Milk allergy is the primary indication of giving babies hypoallergenic baby formula instead of the regular formula milk. The usual signs and symptoms that a baby might manifest when suffering from milk allergies are diarrhea, difficulty or pain upon defecation, bloody stool, persistent crying during feeding and other feeding difficulties. These symptoms can also be observed with those babies who are intolerant to breast milk and may even be experienced by babies with family history of allergic conditions such as asthma, eczema, food allergies, etc.

Hypoallergenic formula milk is more tolerated by babies with a digestive disorder compared to the regular baby formula because its protein constituent is in its most simple form and therefore it is more easily digested. In fact, hypoallergenic formulas are classified into three according to their protein structures: partially hydrolyzed, extensively hydrolyzed and amino acid-based baby formulas. These three types of hypoallergenic formulas are all derived from cow's milk but vary in the forms of their protein constituents. The partially hydrolyzed formula has more complex protein structure compared to the other two formulas. However, among the three types, the amino acid-based milk contains the simplest form of protein that makes it more easily digestible than the hydrolyzed types.

Several brands of hypoallergenic formula are available in the market. Popular brands for hydrolyzed milk are Nutramigen, Alimentum and Pregestimil. While, Elecare, Nutramigen AA and Neocate are some of the most popular amino acid formula milks. One brand may be the best choice for all babies. Therefore, be patient in trying different brands until one has satisfied your baby's palate and stomach. This search for the suitable milk formula might be costly but worth the price as long as it meets your baby's needs. For more guidance, visit your pediatrician as soon as milk allergic symptoms are noticed in your baby.

Parents should be mindful also that the signs and symptoms mentioned earlier are common manifestations of other gastrointestinal medical conditions. Hence, proper assessment by the pediatrician and diagnosis is required before deciding to switch regular formula into hypoallergenic milk. The pediatrician may also suggest brands that are quality and time-tested to ensure your baby's health and nutrition. Typically, hydrolyzed formulas are the first options of pediatricians for babies with milk allergies and the amino acid type serves as the last resort considering their price differences.

Indeed, milk allergy is an expensive illness for babies. As much as possible, health experts encourage parents to continue breastfeeding. However, the baby's condition must also be considered because milk consumption is the primary source of nutrition for infants. Inappropriate feeding may result in malnutrition and even death in the long run. Hypoallergenic baby formula is specially made for babies with specific conditions like milk allergies and this is reflected in the high price.


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