Nowadays, more and more people like to drink milk in the morning. They have already acknowledged the nutritional value of milk. However, the nutritional value of soya-bean milk has still not recognized properly. In fact, soya-bean milk is also beneficial to the human health. Although the content of protein contained in it is a little low, the content of iron and phosphorus is rather high. What's more, women can prevent uterine cancer by drinking soya-bean milk.

Soya-bean milk is regarded as "vegetative milk". The amino acids of protein contained in soya-bean milk are equal to those of complete protein and they are high quality protein. Vitamins and minerals contained in soya-bean milk and milk is much different. The content of calcium contained in soya-bean milk is lower than that in milk, while the content of iron and vitamin is much higher than that in milk. In addition, soya-bean milk does not contain cholesterol and the content of saturated fatty acid is low, which is beneficial to the human health. At the same time, milk contains lactose which can be decomposed and absorbed by the human body under the action of lactase, which can cause diarrhea. However, soya-bean milk will never cause such problems.

In addition, abundant nutrients like unsaturated fatty acid, soyasaponin, isoflavone and lecithin contained in soya-bean milk can effectively help people reduce cholesterol, prevent high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus and coronary heart diseases, enhance the immunity and defer the skin aging. Soluble fibers contained in soybeans can effectively help people control blood sugar. According to the medical research, the patients with diabetes mellitus can reduce the dosage of artificial insulin by drinking soya-bean milk every day.

More than five sixths of bones are composed of calcium and phosphorus. Therefore, calcium and phosphorus are the basic substances of maintaining the strength and hardness of the bones. Animal protein can increase the loss of calcium from the urination, while soybean protein can reduce the calcium loss. In addition, isoflavone contained in soybeans can improve the bones for the human body.

As the female health is closely connected with estrogens inside the women's bodies, maintaining estrogens is an important way for women to resist aging and keep healthy. Vegetative estrogens contained in fresh soya-bean milk can effectively help women supplement estrogens. In addition, vitamins, minerals, saponin, isoflavone and lecithin play an important role in preventing breast cancer and uterine cancer for women.

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