The information featured in this report is provided to help you understand more about your guinea pig's health. When finding your guinea pig sick or injured, please seek the help of a trained Veterinarian. The facts, opinions and suggestions written here should not replace the recommendations made by your Vet. With proper care and attention guinea pigs can live a long healthy life (some up to 10 years). Prevention is far superior than medicine. Keep your pet on a proper diet, exercise them regularly and maintain a clean and tidy cage.

Groom them frequently and keep their cages clean and sanitary. Guinea Pigs (or Cavys as they are called) try to avoid getting wet (just like their feline friends cats) so unless your guinea pig has gotten involved in a dirty smelly mess, it's better not to strain them with dipping them in water. Keeping the living space clean and free of urine, waste, and uneaten food will prolong the life of your little fur ball and keep him/her Strong and vibrant!

Cavy's (another name for Guinea Pigs) are much more likely to contract disease and illness when compared to other common household pets. Some believe the size of the cage is responsible for this. If we envision the living space Rex and Fluffy are entitled to, and then look at where the little fur ball sleeps, it begins to make sense. Guinea pigs spend their lives in a much smaller space.

Sneezing and running nose. Allergies with the bedding material occasionally come about. Also Lengthy exposure to a new setting or contact with foreign objects or plants can generate allergies. Try Swapping the bedding material and stop from taking him to places you think may cause these symptoms. Constant discharge or chafing of the nose should be a sign to call the Vet.

Coughing This can be life-threatening. Any type of Heavy Respiration, wheezing or panting sounds could be a signal of a repertory disease. Call your vet ASAP. Delaying this engagement can be grave for your guinea pigs health.

Watery eyes. Bothersome particles like dust, dirt, pollen, and powder can occasionally induce this. Visit your Vet and ask for directions on how to safely flush the eyes of your pet. Agonizing sores from cysts can arise on pet's eyes and should be removed by a qualified Vet.

Hair loss. When a Cavy is cut or bitten the fur near the injury will fall out. This is entirely natural.Extreme hair loss is much more severe. Parasites such as mites, ringworm and fleas may be to blame and should be treated by your vet right away.

Diarrhea. Upon discovery of this problem, immediate action is required on your part. This can be fatal if not quickly treated. Diarrhea's main cause is an over abundance of fruits or vegetables(wet foods), and possibly the ingestion of something foreign or rotten to the regular diet. Add more dried foods and hay to the diet. Along with boosting the vitamin C in his pellets, an introduction of lactobacillus acidophiles for guinea pigs in capsule form should be administered.

Pink or red urine. Blood in the urinary tract is grave. Get him/her to the Vet immediately.

Skin irritations. Itching and scratching caused by parasites and fungal infections can lead to more serious conditions and should be dealt with quickly. Consult your Vet or pet store and get a medicated shampoo designed to kill and prevent further infestations. Many products exist to deal directly with specific vermin that attack your pet's coat.

Seizures. When your Guinea Pig frequently tilts or shakes his head this may be the result of an ear infection. Infections caused by repeated bites from parasites can cause damage to a Cavys nervous system and have severe consequences to your Guinea Pig's health. Body shaking, curling up, stiffness and erratic behavior are dangerous conditions that require immediate attention by a trained Veterinarian.

In Conclusion. The most significant aspect of bringing up a healthy Guinea Pig and the key to sustaining the life of your little fur ball is by keeping his/her cage clean. Change the litter material regularly and sanitize the cage frequently. Doing this will prevent some of the unfortunate symptoms discussed in this report and ensure good guinea pig health! 


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