Digestion problems can give you a lot of discomfort if you do not treat them early. There are digestion problems that can be temporary while others may take some bit of time to treat. The good thing is that most of digestive disorders can prevented if a person is serious with the observation of the right hygiene and is keen on the diet.

The most common digestion problems are discussed below:

Cancer of the colon and rectum

This is also referred to as colorectal cancer, and it commonly attacks the colon and the sections of the rectum.  In the USA, the colorectal cancer is said to be a major killer.

Stomach cancer

This is also referred to as the gastric cancer, and it is commonly manifested in individuals aged over 60 years. People are advised to eat less of smoked foods, salted meat and fish, low fiber foods, and food that contain high level of nitrates and nitrites.


Diarrhea will be notable as it leads to a person having stool that is watery, and having a high frequency of passing the stool.  The cause can either be viral or bacteria. Diarrhea is a common digestion problem which may also be as a symptom of many other health disorders.


Gas in the stomach comes about as a result of the process of breaking down of certain foods in the stomach by the bacteria that are in the colon.  This digestion problem is common to all people, but it may become so embarrassing when there is little or no control of the release of the gas.


This is also a digestion problem which is noted periodically. There are people who have heartburn out of consuming certain meals. The problem is caused by the flow of the gastric acid  to the  esophagus from the stomach.

Learn more about digestion solutions to alleviate these problems.


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