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Colitis (also called ulcerative colitis) is an acute or chronic inflammation of the membrane lining the colon (your large intestine or bowels) producing sores, called ulcers, in the top layers of the lining of the large intestine. It can be identified using flexible sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy. In both of these tests, a flexible tube is inserted in the rectum, and specific areas of the colon are evaluated. Colitis may be acute (lasting only a few days) or chronic (lasting weeks or even many months) and may result in bleeding, ulceration, perforation (a hole in the colon). It is best managed when its cause has been determine and specific treatment can be applied.


Symptoms can include abdominal pain, diarrhea, dehydration, abdominal bloating, increased intestinal gas, and bloody stools and can return in up to 20% of people with this disorder, thus requiring treatment with antibiotics to be repeated. Colitis can be difficult to diagnose because its symptoms are similar to other intestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn disease (also called Crohn's disease). The two most common symptoms are abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea. About half of the people diagnosed with the disease have mild symptoms. It is not caused by emotional distress or sensitivity to certain foods or food products, but these factors may trigger symptoms in some people. The stress of living with colitis may also contribute to a worsening of symptoms. Some people have remissions, periods when the symptoms go away, that last for months or even years. Occasionally, symptoms are severe enough that a person must be hospitalized.


Treatment for colitis depends on the severity of the disease and usually starts with prescription anti-inflammatory medications, such as mesalamine (Rowasa or Canasa) and sulfasalazine (Azulfidine), in order to reduce swelling. Treatment may also include taking nutritional supplements to restore normal growth and sexual development in children and teens. Therapy is directed at the underlying cause of the disease, whether it be infection, inflammation, lack of blood flow, or other causes. The aim is to control the inflammation, reduce symptoms, and replace any lost fluids and nutrients.

Treatment varies depending upon which parts of the colon are involved. Each person experiences colitis differently, so treatment is adjusted for each individual. Sometimes the doctor will recommend removing the colon if medical treatment fails or if the side effects of corticosteroids or other drugs threaten the patients health. If you are already under treatment for inflammatory bowel disease or irritable bowel syndrome, contact your doctor if you experience any prolonged changes or pass blood in your stools.

Also see your doctor if you have any of these conditions: Diarrhea lasting more than 3 days, Severe abdominal or rectal pain, Signs of dehydration such as dry mouth, anxiety or restlessness, excessive thirst, little or no urination, Frequent loose bowel movements during pregnancy, More than 1 other person who shared food with you who has symptoms like yours, for example abdominal pain, fever, and diarrhea, Blood or mucus in your stool, Progressively looser bowel movements, Fever with diarrhea, Pain moving from the area around your belly to your right lower abdomen.

You should go to the hospital's Emergency Department for any of these reasons: Abdominal pain with fever, Severe acute attacks in people diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease, Signs of dehydration in an old or very young person, Progression or appearance of new symptoms over a few hours, Blood in your stool along with fever and loose bowel movements. Your doctor will consider the possible causes of your colitis and any complications that need urgent treatment.


Colitis is an inflammation of the large intestine that can be caused by many different disease processes and is generally found in younger people, before they reach age 30. Up to 2 million people in the US are estimated to have either ulcerative colitis or Crohn disease. Jewish people tend to have more incidence of of the disease than non-Jewish people. It affects men and women equally and appears to run in families, with reports of up to 20 percent of people with the disease having a family member or relative with ulcerative colitis or Crohns disease. Along with people of Jewish descent a higher incidence is also seen in Whites. People with this disease usually have abnormalities of the immune system, but doctors do not know whether these abnormalities are a cause or a result of having the disease.

Many tests are used to diagnose the disease. A colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy are the most accurate methods for making a diagnosis and ruling out other possible conditions, such as Crohns disease, diverticular disease, or cancer. Sometimes x rays using a barium enema or CT scans are also used to diagnose colitis or its complications. There's no known cure for it, but therapies are available that may dramatically reduce the signs and symptoms and even bring about a long-term remission. Your doctor will decide which tests you need based on your symptoms, medical history, and clinical findings.

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Crohn's disease isn't fun to deal with and to make matters worse, it can be troubling both physically and psychologically to those who have it. Crohn's is a chronic IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) that attacks the intestinal immune system causing it to malfunction. The intestines malfunction due to an overload of white blood cells that build up in the stomach's mucosa (inner lining of the stomach).

These cells release chemicals that cause the mucosa to become inflamed which irritates the small intestine and/or colon. The resulting inflammation usually causes diarrhea and/or bloody diarrhea, which is one of the most common symptoms of Crohn's disease.

What is diarrhea? In many cases it is a frequent increase in bowel movements and the decrease of producing stool that has form. Diarrhea is loose, soft stool, that is often watery. The softness of the stool is caused by excess secretions of fluid in the stomach or the upper small intestine. When too much liquid occurs at one time, the colon and lower small intestine can not absorb the necessary amount of water. Thus, the digested, and sometimes undigested food, remains watery and quickly passes through the anus resulting in diarrhea.

There are different variations of Crohn's disease. The 4 main sub-types include:

1. Crohn's Colitis - inflammation of the colon

2. Crohn's Enteritis - inflammation in the small intestine

3. Crohn's Terminal ileitis - inflammation at the very end of the small intestine; the area closest to the colon.

4. Crohn's Entero-Colitis (also known as Ileo-Colitis) - inflammation of both the small intestine and the colon.

Even though symptoms an infected person may experience differ based on the subtype they have, diarrhea is a common painful and unpleasant condition for all Crohn's disease sufferers. For this reason, many people affected with Crohn's seek treatment to control the problem.

The most common symptoms that accompany diarrhea include:

o Abdominal cramping

o Dehydration

o Skin irritation

o Weight loss

To help alleviate the symptoms you can try applying a warm compress to your stomach to help with cramps. Stay well hydrated by drinking plenty of clear fluids including water, chicken broth, apple juice, etc. Keep your rectal area clean after you have a bowel movement and avoid sitting for long periods of time.

You can also try other treatments to help control your diarrhea. For instance, there are over-the-counter anti-diarrheal meds available such as:

o Fiber supplements - Anit-diarrheal that helps to add bulk to stool (IE. Metamucil®). This treatment is often affective for those with mild cases of diarrhea.
o Loperamide - Anti-diarrheal that slows the contraction of the stomach muscles (IE. Imodium®). This treatment is usually prescribed for those who have a more serious condition.

However, it's best to consult a professional before you result to these treatments. You should also pay a visit to your doctor should the medication you are taking fail to help treat your diarrhea or cause the condition to worsen.

Medication that is prescribed for diarrhea symptoms may or may not work depending on how serious Crohn's disease affects a person. For this reason, many people with the disease also try a diet plan that focuses on eliminating certain foods such as high fiber, high sugar, dairy, and fat that can trigger a bout of loose watery stool.

Since foods that trigger diarrhea may be different for everyone, the best way to create a diet that works for you is to create a personal elimination diet.

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It's a bacterial infection which can affect a dog's liver, kidneys and blood. The bacteria which causes this illness are carried basically by rodents especially rats, but dogs which are infected with this disease can also infect other dogs too. Ingestion of urine of an infected dog is the very common mean of transmission, but these bacteria might get in through thin and damaged skin too.

It's an odd disease which may often never show signs or symptoms. In these cases bacteria are defeated by the animal's natural defense force. Other times, and mostly, the disease might be a life threatening disease to the infected animal. The 3 main forms of these disorders are hemorrhagic (blood infection, causes bleeding), renal (kidney infection), and icteric (liver infection).

Hemorrhagic Leptospirosis starts with high fever, general lethargy, appetite loss. Small hemorrhages starts to occur from the eyes and mouth too and the dog might develop diarrhea and bloody vomiting. This form is fatal, often.

Icteric Leptospirosis might often start the like the hemorrhagic form; having lethargy, loss of appetite and fever. The whites in the eyes and mouth will take a yellow appearance, like the jaundice victims. In very few cases the animal's skin might also appear yellowish and jaundiced.

Renal too starts with appetite loss, lethargic depression and victims, but eventually, it leads to the failure of kidney.

All 3 forms of this disease are curable and all 3 forms can be fatal too. Often animals which survive renal Leptospirosis have chronic kidney disorder for their remaining lifetime.

Treatment will be accomplished by making use of the antibiotics, also if the disorder is caught early, it's generally very successful. Cases having Leptospirosis in North of America are very rare, thanks to the vaccine development. Puppies would be inoculated for the disorder as early as 6 weeks of age and they will receive an annual renewal shot to maintain the immunity.

Vaccination, clean and hygienic situations are the very best way to avoid this disease in dogs. If the dog isn't able to come into proper contact with the disease carrying rat's urine, the dog won't be infected, even if it's unvaccinated. This leptospirosis vaccine causes an adverse reaction, unlike others, in the dog. The reaction is generally very mild and often includes loss of appetite, depression and lethargy. These effects last only for few days and then the dog are fine, importantly, it is safeguarded from the disorder.

Leptospirosis is the nastiest disease a dog might get and no one would want to witness his\ her pet suffering with this sort of illness. Fortunately, we have a very good vaccine in existence; few animals have to have this life threatening disease in today's age.

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At some point, your cat will encounter a parasite of some sort. One such parasite is the cat hookworm. Actually, there are four types of hookworm that may infect your cat.

Ancylostoma tubaeforme, or the feline hookworm, Ancylostoma braziliense, or the canine and feline hookworm, Uncinaria stenocephala, known as the northern canine hookworm, and Ancylostoma caninum, or the canine hookworm (some authoritative sources state that this form of the worm only infects dogs, foxes, and possibly humans, but not cats).

Hookworm risks --

As with other parasites, environment and hygiene are critical risk factors, and indoor cats are far less likely than outdoor cats to contract the worm. Cats that are regularly allowed to hunt or roam are at higher risk for infection. Overcrowding and poor sanitation in shelters may contribute to the spread of the worm as well. Hookworms tend to thrive in warm, moist environments, so incidents may be higher in warmer climates. The exception to this might be U. stenocephala, which is more commonly seen in colder climates.

What they do to your cat --

In contrast to roundworm, which swim freely in the cat's intestines, the hookworm will anchor itself to the cat's intestinal wall and suck blood from the tissue. In order to ensure a constant supply of blood flow and nutrients, they inject an anti-coagulant at the feeding site to keep the blood from clotting. Clever, huh? One of the problems that can occur is that if the hookworm moves its feeding location, the old location may continue to bleed into the bowel. All this blood loss results in anemia.

Signs and symptoms of cat hookworms --

In kittens or cats in ill health, the anemia caused by the blood loss is usually more serious than in otherwise healthy adults. In rare, but severe cases, a blood transfusion may be required, and there may be a risk of death. Hookworms in your cat may cause any of the following symptoms: anemia, weakness, pale gums, poor coat, black tarry stools, bloody diarrhea, and weight loss. Infected kittens may also exhibit stunted growth.

Methods of transmission and life cycle --

An animal can become infected by ingestion of larvae. This can be through contaminated water or soil, or by eating an infected transport host (such as when a cat eats a rodent). Larvae can also infect your cat by penetrating the skin (usually the feet). In addition, infected mothers may pass the disease on in their milk.

You will note that in contrast to some parasites, hookworms have a direct life cycle. In other words, they don't necessarily need a host in order to be transmitted.

Adult hookworms hook themselves to the intestinal wall and begin feeding. They pass microscopic eggs into the bowel of the cat, which ultimately end up in the cat's stool. The eggs hatch and develop into larvae (immature worms). The Centers for Disease Control state that under the right conditions of moisture and temperature, eggs can develop into the infective larvae stage in as few as five days. Time varies, though, and this process may take up to three weeks or so. According to most sources, the larvae can exist in the soil and remain infective for many months.

When infection starts via skin penetration, the larvae will migrate via the circulatory system to the lungs. They will then make their way up to the throat, where they are swallowed. Once in the intestine, they may mature and begin producing eggs, and the cycle begins again.

In cats, prenatal infection (infection through transplacental blood flow prior to birth) has not been established to occur, as it does in dogs. Kittens, according to some sources, can become infected as well through ingesting the milk of an infected queen (transmammary), but others state otherwise, or that it has not been established.

Cat hookworm diagnosis and treatment --

Yearly testing for cat parasites, especially worms, is important, as it's possible that healthy cats may show few symptoms until infection becomes severe. Hookworm eggs cannot be detected with the naked eye, but infection is fairly easy for your vet to diagnose through examination of the cat's stool under a microscope. At least two treatments of deworming medication are needed in order to completely rid your cat of hookworm. Typically, treatments are administered at 2 - 3 week intervals. Kittens should be, and typically are, treated for hookworm during their kitten vaccination series.

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I want to write about this subject probably even less than you want to read about it, but oh well, here we go with a discussion of belly aches with fancy names attached to them like, Crohn's colitis, pseudomembranous colitis, Gastroduodenal Crohn's, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBD) and so on and so forth. By the way Crohn does not refer to a haggard old women; that would be a crone and not a crohn. With that out of the way, we're also going to get some words out of the way that may cause discomfort or a snikker if they should show up later on, therefore in no particular order they are: intestines, bowels, diarrhea, gas, rectal, pus , bloat, stools.

In case one likes to think that an upset stomach is simply an upset stomach and that's all there is to it, the simplicity of that diagnosis is no longer in existence. Instead what we now have is that your belly ache is either Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBD), or Chrohn's. Those are the choices and were it only that simple we could stop right here, but, and as you've probably already guessed, it's not nearly that simple. As such, we might as well stop referring to belly aches and stomach aches, and talk about it the way the medical community prefers; it is not a belly ache it is a digestive tract disorder or a digestive disease. Seriously we're not trying to make light of it as there are those that are chronic sufferers of these ailments, but there are many who are not but are nevertheless put on medication, when they would better off just watching their diet and getting their stress levels under control by learning relaxation techniques.

The point that I'm trying to make, and it's a personal opinion, is that we are over medicated, over diagnosed, and over treated. We eat the wrong kind of foods and eat way to much of them and that's mainly due to our busy lifestyles because we have been convinced by the advertising industry that we must succeed and if we can't do that, we, at least must acquire those things that say we have succeeded. Never mind the extra stress that's heaped on us because we have overextended ourselves, however, at least until the creditors start to harangue us about late, or missed payments, we're looking good to our friends, neighboors, various other associates and perfect strangers who we don't care about and whom care even less about us. Did I forget to mention that we're also supposed to stay young and therefore we're cut-up, injected with botulism toxin, sucked out, and implanted? Is it little wonder that our bellies ache? Oops, sorry, I meant to say is it little wonder that so many of us have problems with our digestive system? Put in more succinctly graphic terms our colons and intestines are inflamed. In some cases they are so inflamed that pieces of them have to be cut out of us Or, if you prefer, they have to be surgically resectioned.

By that point, it doesn't much matter if the diagnosis is colitis in all its various forms and names, Crohns, or IBD, because our stools are bloody, we've got bouts of diarrhea, bouts of constipation, or both, our intestines are bleeding (Gastrointestinal bleeding) but most of all we're tired and we hurt. And that hurt in no longer confined to the belly. At that juncture it's probably way past time to ask if our striving was worth it, or would a simpler more relaxed way of of life have served us better.

Should it be perchance that you are looking for very specific information on these ailments you can find that by going to http://www.colitis-search.com, aside from that we now leave you with these parting words, 'Please learn to take better care of yourself''. It's OK to just 'be'.

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Ocular migraine is an uncommon name for a chronic disease, individuals are used to hearing scientific terms when referring to a medical disease. Accordingly, the different terms of the migraine forms give a clue to the believed source, cause or nature.

Ocular migraine is also known as visual migraine, acephalgic migraine, silent migraine and eye migraine. Physicians, however, refer to it as migraine without a headache pain. To better know it, one have to know the phases of the simple migraine. The first stage of the simple migraine is the prodrome. It is the time when the symptoms of the ocular migraine symptoms start to occur, such diarrhea, confusion and irritability, thirst and food cravings. The next phase is this migraine aura and visual disturbances, a time when the visual symptoms are felt. During this stage, other manifestations may also arise. There are many physical symptoms of the ocular migraine such as: difficulty in moving, numbness, slurred speech and tingling sensations. The head pain then proceeds after this aura phase, which may last up to four days. When it is over, the sufferer may feel tired for two days. Note that: not all the sufferer of the migraine goes through all these stages during the migraine symptoms. Migraine can occur without auras or headaches ( which is what occurred with this migraine ).

Like other migraine types, this migraine has its own episodes set consisting of feeling of confusions, euphoria, irritability, chills, fatigue, increased urination, food cravings, thirst, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and appetite loss.

The most obvious symptom of the ocular migraine is the aura, which is a visual disturbance that are felt by the sufferers. The visual symptoms of the ocular migraine are seeing the following: wavy lines, flashing lights, blind spots, dots and jagged lines. The patients may go through distortions in smell or taste, numbness sensation and tingling in other parts of the body.

Doctors believe that it is resulted from the abnormal process of the brain nerve cells. Migraine visual disturbances result from the conversion of the activities from the overstimulation to the depression of these nerve cells. The reduction of the activities spreads across the brain, starting from the brain vision center to the sensation center. This reaction is started by many factors called ocular migraine triggers. The aura reasons are: bright lights, certain foods, weather changes, loud noises, caffeine, hormonal changes, stress, inadequate sleep, alcohol and skipped meals.

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King Arthur had a lot to be grateful for, didn't he? Born of noble blood, his parents sent him to live a pauper's life to save his own and, when the time was right, he pulled his sword, Excalibur, from the stone and became King. All during his reign he appreciated his life, his friends, and the gifts he was given. When he was betrayed by what he held as sacred, he discarded his grateful attitude (along with Excalibur) and his Kingdom went into the "crapper" (that's a technical term). His subjects would murmur, "The King without a sword, the Kingdom without a King." Such is the way for all of us when we discard our swords of gratitude - "YOU without an attitude of gratitude, your life without a purpose." Being thankful for all the blessings in your life will not only make you happier, it will make you a better person to be around and research shows that it will help you live longer as well! To help cultivate an "attitude of gratitude" and keep your sword close, try these simple strategies:.

Keep a Gratitude Journal

When you wake up or right before you go to bed (or both), take a few minutes to jot down the things you are thankful for that day - big or small, every little bit of concentrated effort in focus on the positive will do marvelous things for your disposition. Even the darkest cloud can have a silver lining if you look deep enough.

Pass it Forward

Do something nice for another and expect NOTHING in return (especially if you are having a particularly difficult day-it will lift your spirits). My wife enjoys cruising through the coffee shop drive-through twice a week on her way to work. Occasionally, she will purchase the coffee for the person in the car behind her. This not only surprises the receiver of the free coffee, but the cashier, too.


There are two types of people - carriers and converters. Carriers carry every negative thing that happens to them around like a disease and try to pass it along to you. If their day is going really bad, they want yours to be just as bad. The carrier isn't happy unless you can truly understand his misery and that can't happen unless you are as miserable as he is. To maintain your attitude of gratitude, you need to surround yourself with converters. Converters take the bad and make it good. It makes no difference if they woke up to four flat tires, explosive diarrhea, or an eviction notice; a converter has a smile on his face and tries to lighten the load of those around them. Surround yourself with converters and work to be a converter yourself - then watch the atmosphere around you change!

Maintaining your thankful attitude isn't always easy because, let's face it, there are days that each of us wants to scream, "do over!" If it were only that easy! But those days can go much smoother if your attitude sword is sharp, clean, and on your side. To keep it that way and feeling like a King (or Queen) every day, try to work the strategies I suggested into your daily routine - the more you practice the easier it will be to wield the sword of gratitude.

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The Shar-pei that scratches constantly due to itching is a common problem. The great majority of these dogs suffer from atopic dermatitis which is an inherited skin barrier deficiency. Breeders of Shar-pei dogs are still in denial about the hereditary nature of this disease has allowed the problem to advance to such alarming levels.

Most of the itchy Shar-pei dogs itch and scratch constantly. They have greasy skin. They have constant skin infection. They chew the feet from sun up to sun down. They lick, bite and scratch themselves and keep their owners awake at night. They get ear infection after ear infection. There are natural treatments that can really help.

The cornerstone of managing these dogs is corticosteroids such as prednisolone. They are cheap and effective however there are many side effects associated with long term use. Cyclosporine "atopica" is another drug commonly used which does not have the severe side effect risks as long term corticosteroids. Cyclosporine does however cause vomiting and diarrhea in many dogs and the dose rate has to be reduced significantly in many dogs which sometimes means it isn't effective. Some dogs adapt to the drug and the nausea, vomiting and diarrhea subsides. Some don't however. Cyclosporine is expensive.

The Shar-pei has terrible ear problems as a result of the atopic dermatitis. Consider a total ear canal ablation if your dog is having problem after problem because it will develop middle ear disease. If you have a very young Shar-pei that has started having ear problems, consider a lateral wall resection as chronic scarring will close the dogs' ear canals.

Many of these dogs have Demodex deep in the skin. It is often hard to find unlike other breeds. Skin biopsy can help. Many get Demodex as a consequence of long term corticosteroid use from prednisolone. If your dog gets constant prednisolone, you should have it skin scraped twice a year. Every itchy dog needs a food elimination trial.

There are many natural treatments that can make a difference.

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Colon or colorectal cancer is the cancer of the large intestine, the last portion of vertebrates digestive system. It begins with the uninhibited expansion of epithelial cells that line the inner surface of the colon. The colon in most mammals is the final portion of the gastrointestinal tract. Its chief task is to get hold of water and other materials from solid waste products before these are eliminated from the body.

It has been established that majority of colon cancer cases begun with polyps which are hyperplastic masses. But these small balloon structures may undergo a succession of alterations into pre-tumorigenic (e.g. Tubular adenoma) and finally tumorous metastatic (e.g. Colorectal adenocarcinoma) growth.

For many years, colorectal cancer still remains as one of most regularly diagnosed cancers throughout the world with hundred of thousands of newly diagnosed cases each year. The elevated cancer incidence is often accompanied by high mortality rates. Colon cancer is among the leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide.

There are a variety of risk factors linked to the dvelopment of colorectal cancer. Age being one of them. Cancer risk rises proportionally with age. And males constitute a higher risk group than females. A further group at great risk of getting colon cancer are people with personal or family history of Hereditary genetic mutations (HNPCC: Hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer or FAP: Familial adenomatous polyposis). People with inflammatory bowel disease have greater risks of developing colon cancer as well.

Further major risk factors included obesity, extreme consumption of red meat, elevated fat diet, diet low in calcium, vitamin D, selenium and folate, inadequate uptake of vegetables and fruits, inadequate exercise, smoking, and aging of the immune system. Conversely, studies have found that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin and ibuprofen, estrogen-containing medications and cholesterol reducing drugs may protect against colon cancer. These drugs are however not endorsed at this point in time as alternative prevention.

While several symptoms may indicate the presence of this cancer, many of these symptoms are not unique to colon malignancy and are in fact, quite analogous to other ordinary illnesses and diseases. These symptoms may possibly appear suddenly or may grow little by little over a period of time. Symptoms include bowel movement alterations; continuous diarrhea; constipation; total bowel blockage (with extreme pain); bloody stools; sudden or chronic abdominal cramping and pain, just to name a few.

Surgical intervention is still the most effectual treatment if the tumor have not become invasive and metastasize. This is done by eliminating the tumor along with a portion of normal colonic tissues and adjacent lymph nodes.

Other types of treatments also include chemotherapy, radiation therapy and immunotherapy. Individual or combinatorial therapies may take place depending on patient's physical condition and stage of disease.

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Crohn's disease (CD) is an inflammatory bowel disease.

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is the general term for inflammation diseases of the small intestine and colon. Ulcerative colitis (UC) is another form of IBD.

In Crohn's disease, the inflammation is generally in the lower part of the small intestine. But CD can also affect the entire digestive system from mouth to anus. Colitis, on the other hand, usually only occurs in the lower colon or rectum.

Crohn's Disease Symptoms and Complications

The range and severity of Crohn's disease symptoms can vary. This makes CD complicated to diagnose. However, the most common symptoms are:

o Abdominal pain, generally in the lower right area,

o With the pain being accompanied by diarrhea.

Other common Crohn's disease symptoms are:

o Rectal bleeding,

o Weight loss,

o Arthritis,

o Skin problems,

o And fever.

Persistent rectal bleeding is serious and can lead to anemia. Children with CD often suffer from malnutrition, delayed development and even stunted growth.

The most common Crohn's disease complications are:

o Blockage and narrowing of the intestine from inflammation and scar tissue;

o Sores or ulcers in the bladder, vagina or skin that often become infected;

o Small tears called fissures, which develop in the lining of the anus;

o Nutritional deficiencies caused by poor diet, loss of nutrients or mal-absorption;

o Arthritis, skin problems, inflammation of the eyes or mouth, kidney stones, gallstones and development of diseases of the liver and biliary system.

Who Gets Crohn's Disease and Why

A tendency towards Crohn's disease often runs in families, affecting both men and women. About one out of every five CD patients has a blood relative with IBD problems, usually a brother or sister and sometimes a parent or child. Scientists are not clear if this connection is genetic or environmental, relating to diet and other family habits.

It's difficult to distinguish between Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, since they both have such similar symptoms. These include:

o Abdominal pain and cramping,

o Frequent and often bloody diarrhea,

o Loss of body fluids and nutrients,

o Poor appetite, weight loss

o And persistent fatigue.

Medical tests are therefore necessary for the accurate diagnosis of an IBD.

Neither the specific cause nor cure is known for CD. Drug therapy and surgery can relieve symptoms, but do not offer any cure. Most patients are usually treated with anti-inflammatory medications, which have unpleasant and often serious side effects.

Most Crohn's Disease patients also need to avoid foods they personally find upsetting. This varies from one patient to another, but these usually include highly seasoned foods, raw fruits and vegetables and high lactose dairy products.

Natural Help for Crohn's Disease

Several recent studies reported in the Journal of Gastroenterology have shown that natural anti-inflammatory omega 3 fish oil, high in EPA, DPA and DHA fatty acids, can reduce the severity of inflammation from Chron's disease by more than 50%.

Taking fish oil also allows those suffering from the pain of inflammation from CD to discontinue potentially harmful anti-inflammatory and steroidal medications.

Because of the symptomatic loss of nutrients and dietary restrictions, natural, full spectrum food supplements, including pure, non-toxic fish oil capsules, are highly recommended to insure the nutrition necessary to stay as healthy as possible.

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Hypertension or high blood pressure is a condition where in the blood pressure or BP in the arteries are high. Continual high blood pressure can lead to heart attacks, strokes, heart failure and aneurism. An increase in BP may shorten the life expectancy of a person. There are two kinds of hypertension, the essential hypertension and the secondary hypertension.

The causes of Essential Hypertension include the lack of regular exercise, lifestyle, old age and genetics. Lack of exercise or what is medically termed as sedentary lifestyle or most commonly called as being a couch potato contributes a lot in the cause of hypertension. This is characterized by being inactive for most of the day with very little or no exercise at all. This will include watching TV, using the computer and reading.

This can also lead to obesity in which the complications include blockage of the arteries that also leads to high blood. Lifestyle may also be a cause of hypertension if they drink too much alcohol and smoke a lot. Most persons aged 50 years old and above usually have an elevated BP than younger people, this make them more vulnerable to hypertension. Hypertension can also be inherited.

Secondary Hypertension is somewhat different because its root cause is not identified or difficult to identify as many conditions result to this. This is the result of the imbalance of the glands that produce certain hormones that regulate plasma and the heart. Other causes include kidney disorder, pre-eclampsia during pregnancy, congenital defects and use of some prescription and illegal drugs. Symptoms of Hypertension and Secondary Hypertension include dizziness, throwing up, nausea, disorder of the sight and drowsiness.

Hypotension is the opposite of Hypertension. This is a condition wherein the pressure of the blood is lower than normal. There are several causes of low hypotension, and the most common is hypovolemia or reduced blood volume. Hypovolemia can result from blood loss, lack of fluid intake that result from starvation or too much fluid loss from vomiting or diarrhea. Reduced blood output of the heart can also cause hypotension because the body will not be able to have sufficient supply of blood. Symptoms of low BP include dizziness, chest pain, and shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, headache and fever higher than 38.5 degrees Celsius.

Hypertension and hypotension are called silent killers because they can strike any time that is why it is very important to constantly monitor blood pressure. One can go to some local drugstore as some of them have blood pressure monitors.

Visit the doctor regularly to be able to have your BP monitored. Or one can buy his or her own sphygmomanometer or BP monitor device. There are different kinds of blood pressure monitors; the manual which needs training to operate, the digital which can be operated by anyone and anywhere even in noisy places, and the portable digital finger blood pressure monitor. Whichever method is chosen, one must make sure to monitor blood pressure.

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Reasons for blood in stool may vary from person to person. Various factors such as colon cancer, haemorrhoids, anal fissures and ulcers can cause rectal bleeding. In order to detect the cause of this bleeding at an early stage, it is always advisable to conduct fecal occult blood test.

A special diet plan is always recommended before this test. You should maintain strict instructions for obtaining the best possible results from the diagnosis. Mostly rectal bleeding is caused due to problem in digestive system. Fecal occult blood test is extremely important for preventing colon cancer, which can be fatal.

Home Remedies

* Constipation is the most common reason for the appearance of blood in stool. The hard stool breaks tissues while evacuation. Due to the breakdown, blood is seen in your stool. Constipation is mainly caused due to unhealthy colon. When your colon becomes unable to remove those toxic substances, the harmful toxins get clogged and forms hard stools. In order to soften them, you should use natural laxatives such as high fibrous foods and psyllium husk. Natural laxatives clears up your digestive tract and encourage proper bowel movement.

* Colon cleansing is touted to be the most efficient technique for treating rectal bleeding. Different types of colon cleansing methods such as Enema and juice fasting can be performed from the comforts of your home. This processes not only treats your bowel movement but also rejuvenates your mind, body and soul.

* You can perform Enema by introducing warm water into your colon through rectum via anus. You should continue this process for 40-45 minutes in order to clean up your colon properly. This method can also stimulate weight loss in your body. Rectal bleeding can also be cured through juice fasting. You should perform liquid dieting for 2 days, for attaining a healthy body.

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All reputable rescue shelters provide their wards with proper veterinarian care. Diseases such as distemper, parvo, rabies, leptospirosis, are detected and treatment administered if treatment exists and does not come too late to offer a cure. The mission of these shelters is to find loving, caring homes for these unfortunate creatures; and, delivering an unhealthy animal serves no one. But, it is advisable for the perspective adopting family to be aware of the signs and the prognosis of the most common ailments in the event that something was overlooked at the shelter. The sooner detection occurs, the better chance for a full recovery. 

So, here is a brief primer that will help you screen for any unhealthy condition your new family member could possibly be harboring. Please understand that this is in no way a substitute for veterinarian care. I try to cover a very broad range of maladies so all have been given only cursory coverage. Hopefully enough that will enable you to at least suspect your dog may require treatment and what that treatment might entail and how serious the infirmity is.


Look for symptoms similar to the common cold - like runny nose and eyes, coughing, high temperature, and diarrhea. These are early symptoms. If the disease has progressed, you may observe nervous twitching, convulsions and even paralysis. This is a very serious disease for which no treatment or cure exists. Canine distemper is caused by a very contagious virus transmitted by air. Dogs are normally vaccinated against distemper. So, a neglected rescue dog may not have had such treatment.


If your pup or dog is lethargic, feverish, exhibits vomiting, bloody diarrhea and rapid dehydration, he could be suffering from canine parvovirus. It is spread by contact with infected stools. It is deadly and highly contagious. Treatment will entail rigorous intravenous fluids to combat the diarrhea and resulting dehydration. Supportive therapy may also be required. Like distemper, cared for animals are vaccinated against parvo.

Tracheobronchitis (aka Kennel Cough)

This ailment is caused by a variety of viruses and bacteria. It attacks the respiratory system and inflicts a chronic, dry, hacking cough. Its very transmittable but generally remains a mild infection. However, in young pups and older dogs, if untreated, it could develop into pneumonia. There is treatment and recovery is the norm. Shots can be administered as a prevention.


Infects the kidneys and is caused by bacteria and spread through contact with mucous, urine or saliva of infected animals. Leptospirosis is of particular concern since it can infect humans. Symptoms in dogs include vomiting, diarrhea, and jaundice (detected by yellow color to gums, whites of the eyes and skin, excessive drinking, and extension of the dog's abdomen).   Intensive care treatment requires antibiotics and intravenous fluids. Animals that do recover are often left with permanent kidney damage. Vaccinations do exist, but the multitude of strains of this disease often thwart the effectiveness of preventive measures.

Canine Infectious Hepatitis (Adenovirus)

Transmitted through most animal excretions - urine, feces, saliva. Look for fever, depression, loss of appetite, coughing, and a tender abdomen. It affects the liver and kidney as well as the blood vessels. Intensive care will most likely be required which may include blood transfusions. A complete recovery is not at all certain.

Corona (Canine coronavirus)

This disease is far more prevalent in puppies since older dogs have built up immunity. Very similar in symptoms to parvovirus, except it is normally milder and more treatable. It's highly contagious and attacks the gastrointestinal tract. It causes moderate to severe vomiting and diarrhea and will lead to dehydration if not treated. Loss of appetite and depression and blood in the stool are also signs of the disease. It may even mimic poisoning. Treatment generally attempts to prevent the symptoms from worsening. Specifically, dehydration needs to be prevented through IV fluids, or even force-fed water.


A well-known viral infection of all mammals, including man, transmitted by the bite of an in­fected animal. Rabies attacks the central nervous system and causes encephalitis, and infection of the brain. It's a slow moving disease that causes the animal to go through several stages of varying symptoms, starting with nervousness, anxiety, and solitude. Next comes restlessness, irritability and extra sensitivity to noise and light. Then over salivation and difficulty swallowing. Finally, deep labored breathing, paralysis, and respiratory failure. If a dog isn't vaccinated and contracts rabies, death is certain. 

A primary responsibility of a conscientious owner of a rescue dog is to maintain your new dog's health. While many of viral and bacterial diseases are fatal if left untreated - and several cannot be treated at all after contraction - early detection certainly increases the chances of a successful cure, if one exists. Knowing the symptoms will help you with this early detection. I strongly recommend you immediately take your dog to the vet should you observe any unusual behavior or any of the aforementioned symptoms. Best of luck.  

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Canine inflammatory bowel disease, or canine IBD, is not a specific disease. The condition occurs when inflammatory cells penetrate the stomach or intestinal wall. IBD normally affects dogs that are middle-aged or old.

IBD simply means that your dog is suffering from one of many different disorders that affects the gastrointestinal lining. Symptoms will occur frequently, and some dogs may have a very hard time in their daily lives since the disease can be quite debilitating.


Unfortunately, there is no specific cause known for canine inflammatory bowel disease. However, certain factors can lead to an increased risk for developing the condition. These factors include genetics, diet, and immune system deficiencies. Your dog may also be allergic to a specific food protein and develop a case of canine inflammatory bowel disease.


Canine inflammatory bowel disease can affect certain parts of your dog's gastrointestinal system. If the condition affects his stomach or upper part of the small intestine, your dog's most noticeable symptom will be vomiting. Canine inflammatory bowel disease that affects the intestines will cause chronic diarrhea. Sometimes, mucus or blood will appear in your dog's stool.

Both the stomach and intestines can be affected in some cases of canine IBD. This will cause both vomiting and diarrhea. If the condition becomes too severe, your dog may lose weight, lose his appetite, and develop a fever.


If your dog has chronic bouts with vomiting and diarrhea, your veterinarian may suspect a number of other conditions. These conditions can mimic the signs of IBD. Therefore, he would have to rule out other causes of the diarrhea and vomiting before making an accurate diagnosis.

There are a number of other things that need to be done in order to diagnose dogs with IBD. Starting your dog on a food trial is very common. X-rays and abdominal ultrasounds can also help the vet determine what's going on with your canine. The vet may also elect to do a biopsy of the intestinal walls if he suspects that IBD is to blame.


Canine inflammatory bowel disease is usually most effectively treated with corticosteroids. Corticosteroids are medications that help get rid of the inflammatory cells in the gastrointestinal system. You will also likely need to change your dog's food to a hypoallergenic diet. If canine inflammatory bowel disease is mainly affecting the colon, then your dog would likely benefit from foods that are high in fiber.

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There are many ways of helping the body in dealing with infections. Home remedies for strep throat are various and they include many aspects: diet, natural antiseptics, natural analgesics or natural antibacterial cures. Used appropriately, home remedies for strep throat can speed up the process of healing by fighting bacteria and by stimulating the immune system of the body.

Strep throat can occur to anyone, at any time. Although children and teenagers are the ones who often get strep throat, adults may also be affected by this illness. Strep throat occurs due to infection with group A streptococcus bacteria. This type of bacteria is very contagious and can be easily transmitted through secretions (sneezing, coughing) or physical contact (handshake, touch). Even perfect hygiene can't prevent strep throat from occurring, as the bacteria that cause the infection are also airborne. In some cases, you can contract the bacteria responsible for strep throat just by standing next to a contaminated person.

The most common symptoms for strep throat are inflammation and swelling of the throat, inflammation and swelling of the tonsils, swelling and tenderness of the lymph glands, difficulty in swallowing, fever, headache, nausea, fatigue, vomiting and diarrhea.

There are home remedies for strep throat that can ease each of these symptoms. However, it is very important to understand that home remedies for strep throat can't completely replace medical treatments prescribed by a physician. Strep throat is an infection caused by bacteria and therefore needs appropriate treatment that consists of antibiotics. Although there are natural alternatives for medical antibiotics, they are considerably less effective in fighting bacteria on their own. Home remedies for strep throat that can act as antibiotics are garlic, honey, olive leaf extract and tea tree oil. Such home remedies for strep throat can help in fighting infection and inflammation, but medical treatment shouldn't be ignored. In fact, most home remedies for strep throat should be used only in addition to medical treatment with antibiotics.

Home remedies for strep throat pain, discomfort and soreness are chamomile, sage, peppermint, lavender, jasmine, rosemary and thyme. These can either be used as essences or ointments and are very efficient in reducing the pain and for relaxing the body. Peppermint and chamomile teas can relief abdominal pain, reduce nausea and can also correct internal disorders such as diarrhea.

A quick, effective, home remedy for strep throat is salty water gargle. By washing the oral cavity with salty water a few times a day you can help the body in overcoming the bacteria responsible for the infection.

When suffering from strep throat, make sure you get enough sleep. Sleep is vital for body regeneration and for maintaining a strong immune system. However, due to the discomfort and pain caused by the infection with bacteria, you might have difficulties in falling asleep. Home remedies for strep throat that have both sedative and analgesic effects are ginseng and passion flower.

Home remedies for strep throat are a very good means of speeding up the process of recovery. By following an appropriate medical treatment and a few good home remedies for strep throat, you will quickly overcome the infection and revitalize your body.

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Progesterone may be prescribed if a woman has a normal menstrual cycle and then stops having periods. During pregnancy, particularly during the first trimester, Progesterone supplements can help maintain the pregnancy. Progesterone is also prescribed in post-menopausal women during hormone replacement therapy.

Progesterone can cause several Side Effects. Headache, breast tenderness, diarrhea, vaginal discharge, and problems with urination are some Side Effects that tend to be transient. If these persist, a woman taking Progesterone supplements should tell her doctor. Some people taking Progesterone may experience dizziness or drowsiness. Progesterone should therefore not be taken before driving or operating heavy machinery. Other Side Effects may be more serious, and if they occur, a woman taking Progesterone should contact her doctor immediately. Because Progesterone causes increased blood clotting, it can contribute to a heart attack, blood clots in the lungs and legs, or even stroke. Some signs of such serious Side Effects are chest pain, blurred vision or loss of vision, numbness or tingling in the arms or legs, and sudden shortness of breath. Other serious Side Effects that warrant immediate medical attention are unexpected vaginal bleeding, breast lumps, migraines, and uncontrollable shaking.

Some brands of Progesterone capsules, such as Prometrium, contain peanut oil and may trigger a life-threatening allergic reaction in people who are allergic to peanuts. Women over the age of 65 who take Progesterone as part of hormone replacement therapy are at increased risk of developing dementia. Women who suffer from depression may also experience a worsening of their depression while taking Progesterone supplements. Synthetic Progesterone compounds or progestogens decrease 'good' HDL cholesterol, may increase blood pressure, contribute to mood disorders, and may exert effects of male hormones such as increasing facial hair growth. Women taking synthetic Progesterone should switch to natural Progesterone, which does not exert these Side Effects.

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