There are several diseases which are found in most of the dogs and they are mainly caused due to the huge number of the parasites or viral bacteria in their bodies. There are several symptoms of dog disease through which one can easily know that the pet is suffering from any kind of problem. Most of the symptoms of the illness of dogs are detected very late when it is difficult even for the doctors to cure the disease. Diseases caused due to the bacteria and parasites can cause damage to the interior organs of the dog and it can also even lead to the death of your dog. There are several commonly noticed symptoms in the animals through which one can easily predict that the animal is facing any sort of problem for example dry nose, regular vomiting, increasing thirst, weight loss, loss of pigment etc.

There are various kinds of dog disease for example

1. Rabies: - Rabies is a dreadful disease which can be caused to anyone including human and animals. Rabies can easily spread through the contact of the affected animal. The infection period of the disease is considered in between 2- 12 weeks and this infection can remain in the animal body for two years. The main symptoms of the disease are the paranoia, insomnia, agitation, anxiety and confusion. The remedial measure for the disease is taking of the vaccination of anti rabies for both the animals as well as the human. It is best to cure the disease as soon as the symptom of dog disease is seen.

2. Canine parvo virus: - the other main disease which is quite common in dogs is caused by the parvo virus affection. It is the most common virus affection seen in most of the dogs. It can spread through the direct or the indirect contact of the feces of the infected dogs. This disease is mostly harmful for the puppies and can even lead to the death of your favorite puppy. So it is advisable that as soon as you find your dog suffering from this disease you must consult the doctor. The dog shows the symptoms of its illness within three to ten days. The main symptoms of this dog disease are vomiting, dehydration, bloody diarrhea and high fewer. This disease can cause several other infections to the dogs. This disease can be easily found in the animal by the hemaggutination test or by the help of the electron microscopy. The curing rate of the animal depends on the detection of the virus in the body of the animal; if it is detected earlier the dog can survive quickly. Thus it is important to look for the symptom of dog disease and cure it accordingly.

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Many people get alarmed when they seen green bowel movements, especially if they happen for no apparent reason. Luckily, the chances are there are no problems and the green bowel movement is perfectly harmless. On the other hand, there could be an indication that there is a much more serious problem underlying the green feces. But the big question remains: how do you know what is harmful and what is harmless?

You should first examine your most recent changes to see if you have undergone any of these recently. If you have, there is a chance that whatever was changed is causing the green feces and there is no cause for alarm. Some of these changes are:

  1. Increased water intake: There is a common correlation, especially in children, between the amount of water that is ingested, especially when combined with a sudden reduction of solid food intake, and green stools. Typically, it occurs in children who are getting over an illness. The increased electrolytes to keep them hydrated makes their poop turn green and is no cause for alarm.

  2. Postnasal drip: Believe it or not, swallowing postnasal drip, on rare occasions can cause green stools. If you have been sick recently, postnasal drip can cause green stools.

If any of these have recently happened, do not fear! The stools will return to a normal color when the cause subsides. However, there may be other things that are wrong that have been proven to cause green stools, and require that action be taken:

  1. Salmonella: This is one of the more benign effects of Salmonella poisoning. There are many other symptoms that will trigger your alert to Salmonella, so unless you exhibit those other symptoms, this most likely is not the cause.

  2. Giardia: Once again, this is a more tame symptom of Giardia, and unless you have the other symptoms, you most likely do not have Giardia

  3. Acute Intestinal Disorder: This is probably the most common reason for the greenish stools, and luckily the easiest to treat. It is sometimes (but not always) accompanied by constipation or diarrhea, and can happen for a variety of reasons.

If you do find that you are most likely seeing what could be the result of a slight intestinal disorder, the cure is very simple and easy. A good intestinal cleanse, or colon cleanse, is one of the easiest ways to rid your body of the toxins and feces that are most likely causing this disorder. According to recent research, a typical healthy adult colon contains between five and twenty five pounds of toxic fecal matter inside of the colon, which is a prime target for cultivating an intestinal disorder.

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The Processed Food Industry (from fast food restaurants to the huge factories that create and package processed foods) is really only concerned about one thing... their corporate profits.

It's a numbers game... and the sad fact is that growing and distributing fresh, healthy food is far more expensive per unit than manufacturing packaged food products that are ready-to-eat or "instant" or very easy to prepare... and that can sit on a shelf (in the store or in your pantry) for long periods of time without spoiling ("shelf-life").

To create these modern nutritional marvels requires a great deal of tampering with the original food (if there ever was one), and numerous "added ingredients" as well as a bunch of food preservatives. And let's not forget artificial colors, flavors and pesticides.

Let me let you in on a little secret... The bottom line to staying healthy & fit is to stick to a healthy diet... and nothing is healthier than eating organically grown fruit and vegetables.

Often referred to as "Raw Food," organically grown and pesticide-free produce has been proven to be the safest and healthiest food for the human body. It is naturally filled with nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

So here's a list of Food Additives that you really need to avoid!

1. Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil

Every so often a new "buzz word" is discovered by the news media whenever they talk about health or fitness issues. Until recently, the most often heard health topic in the news concerned Cholesterol levels.

Granted, Cholesterol is still an important issue and concern for many people (especially Boomers); but the newest kid (buzz word) on the block seems to be Trans Fat.

Does that mean anything to you? It should if you're one of the millions who have fallen for the margarine trap. Or if you enjoy having a "packaged" muffin or pastry with your coffee in the morning, you need to know the hard cold facts about the dangers of eating foods containing partially hydrogenated vegetable oil.

It's made by using a process in which vegetable oil is "infused" with hydrogen. When that occurs, the level of polyunsaturated oils (a healthy fat) is drastically reduced and "Trans Fats" are created.

Do a quick search on Google and you'll discover that Trans Fats are closely associated with heart disease, breast cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, atherosclerosis and all the other problems related to elevated cholesterol.

2. BHA and BHT

The preservatives BHA and BHT are man-made ingredients that prevent oils used in processed foods from becoming rancid. Both are considered to be "Carcinogens" by the United States Department of Health and Human Services (US DHHS).

They're both recognized for causing sleep disorders and are associated with numerous diseases and health problems including skin rashes, hair loss, liver and kidney damage, pancreatic cancer, fetal abnormalities and growth retardation.

In the last 40 years, the rate of Cancer deaths in the US has increased by over 50%! This is not a coincidence! Think about the fact that BHA and BHT have both been found to cause cancer in laboratory animals, and even the US DHHS says they're unsafe for human consumption, yet the FDA continues to maintain that they're safe to be used in the foods we eat.

Read the label before you buy... if it contains BHT or BHA, put it back.

3. Azodi-carbonamide (ADA or Bromide)

In food processing, ADA is an additive used in manufacturing of Bread products; it's used for bleaching flour and as a preservative, keeping bread soft and preventing it from becoming stale.

Use of Azodi-carbonamide as a food additive is illegal in parts of Europe and in Australia. The UK has identified Bromide as a possible cause of asthma and the use of ADA in food processing in Singapore can result in up to 15 years imprisonment and a fine of $450,000!


Because the main use of ADA is in the manufacturing of foam plastics, like Styrofoam! The thermal decomposition of ADA releases nitrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and ammonia gases which are trapped in the polymer as bubbles in a foam product.

Common examples are Styrofoam cups, gaskets for car doors and windows, padded floor mats, padded inserts for shoes, etc... And yet it is still found in several bread products sold in the USA.

Ever wonder why Wonderbread was so soft and could stay that way for weeks (if not months) on the shelf? Well, now you know.

4. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

Commonly used as the "flavor enhancer" in Chinese food, MSG has become one of the few additives that are now being recognized for its unpleasant side effects. It's not uncommon to see signs in windows in Thai and Chinese restaurants that say "No MSG!"

But MSG is not just in Asian cuisine; it's also a common ingredient in "flavor packets" and "marinades" in supermarkets. MSG is what is called an excitotoxin; a toxin that binds to certain receptors in your brain.

It basically "turns off" the neural receptors that tell you when you're full, making you want to consume more food. It also over-stimulates your brain, resulting in an intense "rush" as your dopamine levels suddenly rise. The side effects of MSG include throbbing headaches (migraine trigger), rashes, dizziness as well as respiratory, digestive, circulatory and coronary concerns.

5. Olestra (Olean)

Hailed as a calorie-free fat substitute, Olean is a widely used chemical ingredient in numerous snacks, crackers and potato chips. Obviously what first comes to mind is that this is a good thing, being a "calorie-free" fat. But there's a price to pay.

This additive is known to inhibit the body's ability to absorb and assimilate several vitamins, minerals and other important nutrients. Side effects? How about severe bloating and gas as well as diarrhea and uncontrollable anal leakage?

Basically, not a pretty picture... a chemical ingredient that will add extra fat to your waistline, and then, to top it off, possibly surprise you with some unexpected explosive anal leakage? Uh, no thanks... Read that label.

6. Artificial Sweeteners

It should be a crime... People mistakenly think that they are doing their body a favor by using "Diet" versions of their favorite drink or foods... all in the effort to lose weight; but the truth is, artificial sweeteners are far worse than natural sweeteners.

They're man-made chemicals that have some really insidious side effects... like cancer and neurological (brain) disorders because of the high toxicity of their eventual chemical breakdown within the body.

And to top it off, when combined with other food additives, they can have a far more potent effect on nerve cells. Don't believe it? Read some of the many scientific research papers on the internet on the side effects of Saccharine and Aspartame.

If it says Diet (artificially sweetened) on the label... Stay away!

7. Refined White Sugar

Highly processed sugar is so common, it's found in just about everything... but especially in processed foods. Start reading those labels and you'll be amazed by the high amounts of sugar in soft drinks, baked goods (bread, cookies & pastries), pasta, tomato sauce and all kinds of canned foods and soups.

Unless you've been living on a desert island for the last 50 years, you've undoubtedly heard that white sugar consumption (and the corresponding spike in insulin levels) will cause weight gain, bloating, fatigue, arthritis, migraine headaches, lowered immune function, obesity, tooth decay, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease.

8. Artificial Coloring

Artificial colors are chemicals added to foods and drinks for no other reason than to make them more appealing to the consumer. Many are derived from coal-tar and can contain up to 10 parts per million of lead and arsenic and yet are still being recognized as safe by the FDA. Others come from a wide range of less than appetizing sources.

Carmine, the most common ingredient in red food coloring is a clothing dye that dates back to the ancient Aztecs and is made from the crushed shells of a South American beetle. Carmine and other artificial colors have been known to cause severe allergic reactions as well as ADHD in children and may contribute to visual & learning disorders as a result of nerve damage.

9. Pesticides

These days, there's really no way to get around this one... short of growing your own produce, or buying all your food from an Organic farm. Sadly the vast majority of food products (like 99.99%) has been in contact with and includes the residue of pesticides.

Over two billion pounds of pesticides are added annually to the amount that is used every year; and as the global demand for food escalates, there's no end in sight. Many of those pesticides (used outside the USA) are known carcinogens.

In countries with no legislation to protect its citizens from the use of such pesticides, there've been near epidemic numbers of cases where these toxins have severely diminishing the body's ability to resist infection, as well as contribute to a higher percentage of miscarriages and birth defects.

10. Sodium Nitrate and Nitrite

We saved this for last because of the ongoing debate about Sodium Nitrate (andNitrites ~ what Sodium Nitrate becomes in the process of curing meat)...
Thus, instead of completely avoiding Sodium Nitrate, we recommend you really limit to a minimum the amount of food you eat with Nitrites in it.

For several centuries, salt (Sodium Nitrate) has been used as a curing agent & preservative for fish & meat. Today it's found in Deli-meats and in highly concentrated amounts in bacon, salami, pepperoni and other processed meats.

Nitrates and cancer

Several decades ago, researchers suggested Nitrates were linked to cancer in lab rats. This received a lot of media attention; but what received far less attention was when it turned out they were wrong.

The National Academy of Sciences, the American Cancer Society and the National Research Council all agree that there's no direct cancer risk from consuming limited amounts of sodium nitrate... in fact, despite its bad reputation, Nitrites can actually prevent a very deadly disease!

Nitrates and Botulism

One special property of Nitrate is that it prevents the growth of Clostridium Botulinum... one of the most toxic substances known. Clostridium Botulinum produces Botulism, a paralytic illness that can quickly lead to respiratory failure and death.

Botulism bacteria are peculiar because unlike most microbes, they actually require an oxygen-free environment to live. Once exposed to air, it dies; so it tends to appear in canned foods, vacuum-packed foods, food stored in oil and improperly cured meats.

Interestingly, it turns out that Sodium Nitrate is especially effective at preventing the growth of Botulism.

Sodium Nitrate and a Healthy Diet

Considering that Sodium Nitrate occurs naturally in organic foods like spinach, carrots and celery, all the fuss about nitrites seems like typical media-driven hysteria. Moreover, when you consider the increased likelihood of contracting Botulism from eating Nitrate-free meat, it's actually the nitrate-free foods that present the higher health risk.

Despite how delicious they might taste, a steady diet of processed Deli-meats will undoubtedly result in some less than desirable effects on one's health. And not just from the Sodium Nitrate; but in concert and conjunction with all the other preservatives, additives and chemicals found in any processed food.

Studies show that frequent eating of processed meats can result in some rather unpleasant side effects that include headaches, nausea, vomiting and dizziness. Long term diets that included large daily amounts of Deli meats have been known to cause cancer, heart disease, embolism and strokes.

The Bottom Line...

If you have to buy or use a processed or manufactured food product, just be sure to read the Label! Better yet, stick to Organic Raw Foods purchased from a Whole Food or Organic Food Market and learn to cook without using a bunch of man-made chemicals and artificial ingredients.

The importance of proper nutrition cannot be emphasized enough. Your health is directly related to what you eat!

Most modern supermarket food is nearly worthless... filled with an abundance of empty calories and high fat & sugar content. The sad fact of the matter is there are are hardly any vitamins or minerals in processed foods.

Only Organic, fresh, raw foods possess high amounts of nutritional energy... and you don't have to worry about reading the ingredient list on a bunch of raw vegetables!

Unfortunately we can't always get or eat totally organic foods all the time... so it then becomes vitally important to supplement our diets with food supplements (vitamins, minerals, enzymes and anti-oxidants) in order to keep our digestion & metabolism running smoothly and to keep our bodies as healthy as possible. Just remember...
"You are what you eat" and "The longer the shelf-life... the shorter your life!"

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Green and black and oolong tea come from the plant (Camellia Sinensis). It's been used in Chinese medicine for over 4,000 years. The green variety has the most health benefits because of the way the tea leaves are processed. The other types of tea use fermented leaves, but the green leaves are steamed. The polyphenols, which are powerful anitoxidants aren't compromised, making them effective in preventing and fighting disease.

Green tea is helpful for rheumatoid arthritis in that it helps with swelling as it has anti-inflammatory properties. It has also been known to inhibit the breakdown of cartilage in the joints. It also contains antioxidants A and C. Green tea's antioxidant activity has been shown to be anywhere from 25 to 100 times more powerful than vitamins C and E.

Natural medicine practitioners also recommend green tea for treating cancers (breast,stomach, skin, esophageal and others). It is also used to help lose weight, improve mental alertness and to protect the skin from sun damage. Here is a list of some of the conditions green tea has been know to help with:

- Cancer

- rheumatoid arthritis

- digestive help

- high cholesterol

- heart disease

- infection

- impaired immune function

- tooth decay

There is much to recommend this tea, and little to say against it. Since it does contain caffeine, you may experience some of the symptoms of caffeine. These include insomnia, anxiety, irritability, nausea, diarrhea and other symptoms.

It is available as a beverage, in capsules as an extract and is used in some skin care products.
How much green tea should you drink? Studies conducted by universities concluded that drinking four or more cups of the tea per day could help prevent rheumatoid arthritis, or reduce symptoms in those that have it.

This article is for information purposes only and not intended to give medical advice or diagnosis. It is recommended to seek a physicians advice for medical issues and before making and changes in diet, medications or exercise.

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The present day situation brings numerous health problems, some related to pollution and some to a hectic life style. Would we not like to have a remedy to most, if not all, day-to-day health issues, many resulting later on in major health problems? Turmeric could be such a solution.

Turmeric is a type of herb and belongs to the ginger family. It is widely cultivated in India. Known commonly as Haldi in the Hindi language, it is a widely cultivated tropical plant having reddish yellow flowers. It is used as a condiment, a medicine and a dye. It is an integral part of food in India. It has so many medicinal properties that it can easily be considered the best herb. Turmeric alone can cure many diseases. Keep turmeric in your home and the doctor stays away. Its importance in daily life has been known in India since ages gone by. The Chinese also using for the treatment of ailments. In Unani (the ancient Persian system of medicine) Hakeems (medicine practitioner) consider it to be the safest herb. It is only recently that modern science is becoming aware of it.

1-2 spoons of turmeric powder mixed in a glass of hot milk after injury greatly helps in relieving pain and swelling. It works well on internal injury to the muscles and even to the bones. It is good for tendons and ligaments. It is applied as an ointment for injuries by combining turmeric, pieces of onion and hot mustard oil with a bandage over it. It is a great healer of wounds as it has anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties. It is an important ingredient of burn ointment. It has haemostatic ability and helps in stopping bleeding from an injury as well as being very helpful to those suffering from arthritis and stiffness in the body. Turmeric is also a very good medicine after surgery, which works by decreasing pain and increasing the rate of healing. It is beneficial for all blood disorders since it purifies, stimulates and builds blood. Such are its benefits in cases related to blood that it is specially recommended after childbirth. Turmeric used during the menstruation cycle helps in removing stagnant blood. Turmeric protects the liver from toxins and cholesterol.

Turmeric is considered so pious that it is an integral part of Hindu marriages and other rituals. Turmeric paste mixed with almond oil and honey is applied on the skin to purify and nourish it. The skin glows and all the blemishes and impurities are removed, particularly on the face. It inhibits all skin related diseases and is beneficial for eczema due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Turmeric has one very important benefit in today's lifestyle. Alcohol intake is on the increase nowadays, which results in excessive fat in the body. The liver, which is supposed to detoxify poisonous substances and take care of the extra fat, itself gets affected and consequently fails to perform its function of removing the excessive fats. Turmeric taken with water of curds or the remaining water from coagulated milk can be used for treating liver disease. It is also good for Anemia. Turmeric is taken along with ghee (clarified butter) for treatments of coughs and colds, asthma cases and blocked nose. It is a great reliever of one of the major modern age problem - piles. A paste of turmeric, onion and mustard oil applied locally in the rectal area is helpful. It can be taken internally to stop bleeding. Turmeric taken with yogurt treats diarrhea.

Turmeric lowers the chances of heart attack by inhibiting the platelets from sticking together. Turmeric and ghee taken with warm water is a good home remedy for asthma attacks. It is equally beneficial if boiled with milk for decongestion. Turmeric taken with fresh garlic is a home remedy for general respiratory infections.

These uses are only from a medicinal point of view. It has another use as spice. It is a vital ingredient in every kitchen in India. It gives taste and color to food.

To sum up, turmeric is a one-stop home remedy for most modern illnesses. It can cure wounds, purify blood, help the liver to recover, inhibit heart attacks, help in eye care, improve skin conditions. the list is endless. The best thing is you do not have to search for it. It is usually available right in your home - ready for use. Turmeric has traditionally been in use as a multi-purpose home remedy in India.

It is important to note that this information is in no way intended to be an alternative to traditional medicine. It is always advisable to consult the doctor.

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What is Hepatitis A - Hepatitis B - Hepatitis C:

Hepatitis A - An inflammatory viral disease of the liver with a short incubation period. Hepatitis A may be transmitted by eating contaminated food, by fecal-oral contact, and/or through household contact. Hepatitis A may be mild to severe; symptoms include fever, nausea, and jaundice.

Hepatitis B - Formerly called serum hepatitis, it is caused by the hepatitis B virus. About 12% of cases progress to chronic hepatitis. It is spread through shared needles, through sexual contact with infected individuals, through exposure to infected body fluids, and from mother to child. Common symptoms include abdominal pain, fatigue, fever, jaundice, and elevated liver enzymes.

Hepatitis C - is a life-threatening, disease of the liver, which is transmitted by exposure to blood. A particularly dangerous form of viral hepatitis, it is caused by an RNA virus. Hepatitis C can lead to serious, permanent liver damage, and in many cases, death. More than 82 percent of those who are infected will progress to chronic liver disease. It is suspected that there are, at present, more than 4.5 million people in the United States that are infected with hepatitis C, and more than 200 million around the world.

What causes Hepatitis A - Hepatitis B - Hepatitis C:

Hepatitis A - is caused by a virus. The virus that causes hepatitis A is called the hepatitis A virus. Hepatitis A is spread by close personal contact with someone else who has the infection. You can also get hepatitis A by: Eating food that has been prepared by someone with hepatitis A, or by drinking water that has been contaminated by hepatitis A.

Hepatitis B - is easily spread by direct contact with the blood or body fluids of an infected person. For example, hepatitis B can be transmitted from an infected mother to her baby at birth, through unprotected sex with an infected person, by sharing needles for injecting street drugs, and by occupational contact with blood in a health-care setting. Hepatitis B is not spread through food or water or by casual contact. People can have hepatitis B and spread the disease without knowing it. Sometimes, people who are infected with hepatitis B virus never recover fully from the infection. They carry the virus and can infect others for the rest of their lives.

Hepatitis C - is one of the viruses that causes hepatitis, or inflammation of the liver. It is spread predominantly by contact with infected blood and much less from other body fluids. Risk factors for having Hepatitis C include those who have used shared needles, and those that have received a blood transfusion prior to 1991, and those who have been tattooed.

Hepatitis A - Hepatitis B - Hepatitis C - Symptoms:

Hepatitis A - A lot of people with Hepatitis A show no symptoms at all, or they go unnoticed because the symptoms are so mild. Older people are more likely to have symptoms than children. People who do not have symptoms can still spread the Hepatitis A virus. Symptoms of hepatitis A usually develop between 2 and 7 weeks after infection. The most common symptoms to appear are the following: Nausea or vomiting, Diarrhea, Fever, Rash, Fatigue, Jaundice, Dark Urine.

Hepatitis B - Like Hepatitis A, some people show no symptoms when they are infected with hepatitis B, or the symptoms may be very mild and flu-like. Any symptoms that can appear may include: Jaundice, Fever and tiredness, Diarrhea, Stomach pains, nausea and vomiting.

Hepatitis C - Again like with Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B, folks with Hepatitis C may show no symptoms either, but when they do, they will probably include any of the following: Mild fever, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Later symptoms may include dark coffee-colored rather than dark yellow urine, clay-colored stools, abdominal pain, and jaundice.

Hepatitis A - Hepatitis B - Hepatitis C - Treatment:

Hepatitis A - There is no specific treatment for Hepatitis A. Rest is recommended during the worse phase of the disease when the symptoms are most severe. People with acute hepatitis should avoid alcohol and any substances that are toxic to the liver, including acetominophen. Fatty foods may cause vomiting because secretions from the liver are needed to digest fats. Fatty foods are best avoided during the acute phase.

Hepatitis B - Acute hepatitis B usually goes away by itself and does not require medical treatment. If very severe, symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea may require treatment to restore fluids and electrolytes. There are no medications that can prevent acute hepatitis B from becoming chronic.

Hepatitis C - Initial treatment of Hepatitis C will depend on whether the infection is in an early stage or whether it has progressed. Treatment of short-term (acute) hepatitis: Acute Hepatitis C may not be treated because symptoms are usually mild or absent, and hepatitis C is therefore often not diagnosed. By the time Hepatitis C is detected in most people, it has already progressed to long-term infection. However, when acute hepatitis C is identified and treated with medications, the development of progressive or chronic infection may be prevented.

Hepatitis A - Hepatitis B - Hepatitis C - Prevention:

Hepatitis A - Transmission of the virus can be reduced by avoiding unclean food and water, thorough hand washing after using the restroom, and thorough cleansing if there is any contact with an affected person's blood, feces, or any other bodily fluid. Daycare facilities and other institutions involving close contact with people may be more susceptible to rapid transmission of Hepatitis A. Thorough hand washing and good hygenic practices before and after each diaper change, before serving food, and after using the restroom can help prevent institutional outbreaks.

Hepatitis B - Screening of all donated blood has reduced the likelihood of contracting hepatitis B from a blood transfusion. As an initial screen, blood donors are now required to fill out a questionnaire about their sexual and drug use activities. The blood of those who are in high-risk groups is not used. Also, serologic tests are used to screen collected blood for the hepatitis B virus. Mandatory reporting of the disease allows state health care workers to track people who have been exposed and to immunize contacts that have not yet developed the disease. Formerly, hepatitis B vaccine was made from human blood products, so it was not received well by the public. Sexual contact with a person who has acute or chronic hepatitis B should be avoided.

Hepatitis C - Is spread primarily by direct contact with human blood. Transmission through blood transfusions that are not screened for HCV infection, through the reuse of inadequately sterilized needles, syringes or other medical equipment, or through needle-sharing among drug-users, is well documented. Sexual and perinatal transmission may also occur, although less frequently. Other modes of transmission such as social, cultural, and behavioural practices such as body piercing and tattooing, can occur if inadequately sterilized equipment is used. High risk groups include injecting drug users, recipients of unscreened blood, haemophiliacs, dialysis patients and persons with multiple sex partners.

There is a website that provides cures, facts and great information on Hepatitis A - Hepatitis B - Hepatitis C and numerous other medical conditions, the website is called: All About Health, and can be found at this url:

By Robert W. Benjamin

Copyright © 2007

You may publish this article in your ezine, newsletter, or on your web site as long as it is reprinted in its entirety and without modification except for formatting needs or grammar corrections.

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Recent stats on toddler food allergies show a marked increase over 20 years. Every school and kindergarten today keeps a list of children who certain food allergies and from time to time we hear of tragic stories where a toddler's allergy was not known with fatal results. With some foods where there are mild reactions a parent can build immunity by gradually increasing the amount over a long period however this ought only to be done under the guidance of a specialist in allergies

A most common toddler food allergy is contained in cow's milk. This may be related to a lactose intolerance or reaction to the milk protein. The allergic reaction is often in continuous diarrhea or even vomiting in the toddler. While milk is vital to a toddler's growth you may have to search for a substitute food, which provides the same nutrients without the reactive nature of cows milk. Some have turned to goat's milk and soymilk and there are other options, which can be provided by the specialist.

In understanding the risks in toddler food allergies you need also to recognize other names used for cows milk - albumin, casein, lactalbumin, whey, lactose and if soy is a problem food you need to know that it can be listed as Soya or lecithin. Labeling today can be misleading and there are not a few cases where toddlers have eaten foods, which the parents thought were free of cow or soy.

Fish and Honey and eggs are also danger foods because they can be a source of botulism which man make the adult ill but can be fatal in small children. An added problem is the vaccines that are grown in eggs and unwittingly given to a child with an allergy to eggs. There are other food products that contain particles of foods that would be avoided if known for instance many pastas are made with eggs as are cookies or biscuits- so it is important to have a list of ingredients in all foods that come packaged and commercially produced.

There is a range of nut foods from peanuts to almonds that should be avoided till after the toddler stage, as they can be the source of severe reactions in a child less than two years. It should also be noted that in some toddler food allergies there are children who are affected by just being in the same room or sitting at the same table or just touching the food but these of course are the extreme cases however it does occur and parents have a duty of care until a child gets past the age of two where immunity is more established.

Its important to mention Strawberries too which are such a delight to adult palate and yet with some very young children or infants can give the typical anaphylactic response with the swelling of the throat and mouth leading to airway problems. Most Pediatricians recommend avoiding strawberries until after the first birthday of the child just to be sure. Also should be noted that some baby foods contain strawberry. After the first birthday a parent may start serving small amounts of strawberry for the infant or toddler to adjust and so that in later years they may enjoy this delicious fruit.

Finally there is the most common allergy cause to both children and adults and that is Wheat. How to avoid wheat is not easy for it is included as an ingredient in so many foods from breakfast cereals to pasta to bread. Of course when we speak of wheat most times we mean the gluten, which is contained in the wheat. There are many alternatives today for wheat and most supermarkets and health stores have good supplies.

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Acetic acid is the most important organic acid. It is present in vinegar, which is a common household acid and is used mainly in cooking purposes. In industries, it is used in the manufacture of plastics, paints, solvents, paper, textile and fabrics.

This compound is known to be a simple carboxylic acid, and is also known as ethanoic acid. It naturally results from the fermentation of ethanol, an alcohol. Its chemical formula is CH3COOH. The last hydrogen attached to the oxygen is given off in aqueous solutions giving the compound an acidic nature. It is classified, however, as a weak acid because it does not completely dissociate or separate in its component ions in water. The acid occurs in biochemical systems and is seen as a metabolic product during the breakdown of glucose. Acetic acid occurs naturally in dilute amounts, but in industries it is synthesized in more concentrated forms. The pure form of it is called glacial acetic acid because of the resemblance to ice. The solid acid melts at 16.7 degrees Celsius.

Dilute concentrations of the acid are safe. For instance, vinegar contains about five percent (5%) by mass of acetic acid and this is generally harmless. At higher concentrations, say at least ten percent (10%) the acid becomes an irritant. It is a known lachrymator which means it induces secretion of tears when gets in contact with eyes and can also cause soreness and conjunctivitis. In severe exposures, corneal damage may occur and this leads to blindness. It is a skin irritant and causes discoloration, itching, burns and blisters, and thickening of the skin. It does not happen quite quickly and my take a few hours after the skin gets in contact with the acid for the signs of irritation to manifest. Upon inhalation the organic acid irritates the nasal, throat and bronchial lining. Mucus secretions along the lining produces fluid build up, thus, leading to edemas in the respiratory organs like the pharynx and the lungs. Breathing may be adversely affected, such that the exposed person may suffer from shortness of breath and dizziness. The acid fumes can cause inflammation on the bronchial lining (bronchitis). Ingestion of the highly concentrated acid erodes the teeth enamel, causes burns, abdominal pains, perforation of the gastrointestinal lining, vomiting and diarrhea. Upon gaining entry in the blood stream, dangerous levels of this acid lead to destruction of red blood cells known as hemolysis. This breakdown frees the red pigment called hemoglobin which becomes excreted in the urine (hemoglobinuria). Kidney failure and shock may result.

Concentrations above 25% is considered corrosive, while at concentrations higher than 90% it becomes a flammable acid and may react violently upon exposure to air at warm temperatures (above 39 degrees Celsius). Therefore handling the substance at high concentrations should be done with the proper precautionary measures. The following are the first aid measures upon exposure to the acid.

1. Upon inhalation, immediately move the person to a safe area where there is open, fresh air. Seek medical assistance right away, especially if the victim has lost consciousness.

2. When the skin gets in contact with concentrated acid, wash the affected region with running water to reduce burning sensation and further irritation. Call medical help and take off contaminated clothes.

3. In case of eye contact, flush the affected eye with clean running water for ten minutes (eyelids should be held open during this procedure). Do not hesitate to call for medical help.

4. When accidentally swallowed, allow the victim to drink plenty of water if he or she is conscious. Never allow him or her to take in water or any liquid orally when he or she is too weak or unconscious. Do not induce vomiting and do not give any fluid or substance other than water. Call a medical professional right away.

Wear the prescribed uniform when handling acetic acid in laboratories or industrial areas. Do not handle the substance without wearing the appropriate nitrile rubber gloves. Always ensure the proper ventilation in the area.

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Creatine, a popular nutritional supplement used among athletes and weight lifters, is used primarily to increase muscle mass and improve recovery time. The use of creatine is a controversial issue in sports from the high school level through the professional level and even the Olympics.

The International Olympic Committee and other sports regulating organizations have not banned creatine (Rouzier 526), but the effectiveness of this supplement is questioned. While some side effects are common in conjunction with creatine use, most can be prevented when the proper precautions are taken. When creatine is used for the appropriate reasons and the necessary precautions are taken it can be very beneficial to the user.

Creatine is a naturally occurring compound that is produced by the liver, pancreas, and kidneys. Creatine can also be acquired through the ingestion of red meats and fish (Arnheim and Prentice 124). Supplemental creatine is a dietary supplement that is often found in powder or tablet form and is easily obtained at any nutrition store. This supplement is used mainly to increase muscle mass and enhance performance in short-duration, high-intensity exercises, such as short distance running (100-200m), weight lifting, tennis, and other various types of sports. (Rouzier 526)
The basic mechanics of creatine's role in energy metabolism are uncomplicated, however they are extremely vital to the understanding of why creatine is produced in our bodies as well as why athletes take additional creatine.

The two major types of creatine are free creatine and phosphocreatine. When considering supplemental creatine we are mainly interested in phosphocreatine, which is stored in skeletal muscle and used during anaerobic exercises (explosive, short-duration, burst activities) to generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP) (Arnheim and Prentice 124). When muscles contract they use ATP as their source of energy. The ATP is broken down into adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and phosphate (Pi) when energy is needed (ATP à ADP + Pi).

Creatine helps turn ADP back into ATP enabling muscles to recover faster, giving them an enhanced source of energy (Rouzier 526). Due to this enhanced recovery time creatine is shown to be particularly effective in activities of repeated bursts of exercise, such as sprinting. Phosphocreatine helps increase the resynthesis of ATP, which maintains muscle contractions and therefore prolongs the amount of time before an athlete is fatigued. Due to the lengthened time before fatigue, the intensity of the athlete's workout can be increased.

Another of the basic mechanics of creatine supplementation is the retention of water. The amount of water stored in muscles is increased due to creatine usage, which in turn increase muscle volume (Rouzier 526). The uptake of water is dependent on sodium; if sodium concentrations increase then osmotic properties increase the retention of water (Williams and Kreider and Branch 184). Osmotic pressure gradients strive to maintain equilibrium between the body and its outside environment. If sodium concentrations inside the body are high, water will be retained in order to attempt to dilute the concentration of sodium and establish equilibrium. Water retention in muscles causes an increase in body mass, particularly muscle mass. Body mass is a desired effect for many athletes; especially football players who wish to increase their overall size.

Many athletes choose to take creatine supplements because of the increase in body or muscle mass. Athletes want to increase body or muscle mass for competitive reasons; "either to increase inertia and resist opposing forces such as those encountered in sports like sumo wrestling, or to increase muscle mass with associated gains in strength and power for sports such as competitive weight lifting" (Williams and Kreider and Branch 170).

However, one must understand that no muscle mass will be gained if the person supplementing creatine does not exercise, only body mass will be gained. While an increase in body mass is considered to be a benefit of creatine, it may also be look at as a side effect. If the proper training is not completed the person using creatine will only increase his or her size, which may decrease their athletic performance. Increased body mass with no gain in muscle may slow running speeds, which is critical in many sports. Nevertheless, most sports require a strict training programs where one would reap the benefits of creatine by increasing muscle mass.

Water retention not only benefits an athlete by increasing body or muscle mass, but also helps to decrease soreness and muscle cramping. Lactic acid increases during anaerobic exercising and causes muscle cramping during exercise and soreness after workouts. Creatine causes water retention in muscles, and the water that is retained in the muscles dilutes the lactic acid being produced by exercising (Williams and Kreider and Branch 36). Creatine acts as a lactic acid buffer, and accordingly extends peak performance effort and decreases exercise recovery time during intense activities (Arnheim and Prentice124). Reducing muscle acidity causes a decrease in soreness and cramping of muscles, which allows an athlete to perform at their maximum performance and increase the duration of repetitive short-duration, high-intensity exercises (Williams and Kreider and Branch 39-40).

Athletes use creatine supplementation for a number of different reasons to benefit their performance. Increasing muscle mass, decreasing recovery time, and reducing muscle acidity are the main reasons such a widespread number of athletes choose to supplement creatine. A decrease in recovery time is one of the greatest benefits of creatine use in regards to athletes. Decreased recovery time allows athletes to execute an activity to their maximum performance point, rest and recover quickly enough so that the next repetition will also be at their peak performance level. Creatine allows athletes to reach a higher training level, which enhances repetitive-interval capabilities, reduces training fatigue, and accelerates the enlargement of muscles due to increased cell size (Williams and Kreider and Branch 39-40).

While there are numerous benefits to using creatine, like any other drug use, there are also a number of side effects that occur with creatine usage. The most common side effects from creatine supplementation are muscle cramps, dehydration, and the in ability to tolerate heat, in which the reasons for these side effects are altogether interrelated. Water retention could possibly disturb the normal balance of electrolytes and induce muscle cramps (Williams and Kreider and Branch 209). Most athletes train in hot, humid environments; athletes using creatine are able to perform at their maximum skill level longer, exerting more energy. Using more energy and training in high heat makes the athlete need to sweat in order to cool his or her body down, however creatine causes water retention in muscle cells and reduces the athlete's ability to sweat. Whatever water is not retained in muscle cells due to creatine usage is excreted in the form of sweat, leaving the body dehydrated. The athlete, unable to cool his or her body off is more prone to heat related illnesses.

Gregory Bew, a cadet from the United States Military Academy participating in football, rugby, and Tae Kwon Do, reports having used creatine in attempt to allow himself to workout more often, gain muscle mass faster, and enhance recovery time. While the gaining the desired effects when using creatine, he also experienced muscle cramping. However he realized that he was required to run long distances for purposes of Army training. Bew attempted to consume more water, but found it too incontinent to drink that needed amount of water while trying to keep up schoolwork as well as sports. Without the extra water consumption, his body alone could not support higher demands for water. Bew discontinued usage of creatine due to his obligation to run long distances, (which is a long-term endurance exercise, not a short-duration exercise) and his inability to consume the required amounts of water (West).

Some athletes have reported experiencing gastrointestinal side effects, such as upset stomach, gas, diarrhea, and nausea, when using creatine. However, "no study has shown creatine supplementation to have caused significant GI distress when taken at the recommended doses. Reports of GI distress from creatine studies have been isolated and rare" (Williams and Kreider and Branch 208). Many such gastrointestinal side effects could simply be caused by the athletes diet, eating before exercising, exercising in high heat and for long amounts of time, etc.
The long-term side effects of creatine are unknown, however "some health care providers believe that it could lead to kidney damage" (Rouzier 526). "On the basic of available scientific research findings, creatine supplementation appears to pose no serious health risks when taken at dosages described in the literature" (Williams and Kreider and Branch 214). However, additional research needs to be performed in order to evaluate and conclude the medical safety of long-term creatine supplementation.

While concerns have been mentioned regarding whether creatine results in renal and liver damage, promotion of dehydration, causation of GI distress, and/or promotion of muscle cramping, there is no scientific evidence to validate these concerns in regards to long-term usage (Williams and Kreider and Branch 215). Although such side effects do exist, if the proper precautions are taken when supplementing creatine most of these side effects can be avoided.

To achieve the desired effects of creatine supplementation, it is necessary for the person to exercise. In order to gain muscle mass the muscles must be worked to change fat into muscle. Without exercise, only body mass will be gained through the retention of water. Users of creatine must also realize that creatine is utilized for short-burst, high-intensity exercises, and not endurance activities. Creatine supplements increase the content of phosphocreatine in muscles and are stored by the muscle cells and become energy stores. However, the body only benefits from this source of energy during short-burst exercises (Davis), making creatine unbeneficial to long duration activities (Gerber).

One of the most important precautions to taken while using creatine is to drink the necessary amount of water needed to meet the body's demands. Drinking the proper amount of water will decrease the common side effects significantly. The appropriate intake of water will eliminate dehydration, and reduce the likely hood of muscle cramping, as well as nausea. In addition to normal water consumption, at least 64oz. of extra water should be drunk per day while using creatine (Pettit 85). This however does not take into account exercising in environments of high heat and humidity, where further water intake should be consumed.

Finally, when beginning creatine supplementation a loading doses should be taken for five days. A dosage of 20 to 25 grams per day should be taken, and once the loading phase is complete, a maintenance dose of 2 to 5 grams of creatine should follow (Rouzier 526).

While supplementing creatine, if the proper training is fulfilled, the necessary amount of water consumed, and the recommended dosage taken the desired effects should result, and side effects should be minimal. "Creatine supplementation, in conjunction with proper training and the maintenance of healthful eating habits, increases the manufacture of energy-producing ATP, allowing the person to work harder during exercise (ie, for short periods of high-intensity muscle activity)" (Pettit 85).

Creatine has also been proven to be beneficial for other things than athletics. "Daily supplementation with creatine was shown to accelerate the recovery of leg muscle size and performance in the patient immobilized in a cast for two weeks" ("Speeds Rehab"). Creatine taken throughout the rehabilitation process speeds the healing development and helps the body return to normal appearance and function ("Speeds Rehab").

Creatine may also aid heart failure patients. The heart's myocardium stores of creatine and ATP are lower than healthy individuals. By supplementing creatine, heart failure patients may benefits by "preserving the energy stores in the myocardium, stabilizing the sarcolemma, preventing free-radical damage, and improving microcirculation in the heart" (Pettit 85).

It has also been revealed that creatine can prevent ultraviolet damage. Research findings show creatine appears to "have beneficial effects on skin tissue, especially in preventing UV damage and repairing damaged skin" ("UV Damage"). The cellular energy provided by creatine speeds skin repair and healing, lessens sunburn, and protects skin from UV damage. Such processes can improve skin quality, moisture retention and elasticity ("UV Damage").

While it has been shown that creatine can aid in rehabilitation, heart failure patients, and ultraviolet damage of the skin; creatine is still primarily used to benefit athletes. Creatine has many advantages to help athletic performance, as well as a number of side effects, however the majority of these side effects can be avoided by taking the necessary precautions. While supplementing creatine always take the recommended dosage, remember more is not always better.

Keep in mind that the body has a higher demand for water while using creatine, thus take into consideration activities and environmental conditions before supplementing. If the necessary precautions are taken and creatine is used for the proper reasons and in the proper manner, creatine supplementation can be very advantageous for the consumer.

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What is dehydration and why is it so serious? Dehydration in any animal is serious but with cats it is even more concern because cats are not big drinkers. Cats in the wild depend on majority of their fluid intake from prey and just are not instinctively big drinkers. Domesticated cats tend to have the same instinct and behavior. Because of this, they are more prone to serious dehydration than other animals.

Why dehydration is deadly is because the cat often does not show there is a problem until it is very serious. Cats may lose ten percent or more of their internal fluids before the symptoms become obvious. There are cases were the fluid loss is more and unrecoverable because the vital organs have shut down.

There are many reasons why your cat can become dehydrated. Some due to stress such as heat exposure, moving or riding in a vehicle and another is the food we feed them. Dry food is usually twelve percent or less in moisture and canned cat food is around eighty percent so it is obvious that a cat fed only dry food requires a higher water intake. Other reasons are due to food poisoning causing excessive vomiting and diarrhea. Then there are the classical clinical reasons like kidney failure, diabetes, cancer, and hyperthyroidism to mention a few.

Dehydration is so serious that it is deadly and not paying attention to some of the general symptoms can lead to death of your cat. Here is a list of the more common symptoms a cat will show when severely dehydrated:

Exhaustion or lethargic more than normal

Eyes seem sunken into the sockets

Thick sticky saliva

Loss of appetite

Dry Mouth

Elevated heart rate


Loss of skin elasticity

Excessive vomiting and or diarrhea



Here are two simple tests you can do at home for dehydration. First, check for skin elasticity by grasping your cat by the fur on the back of its neck above the shoulders and gently pull it. If the skin snaps back instantly, then your cat is not dehydrated but if the skin takes several seconds or more to flatten down to the neck there is a problem. The second test is to press your fingernail into the cat's gums by lifting the upper lip. There is a white spot were the nail has depressed into the gum and count how many seconds before the gums return to normal color. A hydrated cat should take only a second or two to return the color.

If your cat has the signs and symptoms of dehydration, you should go to your veterinarian so they can give the cat water and electrolytes with an IV bag. Forcing water down its throat is not a good idea but we should always make sure that plenty of fresh water is available daily in a clean bowl.

Clinical diseases will cause dehydration so taking your cat to the veterinarian to find out what caused the problem is the proper thing to do. Early treatment on the diseases will extend your cat's lifespan. Also, pay attention to diet as mentioned earlier the dry cat food cat be the cause of the problem and long-term feeding of dry food causes stress to the kidneys and liver.

Older cats, kittens, and cats with clinical ailments are more prone to dehydration and you should watch their intake of water and output of urine daily.

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