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Arthritis is a condition that causes pain, stiffness and swelling in and around joints. There are more than 100 different types of arthritis, and each type is characterized by joint and musculoskeletal pain, often the result of inflammation of the joint lining. Arthritis affects hundreds of millions of people across the globe. Approximately 50% of people older than 65 live with arthritis, but it can affect people of all ages, even young children. Although symptoms vary in each person, those with arthritis find that the condition will interfere with daily activities at some point. Due to the pain and stiffness, patients may have trouble getting out of bed, writing, sewing, buttoning clothes, dressing, walking, and climbing stairs, for example. But this is not always the case. Some days are better than others, and the severity of symptoms can change from day to day. Sometimes living with the loss of function and movement is more difficult than the pain of arthritis itself.

Acupuncture alleviates pain and improves movement for patients suffering from it, whether it is arthritis of the knee, hip, shoulder, hand or back. The effectiveness applies to both rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA) conditions, and treatments focus on controlling the painful symptoms as well as balancing the immune system. The majority of our patients see immediate results after just a few treatments and experience positive long-term benefits in combination with Chinese formulas and regular exercise.

Lower Back Pain

Acupuncture treatment for low back pain is usually rather straightforward and the condition responds extremely well to acupuncture, Chinese formulas, herbs and herbal plasters. In fact, major studies have shown that acupuncture care serves to re-establish normal health care of the low back. For cases arising out of simple overexertion, strain or knotted muscles, acupuncture increases blood flow to the afflicted area(s), relaxes the muscles, eases pain and relieves inflammation. Even arthritic joints are affected by muscle spasms and can be effectively treated. Your acupuncturist can help.

Constipation and Diarrhea

The term "constipation" can mean infrequent or hard stools, or it can refer to difficulty passing stools. Constipation may involve pain during the passage of a bowel movement, the inability to have a bowel movement after straining for longer than 10 minutes, or no bowel movements at all for more than 3 days. The most common causes of constipation include a diet with not enough fiber, lack of physical activity, stress, travel, inadequate intake of fluid each day, or delay in going to the bathroom when the urge to defecate presents itself. Other causes are IBS, pregnancy, thyroid conditions, depression, neurological diseases, or certain medications.

Constipation and diarrhea, while very common, are two of the least discussed physical complaints. The effects of irregular bowel movements are often poor food absorption, fatigue, sallow complexion, frequent break-outs, pain in the lower abdomen, upset in appetite and weight control, and more. When someone is not eliminating their waste at a regular rate and consistency, it is a sign of a deeper imbalance within the body.

Regular acupuncture combined with Chinese herbs can have a positive effect on gastrointestinal motility. The treatment will either be used to relax a more spastic colon or to stimulate peristalsis. Within the concepts and theories of TCM, there is a more complete method of interpreting digestive disorders. When someone has stool that is very dry or stubborn to pass, herbs will be given to moisten the intestines and long-term treatment will focus on re-establishing a moister digestive environment. When someone has chronic, explosive diarrhea that burns or causes other pain, acupuncture will help calm the large intestine and herbs will be administered to remove toxins such as bacteria or viruses and to clear heat from the digestive system. Likewise, when someone experiences chronic watery painless diarrhea, acupuncture will be used to tonify the digestive system and herbs will be administered to warm the digestion so that food is transformed into usable energy more efficiently.


For those who suffer from fibromyalgia, acupuncture is critical for keeping the body in harmony. Within Traditional Chinese Medicine practice, fibromyalgia is generally regarded as a deficiency disorder, manifesting as a deficiency of qi, yin or yang. However, an excess can also be present, usually one of dampness or damp-heat. Treatment, in most cases, seeks to address the underlying deficiencies by moving the qi and blood and strengthening the overall visceral organs of the spleen, heart or kidney. Left untreated, this vicious cycle will continue and, over time, will lead to increased pain and muscle tightness, a loss of movement, and difficulty sleeping. Chronic fatigue is a difficult condition to address, but acupuncture and custom herbal formulas for which TCM is so justly famous and highly effective in fibromyalgia treatment.

It is not uncommon for those with fibromyalgia to receive treatments three to four times a month to keep everything mobile and relaxed. The biggest concern in treating people with fibromyalgia is that their muscles have a diminished healing ability. For this reason, acupuncture treatments are usually modified slightly to decrease the stress in a patient and keep the qi and blood moving.


Acupuncture and Chinese herbs are very helpful for headaches, and patients often feel immediate relief after treatment. Regular treatment prevents future onset of headaches.

Numerous research studies have shown that acupuncture and Chinese herbs are very effective for treating tension headaches, especially headaches that originate in the neck. According to a report published in the June 2003 issue of Medical Acupuncture, doctors found that acupuncture resulted in the resolution or reduction in the frequency and severity of cluster headaches, and a decrease or discontinuation of medications. It was concluded that acupuncture can be used to provide sustained relief from cluster headaches and to stimulate adrenal cortisol to aid in discontinuing corticosteroids. Researchers found that, compared with standard medical care, acupuncture offers substantial benefits in preventing headaches and improving the quality of life for people who suffer from frequent headaches, especially migraines.

Each individual's case is different and requires a thorough evaluation before a proper course of acupuncture can be determined. However, in most cases of tension headaches, significant improvement is accomplished through Chinese herbal formulation and movement of qi and blood..These treatments are helpful in most cases of migraine headaches, as long as food and lifestyle triggers are avoided as well.

While treatment during tension-type headaches is very beneficial and is not difficult, treatment during migraine attacks needs extra attention. Many migraine medications target migraine headache pain by constricting blood flow. This approach provides symptomatic relief but will not prevent the recurrence of migraine symptoms. Therefore, it is rather important to avoid accumulating stress and to minimize the consistent activation of the sympathetic system in order to prevent eliciting the parasympathetic rebound response. If the early stage of the migraine involving excessive vasosconstriction can be prevented, then the entire headache episode can be avoided.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Prior to telling you about the causes and treatments of watery diarrhea I would like to share with you some of my wife's and my experiences with our children. If you have young children or you just have some of these issues, I think you will relate.

I remember how I would get scared to death if one of my young babies, whether they were one or two or three years old got watery diarrhea. Diarrhea and a fever paired up against my kids. Whatever my wife or I gave one of my kids to help them get rid of the diarrhea it didn't help. They could not keep the food down. They were constantly using up their diapers.

As my children grew older a little watery diarrhea and my kids were still a bad match. My children looked like they lost their best friend if they contacted watery diarrhea. The watery diarrhea seemed to remove their spirit. They were listless from an episode of watery diarrhea. Keeping the food down was not easy when one of my babies had a attack. The only help that we could give them was to hold them in our arms.

What is Acute Watery Diarrhea?

It is a larger number of stools or looser form of the stool that is accepted for and by the patient, lasting less than 2 weeks. It is often shared with abdominal symptoms such as cramping, bloating, and gas. Being tired and run down seems to accompany watery diarrhea as well. Although often mild, acute watery diarrhea can lead to severe dehydration as a result of large fluid and electrolyte losses.

What are some of acute watery diarrhea's causes?

Acute, watery diarrhea is usually caused by an infection (viral gastroenteritis.) Medications such as antibiotics and drugs that encompass magnesium products can also be a factor in creating watery diarrhea. Changing your eating habits can also bring about acute watery diarrhea. Drinking coffee, colas, and tea can contribute to watery diarrhea. I did not say herb tea.

Acute bloody watery diarrhea implies a bacterial cause like Campylobacter, Salmonella or Shigella. This can occur in a few different ways. By visiting developing areas of the world where hygiene may be a challenging issue. There also might be exposure to bacterial pathogens common in these definite areas. Eating infected foods such as ground beef or fresh fruit can cause diarrhea due to E.coli.

The most dangerous myth is that the intestine should be "put to rest." Restricting fluids for your body can cause dehydration. There is no effective, safe drug for watery diarrhea. Extra fluids and diet therapy work best. I have used an herbal remedy to control watery diarrhea.


Cleveland Clinic

Family Practices Notebook

American College of Gastroenterology

CS Mott Children's Hospital

Feel free to pass this on to people that you think would benefit from reading it.

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Dogs have always been considered a human's best friend ever since they were domesticated several years ago. They are intelligent and if well-trained, dogs can do almost anything. Over the years, reports of dogs saving people, especially children, have been all over the news. For their good nature therefore, dogs should be well-bred. However, one grave challenge that dog owners face is dog allergies.

Dogs are not like human beings who can easily identify what they are allergic to and find the necessary medication for the allergy. For dogs, it is up to the owner to figure out what the dog is allergic to and the symptoms for its allergy. There are four common dog allergies. These are categorized as food, flea, contact and atopic allergies.

For each, a dog will exhibit certain symptoms which a good owner can understand and interpret easily. Dog allergy symptoms include itching, raw paws, sneezing and diarrhea.

Itching is the most profound symptom of dog allergies. The most common areas you will find your dog itching are the abdomen, the paws, face, ears, hindquarters, groin and back. Almost each part that the dog tries to scratch or lick always points to a distinct allergy. If the itching does not stop, the pet could have sores on its body which will eventually be filled with pus and that could be fatal.

Flea allergy usually results in the dog licking or trying to scratch the hindquarters and the back. These allergic reactions are usually triggered by the flea's saliva. Contact allergy on the other hand will be exhibited by the dog excessively itching in areas with less hair cover like the armpits and the abdomen. Atopic allergy, also known as inhalant-related allergy, will also result in the pet trying to scratch its face, feet and even chest.

Raw paws also symbolize that the pet is allergic to something. Usually, when the dog scratches and bites its feet a lot, the paws turns reddish brown. Sometimes the paws could even be bloody.

Of all the symptoms, sneezing is the clearest symptom of atopic allergy. However, on rare cases, this could mean that your dog is suffering from contact allergy. When the dog sneezes, there is usually a clear discharge from the eyes or the nose.

Diarrhea is often a symptom for many dog diseases. However, it also shows that your dog is suffering from food allergies. If you suspect the dog is suffering from this allergy, you should the change its diet and check whether it will improve. Feeding your dog food rich in minerals, vitamins and fatty acids will definitely help in fighting this allergy.

To prevent contact and flea allergies you should wash your dog occasionally with cool water and shampoo with Aloe Vera and eucalyptus to relieve the itching. Grooming and brushing your dog regularly, changing its toys and the sleeping area will also be effective in fighting the flea allergy. If the symptoms persist, you should contact a veterinarian because it could be more than just dog allergy.

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One of the hardest things to learn for some men has to be the ways method that will ensure prolonging male ejaculation. For many men, the assumption that pharmaceuticals are the answer is really wrong. It's important to understand that harsh chemicals are not the answer, and if you believe the big corporate medical companies, sadness and disappointing are going to frequent you with relative ease.

Before we can start discussing and looking at three major ways that will keep you from being a sexual zero, it's important understand what doesn't work. It will definitely shock some to know that the most advertised things are not the most generously helpful. It's true there are a lot of different things that might patch the problem for a short time, but as for long-term sexual health, they fall by the wayside quickly.

The most popular solution being sold to men of all backgrounds is prescription medications. These heavily promoted items only help sexual dysfunction for a short time, and can produce some harmful side effects. Some of the side effects include color-vision problems, muscle aches, diarrhea, dizziness, flushing, headache, stuffy nose, upset stomach, heartburn, rash, hives, chest pain, irregular heartbeat, memory loss, numbness in arm, weakness, loss of hearing, and a sudden loss of vision in one or both eyes. If you didn't know that most prescription sexual tenacity pills do that, now you know. Most pills only give you prowess for a few hours, then it fades away, forcing the body to be dependent on the chemicals, meanwhile you have to deal with the many side effects, which can actually alter the mood and retard the positive effects that these pills might have. Long story short, they simply don't work long term, nor are they natural.

The second solution that many men are looking to try is creams, and numbing sprays. These do not work well for two main reasons. First, it numbs the area forcing you to lose all sensation of the sex act. Secondly, when utilizing them in unprotected sex, you will be delivering chemicals to your partner, which could render them numb or spark an allergic reaction. Needless to say, these things are temporary fixes and actually do not help in prolonging male ejaculation.

Now that you've seen what doesn't work, consider what actually does work in regards to prolonging male ejaculation. It's all natural, doesn't require spending time in a doctor's office and won't numb sexual activity. The greatest natural male enhancement solution relies heavily on your hands. No, not in the way you're thinking. You need to promote cell growth and natural stimulation of the penile tissue by using penile exercises. By increase the blood flow to the penis, and promoting cell generation, you will reduce sensitivity and prolong sexual activity fast and easily. The reason why this method trumps others is because it's all-natural, and in the process you're addressing mental control, hormone regulation, and physical control all at once. The exercises aren't invasive, nor take a long time to implement, but the results are permanent and long lasting. It's important to note that prolonging male ejaculation is best garnered with natural sources, and there's nothing more natural than utilizing your own body's response mechanism to expand your love life.

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Most of the information available from doctors, books, and online medical resources takes pains to stress how normal it is for pregnant women to experience nausea and other complications of pregnancy, like constipation or pregnancy nausea diarrhea. Not only normal, but harmless, in something close to 99 out of 100 instances. This reassurance is valuable, because pregnancy, especially a first pregnancy, is a time when women are likely to feel particularly concerned and uncertain. The stakes are so high, after all--the health and safety of the baby.

But while nausea and vomiting of pregnancy (NVP) is indeed a normal aspect of pregnancy that affect anywhere from 50 percent to 85 percent of women, there is a huge range in the discomfort associated with NVP. According to one recent report, vomiting alone is relatively rare, while 25 percent of women experience only nausea, and 50 percent have both nausea and vomiting.

At its worst, pregnancy nausea goes beyond being "normal" and can become a serious condition that poses risks for the health of the expectant mother and even her child. Untreated, HG makes it impossible for a woman to keep any food or nutrition in her system and can cause significant weight loss (often more than 10%), dehydration, nutritional deficiencies, gastric ulcers, esophageal bleeding, ketosis, metabolic problems and an inability to function normally in daily activities.

Those risks go even higher if nausea and vomiting is compounded by another ailment like diarrhea, which also causes dehydration. In serious cases, treatment of dehydration can require hospitalization and intravenous fluid replacement.

The official name for morning sickness that is not normal is hyperemesis gravidarum (HG)--extreme nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. Estimates of the frequency of HG vary from less than one percent to three percent of pregnancies. Since HG is basically just a more severe version of a common illness, there is no perfectly clearcut test for determining when ordinary pregnancy nausea shades into the danger zone. This can make it difficult for a woman to know when her own experience of nausea and vomiting is serious enough that she should be concerned and seek further counseling and treatment from her Ob/Gyn or other pregnancy advisors. It's not even a simple diagnosis for physicians.

Researchers and practitioners at the Motherisk NVP helpline in Canada have developed an assessment guide to aid them in this diagnosis process. Called the Pregnancy-Unique Quantification of Emesis/Nausea (PUQE) Index, it relies on three questions to determine if a woman's morning sickness is severe. If the score indicates a severe condition, follow-up should include determining the extent of weight loss, specific symptoms of dehydration, and lab tests to determine if there are electrolyte imbalances.

In cases where nausea and vomiting begin after the 10th week of pregnancy, that may be a sign that it is being caused by something other than normal pregnancy nausea, and merits further investigation.

Of course the number one risk associated with severe NVP is the potential harm to the health of mother and child. In very extreme cases, women become so ill that they may be forced to abort a pregnancy. But other kinds of costs and risks are also involved. At least half of the women affected by morning sickness find that their ability to perform their jobs is hampered; a quarter of all women have to miss work entirely. Lost productivity, medications, doctors' visits and hospital care all add up to a huge financial burden for individuals, businesses and the healthcare system.

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Arsenic is a known toxic substance. Its spread through contaminated wastewater should be controlled. In this article I mention how wastewater arsenic contamination can be harmful to humans.

Arsenic: the pathogenicity of arsenic is thought to be due to the binding of sulphydril enzymes, that interrupts cellular metabolism. The arsenic poisoning symptoms are initially gastrointestinal. Two to three hours after an oral dose, there is sudden vomiting and copious watery diarrhea, which may be bloody. If death does not occur, jaundice and renal failure may develop after a couple of days. The fatal dose may be as low as 100 mg. Chronic poisoning is manifest by anorexia, diarrhea and weight loss. If poisoning continues, other features include typical skin changes such as bronzing and hyperkeratosis of the palms and soles, peripheral neuritis, and cardiac, renal and liver changes.

Blackfoot disease is the name given to a peripheral vascular disease caused by arsenic. The disease usually begins with numbness or coldness in the feet. Cumulative exposure to arsenic is associated with hypertension. The cutaneous signs of arsenism include hypopigmentation, hyperpigmentation, palmoplantar keratosis, papular keratosis, and ulcerative zones. The population exposed to wastewater arsenic contamination is likely to suffer from nausea, epigastric pain, colic, diarrhea, headache and oedema.

Chronic arsenism, due to consumption of artesian drinking water, has been reported to be endemic in the southwest coast of Taiwan. Arsenical dermatitis is seen in the rural Asia, where it is associated with water from tube wells exposed to wastewater arsenic contamination. This problem was first identified in 1983. The arsenic concentrations in tube well water associated with affected families ranged from 0.20 to 2.00 mg/l.

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My Italian Greyhound is truly the best friend (no, more like a child) of my husband and I. Her name is Wendy. She's absolutely a beautiful specimen of an Italian Greyhound - with her sleek body, her tucked tummy, her champion like posture and whimsical gallop. Wendy is now 4.5 years old and her life has been one long terrible journey.

When we first adopted Wendy - she was a tiny fawn puppy with large black eyes. You couldn't even tell if she was looking at us because her pupils and eye color had not developed yet. She was very fuzzy for an Italian Greyhound puppy. She had remnant milk breath and wagged her tail in play.

Unfortunately, a few weeks after we adopted her, she threw up. It was a small projectile like vomit while my husband was holding her. We did not think anything of it because puppies will throw up sometimes. She was on a strictly "puppy" food diet, her stools were normal and her urine was normal. She was eating and drinking normally and behaving normally.

Approximately a month later, things started to change with Wendy. She became less active. She laid down all the time. She didn't want to engage in typical "puppy" play - or if she did, she didn't last more than a few minutes before she wanted to lay down. We didn't know any better and thought maybe she was just a "quiet" puppy or had more of a "serious" temperament than our other Italian Greyhound.

We soon began to notice that she was not eating as much. It was time to go to the vet. The vet told us that her weight was fine and she looked fine. We told the vet that her appetite had greatly decreased, but he told us to give her some chicken soup and rice. We tried, and she did eat some of it, but within a day she stopped eating. We took her back and the vet told us to just keep trying. We tried for another night and she refused to eat. At this point she also stopped ALL physical activity. She didn't get up! She didn't walk, she didn't do anything. She just was looking around her while she was laying down.

We brought her back to the vet again, this time my husband was furious. The vets' office had at least 5 vets working in it. He demanded to see a vet and NOT the same one who had been treating Wendy. He told the new vet Wendy's history and he demanded that something be done about her quickly deteriorating condition. The vet told my husband he thought she had a food allergy and prescribed Hill's C/D. Well, luckily - this did help her come back to life. Later, I learned that Hill's C/D is a low protein food and it was the high protein in her puppy food that was killing Wendy.

Wendy did fine on this food. I kept bringing her to the vet at least once a month for colds, fevers and strange behavior. She constantly urinated all over the place. She never had a good appetite and never drank a lot. She was still a "quiet" dog, but she grew older and we moved to a different town. She became an adult and we took her off of the Hill's C/D. She immediately started to develop crystals in her urine. Italian Greyhounds do not like to urinate outdoors, so we always made it a point to use pee pads in a basement or garage area. Fortunately, as a youngster, Wendy didn't always quite make it to the pad and I was able to see the crystals on the floor!!!

I took her to the vet specifically to address the crystals in her urine. The vet ran some blood tests and told me that her BUN count was a little low (and maybe her creatin too - I can't quite remember the creatin reading). I researched this on the net (which was still developing at the time) and found information about liver shunts. Liver shunts are often congenital defects that occur in puppies/dogs and these affected dogs typically have low BUN, low creatin and ammonium crystals in their urine! I brought it up to the vet - she said "no" and "that's not it". She told us it was just the food allergy that our earlier vets had diagnosed. I truly believed my vet - SHE was the EXPERT. I completely put the idea of a liver shunt OUT OF MY MIND.

Every time I brought Wendy to the vet, I kept asking each vet if they thought Wendy was too skinny. They all told me that she was just petite and that she looked normal. Again, I had instinctual doubts but believed the EXPERTS.

If I had only known then what I know now. After 3.5 years of going through hell bringing Wendy to tons of vets and ER vets - I finally found an ER vet who actually took the time to listen to Wendy's full history and my concerns. He said the magic words "I think she might have a liver shunt, you should get a bile acid test done on her".

Here are the symptoms of liver shunts:

1. Poor Doer: A puppy/dog that is always getting sick. Because liver shunts cause toxicity in the blood because the dog is not having its blood filtered by the liver. This causes various illnesses to occur often.

2. UTIs: A puppy/dog that has frequent urinary tract infections or looks like it is having a urinary tract infection due to having many accidents all over the house, isn't able to be housebroken or urinating small amounts.

3. BAD ODOR: A puppy/dog that has bad mouth odor and/or bad urine odor. Often, the urine is also a darker color yellow instead of the "barely" yellow of normal healthy urine. (Note: Puppy and young dogs should have good breath. Bad breath is a RED FLAG that something isn't right)

4. Head Pressing: Dogs with liver shunts don't filter their blood which results in ammonia build up in the blood. Ammonia toxicity causes their heads to feel funny - so they rub their heads a lot.

5. CRYSTALS IN URINE: This is from the excess ammonia in their system. Any dog with crystals in the urine should have a bile acid test.

6. Complete Blood Count (CBC): This test is easily given in the vet's office. Liver shunt dogs often have a lower than normal BUN and Creatin count.

7. Depression: Liver shunt dogs are not very active or they may be active for very short periods of time. They are known as "quiet" puppies or "quiet" dogs. A "quiet" puppy usually isn't very normal and all "quiet" puppies should have a bile acid test to make sure they are okay.

8. Low Weight: Puppies with liver shunts look normal with a milk belly, etc. As they grow into dogs it is obvious they are too skinny. Their ribs show, their bones are prominent and they don't develop muscle mass. Not all liver shunt dogs have low weight though, but many do. They tend to have low weight because their liver cannot absorb and process nutrients to bring these liver shunt dogs to their normal weight.

9. Small: Dogs with liver shunts often do not grow as much as their siblings. They have smaller than normal livers and sometimes smaller than normal features. Wendy never developed the strong leg muscles that all greyhound breeds exhibit.

10. Anorexia: Many liver shunt puppies/dogs do not eat normally. They eat very little dog food. They may chow down on a newly introduced canned food or people food - but they invariably resort back to not eating very much. Eating food makes them not feel well because of the higher toxicity they have after a meal - so they tend to shun food.

11. Breed: Any breed can have a liver shunt, but Yorkshire Terriers are famous for having them.

Here is my advice to anyone who has a dog with these symptoms:

FORCE YOUR VET TO DO A BILE ACID TEST IF YOU SUSPECT A LIVER SHUNT AND/OR YOUR DOG IS EXHIBITING SOME OF THE ABOVE SYMPTOMS!!!! Don't take "no" for an answer. Tell them you want to MAKE SURE and cover all of your bases. A bile acid test is about $100.00 and can save your dog's life.

Once your dog has been diagnosed with a liver shunt, you can then begin the process of determining treatment. In the meantime, ask the vet for Lactulose which may cause diarrhea at first but will immediately help to greatly detoxify your dog. Also, immediately put your dog on Hill's L/D diet which is low protein. Do not give your dog any people food that has protein! Protein promotes toxicity in liver shunt dogs.

There are several treatment options. You may want to have a scintigraphy done to find out if the shunt is intrahepatic or extrahepatic. Usually the liver shunt is extrahepatic (outside the liver) which is easily operable. Intrahepatic shunts (inside the liver) are much more difficult to operate on and are usually found in larger breed dogs. Your vet can recommend whether to operate or not. Usually, it is recommended to medically manage your dog rather than operate with intrahepatic shunts.

Surgery: One of the best and cheapest places to have the surgery performed is at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, TN. And I do mean the BEST and the cheapest. They specialize in liver shunt surgery. I wouldn't have trusted Wendy to any other surgeon for treatment. In addition, UTK utilizes a surgical method for extrahepatic shunts that cannot be surpassed by mere ligation.

Puppies in in the uterous of their momma dog get nutrients from momma through a portal vein. At birth, this vein is supposed to close up. In liver shunt dogs, it doesn't close up. Instead, this portal vein acts as a "bypass" and most of the blood bypasses the liver. The liver is what cleans the blood. The liver also performs thousands of other vital functions!!! 94% of Wendy's blood bypassed her liver!!!

The classical surgical method has been to ligate the portal vein (close it off, shut it down, get rid of it....). Unfortunately, the ligation method can throw the body into shock and kill the dog because there is a halt to the circulatory system! UTK developed a much better and much safer method. A metal ring is coated with a substance that expands upon contact with moisture. It expands SLOWLY (it takes a month or so for it to fully expand). This ring, called an ameroid constrictor, is placed AROUND the portal vein. The ameroid constrictor closes slowly over time until the vein is closed. This not only helps the body from going into shock, but it also helps to prevent infection that is caused by ligation! The liver is able to slowly accept more and more blood as the constrictor does its job. There is no shock to the liver or the circulatory system.

I HIGHLY recommend the surgery with an ameroid constrictor - you can research all of this on the net to make your decision. The UTK program includes a scinitigraphy to locate the shunt, surgery, hospital stay, AND A BIOPSY OF THE LIVER for about $1,600 (2007). They do a great job!

What to Expect Post Op: Your dog will be in some pain for a few days after the surgery. Fortunately, there is not a lot of pain because the only cutting involved is the skin on the belly and for the biopsy. There is usually no cutting done for placing the ameroid constrictor.

Over the next 4 months, you will notice the following: weight gain, muscle development, loss of puppy fur (if your dog retained its puppy fur), improvement in general appearance (shinier), LOTS more ENERGY and no more head rubbing.

At 4 months, you will need to redo the bile acid test to check on how the ameroid constrictor is operating. Wendy had 0s on her follow up bile acid test!!! After 4 months, if the bile acid test comes back normal, you can put your dog back on regular food!!!!

I can't tell you how glad I was that I was able to have Wendy surgically corrected.

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Oh...a while back I was starting to write an article about being in rescue and was going to use the story of an owner-surrendered Siamese cat. I started that story and never got to finish it. As the days passed since that cat was euthanized, life took an odd twist for this cat foster person. You see, that little Siamese cat was surrendered for boarding at a local clinic. As he was to be boarded, he needed to be vaccinated. The owner's health failed to improve and the Siamese cat was surrendered to the shelter. Shortly after that, he got sick while being sheltered and then went to be treated at a leading clinic in our area where he stayed for 2 weeks of hospitalization. After several weeks of treatment for a bloody nose, sneezing, and not eating, they thought him well enough to go to foster care to finish his recovery. Unfortunately within a few days he died of unknown causes.

His story was going to be about a broken heart, as it was clear the owner doted on this little one. He was snugly, friendly, outgoing, and curious, and with recovery should have made a wonderful companion. The clinic never did have a firm diagnosis for what was wrong with him, but it ranged from an upper respiratory infection with nosebleeds to a fungal infection. Two days later the foster cat basically crashed and become lethargic, not eating and was taken back to the clinic. There he was seen by a vet tech and was sent back with me to syringe feed in hopes he would come back around. The next morning he was vomiting up what was being syringed and taken to the clinic again. This time he was euthanized, the shelter simply was not willing to pay for more tests or treatments. The vet said, "there must be another disease process going on and it simply eluded all their care and testing."

About 10 days later my sugar cat Atlas turned up one morning with a bloody nose and not eating. Recognizing a possible connection, I whisked Atlas off to the vet that day. As the exam progressed, the need for sedation and X-rays became evident to determine what was causing the nosebleeds. I told Dr. Nappier, DVM at the Westlake Animal Hospital about the foster Siamese cat and that the other clinic had never found the diagnosis. Dr. Nappier acknowledged the information, but said it wasn't likely related. Atlas was given an antibiotic shot and sent home.

The next morning Atlas appeared much worse and we did a follow-up that then rendered the suspicion of acute pancreatitis. The vet did some bloodwork to confirm the diagnosis. Atlas also had an EKG as he had developed a heart arrhythmia and potassium supplements were also started. So more fluids and directions of how to treat this new diagnosis.

By the third day Atlas was severely ill. Dr. Nappier called me that morning and began asking about that little foster Siamese cat. The reason being that Atlas's white blood cell count should have been high for pancreatitis. It was not high, it was nearly nonexistent. Pancreatitis was not the right diagnosis. Was the Siamese fully vaccinated against Panleukopenia? With a few phone calls to the shelter, the vet learned he had been vaccinated on intake at the boarding facility before being transferred to the shelter. But, this particular vaccine needs a booster 3-4 weeks later and it is unknown if the Siamese cat ever got that booster. It also needs to be administered before an animal is boarded. It needs several weeks for the animals immune response to develop, otherwise the pet is at risk for getting Panleukopenia.

I cancelled some client appointments and rushed home to get Atlas back to see Dr. Nappier. When I found Atlas he was laying in a pool of liquid stench. A runny pool of water-like diarrhea like I have never seen before. The use of a quick canine test for Parvo confirmed Dr. Nappier's suspicion. The diagnosis--Panleukopenia, otherwise known as Feline Distemper. All the symptoms finally fit--a highly unusual case.

With a confirmed diagnosis, I contacted Venita at, Diabetic Cats in Need, to let her know and to tell her I was going to put Atlas to sleep. I simply do not have the money to cover the thousands of dollars needed for a 24/7 treatment facility that a deadly disease like this requires. And given what would be an unlikely recovery, it would an unwise use of DCIN funds. As far as I knew, and even Venita thought, this diagnosis was a death sentence. After what seemed like a 4-way whirlwind conversation among Dr. Nappier, the local internal medicine specialist, Venita, and me, we decided to give Atlas one more chance. Dr. Nappier believed we caught this just as clinical signs were breaking and he strongly advocated to not euthanize, but to try the Tamiflu protocol. We'd know in a few days if it would work. While there are some downsides to not going to a 24/7 facility, Venita approved the treatment plan.

I am in rescue and I know how vital vaccinations are for my cats, but this situation left one serious question. If Atlas was vaccinated, how did he get this? A detailed review of his case file revealed the initial dosing was done incorrectly at the shelter and that darn 2nd booster was missed. Atlas has seen 3 different vets in the past 2 years and not one caught this error. And the likelihood of him coming into contact with this deadly virus as a house cat is pretty slim. Dr. Nappier said, "he would have to come in contact with a stray." Atlas never had direct contact with any stray cats and even the foster Siamese kitty was in an isolated foster room. I sanitized the foster room with a 10:1 bleach solution after the cat died. But, Panleukopenia is transmissible if it gets on a handler's shoes, clothes, or hands. No one knew what disease process that little foster cat had. So for several days, I did not know that I should follow the protocol for a highly contagious disease. Clinics and shelters are not supposed to release animals like this undisclosed to fosters or owners. This also opened the door to not only Atlas getting sick, but also any feline clients I was caring for.

There are varying degrees of angst about getting cats vaccinated. Shots that can cause cancer (vaccination sarcomas) being one of them. But as I watched Atlas struggle to get through a virus that kills in less than 12 hours post clinical symptoms, I have to wonder why an owner would opt out of using some of the new vaccines? The FVRC (covers Rhinotracheitis and Calici) is available as a new nasal-administered vaccine. There also is a nasal version that includes Panleukopenia, but the injectable vaccine is more effective.

As I've discussed with Venita, it took a perfect storm of missteps for Atlas to catch this horrible virus. And I do realize, as I discussed at length with Dr. Nappier, the probabilities for this exact situation to happen were darn near impossible. I am sort of feeling like I need to create a timeline to show how the near impossible happened. So this article is a little long. Keep in mind the internal medicine specialist said she hasn't seen an adult case of feline distemper in 20 years of practice. The vet insists that is due to the incredible efficacy of the vaccine, Panleukopenia has been nearly eradicated in adult cats. It is pretty much relegated these days to feral colonies, catteries, boarding facilities, and shelters.

As far as breaking the news to my pet sitting clients it went surprisingly well, except for one client. The news for her was devastating, as she has neglected getting any type of vaccinations for a senior cat in her home. She thought he was too old to handle getting his annuals. While my vet does insist that even a kittenhood series of the feline distemper would protect him and if he received annuals up until 5 years ago, he will be fine. I of course can't say such things to my client. All I can tell her is to check with her own vet. It is up to her and her vet if they want to take any kind of preventative action.

So Attie's life was at risk through a series of unimaginable missteps, not as an intentional choice to not vaccinate, as I do advocate strongly that pets be vaccinated according to the new feline protocols every other year or every three years. And with the advent of the ultranasal vaccine series for FVRCP, I see little to no reason not to. I know my business brings me into contact with many pets who may or may not be properly vaccinated and in the pet sitting world we're often called to pet sit because owners don't want to put pets through the additional vaccinations that boarding requires or the potential diseases that can come with boarding.

Just because your pets are kept at home, they don't live in an isolation ward and anyone can potentially bring a deadly disease into your house. It might be a friend, neighbor, your kids that contacted the stray cat outside, or even your pet sitter from another animal on his/her route.

So if you made your mind up a few years ago about not keeping your pets' core vaccinations up to date, maybe check with your vet again about the new advances and protocol changes. Think about that little foster Siamese cat that died and about my Atlas, how unlikely the scenario. A week ago Atlas rested in a cage in an isolation unit at Westlake Animal Hospital fighting for his life. Diabetic Cats in Need is very kindly raising funds to help pay for his care.

Concerns about vaccination sarcoma, the fact that a cat is elderly, or this scenario, you do have a choice and newer options are available.

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Distemper in cats is a very serious disease that can easily be fatal. It is caused by a highly contagious virus. The virus can be transmitted through contact with other cats and humans. Your cat can also be infected with this virus from litter boxes, bedding, and water bowls.


Cats begin to show symptoms about 10 days after being exposed to the virus. He will begin to display signs such as loss of appetite, depression, diarrhea, and vomiting. Your cat may also stop grooming himself on a regular basis. This will cause his hair to be rough. Some cats also develop a third eyelid in the inner corner of their eye.


It is important that you take your feline to the veterinarian as soon as he begins showing symptoms. Once there, the vet will perform a blood test. A diagnosis will be confirmed if there are antibodies to the virus and a drop in the white blood cell count.


Your cat will need immediate treatment once diagnosed. As you now know, vomiting and diarrhea are two of the most common signs of distemper in cats. Therefore, fluids and nutrients will need to be given to prevent dehydration.

Secondary bacterial infections can also become a problem with this disease. So, antibiotics may need to be given also. This will allow the immune system time to take over. Some cats also need a blood transfusion when dealing with this illness.


Vaccination is the best way to prevent this disease. Kitten will need a shot when they reach eight or ten weeks old. Cats also need a booster shot every one or three years depending on the particular vaccine.

The virus that causes distemper in cats is capable of surviving in the environment for years. It can be harbored in carpet, upholstery, bedding, and other objects. You can use a normal disinfectant to destroy the virus.

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You have seen this many times; soft, liquidy poop found in a pile on the rug under the kitchen table. In this article I am going to go over the common causes of dog diarrhea, and how it is diagnosed based on the clinical signs. Lastly you will see the more common and most effective at home remedies to be able to stop your dog's diarrhea fast.

Anything that upsets the digestive tract and results in water not being absorbed produces diarrhea. Some common causes include dietary indiscretion (eating compost), parasites (Giardia or Roundworms), food allergy, infectious causes (Salmonella), inflammatory changes (Inflammatory Bowel Disease; similar to Crohn's disease in people), and pancreatic abnormalities (Pancreatic insufficiency, common in German Shepherds).

Diarrhea in dogs is categorized as being either small bowel diarrhea ( it originates from the small intestine), or large bowel diarrhea ( it originates from the colon). Small bowel diarrhea is generally large volume, not very frequent, at times with vomiting and weight loss. The causes of small bowel diarrhea are many, from parasites to infectious agents. Large bowel diarrhea signs include frequent bowel movements, straining, with occasional mucous and blood. Most large bowel diarrhea is classified as colitis, being caused by dietary indiscretion.

Severe diarrhea that results in dehydration is a medical emergency and must be dealt with by your veterinarian. If you have a young unvaccinated dog the diarrhea may have an infectious cause; the dog must be examined by a veterinarian. If your pet is still very alert, active and drinking, then try some of the following home remedies.

Stop putting food into your pet for 24 hours (Day 1). This allows the intestines to rest and regenerate. Always have access to plenty of fresh water. After 24 hours, introduce a bland food for the next 24 hours (Day 2). Plain cooked white rice for dogs, feeding equivalent cups of rice as their normal diet. After a day of the bland food mix 1/2 regular diet and 1/2 bland diet (Day 3). By the end of Day 3, they should be back on their normal diet.

Probiotics help restore the natural bacteria in the intestine, normalizing the intestinal immune system. The most effective supplement is Lactobacillus acidophilus - give 1/4 capsule per 10 lbs of body weight twice daily. I advise probiotics for all cases of diarrhea, but purchase them from a reputable source to ensure the probiotics are active.

Pepto-Bismol is an old standby that can be effective for dogs. The dog dose is 1 ml/10 lbs of body weight given three times daily for no more than 7 days. Imodium (Loperamide) can be used with care, avoid giving it to Collie's or Collie crosses. The dose for dogs is 0.5 mg/10 lbs three times daily (give your 40 lb dog one 2 mg tablet three times daily).

Kaopectate has a newer version that is safer for dogs. It contains attapulgite clay as the active ingredient which binds toxins, decreases the fluid in the intestinal tract and subsequent diarrhea. Dose for dogs: 0.5-1.0 ml per pound by mouth every 4-6 hours. Treatment should only be needed for 1-2 days.

There are a few herbs that I am finding helpful for dog diarrhea. Slippery Elm in the dried form can be helpful for chronic diarrhea, such as inflammatory bowel disease in dogs. The dried herb dose is 20 mg/lb of body weight twice daily. Peppermint helps with intestinal gas and cramping; give 25 mg/lb of body weight twice daily of the dried herb or 1 drop/lb of body weight twice daily of the tincture.

One homeopathic in particular stands out as being especially useful for most cases of diarrhea in dogs. It is called Arsenicum Album, and is my preferred homeopathic remedy for dogs with 'Garbage Gut'. Dose: 1 30C tab per 20lbs every 2-4 hours.

You now should have a good understanding of what the signs and symptoms of dog diarrhea. You should be able to differentiate between large and small bowel diarrhea, and now know when to seek urgent veterinary care, or try some of my suggested home remedies. Now you have a selection of home remedies to use the next time your dog gets diarrhea, and you can now stop your dog's diarrhea fast at home.

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Infectious canine hepatitis is a highly contagious disease. The virus that causes this disease can cause damage to your dog's liver as well as other organs. If treatment isn't sought quickly, the disease is usually fatal. Puppies are especially susceptible to life-threatening complications.


As mentioned earlier, hepatitis in dogs is caused by a virus. The specific virus is canine adenovirus type 1, also referred to as CAV-1. It is transmitted through contact with infected animals and objects. Common objects that can harbor the virus include feces, food bowls, and water dishes. The virus can also be transmitted by parasites such as mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas. In some cases, it can also be inhaled.


Dogs with infectious canine hepatitis develop a wide range of symptoms. They include vomiting, loss of appetite, and diarrhea. Your dog may also get a high fever. You may also notice that your dog's stomach will appear enlarged. This is caused by the swelling of the liver.

Hepatitis in dogs also causes sensitivity to light. Your dog's eyes will tear when exposed to light. In severe cases of the disease, symptoms include bloody gums, nose, vomit, and diarrhea. It is also common for dogs to experience seizures, which is usually a sight of impending death within days. Some dogs die within hours of showing symptoms.


This disease is diagnosed based on a physical exam and clinical signs. Blood and urine samples will also be sent to the lab to be analyzed. There is also a test that can detect the presence of the virus in your dog's stool.


Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for infectious canine hepatitis. Dogs can usually fight the disease on their own as long as they have a healthy immune system. Treatment involves giving the dog intravenous fluids, enemas, and blood transfusions. Since the eyes usually become inflamed, your dog may also be given eye drops to get rid of the inflammation. Even after the disease has been treated, dogs can shed the virus for months after infection. Therefore, your dog will pose a threat of infecting other dogs.

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Advice about diverticulitis diets divides into two main themes. One approach works best for people who are fighting a crisis situation. The second approach - 180 degrees from the first -- works best when you're not in a crisis and your primary goal is to prevent a future crisis from starting.

In good times, you look to your colon to fulfill a pair of important processes: it optimizes your body's water level, and it collects vitamins that your body needs. It handles material using catastalsis as the method.

You could say that catastalsis causes diverticulitis. Catastalsis is the muscles around the colon wall working together to move material along. If catastalsis squeezes too hard (because your diet is too low in fiber and you're constipated) then there's a good chance that a pouch will pop out through the colon wall.

Doctors call a pouch a "diverticula." The disease of having pouches is called "diverticulosis". Pouches have become more and more common in today's society, because we eat too much processed food and we don't get the fiber that we used to. More than half of all people develop diverticula by the time we're fifty years old, but the vast majority of people don't experience any problems from them.

Diverticulitis crises happen because material gets stuck in a pouch, causing a tear and making the area infected. Doctors call this condition "diverticulitis". Diverticulitis attacks, then, are the times when damaged diverticula bring you sharp pain, bloody stools, constipation/diarrhea, and health risks. The risks can be severe, so be sure to consult your doctor if you're in crisis.

The Crisis Diverticulitis Diet

When you're in a diverticulitis crisis, you want to give your colon a break. You want to stop catastalsis, so you want to cut all fiber out of your diet. It's pretty much impossible to eliminate every bit of fiber from your diet, so experts generally recommend a daily maximum of ten grams.

When you're eliminating fiber from your diet, fill your diet with broths, cooked fruit, and skinned vegetables. Stay away from yogurts and anything containing small seeds.

Once the crisis has passed, you can gradually add more fiber as your colon recovers.

When You're Not in a Crisis

Your high fiber diet will cut the odds of a future diverticulitis crisis. Increased dietary fiber allows catastalsis to operate at a lower pressure because more water is absorbed into the food that you eat.

Diverticulitis diets with large amounts of fiber bring other health benefits as well. High fiber means less "bad" cholesterol in your blood, so you cut your risk of heart disease. Dietary fiber moderates changes in blood sugar, so you're less likely to develop diabetes. Fiber is also linked to weight loss, and some research says it lowers the possibility that you'll develop cancer.

You'll most likely be advised to get 30 to 40 grams of fiber each day. Commercial packaged foods are allowed to advertise that they have "high fiber" if they have more than five grams of fiber in each serving, which means you can plan on eating 6 or 8 servings each day.

You can also get a lot of fiber from foods like bran muffins, cooked cereals, and beans. Surprisingly large amounts of fiber are inside snack foods like apples and bananas, bran-loaded crackers, and apricots.

You might also check out a fiber supplement, preferably one that contains probiotics. A supplement will help you meet your nutrition goals, meet your fiber goals, and still eat the other foods that you love.

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This is a controversial issue. Many international travelers pack some Cipro or another antibiotic in case Montezuma's revenge strikes them with a fury. Are antibiotics the right choice for traveler's diarrhea? Is there a risk? What else can travelers do?

Traveler's diarrhea can develop abruptly and can limit your sightseeing to your hotel room toilet. This unlucky event occurs when a traveler ingests bacteria, or less likely a virus, from contaminated food or drink, or from hand to mouth contact. About half of all travelers to the developing world will develop this condition. While it is an unfortunate event, it does have a health benefit as these folks receive an aerobic workout as they sprint towards rest rooms several time a day.

If traveler's diarrhea occurs, travelers can experience relief with Imodium, Pepto Bismol and prayer. Some physicians advise beginning antibiotics instead as even a single dose can shorten the illness. This strategy makes particular sense for travelers who are on a short trip. However, if the stools are bloody or the traveler has a fever, then you should consult with a physician right away as this may not be a simple case of traveler's diarrhea.

Why shouldn't every traveler who is starting to spurt and squirt just reach for some Cipro? The overuse of antibiotics has many serious side-effects. Beyond the expense, excessive antibiotic use breeds resistant germs which can become immune to currently available antibiotics. If Cipro or other antibiotics are taken automatically for traveler's diarrhea, then the new & improved germs that may emerge may cause diarrhea and other illnesses that can't be easily treated. In addition, antibiotics can cause a serious colon infection called C. difficile colitis (known as C. diff), which can be a serious and permanent illness that can change your life. I am a gastroenterologist and have seen patients who became miserable with this condition after only one or two antibiotic pills.

International travelers have many strategies to prevent traveler's diarrhea. Review these precautions with your travel doctor before departure. Be cautious and be prepared. Bring imodium and antibiotics, just in case. You might want to pack your running shoes also. Hopefully, you'll only need them to take afternoon jogs in the park.

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If you are experiencing infertility issues you should not be embarrassed, you are not alone, actually half of the cases of infertility all over the world are caused by an issue with the man's fertility. And, obviously, as you may have guessed, the other half of the cases are due to issues with the woman's fertility.

The most common causes of male infertility are a result of a low sperm count, poor sperm motility, or sperm that are abnormally shaped. Poor sperm motility results when the sperm is not able to swim fast enough or in the right direction to be able to reach the egg and fertilize it.

The following are 5 Ways that you can naturally improve male fertility:

1. Take more Zinc.

Semen is full of zinc, which is a mineral that is required for healthy sperm to form. You can find zinc in seeds and nuts, bee pollen, hemp seeds, and seaweed.

Oysters are actually one of the greatest sources of zinc, but they should not be eaten regularly, as consuming too much zinc may cause interference in your body's ability to absorb the various other minerals that it requires and can lead to severe abdominal cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea. Oysters may also contain water borne pollutants, pathogens, and have a large amount of mercury in them.

2. Start Eating Organic Foods.

The hormones and pesticides that can be found in non-organic foods can cause infertility problems in men. The easiest way to switch to organic food is to transition gradually. This can be accomplished by replacing just one non-organic food with an organic one slowly until you are eventually eating nothing but organic vegetables, fruits, meats, seafood, poultry and nuts.

Some research has shown that organic foods also contain an increased nutritional value because they are free from genetic mutations.

3. Change the Personal Care Products You Use.

When I say change your personal care products, I am referring to switching your body washes, shaving creams, shampoos and conditioners, hand soaps, hair spray, gels, tanning lotions, etc. to ones that are made up of all natural ingredients, or as many as possible. Products you should avoid that could lead to infertility issues in males include ones that contain ingredients like parabens, fragrances, colorings, sodium lauryl sulfate etc.

4. No More Fast and Processed Foods.

Processed and fast foods are some of the most nutritionally absent foods on the market and the fact that they are full of additives, chemicals, and food colorings, can contribute to male fertility problems. For example, FD&C Yellow No. 5 or Yellow food coloring, also referred to as Tartrazine, is an extremely toxic chemical that can cause fertility issues in both women and men.

5. Start Drinking More Water.

I am sure you have heard this suggestion for many other health related problems out there today, but it is just as helpful for male infertility issues as well. Sufficient water intake is very important for proper function of the body's natural processes, and this includes sperm production, motility, and conception. The best sign to know that you are drinking enough water is that your urine is always clear whenever you go to the bathroom.

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Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are the common infection that can be transmitted from infected person to sexual partner. Human sexual behavior through vaginal intercourse, oral sex and anal sex are common ways to transmit the infected virus with your sexual partner.

However infected person can also spread virus through syringe or if infective person is currently pregnant the unborn child is a possible carrier of such disease.

Unsafe sexual attachment may develop such infection. Basically the risks of sexually transmitted disease is incrementing and more alarming to woman's part for if sexual partner has infected virus the cervix or the neck of the womb narrow portion has an opening hole which allows the sperm to flow and transmit the disease to another human being. Infected person doesn't have obvious symptoms that can possible linked to it, however by seeking medical help it might be treated accurately and eliminate such turmoil.

Sexually transmitted disease could be asymptomatic therefore turmoil maybe present but without any signs or symptoms. Though no signs are visible yet unsafe sex might transmit the virus to your partner the safer to do is protect yourself use condoms or at regular basis have STD screening.

Transmitted virus based on sexual contact common to men and women:

Bacterial infection usually at your genital tract is affected without any visible sign to detect and prevent early-stage of infection. After sexual intercourse usually 7-21 day period you been exposed to Chlamydia but still without visible appearance or smelly odor. However if sudden changes are present where painful during urination, successive abdominal pain, smelly discharge to most women and men, painful sexual activity are some of the visible signs and symptoms of infection.

Bacterial infections are visible after 7-10 days of exposure or even in months. Usually infected person has bloody discharges, painful urination, abnormal menstrual bleed, anal itch and painful sexual intercourse.

Minuscule parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis usually spread throughout sexual intercourse with infected person. Symptoms appear to infected person are irritation, inflammation, discharges and internal irritation.

Human immunodeficiency virus affects human ability to fight virus and bacteria that leads to life threatening turmoil. Flu like symptoms is present to infected individual usually the complication appears 14 to 42 days from initial development of virus. Early indications are fever, sore throat, headache, rash and fatigue.

Genital herpes
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) inters human body through skin breaks or mucous membranes. Usually no exact indication that you almost have the turmoil the later part appears to be the worst condition involves swelling, itching genital area and red bumps.

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Reducing the exposure to carcinogens is one of the "Major Recommendations for cancer prevention." The American Cancer Society.
Charles Jacobson, compliance officer of the US. Consumer Product and Safety Commission in the area of toxic chemicals, said, "If every carcinogenic ingredient were banned, there would be hardly any products on the market."

Do you know anyone who is troubled by respiratory problems, liver damage, kidney problems, chest pains, rashes, dizziness, convulsions, shortness of breath, vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, fatigue, headaches, nervousness, nausea, drowsiness, irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, and skin or cancer ?
Well, ! It is likely caused by the "SEA OF CHEMICALS THEY ARE LIVING IN" !

These chemicals are found today in most Name Brand household products that are sold in your Grocery Stores, products that most of us have bought. At the time, we believed that they were safe for us to use in and around our home and family.

1: Isopropyl Alcohol poisonous, toxic & carcinogenic

2: Isopropanol poisonous toxic & carcinogenic

3: Benzyl - (benzene) poisonous, toxic & carcinogenic

4: Chlorine poisonous, toxic & carcinogenic

5: Phenol highly toxic & highly carcinogenic major killer in the US

6: Ammonia highly toxic & carcinogenic

7: Halogenated hydrocarbons highly toxic & carcinogenic

8: Aromatic amines carcinogenic

9: Amino Azobenzene carcinogenic

10: Methylene Chloride poisonous toxic, birth defects & carcinogenic

11: Perthloroethylene poisonous, toxic, birth defects & carcinogenic

12: Sodium Nitrite carcinogenic

13: Toluene toxic & carcinogenic

14: Xylene toxic & carcinogenic

15: Is amyl Alcohol toxic & carcinogenic

16: 4-Dimethylaminoazobenzene carcinogenic

17: Diethylene Glycol poisonous

18: Diethyl Ether poisonous

19: Sodium Hydroxide causes lung damage & destructive effect upon tissue

20: Sodium Hypochlorite bleaches) poisonous & toxic

21: Borax toxic

22: Hydrochloric Acid poisonous & toxic

23: Phosphorus highly poisonous & toxic (explosive)

24: Dichlorine monoxide extremely toxic

25: Chlorine monoxide extremely toxic

26: Chlorine dioxide extremely toxic

27: Chlorine hex oxide extremely toxic

28: Chlorine heptoxide extremely toxic

If you need more, read "A Consumers Dictionary of Household Yard and Office Chemicals" by Ruth Winters.
You can find a copy at your local Library.

If you are ready to change the products you currently use and make your home environmentally safe for your family, I can show you how. I can also show you how to make a part time or full time income showing others about the harmful chemicals found in household products and how to replace the products loaded with carcinogens to products that have natural ingredients but are very effective.

For more information you may email me at tc@thewinnersteam.net or visit my web site at [http://tc.thewinnersteam.net/].

Tami Calendo

posted by Tami Calendo @ 12:29 PM 0 comments

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In the hustle and bustle of moving your kids out the door in the morning, it can sometimes be a tough call to send them to school or keep them home sick when they complain about not feeling well. While it is not a good habit to allow them to take a lot of sick days for minor discomforts and complaints, there are certain situations in which they really do need to stay at home. The following list has several cases when it really is necessary to keep your sick children home from school.


Regardless of other symptoms, a child experiencing vomiting should be kept home from school. Keep them home until you are sure that they can stomach a normal diet.

A High Fever

A fever is the body's way of fighting off infection. If your child has a fever of 100.5 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, this means that their body is in this process and attempting to become well. You should keep them home from school until they have been free from their fever for at least 24 hours.

"Tummy Trouble"

If your child is going to the bathroom too frequently or if they are severely constipated, they should not be sent to school. Any case of diarrhea with extremely frequent bowel movements is definitely a good reason for them to stay at home. When a child experiences diarrhea that is bloody or diarrhea that comes with vomiting, a fever, or a stomach ache, they should see a doctor as soon as possible. Constipation isn't as serious, but chronic constipation or constipation that is accompanied by fever, vomiting, abdominal swelling, or blood in the stool warrants a visit to the pediatrician.

Certain Rashes

A rash is not necessarily reason enough to keep a child home from school, because many that develop will be harmless, minor cases of irritated skin. However, there are certain red flags that help you to decide if it is time to head to school or time to visit the pediatrician. If the rash appears with other symptoms, like a fever or trouble swallowing, it may be a sign of something serious and should be checked out by a doctor. The same goes for any rash that is itchy or scaly because it may be contagious and put other students at risk.

Severe Cough

Most coughs are not a reason for a sick day. However, when a child is coughing in a way the produces a lot of phlegm, keeping them up at night, or experiences a cough that is accompanied by a fever or difficulty breathing, they should be kept home and have an appointment set up with their pediatrician.

A Doctor Recommends It

When you are really in doubt as to whether or not you should send your child to school, give their doctor a call. Sometime a simple phone consultation will be able to help you to decide, especially with a doctor that is already familiar with your child and their medical history.

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Although wiping the anal or rectal area does not cause hemorrhoids, it can aggravate an already existing hemroid. Hence, to prevent this, each bowel movement must be able to evacuate contents well.

In case of internal hemorrhoids, too much wiping can lead to bleeding. The bleeding may also be caused by scratches made by hard stool. In external hemorrhoids, bleeding may be caused by wiping too hard for a long time or by using a hard toilet paper. Scratches caused by hard stools are also accompanied with a lot of pain. In external hemorrhoids, wiping too hard or scratches by any other means may also result in bleeding.

Hemroids may also get aggravated due to diarrhea. The frequent bowel movements accompanied by the frequent wiping of the anal area, results in vein damage and worsened hemroids. Hence, cure for diarrhea is a must to stop the worsening of hemroids. Also, ensure good hygiene during the time you are diarrheic, by washing your hands thoroughly, to prevent the disease transmission to others.

Wiping as a Cause of Hemorrhoids: Alternatives

Since wiping aggravates hemorrhoids, you must avoid doing it. Instead, you can use a jet or shower to clean the area. Using soap is not suggested, since that would further irritate the hemorrhoids. Using cool water for washing can get some relief. However, if you can't resist wiping, you must wet the tissue paper with cold water before using them on hemorrhoids.

Here are some natural remedial measures for relief from hemorrhoids:

You can use an ice pack and keep it on the affected area for about 15 minutes. You can make your own ice pack by mixing 30 percent smooching alcohol with 70 percent water in a lockable bag.

Another method of natural treatment is to use warm water tub for providing relief from hemorrhoids.

You should avoid eating fast foods, fatty or fried foods, or too much of dairy products.

Consume lots of vegetables and fruits and keep yourself hydrated by drinking water frequently. Fiber-rich diets help create softer stool which can pass easily without irritating the existing hemorrhoids.

Information about hemroids is your key to preventing the development or aggravation of this condition. Hemroids Info endeavors to give you detailed knowledge about all aspects of hemroids.

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A chronic inflammatory bowel disease in which the inner lining of the large intestine (colon or bowel) and rectum become inflamed, Ulcerative colitis is a serious disorder which is characterized by recurrent episodes of abdominal pain, fever, chills and profuse diarrhea.

Ulcerative colitis causes both inflammation and sores, also called ulcers, in the lining of the colon and rectum. The ulcerated areas occur in the areas where inflammation has killed off the protective cells that usually line the colon. The inflammation and ulcers lead to pain, bleeding, and the hallmark symptom of profuse and nearly uncontrollable diarrhea.

The inflammation typically begins in the rectum and the sigmoid or lower colon. It may then spreads upward throughout the entire colon. However, except for the lower section, call the ileum, this disease rarely invades the small intestine. Other names for ulcerative colitis include proctitis, enteritis, ileitis and colitis.

Currently the cause is unknown, although many theories exist. Some researchers believe that it is hereditary; others believe that it is due to a bacteria or viral invasion, and still others believe it is a defect in the immune system in which the body's antibodies actually attack the colon.

The most common symptoms of ulcerative colitis are abdominal pain and bloody or pus-filled diarrhea. Other symptoms include loss of appetite, fatigue, weight loss, rectal bleeding, anemia, loss of body fluids and nutrients and fever.

Patients may also experience joint pain, rashes, skin lesions, and abscesses. Typically the onset of ulcerative colitis is gradual. However, in some cases the onset can be rather severe with the diarrhea and bleeding being much more significant. Because many of these symptoms can mimic other disorders it is important to see your physician so that an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment can begin.

There is currently no known cure for ulcerative colitis except for removal of the colon. Some helpful treatments include medications such as steroids designed to control or lessen the inflammation of the colon can help to improve the diarrhea and cramping. Antibiotics may also be used to help control the disorder.

Other medications may be used to control the pain and diarrhea of ulcerative colitis. Dietary changes can also help. For example, during an acute attack of ulcerative colitis, your physician may suggest that you avoid milk, milk products and bulky, heavy fiber foods.

A healthy diet with sufficient calories and adequate protein will help in overall well being. Hospitalization may be necessary in order to correct malnutrition, dehydration or mineral imbalances and to stop the diarrhea.

Surgery may also be required for difficult cases of ulcerative colitis. In cases of excessive bleeding, a perforation of the colon or even a debilitating lifestyle impact from the disease may all be appropriate reasons for surgery to remove the colon. Surgery is generally looked to as a last resort option after all other treatment options have failed.

Ulcerative colitis mimics several other bowel disorders and must be aggressively managed in order to avoid long term damage to the colon and a significant impact on the overall health of the sufferer.

Talk with your physician today and determine the best and most aggressive course of treatment for your disease.

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New canine owners are often alarmed over dog vomiting, but those of us who have owned dogs for some time know that this is rarely cause for concern. It's fairly easy to tell if your dog is really sick or simply reacting to a hairball from terrorizing the cat all morning.

Dogs are able to throw up easier than humans and most other mammals. You know this if you have had the experience of walking your dog when he stops to eat a fresh patch of grass, throws up, wags his tail, and proceeds on the walk.

It is suggested that this unique ability is a defense mechanism to the dog's scavenger nature.

After eating the leg of the dining room table or the flip-flop that couldn't be resisted, their body realizes that it was not edible so it reacts by throwing up. While there are unfortunate circumstances where dogs end up with a blockage from something they ate, these occurrences would be a lot more common if dog vomiting wasn't such an easy and natural reaction.

That being said, there are also times when the vomiting is a symptom of an illness or some type of underlying disease.

Reasons for Vomiting

If a dog only throws up a frothy, yellowish fluid, he could have acute gastritis, peritonitis, pancreatitis, an intestinal obstruction or some other type of stomach problem. However, there are dogs that simply have tummy trouble that do this once daily like clockwork. Even if you think there is no cause for concern and that your dog is healthy, this still warrants a trip to the vet.

Dogs will often vomit due to stress, worms, motion sickness, eating too fast, overeating or eating something indigestible. It should be noted that if you have a dog that devours their food for too fast, there are pace bowls that will slow them down.

Vomiting can be a symptom of a serious condition as well, such as kidney or liver failure, distemper, ulcers, parvovirus, peritonitis, cancer, diabetes, intestinal obstruction, poisoning, acute gastritis and severe food allergies.

Does it Warrant a Vet Visit?

The majority of the time, vomiting is nothing to get panicked over. If you actually knew how often your dog throws up, you would probably be quite surprised. However, if the vomiting is accompanied by other symptoms, it should be treated like an emergency. Some of these include:

  • Vomiting several times a day

  • Blood in vomit, generally looks like coffee grounds

  • Projective vomiting

  • Lethargy

  • Diarrhea

  • Abdominal bloating

It is important to understand that dogs can get dehydrated very quickly if they are vomiting a lot, especially puppies. Be on the lookout for changes in weight or behavior, and be prepared to supply the vet with this information.


A bland diet will help settle the stomach. Plain rice and chicken breast is often recommended, but if the vet thinks that there may be a small blockage that needs to be passed, bread and pumpkin may be encouraged to stimulate digestion. If dog vomiting is due to something more serious, permanent dietary changes, medication or other treatment options may be necessary.

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