Herbal laxative tea is very well known for a detoxification process or colon cleanse. It is different than other teas because this one is made from herbs not tea leaves. One of the herbs used here is Senna, it is also used in the well known Ballerina tea which is used as a weight loss tea.

The herb senna is actually a stimulant laxative used in many products. It causes you to have quick bowel movements or diarrhea. Herbal laxative tea adds anise, fennel, ginger and licorice root for assisting the senna in working better.

Each additive has a value to it. Ginger can help lessen cramps that may happen if you drink too much tea, fennel and anise help balance the action of the stomach and ease the cramps and licorice root reinforces a healthy liver.

Present day people seem to be turning to alternative cures for problems they may be having with their health. In China people have been using herbal laxative tea for regularity and complete balance for the body.

As a weight loss product herbal laxative tea has become quite popular. It is best if used as a colon cleanse though. When used for shedding weight many people use way too much or make a very strong tea. This can have a serious effect on your health. Your body will not have a chance to absorb any vitamins that you eat because everything will come right back out in the bathroom. Also the cramps and diarrhea can become severe which will not help in losing weight, it will just make you feel sick.

Drinking herbal laxative tea the right way can help you lose weight. It will keep your stomach regular and you can lose weight the natural way. If you consume too much and you are not detoxing your bodily functions can stop working. If this happens too often the regular functions of your body will not return.

If you use herbal laxative tea as it was intended to be used it can have tremendous health benefits. You will be able to keep your blood sugar levels low, get your bad cholesterol down to an acceptable level and keep your liver functioning properly. But if not used as intended for weight loss only drinking too much can hurt your body.

Herbal laxative tea is definitely a great tea when used for the occasional colon cleanse but other herbal teas are better for weight loss.


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