There are many people who want to adopt these cute little pets but want to know what the link is between Salmonella and turtles. Most are probably already aware of the Salmonella threat that lies in turtles. The same people may wonder if there is a way to find a turtle without it, or possibly rid them of it by cleaning.

Unfortunately, most turtle lovers will find themselves out of luck as turtles carry non-typhoid Salmonella (the leading cause of food infection) on their shells and skin as a part of their natural bacterial make-up. It's something that they're born with. Most cases of Salmonella caused by turtles were more often those with weakened immune systems, such as the ill or elderly, and children.

When you understand the connection between Salmonella and turtles and you still wish to adopt a turtle as a pet, the most you can do is to handle it carefully. Wash your hands after touching it, keep it out of the kitchen and away from food, do not bathe it in a kitchen or bathroom sink or a bathtub, and keep it in its cage most of the time. Also, try to keep smaller children away from it, as they may try to kiss it, or if young enough, even eat the turtle.

If you manage to follow those simple guidelines and have done your research, you can still choose to adopt one. Just remember that the risk of Salmonella and turtles will always be there. If you have a pet turtle already and feel you may have it, here are some commonly reported symptoms of Salmonella poisoning:

Nausea and Vomiting
Diarrhea (in some cases, bloody)
Stomach and Abdominal Cramping
Fever and Headache

These are signs that should begin to appear a few days after infection. Though your immune system can kill it, check in with a doctor when the symptoms emerge, especially if it worsens or feels prolonged.

On a more encouraging note, there are turtles that carry less Salmonella than others. Just be selective about which one you get. And the majority of cases reported of Salmonella and turtles were concerning young children. If you are old enough and capable, and do not have a young child living with you, you have a better chance of not getting infected. Just continue to do your best to follow the safety tips.

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As most of you know by now, I broke the Guinness Book of World Records for Marathon Drumming in 1989. This is one of the stories that happened during that event.

One of the great volunteers (Ron) that stayed with me (To be an eye witness for the Guinness Book of Records log book) came into the Brandon Hall Auto Detail shop in Fort Mill S.C. where I was performing this 3 month long record breaking event. Ron came into the shop and I was taking a 10 minute break so he came over to talk to me. He looked me straight in the eye and said these exact words. "I won't be able to witness this event at night anymore because my mom had a vision about you that scared me". I said "ok, what did she see?"

Now Ron's mom was a very nice lady and a devout Christian who was a part of PTL. You know the PTL park (Praise The Lord) that used to be in Fort Mill, S.C. with Pastor Jim "I've sinned against you, now send me more money" Baker. He needed the money to keep his wife Tammy Fae Baker in facial make up.

Ron tells me his mom had a vision of a DANCING SKELETON on the roof of the Brandon Hall Detail shop. The skeleton had bees swarming all around it while it danced in the night. Now I myself after 40 days of drumming was a little freaked also, I had already had some strange hallucinations of my own. This will happen when you play drums for this length of time, trust me...The next day after Ron told me about his moms "vision" he stopped volunteering completely.

A vitamin company shows up about 2 days later and wants to sponsor me. It was some kind of blood and internal organ cleansing vitamin. You know boost your energy and endurance. These pills made me so physically sick they almost took me out of the event. Well within 2 days of taking these pills I had to set a snare drum up in the bathroom to keep drumming. My insides turned inside out and I had ungodly explosive diarrhea. Needless to say I stopped taking the pills immediately! I then called the vitamin guy and told him to keep the extra pills he was sending, and I was throwing the pills he already gave me into the garbage.

I started thinking about Ron's mom and her vision. I guess I was the skeleton, and the diarrhea was the swarm of bees. The diarrhea also started late in the night around 11 pm the day after I started taking the pills. Go figure she had a vision of my exploding butt...

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Whether it is a treat for good behavior, or a way to dispose of food without putting it in the trash or down the drain, certain human foods can actually be toxic to our pet's. Some of the most common foods we may be inclined or tempted to give our pets include raw or undercooked meats, bones and eggs. Raw or undercooked meat as well as eggs, may contain bacteria such as Salmonella and E coli which is not only harmful to humans, but to our pet's as well. Raw eggs contain an enzyme called Avidin. Avidin decreases the absorption of biotin (a B vitamin), which can lead to skin and coat issues. Feeding your pet raw bones may seem like a natural, healthy and harmless thing to do, however for domestic pet's this can be very dangerous. Raw bones may not contain high levels of toxins, but they can present a choking hazard, they may also splinter and become lodged in or puncture your pets digestive tract, which can cause your pet to sustain grave injury or can even be fatal.

Foods such as chocolate, Macadamia nuts, and avocados may be appealing to us, but are actually quite dangerous and can even be deadly to our furry companions. Chocolate, coffee, and other food products that contain caffeine are dangerous because of substances called methylxanthines which are present in cacao seeds, the fruit of the plant used to make coffee and in the nuts of an extract used to make some sodas. When these foods are ingested by pet's these methylxanthines can cause vomiting, diarrhea, excessive thirst and urination, panting, hyperactivity, tremors, seizures, abnormal heart rhythm, and in worst cases death. Please take note that the darker the chocolate the higher the level of methylxanthines. White chocolate contains the lowest levels, while baking chocolate has the highest.

Cookies, candies and cake can also be tempting to give our pet as a treat, but again beware of the chocolate content, and also in many instances these food items may contain Macadamia nuts, which can cause weakness, vomiting, tremors, depression and hypothermia. These symptoms usually appear within twelve hours and can last up to forty eight hours. Cookies, candies and other baked goods may also contain xylitol, which is used as a sweetener in many products, and baked goods. Xylitol can cause insulin release which can lead to liver failure. The increase in insulin may also lead to hypoglycemia (lowered sugar levels). Symptoms may include vomiting, lethargy, and loss of coordination, and could progress to recumbancy and seizures.

A chip dipped in guacamole or the last two bites of a bacon, avocado, and cheese omelet may seem harmless, but the truth is avocado's contain persin, which in dogs can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Birds and rodents are sensitive to avocado poisoning as well, even more so than dogs, and can develop difficulty breathing, congestion and fluid may accumulate around the heart, and again in severe cases can even be fatal.

Other foods we may find easy to toss to our pet as a quick treat while we snack on them ourselves are grapes, raisins, and potato chips. Although the toxic substance in grapes and raisins is not completely clear, they can cause kidney failure, and in pets with certain existing health problems the signs of kidney failure may be more dramatic. Although potato chips are a popular snack in many households, they are a salty food, and feeding them to pet's should be avoided as large amounts of salt may cause excessive thirst and urination or even sodium ion poisoning. Symptoms of too much salt may include vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, depression, elevated body temperature, seizures and even death.

Another food product to avoid giving a pet is yeast dough. When baking bread or working with yeast dough, if a bit of it falls to the floor, it is best to pick it up and throw it away rather than letting the family pet clean it up, as it can rise and cause gas to accumulate in their digestive system, which can be painful and may cause the stomach or intestines to rupture. However after the dough is cooked and the yeast has fully risen, pets can have small bits of bread as treats, but should not exceed five to ten percent of their daily caloric intake.

Since we cherish our pet's and consider them part of our families, the best thing to do is to keep treats purchased from a veterinarian, or a local pet store on hand. This will keep them happy and healthy, and prevent unnecessary trips to the emergency room. But if you do believe your pet has ingested any of these foods, take note of what and how much and immediately contact your local veterinarian or call the ASPCA animal poison control center at (888) 426-4435.

Please let's keep our pets safe and healthy, because they are in fact part of our families!

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Please keep in mind your purpose for trying to find out if someone is doing alcohol and/or drugs- To Identify and Help rather than Catch and Punish.

General: General and specific guides to detection of alcohol and drug use, and definition of addiction.

Contents:I. General Guide to Detection

II. Definition of Addiction

III. Pupil Dilation

IV. Signs and Symptoms

V. Paraphernalia a) S/S Chart Version

VI. Drug Facts

VII. Articles and Other Resources

VIII. Drug Pictures/Resources

IX. Topics

X. Additional Articles (Alcoholism, Drugs, Teenage Addiction, Interventions)

XI. Overdose and Emergency Intervention Techniques

I. Specific: General Guide to Detection

Abrupt changes in work or school attendance, quality of work, work output, grades, discipline.

Unusual flare-ups or outbreaks of temper. Withdrawal from responsibility. General changes in overall attitude. Deterioration of physical appearance and grooming.

Wearing of sunglasses at inappropriate times. Continual wearing of long-sleeved garments particularly in hot weather or reluctance to wear short sleeved attire when appropriate. Association with known substance abusers. Unusual borrowing of money from friends, co-workers or parents. Stealing small items from employer, home or school. Secretive behavior regarding actions and possessions; poorly concealed attempts to avoid attention and suspicion such as frequent trips to storage rooms, restroom, basement, etc.

II. Specific: DSM-IV Definition of Addiction

A maladaptive pattern of substance use, leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by three (or more) of the following, occurring at any time in the same 12-month period:

(1) Tolerance, as defined by either of the following:

a. A need for markedly increased amounts of the substance to achieve intoxication or desired effect.

b. Markedly diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of the substance.

(2) Withdrawal, as manifested by either of the following:

a. The characteristic withdrawal syndrome for the substance

b. The same (or a closely related) substance is taken to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms. (

3) The substance is often taken in larger amounts or over a longer period than was intended (loss of control).

(4) There is a persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control substance use (loss of control). (

5) A great deal of time is spent on activities necessary to obtain the substance, use the substance, or recover from its effects (preoccupation).

(6) Important social, occupational, or recreational activities are given up or reduced because of substance use (continuation despite adverse consequences).

(7) The substance use is continued despite knowledge of having a persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problem that is likely to have been caused or exacerbated by the substance (adverse consequences).

III. Specific: Pupil Dilation

Before you do anything, consider this. There are two trains of thought prior to detection and intervention. One thought is to catch and punish, and the other is to identify and help- remember why you are doing this, and the intervention will turn out much better.

Note: A 6mm, 7mm, or 8mm pupil size could indicate that a person is under the influence of cocaine, crack, and meth, hallucinogens, crystal, ecstasy, or other stimulant. A 1mm or 2mm pupil size could indicate a person under the influence of heroin, opiates, or other depressant. A pupil close to pinpoint could indicate use. A pupil completely dilated could indicate use. Blown out wide pupils are indicative of crack, methamphetamine, cocaine, and stimulant use. Pinpoint pupils are indicative of heroin, opiate, depressant use.

Other causes of pupil dilation

IV. Specific: Signs and Symptoms

Alcohol: Odor on the breath. Intoxication. Difficulty focusing: glazed appearance of the eyes. Uncharacteristically passive behavior; or combative and argumentative behavior. Gradual (or sudden in adolescents) deterioration in personal appearance and hygiene. Gradual development of dysfunction, especially in job performance or schoolwork. Absenteeism (particularly on Monday). Unexplained bruises and accidents. Irritability. Flushed skin. Loss of memory (blackouts). Availability and consumption of alcohol becomes the focus of social or professional activities. Changes in peer-group associations and friendships. Impaired interpersonal relationships (troubled marriage, unexplainable termination of deep relationships, alienation from close family members).

Marijuana/Pot: Rapid, loud talking and bursts of laughter linearly stages of intoxication. Sleepy or stupor in the later stages. Forgetfulness in conversation. Inflammation in whites of eyes; pupils unlikely to be dilated. Odor similar to burnt rope on clothing or breath. Tendency to drive slowly - below speed limit. Distorted sense of time passage - tendency to overestimate time intervals. Use or possession of paraphernalia including roach clip, packs of rolling papers, pipes or bongs. Marijuana users are difficult to recognize unless they are under the influence of the drug at the time of observation. Casual users may show none of the general symptoms. Marijuana does have a distinct odor and may be the same color or a bit greener than tobacco.

Cocaine/Crack/Methamphetamines/Stimulants: Extremely dilated pupils. Dry mouth and nose, bad breath, frequent lip licking. Excessive activity, difficulty sitting still, lack of interest in food or sleep. Irritable, argumentative, nervous. Talkative, but conversation often lacks continuity; changes subjects rapidly. Runny nose, cold or chronic sinus/nasal problems, nose bleeds. Use or possession of paraphernalia including small spoons, razor blades, mirror, little bottles of white powder and plastic, glass or metal straws.

Depressants: Symptoms of alcohol intoxication with no alcohol odor on breath (remember that depressants are frequently used with alcohol). Lack of facial expression or animation. Flat affect. Flaccid appearance. Slurred speech. Note: There are few readily apparent symptoms. Abuse may be indicated by activities such as frequent visits to different physicians for prescriptions to treat" nervousness", "anxiety"," stress", etc.

Narcotics/Prescription Drugs/Opium/Heroin/Codeine/Oxycontin: Lethargy, drowsiness. Constricted pupils fail to respond to light. Redness and raw nostrils from inhaling heroin in power form. Scars (tracks) on inner arms or other parts of body, from needle injections. Use or possession of paraphernalia, including syringes, bent spoons, bottle caps, eyedroppers, rubber tubing, cotton and needles. Slurred speech. While there may be no readily apparent symptoms of analgesic abuse, it may be indicated by frequent visits to different physicians or dentists for prescriptions to treat pain of non-specific origin. In cases where patient has chronic pain and abuse of medication is suspected, it may be indicated by amounts and frequency taken.

Inhalants: Substance odor on breath and clothes. Runny nose. Watering eyes. Drowsiness or unconsciousness. Poor muscle control. Prefers group activity to being alone. Presence of bags or rags containing dry plastic cement or other solvent at home, in locker at school or at work. Discarded whipped cream, spray paint or similar chargers (users of nitrous oxide). Small bottles labeled" incense" (users of butyl nitrite).

Solvents, Aerosols, Glue, Petrol: Nitrous Oxide - laughing gas, whippits, nitrous. Amyl Nitrate - snappers, poppers, pearlers, rushamie, .Butyl Nitrate - locker room, bolt, bullet, rush, climax, red gold. Slurred speech, impaired coordination, nausea, vomiting, slowed breathing. Brain damage, pains in the chest, muscles, joints, heart trouble, severe depression, fatigue, loss of appetite, bronchial spasm, sores on nose or mouth, nosebleeds, diarrhea, bizarre or reckless behavior, sudden death, suffocation.

LSD/Hallucinogens: Extremely dilated pupils, (see note below). Warm skin, excessive perspiration and body odor. Distorted sense of sight, hearing, touches; distorted image of self and time perception. Mood and behavior changes, the extent depending on emotional state of the user and environmental conditions Unpredictable flashback episodes even long after withdrawal (although these are rare). Hallucinogenic drugs, which occur both naturally and in synthetic form, distort or disturb sensory input, sometimes to a great degree. Hallucinogens occur naturally in primarily two forms, (peyote) cactus and psilocybin mushrooms.

Several chemical varieties have been synthesized, most notably, MDA , STP, and PCP. Hallucinogen usage reached a peaking the United States in the late 1960's, but declined shortly thereafter due to a broader awareness of the detrimental effects of usage. However, a disturbing trend indicating resurgence in hallucinogen usage by high school and college age persons nationwide has been acknowledged by law enforcement. With the exception of PCP, all hallucinogens seem to share common effects of use. Any portion of sensory perceptions may be altered to varying degrees. Synesthesia, or the "seeing" of sounds, and the "hearing" of colors, is a common side effect of hallucinogen use. Depersonalization, acute anxiety, and acute depression resulting in suicide have also been noted as a result of hallucinogen use. Note: there are some forms of hallucinogens that are considered downers and constrict pupil diameters.

PCP: Unpredictable behavior; mood may swing from passiveness to violence for no apparent reason. Symptoms of intoxication. Disorientation; agitation and violence if exposed to excessive sensory stimulation. Fear, terror. Rigid muscles. Strange gait. Deadened sensory perception (may experience severe injuries while appearing not to notice). Pupils may appear dilated. Mask like facial appearance. Floating pupils, appear to follow a moving object. Comatose (unresponsive) if large amount consumed. Eyes may be open or closed.

Ecstasy: Confusion, depression, headaches, dizziness (from hangover/after effects), muscle tension, panic attacks, paranoia, possession of pacifiers (used to stop jaw clenching), lollipops, candy necklaces, mentholated vapor rub, severe anxiety, sore jaw (from clenching teeth after effects), vomiting or nausea (from hangover/after effects)

Signs that your teen could be high on Ecstasy: Blurred vision, rapid eye movement, pupil dilation, chills or sweating, high body temperature, sweating profusely, dehydrated, confusion, faintness, paranoia or severe anxiety, trance-like state, transfixed on sites and sounds, unconscious clenching of the jaw, grinding teeth, very affectionate.


Stimulants (Cocaine, Ecstasy, Meth., Crystal)

Depressants (Heroin, Marijuana, Downers)

Hallucinogens (LSD)

Narcotics (Rx. Medications)

Inhalants (Paint, Gasoline, White Out)



Note: Paraphernalia- Keep in mind, that you may not find drugs, if you are searching for them, but you can usually find the paraphernalia associated with use.

VI. Specific: Drug Facts

Includes identifiers, definitions, language of users and dealers. Drug Terms Slang and Street Terms

VII. Specific: Articles and Other Resources

This the additional information for brain chemistry and the drug user)

VIII. Specific: Drug Pictures/Resources from the DEA



NARCOTICS Narcotics of Natural Origin

Opium, Morphine, Codeine, Thebaine

Semi-Synthetic Narcotics

Heroin Hydromorphone Oxycodone Hydrododone

Synthetic Narcotics


Narcotics Treatment Drugs

Methadone Dextroproxyphene Fentanyl Pentazocine Butorphanol

DEPRESSANTS Barbiturates

Controlled Substances Uses and Effects (Chart) Benzodiazepines Gamma

Hydroxybutric AcidParaldehyde, Chloral HydrateGlutethimide 7


Newly Marketed Drugs

STIMULANTS Cocaine Amphetamines

Methcathinone, Methylphenidate


CANNABIS Marijuana Hashish Hashish Oil

HALLUCINOGENS LSD Psilocybin & Psiocyn and Other Tryptamines Peyote & Mescaline MDMA (Ecstasy) & Other Phenethylamines Phencyclidine (PCP) & Related Drugs Ketamine



IX. Specific: NICD Topics

Do you have questions relating to addiction /addictions / substance abuse? Contact us...Health Info and Videos Medical issues updated weekly. Family Resources for the family, intervention information, support, and counseling. Medical information, doctor and specialists directory, terminology and dictionary of terms. Treatment.

The Villa at Scottsdale- Providing a full continuum of care for the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction.

Alcohol and Drug Addiction Survival Kit

General: A series, for the individual, family, friends, employers, educators, professionals, etc. on prevention, intervention, treatment, recovery, relapse prevention, support, and other issues relating to alcoholism and drug addiction.

1. Prevention- Includes tips on how to talk to your kids about alcohol, tobacco, and drugs.

2. Detection of Signs and Symptoms- A guide to detection of alcohol and various drug usage.

3. Definition of Addiction- A DSM-IV definition of exactly what constitutes alcoholism and drug addiction.

4. Intervention- Interventions can and do work. We will show you how to do it effectively.

5. Treatment & Housing- A treatment center and halfway house locator.

6. Support- Some guides to how to support someone while they are in treatment.

7. After Care- What to do prior to and after release from treatment.

8. Recovery / Relapse Prevention- Addiction can surface again, in the form of relapse.

9. Other Issues- Issues to think about regarding those affected by substance abuse, as well as those around them.

10. References- A list of those who contributed to this series of articles.

Articles Medical Today Dr. William Gallagher takes us through his use of DNFT with his patients. Psychotherapy Today Psychologist Jim Maclaine keeps us up to date with his articles of insight, therapy, and healing. Counseling Today Therapist Thom Rutledge gives a creative approach to dealing with life on life's terms via his unique counseling sessions. Big Book Bytes Author Shelly Marshall shares via the Big Book on issues of concern to those in recovery. All pages are set-up to copy, for use by counselors, professionals, sponsors, and others.

Recovery Today Interviews of people in recovery, about alcoholism, drug abuse, addictions, recovery, sobriety, spirituality, wisdom, experience, strength, and hope. Tune in monthly for new articles!

A.A. History Author Dick B. will take you back to a time when the recovery rates were as high as 93%.

Journaling Today A series of informative articles by Author Doreene Clementon how, why, and what to write about.

Spirituality Today Author Carol Tuttle takes us to new heights on our spiritual journey.

Articles of God and Faith Features 100's of topics relating to God, faith, spirituality, and more.

Life Today Everyday life experiences from people all over the world. Life, Addictions, Recovery, Hope, Inspiration, Wisdom, Advice, and so much more. Tune in on a regular basis to see what others have and are going through. Find hope from the experiences of others.

Steps Today Recovery Peer and Advisory Board Member Dean G. gives creative approach to dealing with life on life's terms via his unique recovery sessions.

Step Work / Relapse Prevention This service is designed to assist with step work, with quotes and pages from the Big Book, with forms ready to copy and utilize. There is a section devoted to relapse prevention as well.

X. Specific: Additional Articles

Health and Medical News, videos, text from the world of medicine, health, and medical.

Ecstasy information.

How Do I Talk With My Kids About Alcohol?

How Do I talk to my kids about drugs?

How Do I talk with my teenager about drugs and alcohol?

What does a crack pipe look like?

Family assistance for substance abuse.

Addiction treatment for my teenager.

Overdose or OD Information

XI. Specific: Overdose & Emergency Intervention Techniques

Drug Overdose- Drug overdoses can be accidental or on purpose. The amount of a drug needed to cause an overdose varies with the type of drug and the person taking it. Overdoses from prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, "street" drugs, and/or alcohol can be life threatening. Know, too, that mixing certain medications or "street" drugs with alcohol can also kill.

Physical symptoms of a drug overdose vary with the type of drug(s) taken. They include: Abnormal breathing Slurred speech Lack of coordination Slow or rapid pulse Low or elevated body temperature Enlarged or small eye pupils Reddish face Heavy sweating Drowsiness Violent outbursts Delusions and/or hallucinations Unconsciousness which may lead to coma (Note: A diabetic who takes insulin may show some of the above symptoms if he or she is having an insulin reaction.)

Parents need to watch for signs of illegal drug and alcohol use in their children. Morning hangovers, the odor of alcohol, and red streaks in the whites of the eyes are obvious signs of alcohol use. Items such as pipes, rolling papers, eye droppers and butane lighters may be the first telling clues that someone is abusing drugs. Another clue is behavior changes such as: Lack of appetite Insomnia Hostility Mental confusion Depression Mood swings Secretive behavior Social isolation Deep sleep Hallucinations.

Prevention- Accidental prescription and over-the-counter medication overdoses may be prevented by asking your doctor or pharmacist: What is the medication and why is it being prescribed? How and when should the medication be taken and for how long? (Follow the instructions exactly as given.) Can the medication be taken with other medicines or alcohol or not? Are there any foods to avoid while taking this medication? What are the possible side effects? What are the symptoms of an overdose and what should be done if it occurs? Should any activities be avoided such as sitting in the sun, operating heavy machinery, driving? Should the medicine still be taken if there is a pre-existing medical condition?

To avoid medication overdoses: Never take a medicine prescribed for someone else. Never give or take medication in the dark. Before each dose, always read the label on the bottle to be certain it is the correct medication. Always tell the doctor of any previous side effects or adverse reactions to medication as well as new and unusual symptoms that occur after taking the medicine. Always store medications in bottles with childproof lids and place those bottles on high shelves, out of a child's reach, or in locked cabinets. Take the prescribed dose, not more. Keep medications in their original containers to discourage illicit drug use among children: Set a good example for your children by not using drugs yourself. Teach your child to say "NO" to drugs and alcohol. Explain the dangers of drug use, including the risk of AIDS. Get to know your children's friends and their parents. Know where your children are and whom they are with. Listen to your children and help them to express their feelings and fears. Encourage your children to engage in healthy activities such as sports, scouting, community-based youth programs and volunteer work. Learn to recognize the signs of drug and alcohol abuse.

Questions to Ask:

Is the person not breathing and has no pulse? FIRST AID Perform Cyprinids the person not breathing, but has a pulse? FIRST AID Perform Rescue Breathing AND is the person unconscious? FIRST AID lay the victim down on his or her left side and check airway, breathing and pulse often before emergency care. Do CPR or Rescue Breathing as needed. ANDdoes the person have any of these signs? Hallucinations Confusion Convulsions Breathing slow and shallow and/or slurring their words

Do you suspect the person has taken an overdose of drugs? FIRST AID Call Poison Control Center. Follow the Poison Control Center's instructions. Approach the victim calmly and carefully. Walk the person around to keep him or her awake and to help the syrup of ipecac work faster, if you were told to give this to the victim. Also, see "Poisoning". AND is the person's personality suddenly hostile, violent and aggressive? FIRST AID Use caution. Protect yourself. Do not turn your back to the victim or move suddenly in front of him or her. If you can, see that the victim does not harm you, himself or herself. Remember, the victim is under the influence of a drug. Call the police to assist you if you cannot handle the situation. Leave and find a safe place to stay until the police arrive. AND Have you or someone else accidentally taken more than the prescribed dose of a prescription or over-the-counter medication? DO NOT perform any technique unless it is a matter of life and death! If you are unsure of what you are doing, please follow the instructions given by a 911 operator.

Note: If doctor is not available, call Poison Control Center. Follow instructions given.

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Food Unlike having diabetes Type I, where there is certainly not enough insulin creation, in Type 2 diabetes the pancreas create typical or more than normal amounts of insulin. Nevertheless, the biochemical problems that come up within the latter type express themselves as insulin resistance.

These types of problems cause hyperglycemia simply by interfering together with the traditional function of insulin and in so doing glucose uptake into the cells. The raised levels of fat oxidation typically present in Type 2 diabetic patients can also be considered for being a factor in insulin resistance.

Type 2 Diabetes (maturity onset diabetes) was basically, as it's ancient label indicates, relating to folks of middle age growing older or also older. However with dietary shifts; especially the raised consumption of prepared, unhealthy and sweet meals; and also the frequency of weight problems relentlessly growing, it's not at all exceptional for folks very young to develop the health issues.

Our body transforms sugar straight into two to five times extra fat within the blood vessels than it does starchy foods. Together with 146 tested main reasons why sugar isn't good for all of us, could there be maybe a single factor that explains why we might require it? The only real unique factor regarding sugar is the fact that it tastes great along with makes us temporarily really feel good. It is really a subject worthy of checking out.

Insulin Resistance Diet Which actually food products are quite obvious with no sugar? A simple way to do not forget the major ones will be that they can end within the letters "-ose". Sucrose, the normal whitened sugar; fructose sugar found in fresh fruits; maltose, a grain sugar; plus carbs and glucose, the particular sugar in bakery, flour, pasta etc.

Prepared foodstuff likewise contain basic all kinds of sugar in their processed carbohydrates, along with root vegetables for example potatoes, yams, and also other starchy green veggies.

Is actually fresh fruit sugar not a good idea? A lot of the sugar many of us consume gets to be broken down together with absorbed in your small intestine.

Swarms of unique digestive enzymes attack bigger substances together with transform these items straight into three simpler sugars: for the most part carbs and glucose, and also galactose (an element of lactose, the actual sugar found in milk) and fructose.

The actual common understanding of sugar for any type 2 diabetes just isn't excellent. The majority of people blame it as being the actual main cause of the diabetic issues. Nevertheless, the specific situation seriously isn't absolutely legitimate.

You will find various other food items, such as cereal is a bit more harmful for you as a type 2 diabetes persons than white sugar. However it is recommended that you lessen the total as low as possible.

Blood sugar level Once the blood sugar level increases the pancreas typical release insulin into your blood stream. Insulin is actually a hormonal agent which enables control of the amount of blood sugar.

Increased blood sugar is named hyperglycemia. Long-term slightly increased blood glucose amounts bring about heart problems as well as heart stroke, kidney problems, loss of sight, peripheral vascular problems and also amputation.

Reduced blood sugar is known as hypoglycemia. A rather minimal blood sugar can result in loss of awareness, seizure as well as death within a few minutes. Reasonably low blood sugar levels over a period of time may result in dementia as well as other neurologic problems.

Test your own blood sugar levels very carefully throughout a time period with stress and / or sickness, in case you take a trip, do more exercise than normal, or perhaps miss meals. These tips could affect your current blood sugar levels as well as your insulin shots dose must have might also change.

Are sugar OK? - Why Is Sugar So Harmful? Sugar can result in osteoporosis. Sugar results in an acidic atmosphere inside your tissues, which leads to your physique to cry out for alkaline foods. If you do not get sufficient calcium inside your diet, your physique may possibly pull it out of your bones and teeth to rebalance your pH, and you could cultivate bone loss and ultimately osteoporosis.

Well sugar does give your body energy but attempt to consume natural sugars like honey and fruit as an alternative to processed sugar like candy. All-natural sugars are more easy to digest than processed sugar. But actually if you consume an excessive amount of processed sugar, your physique will both shop it as excess fat or burn up off the energy when u are hyper.

The actual sugar business is just not in decline and obesity is enhancing. Sugar is often a main culprit in the case against obesity. For obese individuals, consuming even a teaspoon of sugar each day would trigger metabolic imbalances that contribute to obesity. Sugar is to be avoided, not just by the obese but by healthy people.

Sugar is addictive. Many people find it nearly impossible to cease eating sugar. In fact, eating lots of sugar could deplete the zinc inside your body, which can dull your sense of taste. When your taste perception is altered, you need much more sugar to give the same taste satisfaction. It becomes a vicious cycle.

The actual Harmful Results of Sugar Varieties of sugar which are not processed are greater choices than extremely processed and refined sugars, for a number of factors. Highly refined sugars tend to produce a significantly higher spike in blood glucose levels than do unprocessed or unrefined sugars. They're also lacking within the trace nutrients which will still be found in unrefined, additional natural sugars. Extremely refined sugars are quite difficult for the body to process, and as a result deplete your nutrient reserves as your body struggles to re-balance itself after ingesting these chemicals.

Honey Along with Diabetes The importance of sugar metabolism on the spinal column and brain is evident. The blood of the veins which leaves the brain contains less sugar and much more acids than the blood of the arteries which centers upon it. Sugar assimilation has an important function within the chemical activities of brain cells. The effective therapeutic application of insulin in different mental disorders clearly demonstrates this. The lack of sugar assimilation of a diabetic, the accompanying depression, comatose states, even fatal ending, prove the essential importance of sugar metabolism on the activities of the brain cells.

Sugar in the blood Plus sugar inside the blood damages everything -- nerves, brain, eyes, lungs, heart, kidneys, intestines, even your sex organs! When the nerves die, they trigger discomfort and tingling inside the hands and feet, known as NEUROPATHY. Diabetic harm to the brain typically leads to Senile Dementia and Alzheimers Illness. Numerous diabetics endure from blindness, pneumonia, strokes, heart attacks, and kidney failure. they've "digestive problems" which includes "explosive diarrhea" and severe constipation -- frequently each at the identical time.

The industry Sugar production for the year 2000 topped $3.5 billion, based on the Agriculture Section.

People in America take in more sugar compared to any other country as well as spend a lot more on healthcare than any other nation.

Sugar manufacturers would have the public believe that sedentary way of life and also eating too much are necessary for shoppers of sugar to succumb to poor wellness.

Whitened sugar has a darkish background. Sugar cane is actually believed to be native to Southeast Asian countries. Alexander the Wonderful brought in it via India around 325 BC, and it come to Egypt around 1000 years later. Christopher Columbus introduced sugar cane to the Americas. This producing sugar refining business had become the primary motivation for maintaining the African slave trade inside the Caribbean, Mexico, Brazil, along with the United States. Producing this kind of "white gold" ended up being hot, exhausting and harmful, and it claimed numerous lives.

A different sort of treatment makes use of prescribed medications - a number of them produced from the natural medicine traditions - which overcome insulin resistance by growing the cells' sensitivity to insulin, therefore assisting to manage blood sugar levels. A lot of of these drugs, however, are effective only for a restricted time, and a lot of are synthetic compounds not observed in nature. Such compounds almost invariably trigger unwanted side effects, which can range from merely annoying to downright risky. Issues of this sort are significantly much less likely to happen, however, if we use compounds which might be at property inside the human body because they are naturally discovered there, or elsewhere in nature.

Insulin up and down Anytime blood sugar levels lower, insulin production drops to a specific level where it stays until further carbohydrates are consumed as well as absorbed from the intestines. This kind of system is actually carefully tuned and, in wholesome folks, retains blood sugar ranges within a limit range. If there's not enough, or even absolutely no response, to blood insulin the cells are successfully starved of glucose, plus blood glucose levels turn into dangerously elevated. Insulin works in concert with various other hormones, for that reason abnormalities in each its creation and efficiency may have a massive amount adverse outcomes.

The suffering Countless diabetes patients suffer from blindness, pneumonia, strokes, strokes, as well as kidney breakdown.

Sweets can easily damage your immune program.

The sugar content in sodas are way too high and will lead to many wellness difficulties. Moreover, when you consume an excessive amount of sugar, your appetite will likely be suppressed for the nutritious foods. This results in nutritional deficiency.

Type 2 diabetes is often a metabolic disorder, which causes relative insulin deficiency within the patient's body. Insulin is produced by the pancreas of the human physique. It regulates the sugar (glucose) level inside the blood. Our body needs a steady amount of glucose all through the day. Glucose is utilized by our cells to generate power. Within the case of variety 2 diabetes, the glucose is unable to reach to the patient's physique cells, which results in lack of energy along with other wellness problems. Doctors often prescribe medicines to overcome these issues. Nonetheless, these drugs have numerous ill effects.

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Colon Hydrotherapy, Colon Irrigation or Colonic is a process of cleaning the large intestine using around 60 litres of low pressure water to flush out toxins, wastes and recondition weak intestinal muscles. This process makes many people as the tube that is used needs to be inserted into the rectum to allow for the water to flow. This is an alternative therapy which is gaining popularity for maintaining colon health and even weight loss. Many Hollywood actors practice in regular colonic irrigation such as Demi Moore, Ben Affleck and Goldie Hawn.

Why do you need to have a Colonic?

Our liver has a function to dump all of its toxins into the colon for elimination. Our colon is usually a host to many toxins, waste materials and parasites that may have accumulated for many years. The collection of these things, such as impacted feces, dead tissues, yeast overgrowth, mucus and worms is toxic to our system and is usually re-circulated if not expelled from the body.

Material built-up on the colon wall can weaken the muscles and cause constipation, sluggish bowel movement and even difficulty in weight loss. Parasite in the colon or intestine such as hookworm and tapeworms (various types) can breed and spread into other parts of the body, causing ailments like malnutrition, diarrhea, bloody stools, pain in lower abdomen, weight loss, nausea and anemia., stomach cramp, heart attack, asthma, eye pain, insomnia, rashes, blindness, paralysis or even death.

How does Colonic help in reconditioning weak intestinal muscles? When low pressure water is introduced in the colon in large amounts (40-80 liters), it expands and contracts the muscle in a rhythmic fashion, therefore exercising them. This is one body part that we can't exercise on our own! Usually, the patient is required to introduce more fruits and vegetables into the diet, as well as fiber and water to help flush it regularly and relieve constipation caused by hardened stool and weak muscles.

Another benefit of Colonics is the improvement of our skin health. Because the toxins have been eliminated from our bodies, our skin now receives nutrients and clean oxygen. Any blemishes or pimples will clear up and we will get back the healthy glow we had as children. Other organs are also relieved from the extra work of cleaning out the toxins such as our liver, lungs and kidneys.

How does cleansing the colon help with weight loss? Many people are not aware of this fact. Our body has its own detoxification system but we are ingesting more toxins than we can expel. This is causing toxic built-up in our bodies. The body reacts by accumulating fat around the organs to protect them against these invaders. In this instant, regular exercise and diet alone will not be enough to help eliminate the fats, especially in the stomach and lower body region, especially for women. Stomach fat is dangerous to our health and should be the first priority in fat loss. Once our colon has been cleansed, it makes the body easier to lose the organ fat (intramuscular) because our system is efficient and healthy once again.

Besides Colon Hydrotherapy Cleansing, you can get herbal treatments in the form of supplements and herbal teas which have their own kit for detoxification. However, not everyone will benefit from one source of treatment. We need to cleanse our liver and gallbladder as well. There are products that have a comprehensive cleansing kit but as everyone is different, what works for one person may not work for another. If you don't have any idea on which products to buy, you might be interested to look at this site by The Health News Journal. This page compares 21 different colon cleansers and rates them in different categories. It is very useful. Find the best one that suits your needs and budget and try them for the duration advised. If one doesn't work, you may need to try another until you find one that's comfortable for regular use.

If this is a new awareness for you, take your time to study the benefits of cleansing and make the necessary changes in your lifestyle, including changing your eating habits slowly and introducing exercise to strengthen your overall body.

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Fulvic Acid, a natural plant extract found in ancient sea beds, has many uses in the human body. One important function of fulvic is that of an antifungal agent. Fungus not only includes mold, but also the spores mold uses to regenerate and the mycotoxins it emits.

Mold is very hazardous to human health. The more mold exposed to, and the longer one is exposed to mold, drastically compounds the deadly effects of this fungus. Low exposure to mold will induce allergic and asthmatic-type reactions. In 1999, a study conducted by the Mayo Clinic charged fungus as the cause of almost all chronic sinusitis cases in America, a total of which is around 37 million.

What is mold, and how does it affect you?

Molds are microscopic fungi, which are neither plants nor animals. In nature, molds use enzymes to eat dead plants and animals. If there is a moist environment and other proper conditions, molds can attack materials in a house or building such as fiberboard, drywall, carpet backing, paper, dust, wood, or exposed soils in crawlspaces. Once established in a building, molds/fungi can spread, destroying structural wood components, and can be hard to get rid of.

Mold releases spores, which act as fertilized eggs, attaching to wet surfaces and breeding. Their food source is diverse, ranging from sulfur grains in concrete to metals in paint, or glue in wallpaper. Any toxic substance not useable by the mold spore is filtered through the spore and released into the air as a gas.

Mold and mold spores both release mycotoxins, which are by-products produced by fungi. Mycotoxins are as diverse and varied as the mold that produces them, but their affect ranges from carcinogenic and oestrogenic (which describes the ability of a substance to promote or mimic the effect of the female hormone estrogen) to neurotoxic and immunosuppressive.

The effects of mold include allergic reactions such as respiratory problems such as coughing, sneezing, wheezing, and infection; nose and throat irritation; nasal or sinus congestion; and common allergy symptoms such as red, itchy, watery eyes; and a runny nose. Other symptoms include fatigue and headache.

People allergic to mold may often exhibit asthmatic symptoms and attacks when exposed to mold. Some types of fungus can cause more severe problems, for example, conjunctivitis, rhinitis, bronchitis, and hypersensitivity pneumonia.

Those with weak immune systems are more vulnerable to infections caused by molds. One condition which affects immune-suppressed patients actually manifests itself as a mold growth in the lungs.

Other complaints that have been caused by mold exposure include depression, irritability, anger, inability to concentrate, loss of appetite, sleep disorders, and muscular aches.

Physical ailments associated with mold exposure include vomiting, diarrhea, ear infections, shortness of breath, congestion, and hives.

Some molds are actually good for you, and not toxic at all. But many are. It is important to keep your body fungus-free to promote a healthy lifestyle. The fact that Fulvic is such a strong anti-fungal, in combination with many other amazing features, makes it the perfect choice to eliminate fungus from your body.

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Acute diarrhea is medically termed 'gastroenteritis" and comprises a great percentage of infant and toddler acute infections. Diarrhea is an increase in the fluidity of the stool often accompanied by a passage frequency that is higher than normal.

Acute diarrhea is the consequence of inflammation caused by viral and bacterial invasion of the gut cells. Accordingly, digestion is hindered leading to detainment of undigested particles in the cavity of the gut. Bacteria would ferment these undigested food materials producing gases and fluids and this would manifest as bouts of diarrhea. Diarrhea can sometimes cause dehydration, which is an alarming sign that necessitates action.

Many micro-organisms are responsible for gastroenteritis. Viral causes include Enteroviruses, Rota virus, and other RNA viruses. Bacteria like Esherishia Coli, Typhoid Bacilli, Enterobacteria and Shigella are occasional causes of acute diarrhea. Protozoa and fungi are additional etiologies of this illness. Most of those pathogens are transmitted though droplet and feco-oral routes, rendering them preventable using proper hygiene.

If your child is losing fluid, you must encourage him/her to drink a lot. Avoid drinking excessive plain water, as it might disturb the body salt concentrations and this could be dangerous. Pediatricians recommend oral re-hydration solutions (ORS) as the optimum choice for oral fluid replacement during diarrhea. Fluid should be allowed as small sips every 5-10 minutes as this prevents vomiting which could complicate the process of re-hydration. Vomiting can precede, accompany or sometimes follows the occurrence of diarrhea. Persistent vomiting is an ominous sign that sure necessitates a visit to the doctor's office. Moreover, if your child has a persistent fever, or becomes sleepy and less reactive; medical consultation is indispensable.

Feeding during periods of acute diarrhea is a key factor in the success of treatment. Infants who are not weaned should continue to breast feed if they do. Sometimes it is better to shift to a lactose free formula as decided by the pediatrician. If the child is weaned, light foods with low fat content are encouraged. These include, vegetable soup, apples, boiled rice and fresh fruit juice.

Treatment of acute diarrhea is somehow conservative and symptomatic. Nevertheless, sometime antibiotics are indicated in proved cases of bacterial gastroenteritis. Zinc has recently been recommended as a useful supplement in cases of acute diarrhea. Zinc stimulates the healing of inflamed intestinal cells. Antiemetics, intestinal antiseptics and zinc are amongst the most commonly used drugs in gastroenteritis.

Acute diarrhea is a rather common infection in children. Careful assessment of your child's fluid losses and intake is vital in his treatment and is more important than most of the prescribed drugs. However, persistent vomiting and decreased alertness would surely need urgent medical consultation.

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Are you a first time mother? So, at last you have delivered a healthy baby. After the nine months of pregnancy, now it is the time to bring your healthy new born home. From this moment child care starts. The time you bring your new born home is also a start of your life in purgatory.

At this time you have to deal with the most important task you could ever do in your life to take the best child care for your new born. Child care is not an easy task. Everything you are going to can greatly affect your child physically, emotionally and socially. Child care is certainly one of the greatest challenges that every mother could face, and the way you take care of your new born may determine the degree of your responsibility.

The best child care includes many tasks to do. These tasks may start from feeding your baby to grooming, diapering, and swaddling, bathing and best child care when he or she is sick.

Tips for safe and healthy child care

Feeding in the right way which gives child care: Feeding your baby is one of the most important child care responsibilities that you should perform for the healthy growth of your baby. Note that just like every adult, babies need to eat for them to survive.

If your baby could only talk, possibly he will tell you when he is hungry or when he is full and there is no need for you to insist on letting him eat. But, this is not the case as babies on their early age can't talk. Possibly, your baby will only start to babble words and make their wishes known verbally longer than their first year.

So, after the birth, you really need to figure out on your own what your child is trying to ask you to do. Every mother can easily sense when or how her child cries for food. When comes to the point of food, it is an essential thing for your child care, he or she only need milk during the first few months of their first year. Milk is the best and first baby food. So, breast milk is highly recommended for every new born baby. Try to breastfeed your baby as possible as you can, and alternate with a special milk formula to satisfy his or her hunger. Most breastfed babies may want to be fed frequently, sometime every hour, so make yourself available in the early week of the baby's life.

Superior child care involves introducing nutritious food as early as possible in her life. You can buy, or make baby food. Be careful while preparing baby food.

Most of the mothers use tree-ripened peaches, while others use wild blueberries for the natural sweetness in the food. But, make sure that you prepare a food for your new baby that is not only delicious but also nutritious.In addition, you can introduce new foods to your baby in the coming months. Watch out particularly if there are any reactions to your new born baby to the newly introduced food. Note that in some instances your baby can react negatively to new foods. Given this fact, try then to introduce new food to the baby's diet, but be patient enough.

According to some experienced mothers, 10 to 20 introductions will require for a baby to totally eat and accept the new food. So, don't think of giving up the food after few tries. Don't insist your baby to eat the food that he or she is not accustomed to yet. Every responsible mother should have the understanding and patience when her babies refuse to eat.

Diapering your infant:

One of the most important decisions in child care that you should consider is the type of diaper to use. There are many types of diapers. Some are disposable, while there are others that are made of cloth. Each of this type has its own advantages and disadvantages. The decision then can be based only on the time that the diaper will be used and the availability of laundry facilities.

Disposable diapers versus cloth diapers:

Disposable diapers: Disposable diapers make child care simpler. There is no need to wash and clean, hence, most of the parents will prefer this type of diapers for better child care. It consists of less chemicals and elastic around the legs and is better for child care. Some of the parents will also usually look for those with tape that can be refastened. It is essential to note that when using a disposable diaper for your new born, it should be disposed of properly.

Most experts suggest that; discard the stool in the toilet every time to simply protect the environment. So, to maintain the cleanliness of your environment and for your child care, never throw away the disposable diapers in wastebasket. As a substitute, discard them in separate trash bags and dispose them properly.

Cloth diapers: Cloth diapers can be washed and reused. So, while using the cloth diaper for your little baby, make sure that it is well-soaked, washed, and dried. After that, fold the diaper according to the gender of your child. There is really big difference between diapering a baby girl and a baby boy.

As generally noted, there is more material in the back for girls, while there is more in front for baby boys. Next, after folding the diaper according to the gender, you should fold the front edge of the diaper down below the healing umbilical cord. Child care involves protecting the skin of your child when diapering. Carefully use the pins or fasteners as these materials may harm your child's skin.

At last, if you ignore diaper covers, simply use pants that are plastic. Cloth diapers prevent your child from getting rashes and gives better child care. It is essential to remember you that change the diaper of your baby after every bowel movement or every time the diaper is wet. While changing the diaper, you can simply use water to clean your baby's butt.

Don't use diaper wipes for your child care, because they contain chemicals like alcohol and they could irritate your baby's skin.

Safe bath for your new born baby:

Safe bath gives a better child care. Bath time can be an exciting, fun experience for you and your baby. Most of the mothers will consider this as one of the most worthy events of the day. It will not only create a bond between you and your baby, but it is the right time to examine your child body without clothes.

Just like feeding, bathing is also not an easy task to carry out for a new mother in her child care. Effective child care improves the bonding between you and your new born.

Tips for a safe bath for child care:

o You need to be very careful about the temperature of the water. It should be in between 96 to 100 degree Fahrenheit.
o Make sure you have a sure grip on your baby.
o Child care involves paying close attention while bathing your new born.
o Observe the bathing area. Is there any harm or danger around the bathing area?
o Never leave your child unsupervised in the bath tub, even for just a minute. For instance, while you are on the stage of taking your child's bath, don't go, to answer the phone or to open the door. Instead wrap your child up in towel and take the baby with you.
o Make the bathtub safe for baby bath and for your child care. Some bathtubs can be slippery, so protect yourself and your baby with a secure seating.
o Child care involves protecting your child from painful bumps and make sure that any of the sliding glass doors are designed and crafted from safety glass.
o While bathing your new born baby, use only the right supplies. Some experts said that, bathing your baby with shampoos, soaps and bubble baths can only dry your baby's skin. The dry skin can cause rashes and blemishes in the end. These supplies can also cause urinary tract infection.
o It is recommended to use these supplies in control for child care. The point to remember is careful in how much you put of these to your baby.

How to dress your new born baby?

Child care involves dressing your baby appropriately. This depends on the time of the year as well as the temperature inside your home. Inside temperature is the major thing to consider with child care.

However, in dressing your baby, it is essential to choose the appropriate clothing for better child care.

Child care while dressing your child:

o You should make sure that the clothes you provide for your new born are large enough for easy dressing and also to provide the child enough room for his or her environment.
o It would be best to look and purchase a baby dress that is larger than the baby's age in months.
o If your baby is three months old, it is better to purchase baby clothes that are of six-month size.
o Wash the new clothes, before your baby wears the clothes, because new clothes may cause irritation to your baby's skin and hence your baby feels uncomfortable.
o Launder the clothes with a special and safe detergent. Use the detergents that are specifically designed for babies.

Choosing clothing for better child care:

Here are the most important things you have to keep in mind when choosing the suitable clothing for your child.

o New born baby clothing generally require a number of washings.
o Cloth your baby with those that have strong zippers and well-constructed seams.
o Your baby's cloth inside should be soft, not scratchy or rough.
o Choose clothes that permit easy dressing.
o Child care involves choosing the clothes that allow easy access to the diapers.
o Purchase baby clothes that feature side or front openings, necklines that are stretchable, and those with large shoulder snaps.

The most important thing to be considered in child care is to dress your child comfortably as would dress yourself. Child care involves dressing your child properly to protect from harmful temperature.

Swaddling for your child care:

Swaddling is a new way for child care. It is mostly the skill of wrapping your infant in a blanket for security and warmth purposes.

Various studies have also revealed that swaddling your new born baby may keep him or her from being bothered by his or her own disturbing reflex and it will protect him or her from dangerous cold and heat Swaddling the baby is a great way of keeping that baby calm and secure.

The right way to swaddle your new born baby:

Swaddling techniques are very simple and it makes child care easy. Follow the below mentioned steps to know how to swaddle your baby.

1. Take a blanket and place it down in front of you in the shape of a diamond. Ensure that the point is on top.
2. Fold the top point down.
3. Lay your baby on his or her back on the blanket. Make sure that the baby's head is about the edge you have just folded down.
4. Look for the side points of the blanket and take one of them.
5. Drag the side point tightly over the baby's, and tuck it under his or her thighs.
6. Take the bottom point up over his or her feet.
7. Take the other side of the blanket and extend it over your baby. It should be in the opposite direction. Again, tuck it under his thighs.

When to seek doctor's help?

Child care involves helping your baby whenever he is sick, you should call the doctor immediately. Note that even though some of certain illnesses appear to be mild, they can be a sign of serious disorder.

Here is the list of possible symptoms that your new born may encounter during his or her early age:

o Poor feeding
o Loss of consciousness
o Hysterical crying or unusual excitement
o High fever
o Extreme sleepiness
o Paralysis of any part of the body
o Extreme chilling
o Sudden loss of hearing
o Earache
o Discharge of fluid from the ear
o Severe headache
o Convulsion
o Sudden weakness
o Discolored and bad-smelling nasal fluid
o Diarrhea
o Poor coloring
o Vomiting

There are lots of other symptoms associated with serious disorders for infants. If you observe any of the above mentioned symptoms, then call your doctor right away to acquire better child care.

Now you came to know how effective child care can be acquired. Child care involves a lot of effort and time needed to successfully perform the needs of your baby.

Though it can be a disturbing and tiring task, but it is the greatest challenge of being a parent. So, if you want to be good parent then take all the above mentioned responsibilities those parents are tasked to do. Then your new born baby will grow up happy, healthy and safe.

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What is Escherichia coli 0157:H7?

E. coli 0157:H7 belongs to one of hundreds of stains of bacteria know as Escherichia coli. These bacteria live in the intestines of animals and humans and are found in their feces. E. coli 0157:H7 bacteria are normally transmitted via the fecal-oral route under unsanitary conditions, poor hygienic practices and other cross contamination practices. While most of these bacteria are harmless, E coli 0157: H7 produces a powerful toxin that can cause severe food poisoning. E coli 0157:H7 and are now becoming a public health concern because of its high prevalence as a possible cause of contamination of meat and poultry products. The Centers for Disease Control has reported approximately 73,000 cases of infection with E. coli 0157:H7 resulting in 61 deaths per year. There is therefore an eminent need to prevent, reduce and if possible eliminate E. coli by adopting stringent proactive measures as discussed in this present article.

Symptoms caused by E. coli 0157:H7

o Appear 3-4 days after exposure and may last several days.

o Bloody diarrhea.

o Abdominal cramps.

o Occasional vomiting.

o Low grade fever or absent.

o Kidney damage.

o Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) in 2-7% of infections involving children under five of age and the elderly.

Diagnosis of illness caused by E. coli 0157:H7

o Clinical history of patient.

o Medical examination by a physician.

o Stool culture specific for E. coli 0157:H7.

o Tests used to confirm HUS include, but not limited to kidney function test, blood clotting factors, blood counts.

Treatment of illness caused by E. coli 0157:H7

o Most persons recover within a few days without any specific treatment.

o Antibiotics may or may not be used. Antibiotics may precipitate kidney complications.

o Drink plenty of fluids.

o Use of oral rehydration solution.

o Blood transfusion and kidney dialysis for HUS.

How is E. coli 0157:H7 spread?

o Eating raw or undercooked meat.

o Using poorly sanitized equipment or utensils.

o Poor hygienic practices.

o Poor agricultural practices.

o Unhygienic and unsanitary slaughtering practices.

o Improper hand washing techniques.

o Other sources of cross-contamination.

How to avoid or prevent the spread of E. coli 0157:H7

What can consumers do?

o Become more knowledge in food safety.

o Cook all food especially ground beef, steak and hamburger thoroughly. Use a digital instant read thermometer to ensure thorough cooking. The thickest part of the steak or hamburger should be at least 160°F. The middle of steaks and beef patties should not be pink and bloody, but should be brown and fluids should be clear.

o Wash hands with hot soapy water for at least 20 sec. after contact with raw meat and before and after changing tasks.

o Use separate cutting boards for raw and processed foods or thoroughly wash and sanitize cutting boards between use and after use.

o Ensure good hygienic practices are followed after using the toilet and when changing diapers, assisting young children or handling pets.

o Clean and sanitize food contact surfaces before, during and after food preparation.

o Wash raw fruits and vegetables thoroughly under running water, soak in chlorine water for 2 minutes and rinse with clean water. Avoid the use of bruised and rotting fruits and vegetables.

o Be sure to use clean plates and utensils for cooked meats - don't use the same ones that were used for raw meat.

o Always thaw food in the refrigerator. If thawed in the microwave, continue the cooking process immediately.

o Buy food and drink from reputable sources only.

o Use only pasteurized milk, juice, nectar, or cider.

o When shopping, pick up cold and refrigerated foods last. Separate and pack raw meats from ready-to-eat foods (lunch meats, produce, bakery items, etc). Transport promptly cold and refrigerated foods on ice or in a cooler. Do not leave these foods in a hot car for more than two hours.

o Promptly refrigerate or freeze these products at home. Refrigerators should be maintained at 40°F or below. Use refrigerated ground meat within 1-2 days; frozen meat should be used within 3-4 months for best quality. Store raw meats at the bottom shelve of the refrigerator/freezer so that juices cannot drip contaminate onto other foods.

o Do not store raw and ready to eat foods in the same compartment of the freezer or refrigerator. Cross contamination may occur if this practice is done.

What can regulatory agencies do?

o Develop and implement easy accessible educational programs on food safety and safe food handling practices to address the concerns of the entire population at all levels.

o Improve and increase the frequency of inspections of food processing plants.

o Enforce or enact existing laws to reduce the burden of non-compliance and public health risks.
o Increase sampling of meat and meat products at food processing plans to ensure stringent adherence to microbiological standards, chemical standards and other regulatory requirements.

o Develop and implement a data base for surveillance data and corrective actions on all meat and poultry processing plants.

o Develop links to laboratories for fast and efficient detection of pathogens.

o Engage in research into microtechnologies such as nanotechnology that would lead to the development of microdetectors thereby increasing the accuracy and detection time of common food pathogens.


o United States Department of Agriculture, Food Safety Inspection Service, Consumer Education and Information - Focus on Ground Beef.

o Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases, - Escherichia coli 0157:H7.

o University of Minnesota Extension Service - Preventing Illness from E. coli.

o Minnesota Department of Health, Acute Disease Epidemiology Section - HUS and E. coli 0157:H7 Infection

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