The debate continues: to bottle feed your baby Enfamil or Similac infant formula? Well, in the hope of making this decision easier, let's take a look at what both products offer.

Mothers about to give birth have a tough decision to make: to breastfeed or bottle feed? Mothers who choose to bottle feed face another difficult decision: what infant formula to use? Enfamil and Similac are both firmly placed as being amongst the best, top-rated brands of infant formula available today. But is one better than the other?

Well, the above question is a little meaningless as both manufacturers make different types of infant formula. Enfamil make Enfamil LIPIL - this contains DRA and AHA; Enfamil LIPIL Gentlease - contains reduced lactose for babies with a lactose intolerance; Nutramigen LIPIL - designed for babies with hypoallergenic formula designed for babies with cow's milk protein allergy symptoms such as colic, rash, and diarrhea; Enfamil ProSobee - a soy-based infant formula; Enfamil Premature LIPIL - designed specifically for feeding rapidly growing premature and low birth weight infants; Enfamil with Iron, the list goes on. Likewise, Similac makes many different types of baby formula; Similac Advance - contains DRA and AHA; Similac Organic - certified USDA Organic and uses cow's milk produced without the use of growth hormones; Similac Isomil Advance - soy based infant formula; Similac Lactose-Free Advance - specially formulated for babies with lactose intolerance; Similac NeoSure Formula - helps meet the nutritional needs of premature and low-birth weight babies; the list goes on.

Therefore one should compare like with like. However, most parents, who bottle feed using Enfamil or Similac, will use Enfamil LIPIL or Similac Advance.

Why Enfamil is better?

Enfamil does contain more levels of DHA and AHA than does Similac; about 17mg compared to around 11mg.
Many parents have noted that Enfamil doesn't pack like Similac, which takes the guesswork out of whether you've sifted the powder correctly before scooping.
Finally, Enfamil is cheaper than Similac.

Why Similac is better?

Enfamil formula is made using palm olein oil; Similac does not. One study suggests that formulas with a fat blend including palm olein oil (e.g., Enfamil, Prosobee) cause less frequent and firmer stools.
Similac claim that their infant formula provides 50% more calcium absorption than Enfamil.
They also claim that their new, improved formula has fewer bubbles and therefore makes babies less gassy.
Finally, Similac claim that switching to Similac Isomil Advance will reduce fussiness, gas and spit-up in most babies in about 3 days.

Many parents complain that the brand of infant formula they're using causes constipation, gassiness, spit-up and colic in their baby. Often times switching brands eases the condition; often times it doesn't. Usually, it is choosing a different type of milk formula which is specifically made for the condition that eases the baby's discomfort. Unfortunately, the debate as to whether Similac or Enfamil causes adverse reactions for babies is contradictory and often quite heated. One camp will give a big thumbs up for Enfamil, whereas the other camp will rave about the benefits of Similac. Sadly, doctors and hospitals can fail to give guidance, as many are under contract to supply one brand or the other - hardly independent advice.

Whichever brand you choose, be it Similac or Enfamil or some other, you can rest assured that it has been passed safe by the FDA. All brands for sale contain all the nutrients that your child needs for healthy development. If your baby is perfectly happy with the infant formula you are using, then stick with it. But if not, then by all means change brands, but first try to ascertain what might be causing your child's discomfort and select the right type of infant formula that will relieve the symptoms.

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