There are many foods that just may not sit with you well. Overeating or eating a food you may be sensitive to may leave you with a stomach ache for several hours. However, sometimes the ill feeling after eating is actually food poisoning, caused by one of the following bacteria.

Salmonella - This bacteria comes from animal products, especially raw milk. It is often present in foods that have been undercooked, such as red meat and eggs. Improper storage temperatures of these same foods can heighten the risk of salmonella poisoning. Symptoms of salmonella poisoning include diarrhea and irregular bowel movements, sometimes lasting for months.

Shigella - This toxin is associated with the failure of food preparation staff to wash hands sufficiently. It comes from fecal matter residue. Symptoms include the presence of blood in bowel movements and painful stomach cramping. If the body is unable to fight shigella, antibiotics may be prescribed.

Campylobacter - This is most often found in poultry. Poultry can cause major illnesses if it is not stored at an appropriate temperature or cooked thoroughly.

E. Coli - This bacteria is the leading cause of food poisoning. It is often present in undercooked meat. E. Coli can cause bloody diarrhea and, if it goes untreated, cause kidney failure.

It can be easy to prevent these harmful substances from getting into our food at home, but eating out is another matter. Improper storage or cooking of food is not always obvious when the dish is served. An irresponsible staff that fails to wash their hands or clean their preparation space can lead to the presence of these harmful bacteria, putting customers at serious risk of illness.


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