Your dog's got the runs and it's becoming unbearable. Not only for the dog but also for you! It's miserable trying to get stains out of carpet when that happens, not to mention the smell it creates in the house. When you're at your wits-end with diarrhea, you just want answers. Let's see if we can look at a few possible, underlying, causes.

  • If the food you are feeding your dog has different types of protein in it, that alone can be the problem. Stick to one protein at a time, like chicken. If chicken isn't a favorite, stick to beef. Try not to get food with a number of different meats. If it's too strong of a "protein" food for your dog, the runs will be sure to follow.

  • Maybe you've decided to go with foods that are "grain-free". In theory, this could be a wise choice. Trying to go extra healthy is not a bad thing and with so many PEOPLE going wheat/gluten-free, it makes sense that they may look into feeding their dogs the same way. The only problem is, grain-free just means that they use different starches in the making of the food. Your pup could be having a reaction to whatever starch they've used to replace the normal wheat-based grain.

  • Perhaps you live near a swamp or pond? If so, your dog may have eaten a frog or other small animal/reptile without your knowing it. His diarrhea may not have anything to do with what you've fed him or with what he may have gotten into in the house. So many times I have had friends come to me with their stories of how their beloved four-legged friend ate a frog and had diarrhea for days. This is definitely something to think about. You more than likely won't have to take him to a Vet because it will run its course but just keep this in mind if you live around water.

  • With diarrhea comes dehydration if it goes on for a long period of time. Keep your dog as hydrated as possible. When giving him water, try to be sure it's really cool water so he'll be encouraged to drink. More than anything, if he's not keeping food in his system and it's coming out either by way of diarrhea or vomiting, he needs to keep his fluid intake up.

  • Another thing you may not have thought about is what, specifically, you are feeding him in regards to dog food. Not all dog foods are healthy. In fact, some are very dangerous. It would do you well to make sure you are feeding him healthy food.


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