A way to ensure you don't get hemorrhoids is by getting exercise. By simply exercising you will be able to improve your digestion of foods you eat, which will help you to get rid of that food quickly. If you fail to exercise, the stools are more likely to dry out. The drying of stools causes it to harden and potentially it will damage the skin inside your anal canal and cause you to have hemorrhoids.

Another thing that may lead to you getting hemorrhoids is diarrhea. Irritation and even damage to your anus may come from explosive stools. Additional cleaning after diarrhea may also cause you to have irritation.

You will find that you can really reduce potential hemorrhoids by walking at least 20 minutes every day.

Women may prevent this condition by doing hemorrhoid exercises with the PC muscles through an exercise called Kegel. These exercises help to strengthen the muscles of the anal canal and help the flow of blood to that area. These hemorrhoid exercises are especially good for pregnant women because it helps with the extra blood flow regulation near their vagina and anus. You can do this exercise by tightening your vaginal muscles while urinating. The muscles are used to control your flow of urine, so when you are tightening them you may cause it to start and stop the flow.

Hemorrhoid exercise may be painful when you already have hemorrhoids, so only do what you can do without causing more pain.

Another problem you may experience is whether to lift weighs as hemorrhoids can be caused by lifting weights. Body builders may experience hemorrhoids because they add a lot of pressure on their veins in the anal canal area when they lift weights. You can alleviate this pressure by regulating your breathing while lifting weights. Simply breathe out when lifting and when lowering you should breathe in. Also try to keep yourself from putting to much strain on the back or the rectal area.

Because you may feel extra irritation of external hemorrhoids when exercising, you may want to take a sitz bath for about 15 minutes in a tub of warm water when you are done.

Another problem that may cause you to get hemorrhoids is being obese. This places additional pressure on the veins in and around the anal canal as well as making your circulation poor and may lead to having hemorrhoids. Doing hemorrhoid exercise will help you to lose weigh and ensure you don't get hemorrhoids.

If you do have hemorrhoids, it is important to get information about the possible causes and cures as quickly as possible so that you can stop hemorrhoids from getting worse.

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