Have you heard of the saying "Breast feeding is good for babies up to 2 years of age?" This saying is true because it is the best nutrition advice that the doctor could recommend to a mother when feeding her baby. There are doctors who stated that babies who are breast fed for at least 2 years since their birth builds strong bones and increases the immunity system of the baby. There are formulas that don't have some of the nutrients a baby needs which is why mother's milk is better since it has many nutrients. This is because of what the mother eat; the vitamins from the food she eats add up to the nutrients in her mother's milk. That is why breast feeding is good for the baby. Here are some amazing facts about breast milk.

• Breast milk cannot be replaced by any other artificial foods that you can feed to your baby. Breast milk has the nutrients that your baby needs. It tastes much better for a baby.

• The baby that drinks breast milk can become healthier and his or her body builds more defenses against various types of diseases that the baby can encounter in the future. Breast milk doesn't affect the baby's bowel movement and prevents diarrhea.

• Mother's milk is easily digested by the baby so the he or she does not feel any constipation. Breast milk is a vaccine to some infectious diseases.

• If you have prepared breast milk in a bottle, the it doesn't get spoiled if stored at the right temperature. mother's milk does not spoil for a day or two if you store it in the refrigerator.

• Mother's milk creates a strong bond between mother and baby. When the baby drinks mother's milk, he doesn't need anything else except finding his or her mom when he or she is hungry. This creates a strong love between the two.

• You can still feed the baby during the nights that he might get hungry and you can rest while your baby is breast feeding. When the baby is done, you both can sleep soundly.

These are some of the facts about breast feeding and breast milk. The baby doesn't need other food when he or she is at least 3 months old. You can feed him or her other things when he or she is older but there is no better substitute for breast feeding.


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