbing nutrients until it is not recognized. It can also put the entire class of food out of reach, restricting the diet of the child and sometimes leads to failure to thrive.

* Infections (parasites, urinary tract infections, tuberculosis, etc.), which placed high demands on energy in the body and force it to use nutrients rapidly (and appetite may be weakened as well), sometimes causing a short - or long-term failure to thrive.

* Metabolic disorders, which may also limit the child's ability to maximize the calories consumed. Metabolic disorders can interfere with the body break down, process, or to obtain energy from food, or they can cause a build-up of toxins during an emergency process that can make the child feed poorly or vomit.

In some cases, doctors unable to pinpoint a cause.

Although doctors in the past tended to categorize cases of failure to thrive as any organic (caused by major medical disorder) or inorganic (caused by the actions or their parents), they are less likely to make such sharp distinctions today. Therefore, medical and behavioral causes often appear together.

For example, if the child has severe reflux and refuses to eat, feeding times can be tense for. He or she may be a time and upset, and this may interfere with attempts to feed the child maintain an adequate amount of food.

How is diagnosed?

Many normal babies are brief periods when their weight gain plateaus or they even lose a little weight. However, if the child does not get the weight for 3 consecutive months during the first year of life, doctors usually become concerned.

Doctors diagnose failure to thrive by using standard growth charts to prepare a child's weight, length, and the main circle, which were measured in each well-child exam. Children who fall below a certain range of weight for their age or who are unable to gain weight at an expected rate, will likely further evaluated to determine whether there is a problem.

In addition to obtaining a full medical and feed history and performing a detailed physical examination, the doctor may order a complete blood count, urinalysis, and various chemical and blood tests electrolyte, which may be useful in the search for major medical problems. If the doctor suspects a particular disease or disorder as a possible cause, he or she may perform additional specific tests to identify the condition.

To determine whether your child gets enough food, the doctor of the child (sometimes with the help of a doctor - a dietitian) will account calories after ascertaining the parents that the child eats every day. And speaking parents can help the doctor identify any problems at home, such as neglect, poverty, household stress, or feeding difficulties.

As discussed?

Children with failure to thrive need the help of their parents and doctors. Sometimes, the whole team of doctors affects the case of a child.

In addition to the child's primary doctor team might include a nutritionist to assess the dietary needs of the child and the professional, or speech therapist to help the child and develops a successful nutritional behavior and refers to any absorption or swallowing problems that could have a child. Professional and speech therapists are often helpful because of their expertise in the muscular control, is involved in the food.

Because treatment failure to thrive involves consideration of any disease or disorder that causes the problem, specialists such as a cardiologist, neurologist, or gastroenterologist may also be part of the team care.

Especially in cases of failure to thrive, which is thought to be caused by the actions or the parents, social worker, psychologist or other mental health professional can help address the problems in the home environment of the child, and provide any needed support.

Often, in cases of bad food, processing can be done at home with frequent follow-up visit to the doctor's office or clinic. The doctor recommends that high-calorie foods and place the baby in the high-calorie formula.

More serious cases may call for the pipe, which pipe is inserted, which runs from the nose to the stomach. Liquid food is provided on a sustainable rate through the pipe. Once the pipe is laid in place, the child usually eats at night so as not to face his or her actions or to limit the desire of the child to eat during the day. (Approximately half of the thermal needs of the child can be put through a continuous drop of the night). Once the child more adequately fed, he or she will feel better and probably will have more on his or her own. At that point can be removed pipe.

A child with extreme failure to thrive may need to be hospitalized so that he or she could eat and checked continuously. At this time, any possible underlying causes of conditions can be evaluated and treated accordingly. It also gives the team an opportunity to observe the processing directly feeding technique and the interaction between the child and while in other cases.

So, how long treatment lasts varies greatly from case to case. Weight gain takes time, so several months may pass before the child is returned to the normal range for his or her age. Children who require hospitalization may stay for 10 - 14 days or more to establish satisfactory weight gain, but it may be many months, until signs of severe malnutrition are no longer present. Failure to thrive caused by chronic disease or disorder may have to be periodically checked and treated for even longer, perhaps for a lifetime.

My child has failure to thrive?

If you are worried that your child is not able to thrive, remember that there are many reasons why he or she might be slower to gain weight than failure to thrive. For example, bottle-fed babies and bottle-fed babies are often given weight at different rates in the early newborn period.

Genetics also plays a large role in increasing the weight, so if you and your spouse are thin, your baby may not put on pounds quickly. However, infants should still gain weight steadily, and can be difficult to monitor it from home. Thus, it is important to see the doctor of your child on a regular basis.

As the directive, babies usually eat eight to 12 in 24-hour period (a few ounces [60 milliliters] every few hours) in the first weeks after birth. By that time, when they - 2 - 3 months, number of bedrooms, six - eight, but the amount they eat each time has increased. At 4 months of approximately 30 ounces (890 milliliters) per day provides sufficient food most bottle-fed infants.

The doctor of your child will have many opportunities to identify the problem at regular well-child checks. You can also periodically check the weight of their child at home if you feel that you need a certification.

When should I call the Doctor my child?

If you notice a decrease in weight gain, or your child does not seem to have a normal appetite and do not come into contact with the doctor of your child. Any major change in eating pattern also ensures call to the doctor. Babies and other children may be days and sometimes weeks when they show little interest in food, but this should not happen in babies.

If you have trouble breastfeeding your baby, your child's doctor can offer some advice. For whatever reason, when the child does not readily eat, parents tend to get upset and feel that they do not care about your child well. This may increase the problem and increase the tension and for you and your child. Instead, get help for both of you, in consultation with the doctor of your child.

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