When a person is suffering from chronic diarrhea, he will not be able to normally perform his hobbies along with other daily activities such as cooking and driving. Old sufferers of diarrhea might feel uncomfortable about their condition because it lowers their self-esteem. Fortunately, this kind of condition in the elderly is possibly preventable or usually curable through the effective application of an appropriate treatment.

Usually, the condition lasts for more than four weeks. It happens when one's diarrhea continuously progresses in spite of using treatment methods or other dietary changes. As a result, the stools may be more watery or bloody. The condition in elderly is only a characteristic of other chronic health problems that are common among old people.

In general, old people who are suffering from diarrhea consult their geriatricians. These experts are primary care physicians who have in-depth knowledge in treating chronic diarrhea. To determine the exact diagnosis, healthcare experts examine the sufferer's medical history and examine his physical condition. After performing these procedures, a physician will be able to determine the appropriate treatment to alleviate the condition.

Treating Chronic Diarrhea

The best way to treat chronic diarrhea in old people is by changing the sufferer's diet. This involves electrolyte management with soup and clear fluids. Having a bland diet is one of the most effective ways treat diarrhea. In fact, consuming boiled potatoes or rice, bananas, plain toast or crackers can help to cure the condition.

In addition, many healthcare providers prescribe loperamide that will help the sufferer to ease his diarrhea. In some cases, doctors might suggest taking herbal teas prepared with blackberry or raspberry leaves to get immediate relief.

If you happen to have recurring diarrhea, it is an indication that your body is overcoming another health problem or is reacting to a food intolerance or allergy.

We all know that taking antibiotics will help to get rid of the infection and having an easy-to-digest diet will help to prevent dehydration.

For sufferers who are about to travel, their chronic diarrhea can be a big problem especially if they are taking new prescription medications. It is best to consult your healthcare provider about the possible side effects of these treatment methods. In addition, sufferers should avoid consuming raw fruits or veggies. In addition, they should be careful when it comes to drinking water that is not purified because it may worsen their chronic diarrhea.

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