A lot of the health problems or issues that your own Golden Retriever may experience are not serious and as long you have the knowledge and know how on ways to prevent or treat these ailments your dog can be safe. Let us examine the most common health issues and ailments and show you how these ailments can be prevented.
Distemper virus
It is an airborne disease that pose a high risk to your dog. When your puppy is between six to four months old, he must have all three vaccinations and a booster shot which should be administered annually. Doing this can prevent him from getting this virus. The most common symptoms are cough, diarrhea, vomiting and fever. You should take your Golden Retriever to the vet as soon as you see these symptoms.
It is a very common ailment and any dog breed may get them. It can be very fatal in some instances as these can result to an abnormal blood circulation. In some severe cases, heartworms can grow as long as one foot and may reach the heart and lung arteries. Usually when the symptoms start to show, it is already too late to do anything. Therefore, prevention is key and one way to prevent this is administering deworming medications.
During extreme hot days specially in the summer months, your Golden Retriever may get a heatstroke. By administering good amounts of water, you can very well prevent this condition from happening to your dog. Never expose him to direct sunlight. Being out in a very hot day, you should give your dog enough time to rest when he is playing so that he will not overdo it. The most common symptoms are extreme dog drooling or panting, a glazed expression, dark gums, vomiting and rapid pulse. You should take your Golden Retriever to the vet as soon as you see these symptoms.
Rabies is a very serious health issue that your own Golden Retriever can experience and it may lead to unfavorable effects on your own dog's nervous system. He normally can get rabies from bites coming from an animal infected with this kind of disease. Rabies shots help prevent this disease, and you should take your dog to the vet regularly, like once a year. Common symptoms of rabies may include aggression, seizures and even foaming at the mouth. If you think your Golden is showing symptoms of rabies call your vet immediately.
Fleas are the main causes of tapeworms and they affect your own dog's stomach. The common symptoms include diarrhea, loss in weight, and biting of his own rectal area. A rigid and thorough flea control will prevent your own Golden from having tapeworms. Take your Golden Retriever to the vet as soon as you see these symptoms. Oral medicines are effective if the vet is able to catch them early.
Hookworms may result from your own Golden being exposed or in direct contact with infected feces. The worm can also simply enter through exposed skin. Keeping the surroundings clean and keeping your dog skin clean can prevent your dog from getting infected with hookworms. The most common symptoms that usually accompany hookworms include weight loss, weakness, a dry coat and some blood in his stool. You should take your Golden Retriever to the vet as soon as you see these symptoms.
There are other health ailments that your dog can get and we have just talked about a few of them. Set up a visit or an appointment to your vet as soon as your Golden shows any sign of these ailments or any health problem, as without immediate care, these common Golden Retriever diseases may be fatal to your dog.