Diarrhea can inflict almost anyone. It refers to increased water content as well as the high frequency of stools. The colour of the liquid stools can vary from light brown to green. Additionally, there may be flecks of blood, mucus, or semi digested food in the stools. Luckily, in most cases, diarrhea only occurs over a short period and responds rather well to a number of well tried treatments.

Most diarrhea results from viral infections that take place in the intestines and stomach (gastroenteritis). The infection inflames and irritates the intestines, thus making it less able to absorb food and liquids. Water is secreted and the contents of food and liquids pass through the body more quickly than usual.

Since there is no cure for viral diseases (and hence, similarly for diarrhea cases), health professionals focus on treating the effects of diarrhea, especially dehydration, rather than dealing with the ailment directly. If it is just a case of viral gastroenteritis, then it is not accompanied by blood or pus in the stool. Fever is also seldom experienced.

Acute diarrhea can also result from bacterial infections. Bacterial infections are usually transmitted via food, from animals or from human to human. Other causes are parasitic infections, food and toxin poisoning, chemical poisoning, and gastrointestinal allergy. Bacteria in food produce toxins that may be produced before it is eaten or even after digestion, in the intestine.

You may also find yourself experiencing more episodes of diarrhea when you travel to foreign countries. These are usually countries where hygiene standards are different. Very often, traveller's diarrhea, caused by a strain of E. coli occurs in the various foods that you eat. Nausea and bad stomach cramps can develop pretty quickly and usually lasts for 3 days.

When you suffer from chronic diarrhea, you are experiencing chronic intestinal infections, immunologic and metabolic abnormalities, environmental factors, and the impaired ability to absorb fat or carbohydrate (caused by bile and pancreatic disorders, genetic abnormalities, etc.).

Doctors would recommend that you limit the likelihood of dehydration from too much loss of body fluids and electrolytes. You lose fluids through the frequent bowel movements and vomiting, if any. If your diarrhea is prolonged, you also stand to lose electrolytes or minerals which are carried out with the water. Hence you would need to replace electrolytes which are essential to body metabolism. What is usually lost is sodium and potassium, together with chloride and bicarbonates in smaller quantities.

You will be asked to take plenty of liquids, preferably those containing carbohydrates, especially glucose, and electrolytes. These liquids are termed oral rehydration solutions. Glucose is crucial for triggering the small intestine to start absorbing the liquids and minerals.

To help reduce loss of water, you would be asked to take absorbents, such as attapulgite, which promote absorption of water. Your doctor may even recommend you anti-motility drugs, which relaxes the muscles of the intestines and slows the flow of water giving more time for absorption.

For natural remedies, there are many flowering plants that possess superb astringent properties because of presence of tannins. These are used traditionally to combat diarrhea and dysentery.

Diarrhea, a term derived from Greek, is also known as "flow through". Diarrhea dangers are real because of the risk of dehydration. Hence, it is important that you look for ways to replendish the loss of liquids as well as to stop the flow through of water in your body quickly. Additionally, any case of prolonged diarrhea should be investigated.

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The seeds of a Carob tree are wonderfully nutritious and beneficial to human health. Belonging to the pea family, and native to the Mediterranean area, the dried fruit is often used as a substitute for ingredients in foods such as dairy products, cocoa, snacks and bars, and cereal. It's loved by people whom are allergic to cocoa, because it has similar tastes and is easy to use in any cooking recipe.

Here are 11 awesome benefits of adding Carob to your diet.

1- Contains Gallic Acid which is used as an antibacterial, antiviral, anti-allergic antiseptic.
2- Very high in Vitamin E
3- High in Calcium and Phosphorus
4- Caffeine substitute if used as a coffee substitute
5- Lowers Cholesterol
6- Non-Dairy substitute
7- High in Protein
8- Treats Diarrhea
9- High in Potassium
10- High In Calcium
11- Aids the Liver

Healing the Liver

A lot of my studies have been on the liver, and just how important they are to our bodies and good health. Our livers are responsible for so much that we absolutely must become more aware of how to keep it healthy. Our livers break down all our foods, cleanses the toxins in our bodies, processes all of our sensory input, and is our heat-furnace. It's the only organ in the body that can regenerate.

Our livers are extremely abused in our society, and adding Carob to your diet can play an important role in helping to heal our livers. Having a healthy liver is vital to healing the rest of our bodies, I highly recommend any person seeking to heal themselves and have a healthier lifestyle, to first focus on healing their liver.

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Hemorrhoids affects millions of people worldwide today. Even with all the achievements of modern medicine, many people still fail to find a solution that is effective and permanent to rid themselves of this painful affliction. This is mainly due to the fact that most people do not really know how they had gotten hemorrhoids in the first place.

In order to find a proper effective hemorrhoids cure that will provide a permanent solution, the first step to take is to know the causes of hemorrhoids and what had caused yours. Knowing this, you will not only help your body speed up the healing process but also prevent further recurrence in the future.

Hemorrhoids is also known by many other names, most commonly hemroids or piles. This is a condition where the rectal veins swell, causing a weakening of the muscles of the anal walls and sagging into sacs of tissue which protrude from the anal walls. Hemorrhoids can occur either internally within the confines of the anal cavity or externally around the anus.

The two major causes of hemorrhoids are over straining in the toilet or excessive pressure to the rectal veins.

Over straining during bowel movement is noted to be the main cause of hemorrhoids for most people. Over straining causes excess blood to be pumped into the rectal arteries and veins, causing them to swell. The swollen veins will then push against the anal walls, causing the muscles to weaken and protrude out of the walls.

People tend to over strain because of constipation, when the stool is too hard to be ejected out of the anus. After the hemorrhoids have formed, any more over straining will cause it to swell even more and even rupture. Ruptured hemorrhoids will begin to bleed especially where internal hemorrhoids are concerned.

As internal hemorrhoids grow larger, they will protrude out of the anus, a condition also known as prolapsed hemorrhoids.

The excessive blood in external hemorrhoids will begin to clot after some time and harden. This condition is also known as thrombosed external hemorrhoids and is extremely painful, making it difficult to sit down comfortably.

Apart from constipation, diarrhea can also cause hemorrhoids due to over straining of the anal muscles from passing motion too much.

Sitting on the toilet bowl too long is also another cause of hemorrhoids. This is a habit for those who love to read in the toilet, which causes too much blood to be pumped to the rectal veins and arteries, which in turn causes them to enlarge.

Similar to sitting in the toilet, sitting down on a chair too long will also cause hemorrhoids, as too much pressure is being placed on the buttocks. This mainly happens to people who have to work at a desk and spend hours sitting without getting off the chair.

Standing for prolonged periods of time might also cause hemorrhoids because the gravity will draw blood down to the lower regions of your body. This happens mainly to people who have to work on their feet a lot such as working at a counter or in restaurants.

Obesity causes numerous health problems, hemorrhoids being one of them. Each year more and more people suffer from obesity because of lack of proper nutritional food and quick meals from fast food diners. The excess fat and increase weight causes unnecessary pressure to the muscles of the anal walls, causing them to sag and protrude.

Being pregnant might also lead to hemorrhoids. This is not only because of the extra weight gained but also because the fetus actually places more pressure on the rectal veins. Changes in a pregnant woman's diet, lifestyle (such as not getting enough exercise and sitting too much) and also toilet habits (sitting too long at the toilet) will all contribute to the formation of hemorrhoids.

These are some of the most common causes of hemorrhoids for most people today. Knowing what caused your hemorrhoids will enable you to isolate the factors, heal much faster and prevent it from recurring. Looking for a cure without putting an end to more hemorrhoids developing again is a big waste of time and effort.

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Sometimes it seems like a dog will eat almost anything. It can be very tempting to share what you are eating because of those big eyes that follow every move that you make. You may find yourself tempted to slip your pal some scraps from the dinner table. Before you do, however, you should know that there are some foods you should never feed to your dog. Some of them may surprise you!

  1. Almost everybody knows that chocolate can be harmful to dogs and is widely known as a food you should keep away from your dog. Chocolate can also cause increased urination as well as vomiting and diarrhea It can speed also up their heartbeat and in high enough concentration, lead to a heart attack and seizures. Chocolate + your dog = a medical emergency. As soon as you realize that your dog has gotten hold of chocolate you need to take it to the animal emergency center. Your vet will most probably induce vomiting and may even want to keep your pet for a short time for observation.

  2. Caffeine on any kind is not good for your dog. Anything containing caffeine, such as coffee or tea can negatively stimulate their system can have a bad effect. Your dog's heart might race which can lead to seizures or heart attacks.

  3. Try to avoid grapes and raisins because they simply do not agree with a dog's digestive system. There is no exact measurement of how much they can handle so it's best to keep all grapes and raisins away. If you don't, you may find yourself dealing with increased urination, vomiting, and diarrhea.

  4. Avocadoes may be great for humans to eat but they are toxins to dogs. They contain a chemical that can damage many of the body tissues in dogs. Don't forget that guacamole dip is made from avocadoes, so avoid it also. Symptoms of toxicity include difficulty breathing, abdominal enlargement, abnormal fluid accumulations in the chest, abdomen and sac around the heart. The amount that needs to be ingested to cause signs is unknown.

  5. Be extremely careful with any food that has a pit. The pits have cyanide in them making them extremely dangerous. It has the potential of overtaking the bodies of smaller dogs and can lead to death. Signs of toxicity include apprehension, dilated pupils, difficulty breathing, hyperventilation and shock. If the cyanide doesn't harm your dog, there is still the danger of choking on the pit itself. .

  6. Macadamia nuts are another food to be avoided. There is a substance in the nuts that can result in a number of unpleasant effects. Dogs that have consumed as few as six to 40 nuts can show severe signs of toxicity. Dogs develop weakness, depression, vomiting, difficulty walking, tremors, abdominal pain, lameness, stiffness and/or pale gums.

  7. Onions, onion powder and garlic are some other foods that can wreak havoc. All forms of onion and garlic are a problem. This includes raw, dehydrated, cooked, powders or those in foods. They can break down a dog's red blood cells and drastically decrease the oxygen that gets in to its blood. While the problems might not show up right away, they can accumulate over time. Keep an eye out for symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and a general malaise.

  8. Never give your dog raw fish. When fish is not cooked it can contain parasites. When a dog swallows these parasites they will attach to the wall of the intestines. Unfortunately, this is something you probably wouldn't notice right away. It is a tricky thing to catch when your dog has these parasites. If you must feed fish to your dog, you should make sure that it's thoroughly cooked and be sure you have removed all bones.

  9. Avoid bread dough. Its soft consistency may cause the dog to think that it can swallow the dough whole. The dough can then rise in your pup's stomach and cause bloating and nausea. Pets that've eaten bread dough may experience abdominal pain, bloat, vomiting, disorientation and depression. As the dough rises, it expands in the stomach making it almost impossible to "vomit". Some dogs have to have the dough removed surgically in some unusual situations.

  10. Dogs and alcohol are a bad combination. Their bodies simply cannot handle it. Giving a dog alcohol can very easily lead to alcohol poisoning, Signs of alcohol poisoning may include odor of alcohol on the animal's breath, staggering, behavioral changes, excitement, depression, increased urination, slowed respiratory rate or cardiac arrest and death.

  11. Beware of products containing xylitol. Xylitol is a sugar-alcohol sweetener found in sugar-free human food products such as chewing gum, candy and baked goods. If a dog eats significant amounts, it can develop a sudden drop in blood sugar, which can cause weakness, lethargy, loss of coordination, collapse and seizures.

  12. Avoid vitamin supplements containing iron. Toxic levels of iron cause damage to the stomach and intestinal lining. It can also cause severe liver damage and heart damage. Even small amounts of iron, given over time can be harmful as dogs do not have a way to excrete excessive iron from their bodies. The best preventative care is to give your dog supplements only if directed by your veterinarian. Medications and supplements that may be safe for people can be fatal to pets. Be sure to always store supplements and medications out of reach of children and pets.

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Vitamin B has many benefits for the body and within the Vitamin B category there are nine different sub categories that each have a specific purpose in the body.  The nine categories are: B1 B2 B3 B5 B6 B7 B9 B12 and B15.


This is the one that helps us to have more energy and regulate our blood sugar level.  The lack of this vitamin can cause cardiovascular problems such as your arms and legs falling asleep and tightness of the chest as well as neurological issues such as tiredness, loss of concentration, irritability and depression.  You can find vitamin B1 in: meat, fish, nuts, and whole grain cereals.


Aside from also increasing our energy levels, it also helps our eyes and skin.  A lack in vitamin B2 manifests itself as skin, mucous membrane and eyes lesions.  It is found in milk and other dairy products, almonds, green vegetables and mushrooms.


Vitamin B3 controls our cholesterol and helps process sugar.  It is difficult to find a deficiency in this vitamin.  It is found in meat, fish and peanuts.


Vitamin B5 helps metabolize proteins, sugars and fats.  A deficiency of this vitamin can cause lack of focus, apathy, allergies and low energy levels in general.  This vitamin is found in almost all foods but whole grains and eggs are the best sources.


This vitamin supports helping major neurotransmitters in the production of red cells.  It is found in almost all foods of both animal and vegetable origin, so it is very rare to find a deficiency in this vitamin.  It is found in meats, poultry, fish, avocados, bananas, nuts, soy, whole grains and in some vegetables.


This vitamin helps cell growth, metabolize fatty acids and to maintain blood sugar levels.  A lack of vitamin B7 can cause problems with skin, hair, nervousness, loss of appetite and vomiting.  You can find it in dairy products, salmon, oysters, yeast, cauliflower, chicken and egg yolks.


Vitamin B9 helps the nervous system and in the production of new cells.  A lack of this vitamin can cause anemia, weakness, weight loss, palpitations, diarrhea and depression.  It is found in liver and kidneys, all green vegetables especially spinach, avocado and fortified cereals.


Vitamin B12 is necessary in the production of red blood cells, brain cells and genetic material or DNA.  A lack of this vitamin primarily leads to anemia and can be found in meats, liver, eggs, milk and yeast.


The essence of vitamin B15 to improve oxygenation of tissues, increase resistance to fatigue and help accelerate the body's recovery process.  It also protects against pollution as it has detoxifying effects.  It is recommended for those suffering from respiratory problems like asthma or chronic bronchitis.  A deficiency in vitamin B15 causes glandular and nervous disorders, heart disease and decreased oxygenation of tissues.  It can be found in apricot seeds, rice, grains, sesame and horse liver.

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Bacillus Cereus are micro-organisms found in a variety of food items. They occur naturally and are a cause of food poisoning. The two major types of food poisoning that are caused by these bacteria are diarrhea and emetic. Toxins produced by these bacteria cause food poisoning. Of thousands of cases of microbial poisoning reported each year, this bacterium accounts for only 5% of the total number. Generally, the disease does not last for long and the patient recovers in a day or two. The food items which cause this type of Food poisoning caused due to Bacillus Cereus generally stems from food items like cooked rice or food that is stored at lower or higher temperatures after cooking.

More about bacteria
To know more about this disease, you should have a proper knowledge about the bacteria that causes it and its nature. Bacillus Cereus is a type of bacteria that is known for producing toxins and spores, both of which are extremely harmful for the human body. The growth of the bacterium is the best when the temperature is between 30-37 degrees. Some forms may even grow at 55 degrees and some at as low as 4 degrees. There is a particular pH-range for the growth of all the different types of micro-organisms and for Bacillus Cereus it is 4.3 to 9.3.

These particular bacteria grow the best in the presence of oxygen, although they can also grow without oxygen at all. The bacteria get killed but the spores can sometimes have a resistance against heat. If the bacteria are present in high fat or oily food, the heat resistance is then also increased. Often times when the foods have low water activity the resistance is then increased. The food poisoning by this microbe is of two types. The first which is a diarrhea illness that is caused in the presence of unstable acid called entero toxin.The other an emetic illness is however caused by another type of toxin that can easily be alive even in the high temperatures and also with extreme pH levels.

What is Diarrhea poisoning?
It is important to know the symptoms of the disease so that you may take the proper actions to fight against these harmful causes. When the person has diarrhea poisoning, the body will undergo several different changes. For example cramps, nausea, abdominal pain and diarrhea are some of the most common symptoms of this type of food poisoning. The bacteria multiply at a fast rate causing problems to the person who has consumed the food product. This bacteria also emits toxins as they multiply in the affected persons intestine.

An explanation of Emetic poisoning:
Some common symptoms of emetic poisoning are nausea and vomiting. Other people may also witness diarrhea after these two initial symptoms. In case of this food poisoning the symptoms can start occurring one to six hours after the consumption of the food item. If you or anyone in your family has these symptoms, make sure you visit the doctor or a lab and give a fecal specimen to confirm food poisoning of this type. Remember that to different people sometimes symptoms vary so make sure to learn about these different poisons.

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The dog parvovirus is a DNA virus, very contagious, manifesting mostly in dogs at their younger stages of life. This virus is known to appear in two versions: cardiac and intestinal. The first form will affect puppies until they will reach 1 year old or they can be affected while still being in the uterus.

The virus can attack the heart muscle for after that to cause a heart failure. As to the other type, the intestinal parvovirus, both puppies and older dogs can be affected. The virus installs in the intestine area as the environment from down there is appropriate for rapidly dividing. Because the cells of the intestines are attacked, this will lead to diarrhea and vomiting outburst.

How can one dog pet owner know if his dog is suffering from this viral disease? There are some symptoms and signs that you can observe leading you to the thought that your pet might carry this contagious dog parvovirus infection. This disease is not new, since it has been firstly discovered in the 70s and slowly but surely started to spread all over the world as there have been many cases of this disease seen with various dog pet breeds and ages.

Unfortunately, nowadays this infection is quite often met with puppies and even adult dogs that can carry the virus and transmitting it to other dog pets. This infection is not completely showing off unless it is already completely installed, this is why it can be hardly detectable in its incipient stages.

The symptoms will however show within 3 up to 10 days before this infection installs totally in the intestines. Once these symptoms are noticed, you should immediately take your dog pet to the vet as death will be on the watch right behind the corner.

There are some other symptoms to appear with your pet suffering from dog parvovirus infection: lethargic and depressive states. They will tend to sleep more showing less interest in the activities happening around them. Besides, no appetite will be present and as if these are not enough, your dog will feel more fearful as well.

As mentioned before, vomiting violently is another symptom that should be monitored along with the diarrhea which comes more often in a bloody stool. All these come with dehydration as it is expected in the cases of diarrhea.

Dog parvovirus symptoms are mostly associated with those specified above, but it seems that the more obvious ones and more alarming as well, are bloody diarrhea and violent vomiting. These are due to the fact that this virus attacks the intestines making it feel weak resulting from here those tendencies of oversleeping and depression.

After these symptoms show up, even in the first 2 days of their manifestation, make sure that you consult with a vet who will further prevail some blood samples and say whether or not your dog suffers from dog parvovirus infection.

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Signs of Hyperthyroidism is Your Skin: Too-Dry or Oily are Clues

Hyperthyroidism, an overactive thyroid condition, displays symptoms of nervousness, worry, bulging eyes, diarrhea, sensitivity to heat, weight loss, muscle weakness, hand tremors, irritability and sudden, unfounded flashes of temper.

The thyroid controls all three layers of the skin. If hyperthyroidism is a problem, the skin will be one of the first indicators. Normally the outer skin exhales gases, sweats out water, and salty or toxic substances, and oils itself and the hair follicles. A symptom of thyroid imbalance is when the sweat becomes acidic, the skin forcefully exhales gases and skin oil takes on a greasy consistency. Chronic eczema, ichthyosis and psoriasis are symptoms of toxic skin irritation and can usually be easily remedied with diet directed toward eliminating a thyroid imbalance.

When the thyroid is overactive, or on overload, it can force toxins out through the inner and middle skin. When only the superficial cells of the inner skin are involved the mucus secretion is watery and we experience the symptoms of the thyroid problem as a cold. If the problem persists or worsens, the deeper inner skin layers become involved and we can experience sinusitis, bronchitis, enteritis, appendicitis and other acute "itis" diseases.

A thyroid imbalance affecting the middle skin layers can show up as arthritis, bursitis, neuritis, iritis and other chronic "itis" diseases. If the cause of the inner skin problems isn't addressed and the middle skin becomes involved in the toxic elimination, the acute diseases can become chronic. If no changes are made in diet and lifestyle the chronic can become degenerative.

The most common therapy for hyperthyroidism is treatment with radioactive iodine. Since it's difficult to judge what is the correct amount of radioactive iodine necessary to bring the thyroid into balance, many doctors prefer to give enough radioactive iodine to destroy all thyroid function. This seems to be too much or nothing thinking, since the patient is then required to take thyroid supplements the rest of their life.

Foods that lower or suppress thyroid function include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, mustard greens, peaches, pears, rutabagas, soybeans, spinach and turnips. People with hypothyroidism should avoid the above foods. Sufferers of hyperthyroidism should avoid dairy product, stimulants, coffee, tea with caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and all soft drinks.

Foods soothing to the thyroid include as a protein source: eggs, light meat poultry, fish but no shellfish, lamb with fat cut off, organ meats and lean beef. A salad combination that includes the same vegetables as the adrenal and pituitary recommendations. Raspberry leaf tea is the preferred beverage for healing and maintaining a healthy thyroid. Brown rice or millet are the grains most helpful to the thyroid. Sugar and honey are especially detrimental to the thyroid.

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Picture this scenario: You and your spouse or partner are on the couch watching a movie and you start to get a little amorous. Maybe you are kissing or just snuggling and then here comes the dog. A moment ago, he was happily curled up on the floor and now he is barking, whining, pacing back and forth, or maybe even jumping between the two of you and growling. If you are a dog owner, there is a good chance you don't have to try very hard to imagine this situation. It is not uncommon for dogs to become disruptive during their owners' intimate moments.

So what is the problem? Is your dog jealous? Is he possessive or protective? Or is he simply anxious and high strung? The answer is that it could be any of the above. If you observe your dog's behavior carefully, not only "in the bedroom," but everywhere else as well, you can probably determine what he is communicating to you in those awkward moments. If the problem is so serious that you fear your dog may be aggressive or may bite someone, you should bring in a trainer as soon as possible. Chances are that the situation is not as bad or serious as this.

If your dog is anxious or nervous, you can easily pin point similar behaviors in other situations. A nervous dog will display certain symptoms such as shaking, whining, excessive licking or chewing, excessive barking, or even vomiting and diarrhea. If you spot any of these signs in your dog outside of the bedroom or in, he many have an anxiety problem. This can be brought about by changes in owners, new babies, a new diet, or an extended separation from the owner. In some cases dogs do have physiological issues that need addressing. Of course for those, you will want to speak with your vet. However, if you only see the behaviors during your intimate moments, the act itself is making him nervous. The best and simplest solution for this is to make the bedroom a dog-free zone.

A potentially more serious problem is if your dog is possessive or protective over just one person. This could be the issue if you find him trying to get between you and your partner or if he growls, snaps or barks excessively when you are close. This kind of behavior can escalate and can cause very real problems. There is the potential that someone will get bitten. If your dog is protective, you should notice it in other situations as well. If he reacts this way when his protected person is approached by a friendly stranger or when anyone approaches him and his owner when they are sitting together or cuddling, you may have a possessive dog. This is neither healthy for human relationships nor for the dog.

The possessive scenario is best handled by a professional trainer; but there is a strategy you can try on your own as well. You and your partner should sit on the couch together. When the dog approaches and tries to get between you, stand up and remove the dog from the couch. After a few seconds, sit down again and repeat the procedure. Keep doing this until the dog stops the unwanted behavior. Eventually he will realize that this certain behavior leads to being removed and he will stop. When he shows good behavior for three seconds while you and your partner are sitting together, reward him with affection, a treat or both.

Years of experience, but also scientific research, have shown that dogs do in fact experience jealously and possessiveness. They can be jealous of each other or people. When it gets in the way of your relationship, it can really be a problem. If the issue is only in the bedroom, simply make it a no-dog zone. If it occurs elsewhere, you may need some serious training with a professional to bring your life back to normal.

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Below are some brief outlines of guinea pig illnesses.

Extremely Soft Stool or Diarrhea

A guinea pig can die within hours from suffering from diarrhea.

Sometimes this condition can be caused by feeding your pet guinea pig too many wet or vegetable foods.   A good way to correct this digestive balance if you feel it is food related is to feed it more hay.

Another thing you can do is go to a health food shop or even a chemist and buy some lactobacillus acidophilus in capsule form. You should easily be able to get this as you do not need to have a prescription. It can be purchased at the counter.

Losing its Hair

There a quite a few reasons your guinea pigs hair may fall out. One of these is that it might have mites.

A guinea pig with a cut or bit will lose its hair around the affected are. This condition is completely normal and nothing to worry about unless the wound gets infected.

If your bit suffers from tremendous hair loss this could be caused by ringworm.

Another cause of this can be ovarian cysts.

Unless you know that the hair loss is due to a cut or mites you need to call your vet to see how to proceed.

Eyes That Water

Watery eyes are usually because you guinea pig has irritants in the eye. These could be excessive dust or bits of hay.

Another cause of watery eyes could be allergies.

In this case it is best to call you to find out directions on how you might best rinse the irritants from your guinea pigs eyes eye.

On occasion these eye sores can be from eyelid cysts. These will irritate the eye and should be removed by a qualified vet as they can be quite serious and cause a lot of pain for your guinea pig pet.

Stiff Joints

This usually comes about because of scurvy. Scurvy is just a severe lack of Vitamin C. It should be treated immediately. Call your veterinarian to make an appointment to see them.

To ensure this does not happen to your pet guinea pig make sure he is taking at least 10 mg of calcium per day!

Tilting Head Often

Sometimes a guinea pig will tilt its head to one side. This is usually accompanied by having trouble walking. These symptoms indicate a middle-ear infection.

You should take your pet to the veterinarian quickly as this condition has been known to damage if not deafen guinea pigs hearing. You must get him treated, do not put it off.


Two types of seizures can be described.  If his body is aligned normally with head in the hair straight (that is head is not tilted to one side.), this is just mites.  Mites can burrow under the skin and this can affect the nervous system. Take him to a veterinarian to take care of this, and he will be ok.

If however your guinea pig pet is tilting his head to one side or his body is curling during the seizure it is a more serious guinea pig illness and could come from any number of things.

In this case take him to the vet quickly to get some blood tests done.

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