Believe it or not, your pet may be allergic to certain things more than you do. It was shown that some dog breeds are more prone to allergies than human beings. Being allergic to something results in a disturbed immune system of the dog because of food, dust, dirt, etc. That particular item is a threat to the life of the dog. Occasionally you will find your dog has watery eyes or scratching his body constantly. It is the sign that your dog has some allergic problems. This constant scratching will result in infected welts and loss of hair. Some dogs may suffer from the allergic problems for the entire life but most of the allergic problems are curable.

There are mainly four types of allergies that may affect your dog. They are airborne allergies, flea-bite dermatitis, food allergies and contact allergies. You might have observed some dogs sometime inhale dust or dirt. This is termed as airborne allergies. If your dog has this type of allergy, then he may be suffering because of dust, molds, pollens, etc. Flea-bite dermatitis is a result of flea-bites which your pet had from some other insects. Some dogs are also found allergic to plastics, carpet fibers or detergents. However, this type of allergy is less common in dogs.

You will come to know by closely observing your pet if he is suffering from allergic problem or not. There are few symptoms by which you will know that your dog has allergy. They are as follows:

1. One of the indications that your dog is suffering from allergic reaction is it will constantly shake his head or he might be rubbing his face always and you will see red spots around his eyes.

2. Your dog will have red or black patches all over the body. Sometimes that part of skin will be irritated.

3. Your pet will sneeze and coughs a lot. While coughing, you will see discharge coming from his nose, eyes and sometimes waxy discharge will come from his ears.

4. The dog may feel uncomfortable and has difficulty while breathing. He loses his appetite. If he eats something he will have vomiting or diarrhea. The dog has sudden change in his mood and he will be in less playful mood than normal.

5. If your dog is allergic to pollen, then it's possible that he will constantly chew his feet or rub his ears. He will rub his whole body against furniture or the floor and gives a very bad smell.

If you observe any above mentioned symptoms in your dog, it's probably a good idea to take him to doctor for examination. You need to go through certain skin tests and find out what is the exact problem. However, it may be possible that your dog has some other issues that are causing the problem like dogs face sometimes emotional problems if his master is facing emotional problems. Allergies may distress dogs, so do what you can do to help to manage his allergies.


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