Common Dog Diseases and Their Symptoms

Your dog's life can be at risk when affected with common dog illnesses which are viral in nature. In order to prevent them, appropriate vaccines should be administered early in your dog's life. Listed below are some of the common dog diseases and the symptoms.


Being a viral disease, rabies can transfer from one animal to another by means of their saliva. Dogs become irritable and aggressive making the disease spread easily through the bite wounds. Humans can also be infected with rabies and may lead to death if not treated immediately. Rabies vaccinations are required by law in the entire United States.

The most common symptoms include slow eye reflexes, fever and behavior changes in the early stages. Your dog may show an increasingly aggressive behavior, restlessness, irritability and excessive barking as the disease progresses. It may even result to coma, motor breakdown and even death in the most advanced stage.


Another viral disease which is particularly dangerous to puppies is the parvovirus. The most common symptoms include exhaustion, vomiting, bloody diarrhea and decreased appetite. The use of antibiotic and fluid support is required during treatment. It is a deadly disease that kills 80% of infected dogs. The right vaccine can prevent your dog from being affected by this disease.

Heart Worm

Heart worm is caused by mosquito bites. The parasites from infected mosquitoes transfer to the dog and reside inside the heart chambers of your dog. Symptoms are difficulty in breathing, coughing, congestive heart failure and unwillingness to exercise. Most of the time, dogs don't endure the treatment which is very complicated. The disease can be prevented by a monthly dose of Ivermectin.

Bloat Caused from Eating Too Fast

Bloat can be a threat to your dog's life, especially in large breeds of dogs like the Great Dane. This condition occurs when your dog eats too fast, eats too much and when fluid or gas builds up in your dog's stomach. The circulation to internal organs may be cut-off due to the twisted stomach. Bloat can be potentially dangerous and deadly if not treated right away.

The most common symptoms of bloat include dry heaves every 5 to 30 minutes, restlessness, anxiety, apparent weakness or collapse, pale gums, swollen or bloated abdomen, absence of normal digestive sounds in the abdomen and unexplained changes in behavior or personality.


Another incurable and dangerous dog disease is distemper. Treatment can be very expensive and the dogs that survive treatment may still retain neurological damage for the rest of their lives. Early stage distemper may show common symptoms like coughing, diarrhea and mucus discharge from the nose and eyes. Vaccination is the best way to prevent the disease.

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