If your baby is into a distinct level of crying or showing signs of chronic fretfulness, then the baby might probably be suffering from a severe abdominal pain caused by spasm, blockage, or dilatation of any of the hollow viscera such as the intestines, called "colic". With colic, abdominal wind becomes confined in the stomach, causing extreme discomfort to the baby. The intensity can vary from baby to baby.
Severe crying behavior is known as intestinal colic and can occur from when the baby is 6 weeks to 8 weeks of age. Experts say that the amount of the baby's crying can be at varying levels and can be normally diagnosed as colic when a baby but cries extremely and excessively for more than 3 hours a day, more than 3 days a week, or for more than 3 weeks. The infant's disposition, immature nervous system and environment are the general cause of colic according to study. Intestinal colic is widely accepted to be a normal part of the first few months of a baby's life, and not usually associated with more serious health issues.
One of the things that can occur if a baby becomes intolerant to cow's milk protein, fructose, and then requiring some type of medications transferred from the mothers milk. Intestinal colic can be characterized in newborn babies if they show generally irritable attitude or cries for no obvious reason. Another symptom of colic in a baby is gas discomfort or belly bloating, possibly has a hard or swollen tummy, knees which are being pulled to the chest, tightened fists, swinging arms and legs, an arched back, and experiences usual loss of sleep, fussiness and fretfulness. A stomach ache with abdominal wind is a symptom of intestinal colic, but vomiting, diarrhea, fever or a bloody or mucus stool is an indication of something more serious. If you notice these signs, he or she might be enduring from a more serious digestive trouble that needs fast medical assistance.
Intestinal colic is a nasty disease that can cause a vast array of frustrations and negative feelings for your parents, and for you. If your baby experiences intestinal colic and you would want to treat it, there are several options available for you. It is invariably a must to check with your baby's pediatrician before you attempt any curative methods like a medication or supplement. Since this is common among babies, specialists believe that several steps can be taken at the hospital or at home also. Household intestinal colic interventions can comprise of: using a soother, or a light side to side movement of the baby. When intestinal colic periods start, massage the baby's back or tummy while in a quiet and non-stimulating environment. Changing the baby's diet and feeding methods (such as breast feeding) and playing soothing music help the situation better.
If you want to seek medical treatment, make sure that you visit your physician first to get a prescription. Medical interventions may include simethicone drops like Maalox, Gas-X, Mylanta, and Phazyme to relieve wind, attempting alternative to milk-based formulas like whey-based formulas, soy-based formulas, and hypoallergenic formulas.