Like other taboo topics, most people are not cognizant of just how usual irregularity is. Surely the majority of humans in this world have experienced what it's like to be constipated. The actuality is there are many reasons for constipation from stress to diet, and there are many constipation remedies to choose from when you've reached the point of needing help. What most people are incognizant of is the dangerous effects that constipation treatments can have on the body. See below for info on the most commonly used constipation remedies, the pros and cons and feasible dangers of each one.


Laxatives can come in the form of tablets, liquids and suppositories, but they all have one common goal, prompt a bowel movement. Nevertheless in most cases they don't just stimulate a bowel movement, they clean you out altogether! This means you can be spending quite some time on the toilet and be in for a great deal of pain during the process. Laxatives are generally stimulant based and can cause painful cramping as the intestines contract to move out waste. Stimulant laxatives can be harsh on both the stomach and intestines, and can cause a long winded fight on the toilet as they work to clean you out.

Stool Softeners:

Stool softeners are often a first line of defense versus mild constipation. These come in the brand name of Dulcolax, Phillips and many others, with all of them using docusate sodium as the main ingredient. The value to using docusate sodium and stool softeners is that they won't bring about cramping. Docusate sodium works by pulling water into the stool, helping it to pass more easily. Stool softeners are generally used as a first line defense against occasional or mild constipation, they should not be used long term for chronic constipation. If used often the body will become dependent on them meaning you will need to keep taking them to have regular bowel movements and over more time this will cause your intestines and stomach wall to weaken.

Supplements and Diet:

The most crucial thing you can put in your body from a dietary standpoint to encourage regularity, is fiber. Most people however do not get enough fiber in their diet and don't like foods that are high in fiber. Dieting and natural herbal supplements should be all anyone needs to safely battle constipation. There are a few healthy products out there that contain natural herbs and elements that are good for preventing and treating constipation. Magnesium is a great ingredient to look for in natural constipation remedies, as it is a great natural stool softener. It is easy to overdose on magnesium however, you'll know you did when you have diarrhea like stools. Dissolving powder and tablets are the easiest dosage forms to take and manage, always look for these as they are quickly absorbed into the body.


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