Can you really burn more fat in 12 minutes then doing 60 minutes of aerobics? Can you lose your man boobs fast this way? Should you use gynecomastia supplements and do they even work? Read this article now for the answers to these questions and more!

I know you want to drop those excess pounds for two reasons:

1. You know it will decrease your estrogen levels and increase your testosterone levels which will help you lose those man boobs... and...

2. You know when you burn off fat, it gets taken off EVERYWHERE on your body, which means you'll burn off chest fat fast when you burn off "regular" fat too!

So, today I'm going to tell you what REALLY works, and what works fast to burn off body fat, especially chest fat.

It's really simple too - only two words, here they are...

Interval training!
Interval training is usually defined as hard-all out intervals (like sprinting) followed by brief, less intense intervals (like jogging). Work periods and rest periods vary depending on the protocol, but that's the idea. Get it? Intervals - now the name makes sense.

You should know that intervals are the best for your health, here's why:

* The famous tabata study: Researchers found that guys who used the routine five days a week for six weeks improved their maximum aerobic capacity (a measure of your body's ability to consume oxygen-the more oxygen you can take in, the longer and harder you'll be able to run) by 14%. What's more, it also improved anaerobic capacity (which measures your speed endurance, or the duration you're able to sprint at full effort) by 28%. Basically you get better all around results with intervals versus steady-state aerobics.

* Interval training can lower blood sugar by up to 40%. To put it into perspective, the commonly prescribed drug Metformin does so by a paltry 19% while putting users at risk of obesity, if they can tolerate the constant vomiting and diarrhea!

* Interval training makes your heart and lungs stronger not just bigger. Marathon runners keel over after marathons (look it up) even though their heart and lungs get enlarged - they're more stressed. Sprinters get strong hearts. Sprinting is better for you

* Interval training mimics life and is more functional endurance training. You ever picked up a heavy box for a slow steady state over 60 minutes? Hell No! You have to pick up a heavy box quick... change a tire... chase a kid down snatch him up and yell at him for running down the street. Everything you do in your every day life is anaerobic not aerobic. So Interval training is more functional

* Sprinting increases testosterone while aerobics lowers it. Although not a well designed study, Journal of Sports Sciences, Vol. 23, Issue 2, February 2005, pg. 187-188 (no abstract). Here they compare testosterone levels among different groups of males: Sprint Trained - 9.11 (ng/l), Endurance Trained - 7.05 (ng/l) and Sedentary - 8.19 (ng/l) Since this data is a cross-section, it does not establish cause-and-effect. In other words, it's possible that men with low testosterone self-select into endurance running, and men with high testosterone self-select into sprint running. However, this data is very suggestive that sprint training may increase testosterone in men. But logic plays a part here, since we know that staying in the gym longer than 45-60 minutes depletes T levels, it makes sense that long, steady-state aerobics would do the same.

* Sprinting increase Human Growth Hormone: In a new study, researchers compared growth hormone levels in several ways - resting, after a 6 second cycle sprint, and after 30 second cycle sprint. The 6 second sprint method did move HGH some, but didn't come close to the body's potential to release this powerful hormone. The 30 second all-out effort sprint experiment increased HGH by 530% over resting baseline and 450% over the lesser intensity sprint. (A summary of this study can be seen at the National Institutes of Health.)

Interval training is key to fast weight loss
Besides being VASTLY better for your health, Interval training burns more fat than aerobics too.

In fact, in the Tabata protocol mentioned above the Japanese scientists discovered that the people following the tabata protocol burned 9 TIMES MORE FAT than the group that exercised for an hour a day. And your metabolism stays revved up and burns more fat for up to 48 hours after the Tabata protocol.

So, if you want to burn off more body fat each time you exercise you should do interval training as opposed to slow, steady state aerobics.

Here's a simple interval program to burn off more chest fat
1. Pick an exercise like rowing on a rowing machine or sprinting either outside or on a treadmill, jumping rope, biking, etc.

2. You're going to workout for 12 minutes, this is an easy interval program to start.

3. Warm up for 2 minutes then...

4. Do a 30 sec all out hard effort of your exercise (let's use sprinting for this example)...

5. Then do 2 min of recovery exercise (a light jog for this example)...

6. Then 30 sec hard... 2 min. recovery... 30 sec hard... 2 min recovery... 30 sec hard... 2 min recovery

7. You're done! You will have done a:

2 min warm up with 8 rounds of:

30 sec hard
2 min easy
30 sec hard
2 min easy
30 sec hard
2 min easy
30 sec hard
2 min easy

And you will have burned off more fat and done more for your health than with 60 minutes of aerobics exercises, and you'll continue burning fat for fuel over the next 24 hours!

If these interval times are too hard you can adjust them so you're not running as long for the hard time and resting more... just stay within the 12 min. time frame and adjust for your fitness level... and eventually try to work your way up to 1 min hard X 1 min easy (when you can do this you'll be in GREAT shape!)

Finally, you want to do this interval workout 2-3 times a week.

Now, here's something I get asked a lot...

Can gynecomastia supplements help?
The answer is YES! They will help you burn fat. But notice that key word "help". They're not a replacement for exercising (especially not intervals)... and eating clean (to promote muscle building, fat loss, and optimal hormone levels)... You can see my resource box for my review site where I give my opinions of which of these supplements are great -- and which ones are a total waste of money.

That's it!
So I hope you enjoyed today's lesson on interval training for fat loss... optimal hormone levels... lean muscle building... and overall health. Get on this program right away and you'll be burning off chest fat and losing those man boobs in no time flat!

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