Omega 3 is believed to be vital for normal health and growth since the 1930s, but the wide spread awareness of its health benefits only increased dramatically during the 1990s. As a result, a lot of claims showed up linking Omega 3 (predominantly EPA and DHA) to various health effects such as improving appetite and weight, prevention of cardiovascular diseases or strokes, having anti-inflammatory properties, and widely believed to support the development of the eyes, nerves, and the brain.

The popularity spurt coupled with the health benefits associated with Omega 3 made the production of this "supplement" a very profitable business. It is important to note, however, that although there are a lot of claims regarding the health benefits of Omega 3, to this date, there are no conclusive research that proves that Omega 3 has a solid effect on health and wellness. Extensive research has been done over the last 20 years to figure out if there are any side effects from taking in Omega 3. And research and study shows that Omega 3 supplements side effects can occur despite the many health benefits associated with it.

Below are some of Omega 3 supplements side effects:

Numerous studies showed that Omega 3 supplements can cause a decrease in blood pressure, a condition known as hypotension. Although people with high blood pressure might benefit from this side effect, individuals with hypotension, or those people taking blood pressure lowering medications, should observe cautiousness.

High Blood Sugar
A university study says that Omega 3 can cause an increase in blood sugar, and that blood sugar lowering diabetic medications interacts with it. But even though no long-term effects on blood sugar could be established based on current evidences, diabetics are encouraged to consult specialists before taking in Omega 3.

Intestinal Discomfort
Some common side effects of Omega 3, especially fish oil, include nausea, bad aftertaste, and intestinal discomfort. Other effects are burping, abdominal pain and bloating, heartburn and acid reflux, and diarrhea. It is recommended to take Omega 3 with meals to eliminate or lessen these side effects.

Omega 3 increases bleeding risks and has been associated with bloody urine and nose bleeds. People with disorders related to bleeding or those who take medications for blood-thinning should be cautious when taking Omega 3.

It should be noted that the above mentioned Omega 3 supplements side effects are suspected to occur when Omega 3 is taken in excess of 3 grams per day. It is highly recommended to consult a physician before taking in Omega 3, or any other vitamin or supplement.

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