E. Coli also known as Escherichia coli has been a word Americans across the country have come to respect. After numerous outbreaks and deaths due to E. Coli, it has been considered something dangerous. Although most strains are harmless, several have the ability to cause diseases such as, urinary tract infections, diarrhea, respiratory infections and meningitis. One dangerous strain is E. Coli O157:H7 a.k.a. STEC which can cause the HUS or the Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome, a complication that causes kidney damage, low platelet count and low red blood cell supply. The HUS disease is potentially death threatening and should be treated immediately.

The primary cause of contact seemed to be undercooked beef. However, over time people have come to realize that water is the most common way the infections are transferred. Water is something our body requires to stay fit and healthy. Therefore, manufactures of bottled water, put water through a purification process to keep it clean. Every now and then a slip up at a water treatment facility causes an outbreak. However, although small in possibility there have been several holes in the system that have allowed for mistakes. Just a month or so, ago I received an email stating" we were under a boil water notice, E.Coli had been detected in the city water". In 1999, there was a major outbreak in Washington County, New York,after several people drank contaminated water from a local lake. There are sterilization systems available to combat and destroy these nasty viruses.

The bacteria E. Coli has been known to reside in the intestines of its hosts. Once making its way through the digestive system, the bacteria is released through feces. If, it makes it's way to our nearby rivers, and lakes they will become contaminated; this may be where we get our water supply. What most people don't know is that several low amounts of E. Coli are detected frequently in water supply but there is not always a detection enough for a risk.

A person infected is also extremely contagious and the infection can easily be spread by contact with hands and food. Usual symptoms include: bloody diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain and fever. People have been known to catch E. Coli from swallowing lake water, swimming in water parks, that have been contaminated with feces, touching an infected host or object and not washing their hands after using the bathroom.

When ingested, the first line of treatment involves a large intake of water so, that you can allow the E. Coli to pass from your system as well as prevent dehydration. Taking medicine to stop diarrhea is not a good idea because it allows the bacteria to remain in your system and continue infection. The best thing to do is seek treatment immediately from a doctor or clinic for the best outcome.

Young children are also very vulnerable; they are always playing in puddles, on dirty surfaces and drink the water they swim in. Then, all the bacteria that is present on their hands sooner or later ends up in their mouth from the occasional "sucking of the thumb". So, if you notice any changes in your child's feces contact your pediatrician immediately.

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