Acute pancreatitis is a serious disease that requires treatment in the hospital due to severe abdominal pain, vomiting, elevated temperature, infection, and other possible dangerous complications. Unfortunately, death in patients with acute pancreatitis occurs 10-15% of the time.

As with many chronic diseases, pancreatitis can develop either gradually or after an initial acute attack. Symptoms can be vague, but generally an acute event will bring the patient to the ER. In actuality, a good number of the mild acute pancreatitis attacks occur after the consumption of heavy meals and alcohol and are thought to be "stomach flu", "gastritis" or "food poisoning".

After saving the life of a patient with acute pancreatitis doctors then discharge the patient from the hospital with typical advice: "do not drink, do not smoke, and do not eat fatty and spicy foods."

After the initial attack, the process of deterioration of the pancreas begins. There is no other organ in the body that has the ability to damage itself quite like the pancreas. This occurs when inactive digestive enzymes are activated inside the pancreas. This situation brings to mind the meltdown of an atomic reactor. If some parts of the reactor go out of control, it triggers a complete atomic reaction that leads to universal break-down and self-destruction. Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear reactor disasters are clear examples of this.

It is the goal of a healthy pancreas to produce digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes are special proteins, which aid in digesting the food that we eat. Pancreatic digestive enzymes split fats, proteins, and carbohydrates into small thin particles, which can then move throughout intestinal walls into the bloodstream so they can be utilized for cellular energy and for building new cells. The pancreas is a very complicated structure of cells and ducts that produce, and then carry, digestive enzymes to the small intestine where the digestive process occurs.

As noted above, symptoms of chronic pancreatitis such as chronic pain, nausea, gas, bloating, and indigestion are frequently aggravated and/or produced after consuming negative combinations of protein, fat, starch, sugar, acidic foods and alcohol. Consumption of these foods can create a total body acidity that changes the biochemistry of the pancreatic juices and promotes premature activation of the pancreatic digestive enzymes inside the pancreas.

Activated pancreatic digestive enzymes are very powerful corrosive substances that damage the pancreas by causing inflammation and congestion that ruin pancreatic tissue and diminish pancreatic function.

In the beginning of the development of chronic pancreatitis, laboratory test results may be within the accepted normal range. So the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis frequently is confirmed when production of the digestive enzymes, especially lipase that digests fat, falls less than 10 %. Symptoms such as chronic diarrhea with bulky, greasy, foul-smelling stools with oil droplets, and weight loss occur. Malfunction of the pancreas can cause the deficiency of vital nutrients as well. Repetitive courses of antibiotics often prescribed in these cases kill friendly intestinal microorganisms, which frequently leads to Candida-yeast and small intestine bacterial overgrowth, increasing inner toxicity and weakness of the immune system.

Deterioration of the complete body system occurs in this stage of chronic pancreatitis and treatment options in the last stage of chronic pancreatitis are very limited. These severe symptoms are not developed overnight. Typically, it takes 8-15 years, but drinking alcohol certainly accelerates this process. Clinical evidence has shown that early healing actions can postpone severe complications, improve quality of life, and prolong the life of the person with chronic pancreatitis.

Because pancreatitis is an extremely complicated disease, there is no magic bullet and the outcome depends on the full cooperation of the sick person with the health practitioner or team of specialists. This teamwork can help decrease self-destruction, pain, pancreatic inflammation and the body's acidity, inner toxicity, deficiency of essential nutrients and normalize digestion, balance of friendly intestinal flora, etc.

Drug-free, non-surgical approaches have been widely used for these purposes by medical professionals all over the globe. Healing diets with special foods have a long history in the treatment of digestive disorders both in European and in Asian medicine.

Drinking specialized mineral water is a widely used treatment of pancreatic disorders in Europe and other countries of the world. The most famous is the spring water from Karlovy Vary, a mineral health spa in the Czech Republic. The mineral content of this water is a unique combination of minerals, trace elements and bicarbonates, which are the main constituents of pancreatic juices. This water is a natural alkalizing agent making the body less acidic. In the last 250 years Czech doctors have developed a method of vaporizing the spring water to mineral salt. By dissolving genuine Karlovy Vary spring salt in the water, everyone can use healing mineral water at home. European doctors have proven that Karlovy Vary healing mineral water can benefit those with chronic pancreatitis by improving the quality and the amount of pancreatic enzymes, thus promoting proper digestion and decreasing pain and inflammation.

Acupuncture is broadly used all over the world for the treatment of digestive disorders and also for acute and chronic pancreatitis. Chiropractic adjustments, and massage and medical hypnosis may also improve the well-being of a patient with chronic pancreatitis. Colon hydrotherapy with the restoration of friendly intestinal flora (probiotics) and other cleansing techniques are also practical.

Thousands of published books, articles, and clinical research studies have proven the healing power of vitamins, enzymes, probiotics, minerals, essential trace elements, amino acids, antioxidants, phytonutrients, healing mineral water, etc., in chronic digestive and pancreatic disorders. Some of the alternative treatments mentioned above can help with the cessation of alcohol, smoking, and addiction to painkiller drugs, which are very common in people with chronic pancreatitis.

To summarize:

Any attack of upper abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, gas, belching, diarrhea and constipation, especially after alcohol consumption, may be the first indication of the beginning of pancreatitis.

The pancreas is a vital organ that we cannot live without. A sick pancreas is indicative of a sick body. Medical science has not yet been able to either create an artificial pancreas or perform a pancreatic transplant. Practically, a great number of drug-free, non-surgical alternatives are safe and effective in the early stages of chronic pancreatitis. Even in serious conditions they can be a very good complementary approach which can improve and prolong the quality of life.

In the treatment of chronic pancreatitis positive teamwork between the patient and the medical caregiver is critical for a good outcome. It is crucial to work with a knowledgeable, licensed medical professional.

The information on this article is presented for educational, informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, and advice of a qualified licensed professional.

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