I wrote this page because of problems I once had, resolved, and I hope to research on this further.

I once heard of a case where doctors had performed an autopsy on someone and found his intestines to be plugged with a cake-hard substance having the smallest pinhole for the faeces to get through. I guess the guy must have had the worst case of the runs during the latter part of his life, and I'd assume that this condition must have been a large reason to do with his death.
I've also heard of an Australian Olympic athlete who died shortly before competing, and when they did an autopsy on her, they found her intestines plugged with cheese. She apparently absolutely LOVED cheese pizza.

For me, if you want to hear my gruesome problem, first of all I developed hemorrhoids after riding for 40km a bike I borrowed one day, on a hard bicycle seat and after not riding the bike for well over a decade. I was bleeding in my stool and I guess it took me a while to find and approach the problem with a solution, as it tended to linger for many years (I generally avoid surgery and medication at all costs). For years I would have a bad case of diarrhea and sometimes a scary amount of blood in my stool. One possible reason for this is the bad way in which I terminated one of my fasting periods, leading to an ultimate burning ring of fire. I've been eating hot chilies and food all my life, and the way people see me eat they have often commented that I must have "guts of steel". But I guess with the way I damaged or abused them from two points of attack like this might have weakened them to where they were bleeding so much. On one of my fasts I also regularly did the colon flush, which I was later informed could weaken my intestines. By excessively cleaning it and leaving it empty for a longer period of time (my longest fast was 19.5 days), I might have weakened them, and I later read that it takes a while to heal intestines in general.

I hear of people who have the case of severe diarrhea, or constipation, and for which they might take various medication, but I have found that by proper eating and proper release one can bring their intestines back to a healthy condition, even if this may take a longer time.

If your intestines have become weaker like mine have, then you simply have to be kind to them for a longer period of time until they come back to health. For me, and probably for anyone, this simply meant holding back on the hot stuff until my stool looked regularly healthy. It is always good to examine your poo, and to note the aroma as well. If it really stinks something unhealthy, you should consider the diet you are eating. If it smells really unhealthy and toxic, imagine how many hours and days such unhealthy toxic substances are lying dormant in your intestines.

If you are not relieving yourself properly (taking proper and thorough poos), this toxic and possibly poisonous gunk will probably be seeping through your intestinal walls, into your blood stream and polluting your body. If you eat unhealthy food (possibly laced with dangerous chemicals), your liver (your body's filter) will try to remove and process the poison, as well as your kidney, your stomach will pass it on while trying to extract only the healthy stuff. The rest then oozes its way slowly through your long (I believe around 25 feet) intestines, and if you are not emptying yourself properly, it will sit there dormant, eating away at and destroying your intestinal walls, weakening them, with the very poisons all the previous organs have worked hard to get rid of to pass out of the system now seeping uncontrollably and directly into your blood stream! A very bad scenario.

Many times I see how people stuff their faces, gorging on anything that suits their fancy (visual and taste of tongue stimulation) without giving any thought to the possible consequences, somehow assuming that their body is expendable, or a wonderful machine that will correctly deal with the garbage they are feeding it. Surviving on plastic covered hot dogs without really investigating what those plastic sleeves are stuffed with - perhaps the guts and entrails and remains from a chicken factory, mixed with some healthy meat, food colouring and chemicals. Yuck.

On the other hand, the same people could spend an immense amount of attention washing and waxing their cars on Sundays. Perhaps buy better quality oil and gas for their beloved cars. Or when they cook, they correctly pour grease from the pan into an emptied pickle jar and not down the drain. For they know that the grease will clog their drain and they will have to clean it, by pouring into it some super toxic chemical which will find its way into nature and our water supply, and possibly pumping their piping with a toilet plunger.

But their kitchen sink piping is made out of thick metal and it can handle this abuse and pressure. Your intestines certainly are not. Yet the same people practically pour grease down their throats with the stuff they eat. Grease and fat is apparently addictive, which is why fast food joints go out of their way to stuff their foods with it. And look at the state of the average American. That immensely obese animal which survives on such fast food more than any other nation.

Changing your diet away from this poison and towards leaner meat, vegetables, and generally healthy food will go a long way towards extending your life and helping you maintain a lean and healthy body. Not to mention of clogged arteries and greatly increasing the chance of cardiac arrest (heart attack) due to such greasy unhealthy eating, especially if you combine that with smoking cigarettes and a stagnant lifestyle without any exercise. What an immense abuse of the body, pounding it with such poisons for a long period of time. When you are young, your body is more able to handle such abuse. But as you get older your metabolism decreases (especially if you do not exercise), and your body simply is not able to process all this toxic waste like it used to. So it is not able to get rid of it properly, and begins to stuff it in this corner and that, swept under the carpet here and there, and you begin to bulge out in a most unhealthy way. Just take your clothes off one day and take a long hard look at yourself in a standup mirror. You can practically see all that unhealthy food bulging out of you, your poor body not able to process the sheer volume of it.

And yet people can think that this is some natural state. Perhaps they don't care at all, or have resigned to it as the way of life.
Not at all my friends. If you think logically and with simple common sense, simply by putting in healthier food and helping your body a bit, you can reverse this trend, and over the years your body will be able to catch up and slowly get rid of all this junk you were feeding it too fast for it to get rid of.

There are several things you will have to do.

First of all, the more exercise the better. I know, a horrible word and you've heard it a thousand times until it's making you sick just thinking about it. But it really does not have to be painful. The important point is movement. You don't have to go to the weight room, but walk when you can. Your thighs are your body's biggest muscles, and exercising them forces your body to pump a lot of blood.

When you increase your blood circulation like this, you are exercising your heart (very good for you), and the increased circulation and higher metabolism means that your body can process any junk within it at a faster pace. Don't force yourself to do some horribly painful jog, and get all sweaty to the point that you hate the idea and cant possibly motivate yourself to repeat it the next day, or never. But increase your daily activity slowly and at a leisurely pace. If you get off the bus two stops early on the way to work, walk through a nice park, and find yourself panting once you get to your destination, well, keep it to two blocks then, or cut back to one block. But if you do this every day or two, within a week you will not find yourself panting after such a short walk.

Which is when you can increase the distance with ease, until you might get to my point where I like to run up escalators, initially two steps at a time, then walking two steps at a time, to end up at the top (some escalators can be long indeed) walking one step at a time but with both my thighs burning nicely, a very slight film of sweat produced, and my heart pounding a bit. With little quick exercises like this you can keep your body in fairly good shape. I almost never take the elevator. I walk almost everywhere, or jog there, always finding on a map a nice route through tree-lined residential areas or parks, so it is quite a pleasant experience. Many times I will get somewhere walking faster than by public transportation, when you count the time from door to door (average time waiting at the stop, walking to the stop etc.). I can do a half jog, walking intermittently, always to the point before I start to sweat, so that I can arrive at my destination faster than the public transportation system and with almost no sweat at all.

So you can think of ways how to exercise, multi task so to speak, in such a way that it will not consume any extra time during your day, and not be a painful and regretful experience for you. This will increase your body's metabolism to the point that it will be much better able to process any junk you might eat.

And try to shift your diet away from such junk, for God's sake. Sure, I like to go to McDonald's once in a while, or eat an unhealthy hotdog, or a bag of chips with coke etc., but I'm always conscious of whatever I put in my mouth. I read the package. You know, it is not that difficult to find a bag of chips (or snacks - such as a granola bar) that is more healthy.

Once again, if you make a slow transition in this department as well, your shift will not be a painful and torturous experience. The important point is not to go overboard to the point that you abandon your intentions. Go as slow as you need, but be resolute in your shift. And you will find that your tastebuds will change accordingly. When I decided I wanted to go vegetarian, at first I craved for meat, but over time my body almost became repulsed at the idea of meat and looked forward with salivation at the prospect of eating a delicious salad-only dinner. On my pages you will find some simple healthy recipes which work for me. It really is not difficult to eat healthy, cheaply, and it can be a joy to cook and eat such healthy food.

Now if you take care of these two points you will go a long way towards a healthy body, and healthy intestines. It does not really make sense for me to go into great detail about healthy intestines if you are regularly pounding your system with garbage, and if you are inactive.
Once you have attained the above state to some degree, we can proceed to focus on your intestines (although you can certainly focus on everything at the same time).

Your intestines, in a healthy state, apparently maintains some bacterial balance. Like a swamp which helps keep a lake clean. Full of certain types of bugs which eat the bad stuff. In India they are designing swamps which process, in a natural way, a large city's entire human waste.

Your intestines are similar, and if it is coming out as hard as a brick or as runny as Niagara, it is a sign to you that you are doing something wrong. One way you can regulate the bacteria is by drinking Kefir every day. I think it is supposed to be similar to buttermilk. It introduces a certain bacteria into your system to help maintain your intestinal ecology the way it should be. I bought mine flavoured with strawberries, found it delicious, and enjoyed drinking two small cartons a day.

You should also regulate your faeces. I know, sounds pretty funny doesn't it? But it makes total sense to examine what comes out. If my faeces smells bad, I always think back to what I ate that day or the day before, and decide to try and avoid it. I also pay attention to how my stomach feels and my body in general after eating unhealthy food. So I gauge my body this way, watching what I put into it, paying attention to how I feel afterwards, and examining what comes out.

Okay, I got some weird friends, and you don't have to go their extreme by relieving yourselves in the bathtub so that you can rub your faeces between your fingers, examine it close up and smell it. Or perhaps you are not blessed with the toilets they make in the Czech Republic: a little platform which is later washed into a smaller hole. A platform where you can feel the heat of your faeces warming your butt cheeks as you sit, the aroma filling up the entire cabin to the point of tears, and you can examine it as thoroughly as you want to afterwards. Someone told me that they designed those toilets at a time when people had problems with worms in their stool - to give them an opportunity to examine their faeces in greater detail.

Anyway, it's only your poo, and it is a product of what you eat, so there is no great reason to get all weasy and "ooh, that's SO gross!" about it. Really, it's just left-over food that your body did not want, plus dead red blood cells. No great trauma. Unless of course you gorge out regularly on unhealthy food, such that the product coming out the other end is toxic stinky and mighty disgusting looking. I can promise you that my poop practically smells like flowers and has a nice texture, and I do not consider it disgusting to look at.

So do not treat your poo with such disgust. Not as some sort of bad evidence you want to conceal and flush out of your sight as quickly as possible, but as something that you can examine and use to regulate your body and what you put into it.

I've been told that pork and beef are generally bad, because, in different ways, they help clog your intestines. So try to cut down those, try to eat only the lean and healthy stuff, and in between it eat stuff that helps flush out your system. Like for example Spinach salad. With a healthy dose of olive oil (very healthy for you), some good vinegar, squeezed lemon, a bit of spice, perhaps grated cheese, maybe even diced apples, and you have a rather delicious and very healthy meal which you can whip up in no time flat. Or use Romaine lettuce. Apparently Boston or Ice salad does not have much nutritional value. Go to your local health food shop and start asking lots of questions. Eat long grain brown rice rather than white processed rice. Sure, it might take 40 to 50 minutes to cook, but if you do it properly it requires no maintenance. Just throw it on the stove, during which time you can do lots of other stuff. I live in a caravan truck and do not have a convenient kitchen at all, yet I eat very healthily. So you have no excuse! Oh yes, and I like to throw sesame seeds on practically everything (soup, salad). There are very easy ways to eat healthy and not spend hours and a thick wallet doing it.

You can also try the intestinal flush once in a while. Like plugging your garden hose into an outdoor faucet and turning it on full blast. Really clean out all the dead leaves accumulated over the winter. Your body works on the same principle as your car and your kitchen sink. So just give it an equal amount of attention, and you will find yourself getting much healthier in ways you might not have dreamed of. Which will allow you to enjoy life much more, and that blasted car, if you really need it.

On my pages I have prepared the stuff I generally like to eat and find easy to make. I don't have hours to kill a day on cooking either. Living in a truck, I generally like to reserve cooking for the weekends. I'll allow myself fast food occasionally during the week, but I make an effort to find healthy fast food (not that difficult), and in between that I have my healthy food. And now I can enjoy practically all the hot peppers I want (great joy). My intestines have become healthy again, no more blood, and great texture. For example, for a few years I'd always have painful diarrhea the next morning after eating only a few hot peppers. I guess my diet of beer, hot peppers, bread and sardines wasn't a healthy combination. But there was not that much else available in the area I was in at the time. The important point is that I noted the problem and experimented with my diet until I found what the problem was and determined a solution. If I get constipated, the next day I'll eat more green leafy salad stuff. If I get the runs too much, I'll have some chicken. Just experiment and gauge your poo until you find a good diet that works for you. But think about it and pay attention. And this way you should become a healthy and happy person.

I'm 42 years old and people keep guessing I'm between 24 and 30, so I must be doing something right!

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Bamboo: dried sap taken for cough with copious yellow mucus, shavings taken for cough with copious sputum or sour stomach with vomiting, young shoots eaten as a vegetable

Black Cohosh:root taken for menopausal syndrome, PMS, colds, early stage measles, oral infections

Burdock:seeds taken for sore throat, root for fevers, skin diseases, boils, gout, root wash used externally for dandruff, burns, skin irritations, and wounds, mature root eaten as carrot-like vegetable

Black-Eyed Susan: root taken for worms and colds, root wash used externally for sores, snakebites, swelling, juice used topically for earaches

Castor Bean: seed oil taken as a laxative and to induce labor, seed oil used externally for ringworm, itching, piles, sores, abscesses

Chicory: rosted root taken for liver inflammation and constipation, leaf poultice used topically for eye inflammation and pimples, roasted root as coffee substitute, leaves nutritious edible

Chickweed: aerial parts taken for coughs, aerial parts used topically as poultice or salve for inflammatory, itchy, or dry skin conditions, aerial parts are nutritious edible

Cleavers: aerial parts taken as blood purifier, diuretic for bladder and kidney inflammation, edema, and kidney stones

Dandelion: whole plant taken for infections, leaves taken for urinary issues and edema, root taken as blood purifier and for liver disorders, jaundice, constipation, latex used topically for freckles and warts, whole plant used topically for infections, leaves are nutritious edible, good for anemia

Dogwood: inner bark of native species taken for diarrhea and malarial fevers, quinine substitute, non-native kousa dogwood species has edible fruits

Echinacea: root taken for pathogen exposure and low immunity, lymphatic congestion, swelling of the prostate, root used topically as a wash for burns and herpes, juice of root used topically for acne, infections, swollen lymph glands, pain, insect bites, root poultice used topically for bites and stings, enlarged glands, mumps, rheumatic swellings, root decoction used as a douche for chronic yeast infections, root chewed for toothaches and bleeding gums

Evening Primrose: stems and leaves taken for irritated intestines, diarrhea, nervous indigestion, colic, asthma, spasmodic coughs, oil taken for dry, itchy skin issues and poor wound healing, poultice of stems and leaves used topically to soothe skin eruptions, oil used topically for eczema, psoriasis, skin irritations, acne, dry skin, itchy skin, rosacea, poor wound healing

Fennel: seeds taken for coughs, muscular cramping, intestinal gas and abdominal pain, root eaten as a vegetable, seed used as a culinary spice

Fleabane: whole plant taken for diarrhea, kidney stones, painful urination, bleeding

Forsythia: seed taken for colds, fevers, sore throat, abscesses, sores

Ginkgo: leaf taken for poor memory, alzheimer's, dementia, nut taken for chronic coughs, cough with copious sputum, wheezing., urinary and vaginal infections

Goldenrod: flowering tops taken for bladder and kidney ailments, fevers, diarrhea, dysentery, snakebites, antihistamine for nasal congestion and inflammation, rhinitis, and seasonal allergies, leaf taken for menstrual regulation, root taken for kidney ailments, leaf poultice used topically for wounds, root poultice used topically for burns, lesions, rashes, wounds, snakebites

Ground Cherry: edible fruit

Ground Ivy: leaf taken for lung ailments, asthma, jaundice, kidney ailments, and as blood purifier, wash of leaves used externally for backaches, bruises, and plies

Holly: leaf taken for measels, cold, flu, pneumonia, wash of leaves used externally for sore eyes, sores, and itching

Honeysuckle: flower buds taken for infections, colds, heat stroke, urinary infections, bacterial dysentery, laryngitis, enteritis, flu and fevers, wash of flower tea used externally for scabies, sores, rheumatism, and tumors

Hops: flower taken as sedative for insomnia, cramps, coughs, fevers, urinary retention, wash of flowers used externally for boils, bruises, inflammation, and rheumatism

Japanese Knotweed: whole plant taken for urinary infections with painful dribbling, intestinal parasites, damp or weepy skin, rashes, small shoots 6-8 inches eaten as a vegetable

Jewelweed: stem and leaf juice used topically as an antidote for poison Ivy rashes and insect bites, whole young plants edible as a vegetable

Joe-Pye Weed: root taken for kidney stones, urinary incontinence, edema, gout

Kudzu: root taken for colds with stiff neck and shoulders, rashes not fully expressed (like measles), excessive thirst due to acidic stomach, diabetes, alcohol withdrawal, high blood pressure, and eye swelling related to glaucoma

Lamb's Quarters: leaves internally for stomach aches, leaf poultice for burns and insect bites, edible leaves, seeds boiled as cereal or dried and ground as flour

Lavender: essential oil topically for burns, wounds, eczema, acne, rosacea, herpes, insect bites, stretch marks, scars, infections, asthma, spasmodic coughs, influenza, bronchitis, muscle spasms, muscle and nerve pain, menstrual pain, irritability, insomnia, stress, hypertension, anxiety, depression, headaches, migraines, flower tea taken for acne, headaches, psoriasis, insomnia, stress, muscle spasms, stomach upset, excess intestinal gas, flowers added to baths as a treatment for yeast infections

Lily: root taken forr chronic, dry coughs, edible flowers, shoots and tubers

Lupine: leaves taken for nausea and internal hemorrhage

Magnolia: flower buds taken for nasal congestion or obstruction, sinus headaches, and diminished or absent sense of smell

Mayapple: root taken as a purgative and as a treatment for cancer, red ripe fruits are edible

Mimosa: bark and flowers are taken for depression and insomnia

Mulberry: leaf taken for dry coughs, and red, sore or painful eyes, fruit taken for constipation due to dryness

Mullein: leaf taken as expectorant, demulcent, and antispasmodic for coughs, asthma, bronchitis, sore throat, respiratory congestion, fevers, leaf boiled with honey and used as cough syrup, root taken for diarrhea with blood, leaves smoked for wet coughs, asthma, healing lungs after quitting smoking cigarettes, flowers soaked in olive oil with garlic cloves used topically for ear infections, leaves used topically as a compress for wounds, hemorrhoids, bloodshot eyes, pain, swellings, bruises, sprains, swollen glands, abscesses, sores, arthritic joints, earaches, toothaches, cuts

Nettles: leaf taken for allergies, kidney and bladder infections, osteoarthritis, hemorrhaging, and as a blood purifier, leaf poultice applied topically for arthritis, leaves are edible and high in iron and protein

Oak: bark for diarrhea, dysentery, chronic mucous discharge, bleeding, anal prolapse, and hemorrhoids, bark decoction gargled for sore throat

Queen Ann's Lace: tea of seeds and root taken as a diuretic, worm expellant, morning after contraception

Persimmon: inner bark taken as a gargle for sore throat and thrush, edible fruits, sweetest after first frost

Plantain: leaf infusion for coughs, bloody urine, diarrhea, leaves used topically as poultice for stings, burns rashes, inflammatory skin disorders, sores, blisters, ulcers, swelling

Poke weed: berries taken for for rheumatism, arthritis and dysentery, root poultice used topicallu for rheumatism, nerve damage pain, and bruises, young leaves are edible if boiled in several changes of water

Purslane: whole plant taken for infectious diarrhea, urinary infections, carbuncels, vaginal infections, whole plant poultice used topically for pain and swelling of of wasp stings and snakebites, aerials part are edible and very high in omega 3 fatty acids

Raspberry: leaf and roots taken for diarrhea, dysentery, for strengthening uterus in preparation for birth and for painful menstruation

Red Bud: inner bark taken for diarrhea and dysentary, flowers and young seed pods are edible

Red Clover: -flowers taken for irregular hormone cycles, menopausal symptoms, dry coughs, ulcers, sores, and burns, leaves and flowers are edible

Rose: flower buds taken for menstrual pain, rose hips taken for vitamin C

Rosemary: leaf taken for mental clarity, memory, sinus congestion, exhaustion, leaves used as culinary spice

Self-Heal: leaf taken for fevers, diarrhea, whole plant taken for conjunctivitis, boils, scrofula, and as a diuretic for kidney ailmnets, leaf tea used topically as a gargle for sore throats and mouth sores and as a wash for ulcers, wounds, bruises, sores

Service Berry: root bark taken for diarrhea and excessive menstrual bleeding, berries are edible

Smartweed: leaf taken for fevers, chills, internal bleeding, and painful or bloody urination, leaf poultice used topically for pain and piles

Spring onion: whole plant taken for very early stages of colds, root and leaves edible as vegetable

Strawberry: leaf taken for diarrhea, laryngitis, coughs, and as a uterine tonic during pregnancy, whole plant used topically sa a poultice or wash for abscesses, boils, burns, stings, eczema, ringworm, rheumatism, and traumatic injuries

Sweet Gum: fruit taken for epigastric pain, menstrual irregularities, and arthritis, -gum chewed as a topical treatment for sore throats and used in salves for sores, ulcers, wounds, itching, bruises, parasites

Thistle: leaf taken as a tonic and diuretic, root taken for dysentery and diarrhea, leaf tea used externally as a wash for skin eruptions, skin ulcers, and poison ivy rash

Tulip Poplar: bark taken for indigestion, dysentery, rheumatism, pinworm, fevers, bark tea used as a wans externally for fractures and wounds, boils, snakebites, ointment of nectar used topically for burns and inflammation

Violet: flowers and leaves taken as blood purifier, for lung congestion and infections, red swollen, eyes, swollen painful throat, sores, abscesses, edible leaves and flowers, leaf poultice for skin irritations, small wounds, rashes, sores and abscesses

Wild Sumac: leaves used as culinary spice and smoked with tobacco, flowering tops infused as tea

Willow: inner barkfor diarrhea, fevers, pain, arthritis, rheumatism, bark poultice for corns, cuts, ulcers, poison ivy, contains salacilic acid, precursor to aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid)

Wood Sorrel: yields green dye, edible, high in vitamin C, fresh leaves applied as poultice for tumors, sores and ulcers, chewed for nausea, moth sores, and sore throat, leaf tea for fevers, urinary infections and scurvy

Yarrow: poultice topically to stops bleeding and pain, essential oil inhaled for colds and flu virus, infusion of flowering tops for pain, infections, and as appetite stimulant

Yellow Dock: root decoction promotes urination and bowel movements., purifies blood, treats liver diseases and chronic skin conditions, young leaves are edible and high in vitamins A and C, yields black dye

Yucca: edible flowers, root as soap and fish poison, fibers made into rope

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I can only guess that the last time your pup had diarrhea, you hoped it would be the last right? Not only can it be extremely messy, but it can be very expensive. Most pet owners will bring their dogs to the vet or canine ER, at the first sign of diarrhea. Most of the times, your pet's upset stomach is generally due to a change in diet or perhaps some tasty garbage he found outside.

The tip to your dog's diarrhea is to catch it as soon as possible. The earlier you detect it, the quicker you can fix it. Plus your carpet cleaning bill may not be as high! I always try to focus on natural remedies as you never know when you may need something. Sometimes your vet may be closed and you simply can not get the medicine you need, and that is where holistic remedies come into play. Many of the ingredients can be found at your local supermarket or drug store. Although this is a natural remedy if you happen to notice blood in your dog's diarrhea or vomiting in conjunction with the diarrhea, please visit the vet or ER as quickly as possible.

Here are two very simple tips to help with your dog's diarrhea.

Sweet Potatoes

You may have heard in the past to give your pup boiled chicken and rice, and this is a fine solution to an upset stomach. Although I have found it is not as effective for diarrhea and can become rather costly. So a better solution is to give your pup boiled, baked or even steamed sweet potatoes. Believe it or not your dog will love these and so will his stomach. Research has shown that the phytonutrients in sweet potatoes has a anti-inflammatory effect on the digestive tract. Not only is this going to be a great natural remedy it is also very inexpensive.

Po Chai

The next remedy can be found in many health food shops as well as online and is called Po Chai. You will swear this is a miracle drug for your dog's diarrhea. Po Chai will go to work on your dog's intestines and "miraculously" corrects any imbalance. Po Chai is available in tiny pills that come in 10 vials per box. For a dog up to 25 pounds give 1 1/2 vials three times a day. For medium and large sized dogs it is OK to give your dog one vial three times a day. You can expect to see results after you administer the first vial. Generally you will only need to treat for just one day.

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When 13-cis retinoic acid or isotretinoin first came out as an acne medicine, it was regarded as a wonderful new way of treating acne, especially severe acne. It appeared to be able to cure acne, especially the severe from known as cystic acne.

I have a friend who has very severe acne. She is actually quite pretty. Unfortunately, it is hard to notice that as the acne seems to take all the attention away from her features. It was so bad everyone could see the problem but nobody dared to talk about it for fear of upsetting her further. Her face was constantly looking red and inflamed. Scars had begun to form from the healing lesions. Her self-confidence was really low and she had tried everything to cure her acne.

One day, we noticed that she looked like she had a bad sunburn. Her face was dry and peeling and she looked quite uncomfortable. When one of us finally plucked up enough courage to ask her about it, she explained that she was on a new acne medicine.

This new acne medicine works by reducing the amount of the natural skin oils (called sebum) produced. It also works by having a peeling effect on the skin.

We asked if the drug had any side effects. She looked at us like we had asked her if elephants could fly. All medications have side effects, she said. Acne medicine is no exception.

I looked up the side effects of this wonder acne medicine. The list was quite shocking, to be honest. The first highlighted side effect was a warning that this drug can cause deformities in unborn babies. Under no circumstances should a patient who is pregnant or who has the possibility of getting pregnant take this drug. Effective contraception is a must.

Other side effects included dryness and soreness of lips, eyes, skin, liver and other major organs. Eyesight could be affected. Liver tests needed to be done to ensure there was no harm done to the liver. Even bloody diarrhea was a potential side effect.

To add to the list of more side effects of this acne medicine, it could also increase blood fat and sugar levels. These too had to be monitored, especially in patients who had other problems such as high cholesterol and diabetes.

It could even cause depression, anxiety and mood changes.The list of warnings was longer than the paragraph on how this acne medicine worked !

Fortunately, the side effects were said to be short-lived and would be reversible if the medicine was stopped. However, we were worried as isotretinoin needed to be taken for at least 12 to 16 weeks.

This wonder acne medicine did not sound so wonderful to us. We did try to talk her out of it. She became unhappy, saying we did not understand how much she had gone through, suffering with her acne problem for years. She explained that with any acne medicine, one had to weigh the benefits and the risks. To her, the risks were worth the potential promise of a cure.

There are few lessons that can be learnt from this story. The first and most important is that while acne is not in any way a fatal disease, it can cause debilitating effects on its sufferers. It affects their self-confidence, the way they see themselves, the way others see them. It can control their lives. Acne has been known to cause depression in some, especially if it is severe.

Unfortunately, while there are acne medicines available, many have side effects. These medicines can cause problems in themselves.

However, in the end, it is the sufferer who must decide if the risks outweigh the benefits.

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A way to ensure you don't get hemorrhoids is by getting exercise. By simply exercising you will be able to improve your digestion of foods you eat, which will help you to get rid of that food quickly. If you fail to exercise, the stools are more likely to dry out. The drying of stools causes it to harden and potentially it will damage the skin inside your anal canal and cause you to have hemorrhoids.

Another thing that may lead to you getting hemorrhoids is diarrhea. Irritation and even damage to your anus may come from explosive stools. Additional cleaning after diarrhea may also cause you to have irritation.

You will find that you can really reduce potential hemorrhoids by walking at least 20 minutes every day.

Women may prevent this condition by doing hemorrhoid exercises with the PC muscles through an exercise called Kegel. These exercises help to strengthen the muscles of the anal canal and help the flow of blood to that area. These hemorrhoid exercises are especially good for pregnant women because it helps with the extra blood flow regulation near their vagina and anus. You can do this exercise by tightening your vaginal muscles while urinating. The muscles are used to control your flow of urine, so when you are tightening them you may cause it to start and stop the flow.

Hemorrhoid exercise may be painful when you already have hemorrhoids, so only do what you can do without causing more pain.

Another problem you may experience is whether to lift weighs as hemorrhoids can be caused by lifting weights. Body builders may experience hemorrhoids because they add a lot of pressure on their veins in the anal canal area when they lift weights. You can alleviate this pressure by regulating your breathing while lifting weights. Simply breathe out when lifting and when lowering you should breathe in. Also try to keep yourself from putting to much strain on the back or the rectal area.

Because you may feel extra irritation of external hemorrhoids when exercising, you may want to take a sitz bath for about 15 minutes in a tub of warm water when you are done.

Another problem that may cause you to get hemorrhoids is being obese. This places additional pressure on the veins in and around the anal canal as well as making your circulation poor and may lead to having hemorrhoids. Doing hemorrhoid exercise will help you to lose weigh and ensure you don't get hemorrhoids.

If you do have hemorrhoids, it is important to get information about the possible causes and cures as quickly as possible so that you can stop hemorrhoids from getting worse.

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Intestinal Candida symptoms may be very hard to diagnose. The chances for a successful treatment depend on the severity of each sign present. Although it may sound difficult, prompt action must be done to prevent more serious complications.

Obvious and hidden symptoms may vary from one person to another. Who ever is diagnosed early has a higher possibility of regaining it healthy body in shorter time.

Since Candida infection is caused by overgrowth of yeast-like fungus, called Candida albicans, in your body, it will be also normalized once you have a successful treatment.

Intestinal Candida symptoms differ quite a lot from other signs that are also caused by Candidiasis. You will also have a harder time to distinguish from the symptoms of many other diseases. Your intestine is the normal habitat of the Candida albicans fungus.

And because your intestines are their home, therefore it is also the major target of attack by the yeast infection. Once the fungus can penetrate your colon wall, it will eventually spread all over the body, affecting almost all the organs in the body from your skin to your brain.

These symptoms are well distinguished and experienced by sufferers of Candidiasis, such as colitis, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating, food allergies, gas, irritable bowel syndrome, rectal itching, intestinal ulcers, leaky gut syndrome intestinal ulcers and sugar cravings.

If you're suffering from intestinal Candida symptoms, it is essential that you treat your infection immediately, diligently and carefully. Candida albicans is an organism that will sooner or later wipe out your good health making it harder for you to recover, or if not, may leave some permanent complications. It may take you months and years, rather than the usual three to six weeks therapy.

A natural Candida remedy is beneficial, like cleansing your body by fasting, and then indulging your body with a yeast free diet. This is 100% yeast control method and will dramatically end the symptoms of your infection.

Symptoms that You Have to Keep an Eye On:

Leaky Gut Syndrome - This is often referred to as increased intestinal permeability. This happens when you partially broken down food and the toxins get into your bloodstream via the holes that are made by the fungus.

Oral Thrush - Are profound white-colored deposits inside your mouth or within your cheeks. This can bleed once you scrape it.

Diarrhea - This is watery bowel movement. This may lead to your dehydration if not resolved immediately.

Constipation - You find trouble in defecating as defined by presence of hardened stools.

Rectal Itching Skin - This is an inflammation around your rectum.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) - It is a persistent disease of the intestinal area commonly defined by fever, pain in your abdomen, diarrhea, weight loss, rectal bleeding, diarrhea, and eye and skin irritations.

Flatulence - This is the release of gases from your body.

On the other hand, if you continue to ignore the symptoms of infection like indigestion and bloating, more serious symptom may develop, like:

• Toxic liver
• Food allergies
• Skin disorders
• Fatigue
• Urinary tract infection
• Concentration problems and
• Aching joints and muscles

You have to remember that the best way to treat symptoms of Candida infection is with the use of natural remedies. Natural remedies not only treat Candida but also boost your immune system.

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Constipation can be a difficult IBS symptom to deal with, but so can diarrhea. People who suffer from diarrhea-predominant IBS experience frequent bowel movements of watery and/or loose stool. Other diarrhea-related symptoms include abdominal pain or discomfort, cramping, bloating, gas, nausea and dehydration.

The following are 5 treatment options for relieving IBS related diarrhea:

1 - Diet Control

Before resorting to medications or alternative remedies, you should always consider your diet first. Although diet changes may not entirely cure you from diarrhea, it may help reduce the frequency of attacks. Therefore, you should monitor your diet by keeping a food diary and recording the symptoms you feel after eating different foods to determine which ones cause diarrhea and which ones don't.

For instance, avoiding/limiting foods high in refined, artificial or natural sugar can help alleviate diarrhea symptoms. This doesn't only include chocolate, caffeine, alcohol and sweets. It also means foods containing fructose such as honey and a variety of fruits. Foods high in sugar can act like a laxative to your body, especially for an IBS sufferer who already has a sensitive stomach.

You should also ask your doctor to test you for lactose intolerance, as an inability to properly digest milk sugar can cause diarrhea.

2 - OTC Antidiarrheal Drugs

Over-the-counter (OTC) antidiarrheal medications can be effective at providing diarrhea relief when used as short-term treatment. There are two types of antidiarrheal drugs.

- Stool thickeners -these contain fruit pectin and clay which absorb toxins and bacteria in the intestine to help thicken stool (I.E. Kaopectate)

- Antispasmodic - these slow spasms that occur in the intestine (I.E. Imodium).

Although, antidiarrheals are usually effective, they may not help other symptoms such as bloating or abdominal discomfort. Furthermore, prolonged use of antidiarrheals can result in dry mouth, constipation, and other symptoms.

Consult your doctor about OTC antidiarrheal meds for IBS treatment before taking anything. In addition, you shouldn't resort to antidiarrheals until at least 24 hours after experiencing diarrhea, as you don't want to stop your body from expelling toxins in the event your diarrhea is a result of bacteria such as food poisoning.

3 - Prescription Medications

Low doses of tricyclic antidepressants are commonly prescribed to IBS patients for abdominal pain. These meds effectively block pain signals to the brain and don't cause diarrhea. However, they can cause other symptoms including constipation.

Another medication that may be prescribed is Lotronex. This particular drug is designed to block the effect serotonin (chemical produced by the body) has on digestive system, and in so doing, soothes the colon and slows bowl movement frequency. Lotronex has been found to be successful at alleviating IBS symptoms including diarrhea, stomach discomfort and urgency.

Note: Lotronex has only been approved for women who suffer from severe cases of diarrhea-predominant IBS ad have not responded to previous treatment methods.

4 - Alternative Therapy

Alternative therapies such as acupuncture, probiotics and herbal remedies can effectively reduce and alleviate diarrhea and its related symptoms in some IBS sufferers. Each of these methods is designed to assist the body in healing itself by providing it with stimulation (acupuncture), healthy gut bacteria (probiotics), or herbs. All work to aid in normal digestion.

If you are interested in learning about alternative treatments, talk to you health care provider first, and be sure to seek treatment from qualified practitioners.

5 - Behavioural therapy

Stress can actually trigger your IBS symptoms and make diarrhea worse, by causing your stomach to tense, leading to cramping and overall stomach upset. You can help reduce the regular stress in your life, and the stress you feel towards your IBS condition by engaging in:

- Meditation exercises (I.E. Yoga)

- Relaxation therapy

- Hypnotherapy

- Cognitive behavioural therapy

It's also a good idea to distract yourself by taking part in regular activities you enjoy.

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If you are wondering if it is possible for your dog to have an allergy to food, the answer is "yes." Many dogs have a negative reaction to food that goes undetected. However, others are extremely intolerant to some of the ingredients in dry food and have serve reactions to the food. If your dog has some of the signs and symptoms listed below, he may need hypoallergenic dog food.

Signs of a Food Intolerance

The most common food intolerances among dogs include beef, milk, chicken, and eggs. Most of are found in popular dog foods and are healthy. Dogs may also experience an allergy to the preservatives that are used to help keep the dog food fresh. Preservatives are not uncommon in dog food, but different brand names use different preservatives. Dogs can experience symptoms such as diarrhea and other digestive problems if they are intolerant to the food they are consuming vomiting may also occur. Skin problems may develop as a result of a food intolerance. Dogs that are intolerant to their food often experience excessive licking and itching. Look for these signs to determine whether or not your dog has a food intolerance problem.

What can be done about it?

If left untreated, your dog can be at serious risk with a food intolerance. This is especially true if your dog is experiencing digestive problems such as vomiting and diarrhea. Losing key nutrients is detrimental to you dogs health. Most owners do not realize the food allergy exists. If you suspect that your dog is allergic or intolerant to his food, you must tackle the problem as soon as possible. Begin by monitoring his diet. Try to determine what food he is struggling with. Choose a hypoallergenic food that is careful in using preservatives, artificial flavors, and food coloring. Many people see the problem go away after they eliminate these aspects. If the problem does not go away, continue monitoring his diet by excluding the key ingredients that cause most allergies such as beef, dairy, chicken and eggs. If the problem continues, you know that you have not pinpointed the problem. If after several months of trying new hypoallergenic dog foods and eliminating key ingredients, contact your dog's veterinarian. He can help you determine if your dog is suffering from a food allergy and what to do about it if he is. He may be able to recommend the top hypoallergenic dog food available.

If your dog is experiencing the symptoms mentioned above, the food that he is eating is not agreeing with him. Buying hypoallergenic food may be the answer. Most dog food brand names already have a selection of products that are deemed hypoallergenic. The price of the hypoallergenic dog food may be more expensive, but it is well worth it. The health of your dog will improve significantly one you get his diet under control. Hypoallergenic dog food may be your answer.

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Thinking back I have never forgotten how I would get scared to death if one of my young babies not yet two or three years old got watery diarrhea. They always attracted a fever. What is going on with the inside of my baby's body? This watery diarrhea was getting worse by the minute. Whatever my wife or I gave one of them it didn't matter. Our remedies were not relieving our children's problems. Keeping the food in their bodies did not take place. It was one diaper after another. I felt so awful I often suffered like my wife did.

When my kids had watery diarrhea they looked so pale. They had a colorless face and a wasted appearance. Like there was nothing left inside them. This watery diarrhea knocked them for a loop. This watery diarrhea made me feel so helpless. Hopefully you never went through this with your kids. But if you did you know how punishing this can be.

What is Acute Watery Diarrhea?

A greater number of stools or looser form of bowel movement is a symptom of watery diarrhea. This will last less than 2 weeks, and is frequently combined with abdominal issues such as cramping, bloating, and gas. Although frequently gentle, acute watery diarrhea can be a pre cursor to dehydration as a result of large fluid and electrolyte losses. Often the person feels weak. Patients have often had to rest for hours when they have contacted watery diarrhea because they are just drained of energy.

Acute bloody watery diarrhea suggests a bacterial force like Campylobacter, Salmonella or Shigella. One way that this can happen is to visit underdeveloped locations of the world. Some of these places lack the technology to maintain a higher level of hygiene. Eating rotten foods such as ground beef or fresh fruit can cause diarrhea due to E.coli.

Watery diarrhea causes

Acute, watery diarrhea is usually caused by a bug (viral gastroenteritis.) Applications such as antibiotics and drugs that
specialize in magnesium products are also routine offenders. Sudden changes in your eating pattern can again contribute
to acute watery diarrhea. An intake of coffee, tea, colas, dietetic foods, gums or mints that contain poorly absorbable sugars can contribute to watery diarrhea.

Acute bloody watery diarrhea implies a bacterial consideration like Campylobacter, Salmonella or Shigella. Visiting to newly developed areas of the world can result in exposure to bacterial pathogens common in certain areas. Some of these areas lack the waste removal technology present in more developed countries. Eating unhealthy foods such as bad ground beef or unfresh fruit can cause watery diarrhea due to E.coli.

Do not rest your intestine during this time. This can cause dehydration. Drink plenty of liquids. Like water and herbal teas. There has not been a safe and effective drug to treat watery diarrhea. There have been herbal remedies that have worked.


Cleveland Clinic

Family Practices Notebook

American College of Gastroenterology

CS Mott Children's Hospital

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The development of a needle-free vaccination delivery system has been identified by the Grand Challenges in Global Health (GCGH) initiative as one of the major challenges facing global health care today.

Millions of needles and syringes are used each day in health care. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 12 billion injections are given each year. Only about 5% are used in the delivery of vaccines for immunization and prevention of infectious diseases. Even though vaccinations have saved lives over the years, there are some hurdles to overcome. One of these is the use of needles or "sharps" to deliver the vaccines.

According to Myron Levine of the Center for Vaccine Development, University of Maryland School of Medicine and member of the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) "three fundamental themes remain in common worldwide: first, high immunization coverage of target populations generally must be attained for maximal public health impact; second, most current vaccines are administered parenterally using a needle and syringe; third, there is a broad recognition of the need to find ways to administer vaccines without the use of 'sharps' (that is, needles and syringes)."

The disadvantages of needle delivery of vaccine include:

(1) Pain and irritation of vaccination site. A large fraction of our population is scared of needles, probably as consequence of a previous bad experience. The majority of patients at the delivery end of vaccination are very young children under the age of two and needle pricks in this patient population can cause a lot of pain and distress. Needles may also cause discomfort at the injection site long after the shot has been applied.

(2) Lack of compliance. The World Health Organization's Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) has recommended six basic vaccines for infants in developing countries: diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus toxoids (DPT), bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG), and attenuated polio and measles. In developed countries such as the US, more vaccinations are required by health authorities. However, for the so-called "herd immunity" to work, a certain % of the population must comply with vaccination schedule.

(3) Safety. Vaccination with needles produces dangerous infectious waste that come with serious health threats to both patient and health care professionals. The reuse of unsterilized needles has facilitated the transmission of blood-borne infections such as HIV and hepatitis.

(4) Speed and efficiency. Recently, the threats of bioterrorism and pandemic flu have highlighted the need of fast, easy and safe vaccine delivery to the masses should the need arise. Definitely, vaccination using syringes and needles was not designed for these situations.

(5) Cost-efficiency and logistics. Doing away with syringes and needles can make vaccinations in less developed countries cheaper and more accessible. Syringes and needles need to be transported and stored for vaccination purposes. Injectible vaccines need to be refrigerated during transport.

Although needle-free delivery systems exist for many drugs, vaccines present a challenge because they usually consist of large molecules that cannot be easily delivered transdermally. Myron Levine summarized in a review article the different methods of administrating needle-free vaccines.

(1) Vaccines delivered through mucosal surfaces. Though theoretically possible, this form of delivery hasn't caught on except perhaps with the use of the nasal spray.

(2) Oral vaccines. Specific vaccines can be given orally in the form of pills. Oral polio vaccine has already been around for awhile. Other vaccines can be delivered via this route including certain types of cholera vaccines and the new rotavirus vaccines. However, this delivery route presents some problems for very young infants who might not be able to swallow properly and whose digestive system may not be able to withstand the effects of the vaccines.

(3) Nasal vaccines. The nasal vaccine through the respiratory tract is a very popular alternative to the flu shot. The FluMist" nasal spray, made from live, attenuated, cold-adapted vaccine, has been approved by the FDA and is delivered using a single-use spraying device through the nostrils.

(4) Aerosol vaccine. This mode of administration through the respiratory tract has been tested for measles vaccine. This is an alternative to the nasal spray and can be used with liquid aerosol and dry power for mass immunization.

(5) Needle-free percutaneous jet injection. This device works by propelling liquid through a small skin pore under high pressure. The liquid is then transported to the dermis and underlying tissues and muscles. There are multiple dose injectors available, making this type of delivery fast and practical for mass immunizations. However, it has the disadvantage of a high incidence of local irritation at the vaccination site as well as the possibility of transmission of infectious diseases.

(6) Transcutaneous delivery. This is commonly known as the "vaccine patch" and is delivered via the skin. The adhesive patch is applied after a preliminary hydration, directly on the skin. The occlusive patch makes the skin permeable to the vaccine. The cutaneously applied antigens are then taken up by Langerhans cells found in the upper layer (epidermis) of the skin allowing the immune-processing cells to migrate to the lymph nodes.

In recent years, several biotech companies have invested millions of dollars in developing, testing and finalizing different forms of needle-free delivery systems for all kinds of drugs, not only vaccines. The most promising of the needle-free vaccination systems at this juncture is Trans Cutaneuous Immunization (TCI).

Several advantages of the TCI have been identified. including cost-effective, safe, fast distribution, easy storage (can be stockpiled!) and easy administration, with the potential for self-administration.

In 2007, American researchers tested the efficacy of TCI with Clostridium difficile toxoid A in mice, with positive results. The bacteria C. difficile is the leading cause of nosocomial diarrhea, e.g. infectious diarrhea transmitted in the hospital setting. Also in 2007, Johns Hopkins University researchers tested the protective efficacy of TCI with the heat-labile toxin (LT) of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC). The results showed that the patch "induced anti-toxin immune responses that did not prevent but mitigated the illness.

Apollo Life Sciences has developed and patented a needle-free drug delivery and in May 2007 it released the results of preliminary studies on needle-free transdermal delivery of tetanus toxoid vaccine in mice. Apollo has developed the non-invasive transdermal carrier, TransD" which works by delivering "a protein-laden water layer across the skin and into the surrounding dermal and sub-dermal layers. It has potential to replace injections for biodrugs based on molecules such as interferon, growth hormones and anti-TNF (tumor necrosis factor)."

The TCI developed by the biotech firm Iomai, now owned by the Austrian company Intercell has recently made the headlines. Drug Delivery Report described how it works: "Administration is a two-step process. First, the skin is prepared by placing the device on the patient's arm and pulling a tab. The tab draws a mildly abrasive substance across the skin, making a painless and nearly imperceptible dent and simultaneously leaving an ink mark to indicate where the patch should be applied. The patient then wears an adhesive patch [with the vaccine] for several hours." The innovative design company Ideo helped designed the patch which required removal of an extremely thin layer of skin (about one-thousandth of an inch!).

Currently, Intercell's vaccine patch against traveler's diarrhea or the so-called Montezuma's Revenge is showing promise. The disease is a major cause of diarrhea among travelers, with symptoms ranging from stomach cramps to vomiting and diarrhea. Dr. Herbert DuPont of the University of Texas is one of the researchers involved in testing the vaccine. He told Reuters: "I think it's one of the most exciting new developments in travel medicine. People could buy this and put it on themselves whenever they take a trip. It is the most convenient form of immunization I have ever seen."

The vaccine has been tested on visitors travelling to Guatemala and Mexico and showed 70% efficacy against traveler's diarrhea. In another field study of 170 travelers as part of the vaccine patch Phase II trials, the vaccine patch reduced the risk of developing moderate to severe traveler's diarrhea by 75%. Phase III clinical trials are in process. If approved, this will be the first vaccine to prevent traveler's diarrhea. The study results were published in the Lancet and conclude that "the vaccine patch is safe and feasible, with benefits to the rate and severity of travellers' diarrhea."

A second promising Intercell vaccine patch is targeted against the pandemic flu. If successful, the patch will expand the limited vaccine supplies by allowing fewer or lower doses of vaccine. The program is funded by a United States Department of Health and Human Services contract." The patch contains a vaccine made from the H5N1 influenza virus. Results of a Phase I/II trials showed that a small amount of the vaccine triggered a protective immune response in 73% of the study participants. Phase II trials are expected to begin in 2009.

Vaccination and immunization technology has changed a lot in recent years as it tries to meet the health challenges facing both developed and developing countries. The TCI or vaccine patch is a promising tool which will hopefully help solve some of the problems facing traditional vaccine delivery systems.

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