If you are one those people who has been told you have allergies, this article will help you fully understand your medical condition and seek the right help. An allergy is the body's abnormal reaction to ordinary, everyday substances. When your body develops sensitivity to allergens you get what is called an allergic reaction and some of these substances include food, medicine, dust and pollen.

Allergy Symptoms

When your body is giving an exaggerated response of its defense mechanism, it can manifest in various symptoms as listed below. You have to understand that it's your body's immune system malfunctioning. A word of advice, never ignore what your body is telling even if it is tedious to visit a doctor - do it. This is your body's way of informing you that something is wrong.

  • Skin rash, which a terrible itching all over the body

  • Hives, leading to swollen and itchy palms

  • Sneezing for no apparent reason

  • Leaking nose

  • Itchy watery eyes

  • Blocked nasal passage

  • Problem with breathing

  • Diarrhea

  • Arthritic-like Discomforts


Allergens cause the allergy in the body, when the immune system does not function as it should and the body reacts in one or more of the above ways.


The first thing to do is to visit a qualified doctor to seek treatment. There are tests that can be conducted to identify what substance your body is allergic to. Then treatments in the form of pills or nasal sprays are often used to treat the allergy and there are many effective treatments for allergy conditions available on the market. You could follow some of the simple procedures outlined below to help with your condition.

  • If you are a smoker you need to stop or else the allergy will stay with you

  • Use a mask when you do dusting or mowing the lawn

  • Avoid interaction with the family pet

  • Install an air purification system

  • Remove carpeting this always holds dust mites that cause the allergy

  • Use fungicide to keep mold and mildew growth under control

  • Change furnace filters frequently

  • Use washable pillows and keep bed linen fresh as possible

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