One of the most challenging situations that can arise in pediatric populations is when mothers who abuse drugs become pregnant and then deliver babies with problems stemming from the mother's drug habits. Pediatricians are faced with treating these situations more frequently than most readers may imagine. Current studies have suggested that up to 15% of women drink alcohol and anywhere between 5% and 15% use illicit drugs during pregnancy. The most commonly used substances are tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, and methamphetamine. Sadly, because some mothers may use many drugs at the same time, or may not give an accurate and complete history when reporting their drug habits, it's often difficult to ascertain which substances are causing symptoms in a newborn. Nonetheless, pediatrics jobs involve dealing with the realities of drug abuse and providing realistic solutions.

The two most commonly used 'hard' drugs during pregnancy are cocaine and methamphetamine. These particular substances most frequently cause maternal effects like hypertension (high blood pressure), a lower amount of blood flow to the uterus, fetal hypoxemia (lack of oxygen in the blood), uterine contractions, and placental abruption (when the placenta separates from the lining of the uterus). Compared with healthy mothers, drug users have a two to four-fold increase in the rates of devastating consequences - stillbirth (where the baby dies before it is delivered), IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction - where the fetus fails to grow properly), preterm labor, and placental abruption. None of these outcomes is desired by any pediatrician, much less parents, yet, they are the reality of drug use during pregnancy, and pediatricians must evaluate and treat these situations.

Another class of medicines that may be abused during pregnancy and which negatively affect infants delivered to addicted mothers is the opioid family of drugs (narcotics). Opioids, when they are used in pregnancy, can lead to infants that display neurological symptoms such as irritability, hyperactivity, unceasing and extremely high-pitched crying, and seizures. Gastrointestinal symptoms can include vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, poor feeding habits or lack of desire to eat. Respiratory symptoms can include nasal congestion, sneezing, yawning, sweating, and hyperthermia. These symptoms are similar whether the mother has used narcotic pain medicines, heroin, or methadone, and they usually become noticeable in infants within the first 1-3 days of life. Infants showing symptoms of opioid withdrawal can first be treated by swaddling them and placing them in a dimly lit environment to minimize disturbances. If this does not lessen their symptoms, or if they have excessive diarrhea or vomiting, then appropriate does of phenobarbital can be administered to ease their suffering. These infants have a four to five-fold increase in the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), and even after their infancy are likely to suffer neurobehavioral problems.

Anyone who is tasked with caring for mothers and their infants would advise pregnant mothers against exposing themselves and their unborn children to the toxic effects of drugs, whether legal or illegal. Alcohol is included in this list - it's the only legal drug that is clearly toxic to the fetus - prenatal exposure to alcohol is the most common preventable cause of mental retardation. Pediatricians, nurses, and others who work with newly pregnant women are making increased efforts to assess and treat the causes of drug abuse in women. Women with drug addiction are especially urged to seek treatment upon discovery that they are pregnant to prevent further harm to their unborn babies.

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Think about this for a second. Every dog is going to go through a bout of vomiting at some point in their life. It is simply a natural reaction to remove a substance that is irritating the stomach lining or intestines. As you probably already know, dogs are not terribly discerning in what they eat and that can often get them in trouble.

If you are asking the question"What can I give my dog to stop vomiting?" the answer is nothing. Literally withhold her food for 24 hours and let her vomit the substance up. Make sure she has access to plenty of water so she doesn't dehydrate.

If your dog starts having dry heaves, give her a couple of dollops of plain yogurt and that should settle her stomach. After 24 hours start your dog on a bland diet. Actually baby food is a great solution, particularly rice as it is bland but packed with nutrients. Chicken broth is also a good starter as it will replace salt lost through vomiting.

Vomiting and regurgitation are common in puppies and small breeds for another reason. If they are on dry dog food, they may simply eat too much. When the dry food hits the stomach it will absorb fluids and expand, literally filling the dog up. When dogs eat too much, the fastest way to get rid of the excess is to throw it up. If this is a common occurrence with your puppy or small breed, simply reduce the portion that you serve for each meal.

So long as your dog remains alert and active during the vomiting bout there is probably nothing wrong and it will run its' course within 24 hours.

Aren't you glad?

There are instances however, that can be signs of serious problems.

Parasites such as round worms which are passed from the mother to the puppy can cause an intestinal irritation. Mature roundworms can reach seven inches in length and look like spaghetti. If your dog's sputum has these creatures in it, it is time to see the vet.

Giardia is another single cell parasite that exists in at least 11% of all dogs. This bacteria is easily transmitted by contact with other dogs or simply the soil they walk on. Typically Giardia symptoms include both vomiting and diarrhea and needs to be treated at the veterinarian's office.

Sudden violent vomiting, or attempt to vomit, can mean an obstruction in the stomach or intestine and requires immediate medical attention. Dogs will eat anything that smells right to them, coins, ping pong balls, rubber duckies you name it. When that item blocks the intestine it cuts off the blood supply and the intestine below the blockage will begin to die. These obstructions are very dangerous and require urgent care.

Vomiting can just be a part of natural life for a dog or a signal of something far more serious. I think you already know the importance of being able to make informed decisions about your pet's health. Your pet is counting on you to know what to do.

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Milk allergy is the immune system's response to cow's milk. Cow's milk is one of the most frequent food allergens because of one or more of the proteins that it contains.

There are lots of proteins in cow's milk that cause allergic reactions. Whey and Casein are it's two components. The curd that forms when milk is left to sour is called Casein. The watery part that is left when the curd is removed is called whey.

Eighty percent of cow's milk is made up of Casein. It is also the most important allergen found in cheese. The harder the cheese the more casein it has.

The other 20% is made up of whey. It is composed of two main allergenic proteins, namely alpha lactalbumin and beta lactaglobulin.

Milk allergy usually starts in infancy. There are studies that show that two to three percent of infants have milk allergy but most outgrow it within the first few years. By the age of four, sixty percent of milk allergic infants out grow their milk allergy another eight percent outgrow it by the age of six, but there are those who never outgrow it.

Though a lot become milk allegry sufferes as infants, cow's milk allergy can be acquired later in life.


Milk allergy symptoms can be seen on the skin or felt in the digestive system or respiratory system.

Milk allergy causes skin reactions that can be an itchy red rash, hives, eczema, allergic "shiners" (black eyes), and swelling of the lips, mouth, tongue, face or throat.

Digestive system reactions of milk allergy sufferers might be nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, gas, bloating, or abdominal cramps.

Respiratory system reactions of those with milk allergy are runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, itchy eyes, nasal congestion, wheezing, shortness of breath, or coughing, or even anaphylactic shock.

Some people can have a reddish ear love or a hazy look in their eyes. Another symptom that can be had from milk allergy is bedwetting, inattentiveness, and lethargy.

Avoidance is the key with allergies. That means not drinking milk. Someone that has milk allergy has to be very careful in what products to buy. They have to read the product labels and see what milk proteins that are contained within. Milk maybe the hidden allergen in a lot of processed meats like hotdogs, pepperoni, salami, sausage and bologna. There are also some non-dairy products that contain casein.

There are some other milk products that can be substituted for cow's milk. milk allergy sufferes find this useful when baking and cooking food. The type of milk substitute depends on the food that it will be used for.

Rice milk is good for drinking and cereal. It can be used for baking or as a thickening agent and is perfect for those with milk allergy.

Some recipes you can have broth, juice or water as a substitute for cow's milk.

In some cases a person with milk allegry can use goat's milk or soy milk. However, these types of milk are also allergenic and the person allergic to cow's milk will often be allergic to goat's milk as well.

Having milk allergy does not mean that you can bypass the calcium requirement in your nutrition. The recommended daily allowance of a person depends on the age. Good sources of calcium aside from milk are green vegetables, fish with soft edible bones, and seafood.

Calcium cannot be absorbed without vitamin D, which comes from eggs, liver and sunlight. That means to maintain a healthy lifestyle even with a milk allergy, one has to take vitamin supplements to complete their dietary balance.


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The symptoms of ulcerative colitis may be mild, moderate or severe. Mild ulcerative colitis symptoms may be treated at home, while moderate symptoms typically require prescription medications to put the disease into remission. Severe symptoms of ulcerative colitis will require medications and possibly surgery to remove the affected portion/s of the colon.

The symptoms of ulcerative colitis typically present before the age of 30 and may include diarrhea, with blood or mucus present in the stool. Rectal bleeding is sometimes one of the ulcerative colitis symptoms, but without the presence of diarrhea, rectal bleeding may indicate another condition. A gastrointestinal physician can perform tests to determine the cause of rectal bleeding.

Symptoms of ulcerative colitis vary depending on the amount of the colon (large intestine) that is inflamed and the intensity of the inflammation. There are different types of ulcerative colitis and they are classified according to the portion of the colon that is inflamed. For example, it is referred to by physicians as ulcerative proctitis when only the rectum is inflamed and the only symptom in this case may be rectal bleeding. In more severe cases the symptoms of ulcerative colitis that is confined to the rectum may include rectal pain and bleeding, sudden need to empty the bowels or a painful urge to move the bowels without result.

When other portions of the colon are affected, ulcerative colitis symptoms typically include bloody diarrhea and cramps, as well as the symptoms experienced by those who only have inflammation in the rectum. If the left side of the colon is inflamed, the symptoms of ulcerative colitis may include weight loss and pain on the left side of the abdomen as well. If the inflammation affects the entire colon, it is referred to by physicians as pancolitis or universal ulcerative colitis; symptoms in this case are the same as in the other types of colitis but may include the additional symptoms of fatigue, fever and night sweats. In the most severe form of ulcerative colitis, symptoms may include dehydration, severe abdominal pain, continuous diarrhea, bleeding and even shock.

In children the symptoms of ulcerative colitis may include growth failure due to the lack of nutrients and fluids caused by persistent diarrhea. This lack of nutrients and fluids also causes problems for adults and may lead to dehydration and anemia if bleeding is present. Joint pain and skin rashes have also been experienced by people with other ulcerative colitis symptoms.

Ulcerative colitis is considered a chronic disease, meaning that the symptoms of ulcerative colitis may come and go and vary in intensity throughout a person's life. Diet may worsen ulcerative colitis symptoms, but no foods are specifically known to aggravate or cause the condition. In fact the cause is not known. Vitamin supplements and botanical remedies like aloe are sometimes recommended to reduce ulcerative colitis symptoms. A recent study using fish oil for omega 3 supplementation showed promise, but there is no plan to market the supplement that was used in the study. Treatment is important, even when the symptoms of ulcerative colitis are mild. For more information about treatment and diet, visit

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Leishmaniasis, also known as Kala Azar (black fever), is a parasitic disease which is endemic in several poor countries, and presents as epidemics. Leishmaniasis is of two types: cutaneous and systemic or visceral. Systemic leishmaniasis presents as vomiting, diarrhea, chronic fever, cough, night sweats, scaly and dark skin, thinning hair, abdominal pain and weight loss. Cutaneous leishmaniasis affects mainly the skin and mucous membranes and presents as rash, ulcers, ulceration and erosion of mouth tissue, breathlessness, stuffy nose and nose bleeds, and swallowing difficulty. Systemic infection can considerably affect the immune system of the body.

The Ayurvedic treatment of leishmaniasis is aimed at treating the symptoms and preventing the complications of the disease, like disfiguration of the face; excessive bleeding; and fatal infections due to immune system damage. Medicines like Triphala-Guggulu, Sukshma-Triphala, Gandhak-Rasayan, Ras-Sindur, Malla-Sindur, Sameer-Pannag-Ras and Ras-Manikya are used to treat the basic parasitic infection. Chandrakala-Ras, Kamdudha-Ras, Laxmi-Narayan-Ras and Maha-Sudarshan-Churna are used to treat fever. Vomiting and diarrhea are treated using medicines like Laghu-Sutshekhar, Shankh-Vati, Sutshekhar-Ras, Praval-Panchamrut and Kutaj-Ghan-Vati. Fatigue, weakness and loss of appetite can be treated using Laxmi-Vilas-Ras, Agnitundi-Vati, Arogya-Vardhini and Panchamrut-Parpati. Cough and breathlessness can be treated using medicines like Tribhuvan-Kirti, Sitopaladi-Churna, Shwas-Kuthar-Ras, Pippali (Piper longum), Yashtimadhuk (Glycerrhiza glabra), Kantakari (Solanum xanthocarpum), Som (Ephedra vulgaris), Vasa (Adhatoda vasaka) and Kushtha (Saussurea lappa).

Ulcerations and erosions in the skin and mucous membranes are treated using medicines like Panch-Tikta-Ghrut-Guggulu, Kanchnaar-Guggulu, Trayodashang-Guggulu, Maha-Manjishthadi-Qadha, Saarivadi-Churna, Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia), Yashtimadhuk, Haridra (Curcuma longa), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) and Mandukparni (Centella asiatica). Local applications are very important in accelerating the process of healing of ulcers and preventing erosion and disfigurement of the mouth. Medicines like Panch-Tikta-Ghrut, Yashtimadhuk-Ghrut, Shatadhout-Ghrut and a mixture of equal parts of honey and ghee can be applied on the ulcers and erosions. An ointment containing Manjishtha, Saariva (Hemidesmus indicus), Yashtimadhuk, Haridra and Mandukparni can also be used for this purpose and is very effective.

Medicines like Vasa, Laxa (Purified wax), Naagkeshar (Messua ferrea) and Sphatik-Bhasma can be used to prevent excessive bleeding. Medicines like Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Bala (Sida cordifolia), Naagbala (Grewia hirsuta), Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), Bhrungraj (Eclipta alba), Abhrak-Bhasma, Trivang-Bhasma, Suvarna-Bhasma, Suvarna-Malini-Vasant and Suvarna-Parpati can be used to boost the immune system, help in early recovery and prevent serious, opportunistic infections.

Leishmaniasis is transmitted by the bite of sandfly in endemic areas. It is important to adopt appropriate protection and prevent exposure to sandfly bites. Public health measures to reduce the sandfly population and animal reservoirs are equally important.

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Removing ecoli in drinking water can be critical to human health. E. coli is a type of fecal coliform bacteria that lives in the intestines of humans and animals. However as you will see, it is a mixed bag.

On the one hand, it actually helps you but on the other - it can be very destructive.

Health Effects.

Not all ecoli is dangerous. There are many strains of this bacterium that lives in the intestines of humans and animals and are mostly harmless. As a matter of fact, some strains provide us with necessary nutrients like vitamin K and B-complex vitamins.

However, there is one particular strain that is getting a lot of press - the E. coli O157:H7. This one is particularly dangerous to children and older people.

Since this contaminant is everywhere in our environment, anytime we eat something or drinking something, there is the potential that we ingest this bacteria. Ingestion can result in abdominal cramps, bloody diarrhea and kidney failure.

Removing E. Coli

The EPA lays down the guidelines for your municipal water supplier to follow. Your supplier is duty bound to notify you if your drinking water is not safe.

But if past experiences is anything to go by, water quality monitoring doesn't always operate the way is supposed to and an ecoli outbreak is possible.

You could take extra precautions and boil your water or you could subject all your drinking water to ultraviolet water filtration or distillation.

The advantage of the latter is time. Most people can't be bothered to boil water for drinking and cooking. By using a distiller or UV filter, you can have instant bacteria-free drinking water 24/7.

Also, distillers remove more than just e.coli and other pathogens from your tap water. They also remove a wide range of other drinking water contaminants as well.

What If I Own A Private Well

If you get water from a private well, make sure you get your water tested for this contaminant. Remember that as a private well owner, you are totally responsible for the safety of your water.

By calling the Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 1-800-426-4791, they can put you in touch with a certified water tester with the expertise to advise on matters of well water contamination.

What to do Now

Take precautions today to safeguard your family from unsafe drinking water. By getting a water distillation device or ultraviolet water purifier, you'll be removing ecoli in drinking water as well as other hazardous pathogens.

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Fenugreek has been used for millennia both as a medicine and as a spice in Egypt, India, and the Middle East. Traditional medicinal uses include the treatment of wounds, bronchitis, digestive problems, arthritis, kidney problems, male reproductive conditions, boils, diabetes, cellulitis, tuberculosis, and GI problems. Investigations in animals have found the seeds to reduce serum cholesterol and glucose levels.

Active components in fenugreek include mucilages, proteins, steroid saponins, flavonoids, and volatile oils. Trigonelline, an alkaloid found in fenugreek, is degraded to nicotinic acid (niacin), which may partially explain its ability to lower serum cholesterol levels. Steroid saponins may also lower blood glucose and plasma glucagon levels and enhance food consumption and appetite. The seeds contain up to 50% mucilaginous fiber that, because of their ability to absorb and expand, are commonly used to treat diarrhea and constipation. The seeds also contain coumarin compounds. Fenugreek is available as capsules, paste, powder, ripe seeds, dried seeds, and as a spice.

Reported uses

Fenugreek is used to treat GI complaints and to relieve upper respiratory tract congestion and allergies. It's also used to lower cholesterol, blood glucose, insulin, and hemoglobin AlC levels, to improve glucose tolerance, and as an appetite stimulant.

Topically, a preparation of fenugreek is applied to treat skin inflammation, muscle pain, and gout, and to aid in the healing of wounds or skin ulcers.


External: A poultice is prepared by mixing 50 g of powdered fenugreek with 1 qt (1 L) of water, and applied topically to the affected area, as needed

Internal: An infusion is prepared by steeping 0.5 g of fenugreek in cold water for 3 hours, and then straining. Honey may be used to sweeten the infusion. The dosage is 6 g by mouth, or a cup of tea taken several times a day.


Adverse reactions to fenugreek include maple-syrup odor to urine, hepatotoxicity, jaundice, nausea, vomiting, increased bilirubin level, hypoglycemia, contact dermatitis (with external use), flushing, wheezing, watery eyes, numbness, rash, and angioedema (after inhalation, ingestion, or topical anesthesia).

When taken with adrenergic blockers, there is an additive vasodilating effect that may lead to hypotension. There is risk of increased prothrombin time (PT) and International Normalized Ratio (INR), and potential risk of abnormal bleeding, when fenugreek is taken with anticoagulants such as aspirin, NSAIDS, heparin, low-molecular-weight heparins, and warfarin. Fenugreek also has the potential to decrease blood glucose levels when administered to those taking hypoglycemics, including insulin. A decreased uricosuric effect is noted with probencid and sulfinpyrazone. Because of the fibrous content in fenugreek seeds and its binding potential, absorption of drugs may be altered. Advise patient to avoid using fenugreek within 2 hours of other drugs.

Pregnant patients should avoid use because of the herb's potential abortifacient properties; alcohol and water extracts of the herb may stimulate uterine activity. Those with liver disease, peptic ulcers, or severe hypotension should avoid use because of the formation of nicotinic acid. Breast-feeding patients, and those who have had a previous allergic reaction to fenugreek or nicotinic acid, should also avoid use.

Clinical considerations

If patient is taking an anticoagulant, monitor PTT, INR, and PT. Monitor the patient for abnormal bleeding.

Appearance of rash or contact dermatitis may indicate sensitivity to fenugreek.

Nausea, vomiting, jaundice, or elevated bilirubin level may indicate liver damage and hepatotoxicity from nicotinic acid. If patient develops these signs or symptoms, he should immediately stop using the herb.

If patient is pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breast-feeding, advise her not to use fenugreek.

Caution patient that a rash or abnormal skin change may indicate an allergy to fenugreek and that nausea, vomiting, and skin color changes may indicate liver damage. Tell patient to discontinue use if such signs and symptoms appear.

Remind patient not to take fenugreek at the same time as other drugs and to separate administration times by 2 hours.

Tell patient to remind pharmacist of any herbal or dietary supplement that he's taking when obtaining a new prescription.

Advise patient to consult his health care provider before using an herbal preparation because a conventional treatment with proven efficacy may be available.

Research summary

Current studies continue to elucidate the mechanism of fenugreek's abilities to lower cholesterol and glucose levels. Recent studies also show the ability of the plant to decrease the quantity of calcium oxalate deposited in the kidneys.

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The right support group can not only help you cope with IBS, it can also provide you with plenty of information about the condition, as well as open your mind to alternative treatments you may not have considered. For instance, many IBS sufferers find that herbal remedies help them manage their symptoms.

The roots, stems, leaves, flowers and berries of plants have been used for centuries for medicinal purposes in order to treat, relieve and prevent a number of illnesses. Of course, different herbs are used to treat different ailments. As far as herbal remedies for IBS is concerned, the following are the herbs that are most effective in alleviating symptoms.


Peppermint is an effective IBS treatment because mint calms the muscles in the stomach, intestines and uterus and increases gastric juice production. Mint also acts as an effective pain killer as it helps to block pain signals to the brain and numbs the digestive tract. In addition, mint is anti-bacterial and helps relieve indigestion, gastrointestinal cramps, gas, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Peppermint can be taken in the form of tea. Peppermint is also available in enteric-coated peppermint oil capsules.

Peppermint should be taken before meals to prevent symptoms.


Fennel is highly effective at relieving and preventing bloating, gas, indigestion and stomachaches. Fennel encourages gastric juice production and has anti-spasmodic, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic and antibacterial properties.

Fennel is light green-brown seeds and can be taken in the form of tea. You can also chew fennel seeds. Fennel can be taken daily, and making it apart of you daily diet will help prevent gas and bloating from occurring.


Ginger relieves many gastrointestinal problems including indigestion and severe cramps and nausea. It aids in digestion, improves intestinal muscle quality, and has some anti-inflammatory properties.

Ginger is available in fresh and dried gingerroot, both of which are highly effective for treating IBS symptoms. Ginger is usually taken in the form of tea.


Chamomile is effective at alleviating gastrointestinal spasms and tension. It can also be useful at relieving indigestion and gas. Chamomile is also known for its sedative properties and has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-peptic properties.

Chamomile is a flower and it is usually taken in the form of tea. Chamomile is best taken at night before bed due to its natural sedative properties.

Note: Chamomile is a type of daisy, therefore, if you are allergic to daisies (ragweed included) you shouldn't use chamomile.


Caraway is anti-microbal and has anti-spasmodic effects. It encourages gastric juice production, sooths the muscles in the digestive tract and helps relieve gas.

Caraway is a dried seed and is usually taken in the form of tea, or can be chewed hole.


Anise is anti-spasmodic and an anti-fungal that helps to settle the stomach and aids and regulates digestion which helps to relieve and prevent chronic diarrhea and constipation. It also helps to stimulate the production of gastric juices, and relieves nausea, gas, bloating, and cramps.

Anise comes in the form of small, black, seeds. It is often taken in the form of tea, but seeds can be chewed.


Oregano is an anti-spasmodic that stimulates gastric juice production and reduces and alleviates bloating, gas, stomach cramps and diarrhea. It is an effective muscle relaxant.

Oregano is plant leaves that are either fresh or dried and brewed in a tea. Oregano is also available in enteric coated oregano oil capsules.

All of the above herbs mentioned are considered safe and can be taken daily without the risk of short-term or long-term side effects. That being said, you should talk to an herb specialist about the herbs you are interested in before taking them, as well as your heath care provider.

Most herbs can be found at food and holistic stores.

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Dog vomiting is one of the most common occurrences encountered by veterinarians daily, and causes and treatment need to be understood for relief of the pet and guardian. Many healthy dogs and cats vomit occasionally without identifying a cause. If the pet appears normal and alert and has no previous health problems, episodes of acute vomiting may be managed at home, although veterinary consultation prior to home treatment is advised.

Your dog's vomiting that occurs occasionally where you see the abdominal muscles contracting, helps differentiate vomiting from regurgitation, which occurs effortlessly, without muscle contractions. Regurgitation occurs because a dilated esophagus does not effectively move food to the stomach and the animal will regurgitate food usually shortly after eating before it reaches the stomach. Regurgitated food comes up and looks as it did when it was eaten. In an otherwise healthy dog, this is generally not a cause for concern.

Nature has equipped the canine with a vomiting reflex action that enables the stomach to rid itself of irritating contents such as spoiled food. A dog's vomiting can be accompanied by diarrhea. Pepto-Bismol can be safely administered, but it's advisable to consult your veterinarian for the recommended dose.

Causes of dog vomiting

Causes of dog vomiting include pancreatitis, often caused by eating garbage or fatty table scraps, parasites, food allergies, stress, excitement, anxiety, motion sickness and poisons. Dog vomiting can be caused by household drugs such as aspirin and acetaminophen that can cause severe stomach ulcers in dogs depending upon the dose and duration of treatment. Plant and product poisoning (e.g. rat poison, antifreeze, pestisides) can induce vomiting and can kill or cause serious illness.

If you suspect ingestion of pesticides containing arsenic, carbamates, metaldehyde, or organophosphates; drugs containing aspirin, acetaminophen, vitamin D3 or warfarin; antifreeze; or products containing lead, phenol, or strychnine, contact your veterinarian or the National Poison Control Center at (900) 680-0000, (800) 548-2423, or (888) 426-4435 for instructions.

In some cases of poisoning, vomiting should be induced to get the toxin out of the system as quickly as possible.

Induce vomiting in strychnine cases only if there are no signs of difficulty in breathing. Use hydrogen peroxide (three percent solution) or syrup of ipecac to induce vomiting. Most products today carry treatment information if the contents are ingested or inhaled. If you suspect an ingested product poisoning and directions say "do not induce vomiting," pay attention.

Other serious causes of dog vomiting could involve viral infections such as distemper, diseases of the inner ear, Addison's disease, parvovirus, corona virus, or diseases such as diabetes, cancer, stomach ulcers, and diseases of the liver, pancreas, or kidney.

If the vomit contains blood or red blood that looks like coffee grounds meaning the blood is digested, call your veterinarian. Blood is most often seen with stomach ulcers, stomach cancer or uremia (kidney failure)

Vomiting is a symptom, not a disease in of itself.

Vomiting after meals can be caused by eating too much too fast. Vomiting producing white foamy or yellow bile a few minutes after waking in the morning, where the canine shows no other signs of distress, and appetite is not affected, is not an indication of disease.

Treatment for vomiting depends upon the cause.

Nonspecific treatment for vomiting includes fasting, and fluids to correct or prevent dehydration. Allow no food or water until your dog has gone at least six hours without vomiting. Then introduce small amounts of water at short intervals of approximately 10-15 minutes. If vomiting begins again, wait another 6 hours before introducing additional water or clear liquids such as chicken broth or Jell-O. Water should never be withheld from an animal with known or suspected kidney disease without replacing fluids intravenously.

After 12 hours you may try offering bland, easy-to-digest home prepared food in small amounts consisting of cooked white rice, boiled hamburger, chicken or turkey in a 50/50 mixture, and be sure there is no skin or grease. Also suggested: boiled sweet potato, 2-4 tablespoons of cottage cheese with the liquid removed by squeezing between layers of paper towel, scrambled egg (no butter or oil), and boiled egg. Divide normal portions into four or five smaller feedings. Gradually increase food amounts until your dog's hunger is satisfied.

If vomiting occurs, be aware that the stomach often needs complete rest for 24 hours or more, so gradually try again. However, continued vomiting over a 24 hour period, accompanied by depressed demeanor or unresponsiveness, is a serious concern, call the vet.

Unproductive vomiting is a potential emergency requiring an immediate trip to the emergency clinic. The dog could have torsion, a condition in which the stomach flips, cutting off the openings to both the esophagus and the intestine, and can cause death in an hour or less.

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A lot of the health problems or issues that your own Golden Retriever may experience are not serious and as long you have the knowledge and know how on ways to prevent or treat these ailments your dog can be safe. Let us examine the most common health issues and ailments and show you how these ailments can be prevented.

Distemper virus

It is an airborne disease that pose a high risk to your dog. When your puppy is between six to four months old, he must have all three vaccinations and a booster shot which should be administered annually. Doing this can prevent him from getting this virus. The most common symptoms are cough, diarrhea, vomiting and fever. You should take your Golden Retriever to the vet as soon as you see these symptoms.


It is a very common ailment and any dog breed may get them. It can be very fatal in some instances as these can result to an abnormal blood circulation. In some severe cases, heartworms can grow as long as one foot and may reach the heart and lung arteries. Usually when the symptoms start to show, it is already too late to do anything. Therefore, prevention is key and one way to prevent this is administering deworming medications.


During extreme hot days specially in the summer months, your Golden Retriever may get a heatstroke. By administering good amounts of water, you can very well prevent this condition from happening to your dog. Never expose him to direct sunlight. Being out in a very hot day, you should give your dog enough time to rest when he is playing so that he will not overdo it. The most common symptoms are extreme dog drooling or panting, a glazed expression, dark gums, vomiting and rapid pulse. You should take your Golden Retriever to the vet as soon as you see these symptoms.


Rabies is a very serious health issue that your own Golden Retriever can experience and it may lead to unfavorable effects on your own dog's nervous system. He normally can get rabies from bites coming from an animal infected with this kind of disease. Rabies shots help prevent this disease, and you should take your dog to the vet regularly, like once a year. Common symptoms of rabies may include aggression, seizures and even foaming at the mouth. If you think your Golden is showing symptoms of rabies call your vet immediately.


Fleas are the main causes of tapeworms and they affect your own dog's stomach. The common symptoms include diarrhea, loss in weight, and biting of his own rectal area. A rigid and thorough flea control will prevent your own Golden from having tapeworms. Take your Golden Retriever to the vet as soon as you see these symptoms. Oral medicines are effective if the vet is able to catch them early.


Hookworms may result from your own Golden being exposed or in direct contact with infected feces. The worm can also simply enter through exposed skin. Keeping the surroundings clean and keeping your dog skin clean can prevent your dog from getting infected with hookworms. The most common symptoms that usually accompany hookworms include weight loss, weakness, a dry coat and some blood in his stool. You should take your Golden Retriever to the vet as soon as you see these symptoms.

There are other health ailments that your dog can get and we have just talked about a few of them. Set up a visit or an appointment to your vet as soon as your Golden shows any sign of these ailments or any health problem, as without immediate care, these common Golden Retriever diseases may be fatal to your dog.

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