If your dog is having symptoms of diarrhea, it is because he may have ingested one of the thousands of contaminants in Americas drinking water.  Scientists have discovered that there are over 2,100 contaminants in the water supply of various U.S. cities.

One of the symptoms of dogs having diarrhea, is when they excrete more often than usual.  Their feces are watery instead of being solid. There will be mucus in their stools.  This is a clear sign that your dog has a severe problem with their digestive system. 

One of the main causes of these dog symptoms of diarrhea come from the deteriorating condition of Americas water supply.  Carol Browner, chief of the U.S. EPA states, "The way we guarantee safe drinking water is broken and needs to be fixed."  Not only are humans affected by this problem but animals as well.

Other symptoms include vomiting.  Dogs usually do not vomit and when they spit out the food that they have eaten, it is evident that your dog is sick.  These dog symptoms of diarrhea may also show loss of appetite and activity.  Fever may also be present.

 It is vital that you observe what your dog eats so you can avoid stomach related diseases.  Do not forget to feed them clean and safe water since most diarrhea related symptoms are caused by parasites.

If you do not want to bring your dog to the vet, there are home remedies as well.  The first thing that you should do is avoid giving them human food because most of it contains oily substances that are not healthy for dogs.

There are natural treatments for dogs such as probiotics, herbs and glutamine.  Plantains and elms are known to cure diarrhea in dogs.  You should take note that when dog symptoms diarrhea occur, stop giving them the usual diet that they are given.

To help your pet recover fast, start giving them water.  No, not the water from your tap because it contains chlorine and toxins that can worsen your dogs condition. Feed them with safe and clean filtered water and add probiotic powder to their food when their symptoms start to fade.  I do not recommend bottled water since it contains as much toxins as tap water.

In a 1999, the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), conducted a study and found out that, "An estimated 25% or more of bottled water is really just tap water in a bottle, sometimes further treated, sometimes not."  I suggest getting a good brand of water filter which will protect the whole household against harmful contaminants in your water.

Just like humans, fluid intake is crucial to your dogs health.  If they do not have enough fluids while dog symptoms diarrhea are occurring, they will dehydrate.  It is critical that you refresh their water supply every time they drink all of it from their bowl.  Dont forget to clean it everyday.  Throw stale water if they don't touch it for a day. 

After the probiotic solution, observe if the your dog symptoms diarrhea has ceased.  If it recurs, feed them with small amounts of low-fat food three times a day at least for one week.  Foods that are bland are better.  Boiled rice, tofu, boiled burger, cottage cheese and fresh pumpkins are good sources of fiber to aid your dog recuperate fast.

Now that you know what dog symptoms of diarrhea are, what are you going to do about it?  Protect your family and your pets from toxins and parasites that get in your water.  Unless you want to shower with bottled water, I suggest you get a good kind of water filtration system for your home because it costs less gallon for gallon.

Not just any water filter. Choose a filter system that removes all the bad stuff but retains the good minerals that are needed by your body.  There is one I know which does this process.  Find out about it at Johns website below.


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