To a very large degree, a mammal is a mammal. The anatomy and physiology of dogs and cats is very similar to humans. It stands to follow that most pharmaceuticals have uses that transcend species lines. Almost all medications used in veterinary medicine have counterparts (often the exact chemical) in human medicine.
But just like humans, not all medications are safe and appropriate for all animals. And just because a drug can be sold without a prescription does not imply that it is without risk or side-effects.

No medications, even those sold readily over-the-counter, should be given without the expressed permission of a doctor.

When conditions arise that are not immediately life threatening or when there is a less expensive alternative to prescription medication, you may find a source of therapy right in your own medicine cabinet. Just don't forget to ask your veterinarian first!

So what are some common medications that can be used for your pet?

Which medications should be avoided completely?

The list below will help you separate the good from the bad and the ugly. Purposely omitted from most of the list are exact dosages. Dosages are best determined by a trained medical got it... this means call the vet.

Did I mention you must call your vet?


Anti-inflammatories are used for a variety of reasons ranging from pain to heart disease. The most common OTC anti-inflammatories are called NSAIDS (non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) which means they do not contain cortisone. NSAIDS are generally labeled for the treatment of headaches and arthritis and would include drugs like aspirin, ibuprofen (Motrin), and naproxen (Aleve). Although it is not an NSAID, we will include acetaminophen (Tylenol) in this group as well.

Out of this group, aspirin is the only commonly used OTC anti-inflammatory in veterinary medicine. Acetaminophen is highly poisonous to cats and can create liver problems in dogs. Ibuprofen and naproxen carry increased risks of upset stomachs and kidney damage.

In dogs it is critical to use either baby aspirin or buffered aspirin in order to prevent GI side-effects. It is important to note that coated aspirin is not the same as buffered aspirin. Cats lack the ability to quickly metabolize aspirin, so small doses last for several days. In fact, aspirin is only given to cats once or twice weekly. A critical point to remember: never give acetaminophen (Tylenol) to cats!


Antihistamines are chemicals which block the effect of histamine, a chemical released in the body during allergic reactions. The most common use of antihistamines in veterinary medicine is for itchy skin symptoms, but might also be used for respiratory problems and for insect bites.

The most commonly used OTC antihistamines include diphenhydramine (Benedryl), clemastine (Tavist), Loratadine (Claritin), and chlorpheniramine. If your veterinarian directs you to use an OTC antihistamine, be certain to examine the label closely and be sure the product does not contain a decongestant. Many human cold and flu medicines contanine antihistamines and decongestants, usually pseudoephedrine, which creates undesirable side-effects in animals.

The dosing of antihistamines is also different for animals. For instance, it takes a tremendous amount of diphenhydramine to work for a dog compared to a human on a pound for pound basis. Also antihistamines are extremely variable in their effectiveness. In allergic dermatitis, for example, it is estimated that antihistamines work only 5 to 20 percent of the time.


What pet owner hasn't experienced vomiting or diarrhea from their beloved companion? PeptoBismol, Kaopectate, and diphenoxylate (Immodium) can all be used to treat small intestinal diarrhea. Antacids like cimetidine (Tagamet), ranitidine (Zantac), famotidine (Pepcid), and omeprazole (Prilosec) all have uses in dogs and cats.

What if your pet eats something that we need to get out? Syrup of ipecac, commonly used to induce vomiting in children, can also be used to create vomiting in pets in cases of toxic ingestion.

In the miscellaneous category, motion sickness can sometimes be alleviated with Dramamine and the antacid magnesium hydroxide is given as an adjunct to treatment of kidney failure.


Other than antihistamines for cold-like symptoms, the only other respiratory condition commonly treated with OTC medications is a cough. Products containing dextromethorphan and guafenesin are safe for use in animals, but like the cold/flu products, cough suppressants often contain cocktails of ingredients we don't want. Read the labels carefully!


Many minor injuries such as scrapes, abrasions, localized allergic reactions, and minor infections can be treated with topical medications. The difficulty in using topicals is that what you apply, your pet (if they can reach) can lick off. The trick is to apply topicals, massage in well, then keep your pet distracted for at least 5 minutes. Generally licking the medication is not harmful, but it won't work on your pet's tongue when we need it on the boo-boo. Common OTC topicals would include cortisone creams and antibiotics like Neosporin. Often a combination of the two will treat both infection and inflammation.

Ear infections are one of the most common, recurrent, painful, annoying, smelly, (I'm running out of adjectives) medical problems your pet can have. Since prevention is always the best endeavor, anything you can do to reduce the risk of ear infections is worth trying. If you have a pet with a history of recurring ear infections, or an animal that likes to swim, using a 1/2x1/2 solution of vinegar and rubbing alcohol can work wonders. Applied once or twice weekly and especially after exposure to water, vinegar and alcohol will prevent many ear infections. Don't apply this solution to an already irritated pet will never forgive you.

Another handy topical product is saline, generally packaged for use with contacts. Using saline solution is a great way to clean wounds or flush eyes.

Hydrogen peroxide is also an acceptable wound disinfectant, just don't overdo it. With persistent or repetitive use, peroxide can become irritating.


More pets are surrendered to animal shelters and ultimately face euthanasia because of behavioral problems than from medical problems. Veterinarians now commonly prescribe antidepressant medications to treat behavioral disorders. Melatonin is an OTC medication that has been used alone and in combination with prescription drugs to treat behaviors like separation anxiety and noise phobias.


We all want to take the best care possible of our pets, and commonly this leads owners into the wide world of supplements which would include but not be limited to products like vitamins, arthritis remedies, and dermatological aids.

A strong word of caution: just because a label says "natural" doesn't make it safe or even advisable. Many supplements may cause severe side-effects or interfere with other prescribed medications. Another point of concern is that supplements and other holistic products are completely unregulated. They are not under the control of the FDA or the DEA. There is no guarantee that what the manufacturer claims is in the bottle is actually in the bottle. Buyer beware!

That being said, there are some supplements that have very specific uses and can be helpful. Two chemicals that are commonly used in both human and veterinary medicine are glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate. Classified as nutraceuticals, these products help to slow the formation of arthritis and are best used preventatively. Essential fatty acids, especially in the group known as Omega 3 fatty acids, are helpful in treating allergic skin problems.

With any OTC medication, the message to take home is ALWAYS ASK YOUR VETERINARIAN BEFORE ADMINISTERING ANY DRUGS.

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It's the holiday season and that means lots of decorations, yummy foods, and toasty gatherings by the fireplace. But all this fun can be spoiled with a trip to the animal emergency room, if you don't take precautions. As a matter of fact, during the holidays vet clinics and especially animal hospitals see an increase in toxicity and injuries of family pets. So here are 10 tips to help keep your pet safe during the holiday season.

10 Holiday Pet Safety Tips

  1. Be sure your pet is wearing his ID tag and collar at all times. With so many visitors coming and going, this is an important tip. The last thing you will want to do this holiday is look for your lost dog.

  2. Burning candles can be a pose a big problem without proper care. Make sure all candles are high enough off the ground so your pet's tail doesn't get singed or accidentally knocks over the candle and starts a house fire.

  3. Christmas trees, both real and artificial pose hazards to pets. Pine needles (both real and plastic) are sharp and if ingested can cause intestinal blockage. Other Christmas tree dangers include the ornaments, tinsel, wire hooks, ribbons, lights, and the list goes on and on. The best advice, keep a watchful eye on your pet around the tree and when you are away from home, restrict access to it completely.

  4. Electrical cords also need to be taped down and covered. If your dog is a chewer, electrical cords can be fatal. When not in use, instead of flipping a switch to turn off the lights, unplug cords directly from the wall.

  5. Even before they are opened decorated gifts can pose a threat but once they are opened and everything is strewn all over the floor you must be watchful of all the bows, wrapping paper, small toy parts, food items, string, and anything else your pet could ingest.

  6. There seems to be an abundant of chocolates and alcohol this time of year and both are toxic to dogs. Make sure holiday foods and drinks are out of your pet's reach.

  7. Keep your pets away from holiday plants including Poinsettias, Holly, and Mistletoe all which are toxic and can cause vomiting and diarrhea.

  8. Fireplace and space heaters can cause burns to your pet if they get too close.

  9. If your pet does not have a naturally thick coat, buy them a sweater or coat for those cold walks.

  10. Rock Salt can irritate your dog's pads. Be sure to rinse your dog's pads off with warm water when returning from a walk.

Taking a few precautions can help ensure your pet has a safe and happy holiday too.

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About 20% of Americans are prone to irritable bowel syndrome. The people affected by IBS are mostly females as it is seen in women more than men. About 50% experience this at the age of less than thirty-five. It is believed that this kind of disorder is a cause of irregular or uncontrolled diet as well as stress. Abdominal pain, constipation, cramping, diarrhea are some characteristics of IBS. Constipation is common in this process where a smooth movement of stool is not seen. In this case a person will have slow or very less amount of stool removal. The case with diarrhea is also related to a person's bowel movement where he or she has a loose or watery stool and this creates frequent necessitate of eradicating stool.

However the causes of IBS are still to be discovered but it has been revealed so far that people with the problem of diet and stress are the ones that are prone to IBS. There are many ways that you can recognize if you are prone to IBS, you should visit a doctor and get details regarding it. If you happen to be prone to irritable bowel syndrome your doctor will advice you about proper eating habits as well as what food should be eaten by you and most importantly stress. May be you can help yourself by accepting correct eating habits but there is yet another thing that has to be taken care of and that is the all important stress factor. Wondering what stress has to do with your abdominal pain or irregular stools?

Our brain that is connected to all parts of the body needs to be eased as distress to it will cause or increase the effect of any disorder that a person may have. The problem of our back pain too may be related to movement of bowel because of the passage through which the food passes. The large intestine (colon) is also connected to your brain. Which means that if your mind has any stress than it will have a negative response. Meaning that at the stressful times you will experience abdominal pain that is caused due to stress. Stress has yet another negative part to play with your immune system that fights with different infections in a person's body. The first thing that has to be taken care of is your discomfort, anxiety and mental strain that have been caused by GAD.

Many doctors advice hypnosis treatment, where your mind is allowed to relax and the stress you are dealing with is dealt with. Hypnosis treatment is available in the form of mp3; this is available on the Internet. An mp3 hypnosis dealing with your mind will allow it to relax and respond to situations without getting angry, nervous, or anxious. If you have irritable bowel syndrome then it is suitable for you to look for an mp3 hypnosis treatment. Hypnosis helps you deal with IBS on a daily basis and soon you'll regain your confidence and deal with the awkwardness caused by IBS.

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The People's Republic of China (PRC), known simply as "China," is located in East Asia and prides itself in its ancient civilization. With its exotic locales, culture significance, and invaluable relics, as well as a center for business and commerce, China is not only a tourist's paradise, but it is also an ideal hub for business to prosper. Here are a few tips on travelling to this faraway land.

Arrival and Departure

Arrival: The moment you arrive in China, you need to follow certain procedures, as you would do in any other country. Forms like Health Card, Entry Registration Card and Custom Luggage Declaration Form need to be filled out.

• Health Check: This is the first check that you will require to pass through. The Quarantine Check requires you show your passport as well as the Health Card Form, which was filled out while on board. Those found to be suffering with diseases like leprosy, VD, cholera, infectious pulmonary tuberculosis, AIDS, or yellow fever will be either prohibited from entering the country, or they will have to go to the clinic at the airport for further checking. Those who have travelled from areas that are plagued need to declare an official certificate of inoculation of that particular disease. If you have symptoms of vomiting, fever or diarrhea, you will need to declare this information as well. If your visit in China is for a long period, a quarantine certificate given to you by a certified health department abroad needs to be submitted.

• Border Entry: This is the second stage that you will need to pass through. You will need to show your passport, with a valid visa, as well as Entry Registration Card that was previously filled out. Visas are not issued at the border.

• Customs Check: The last stage involves the customs check. Once collecting your luggage, you will need to pass through either of the two channels: green (if there is nothing that needs to be declared) or red. Items like computers, video cameras, digital cameras, silver, gold, recorded or printed materials, for example, which you will need or that which you will not take with you when you leave the country, need to be included in the Customs Luggage Declaration Form. Once the form is filled out, you need to pass through the red channel. Here you may have to pay for duties. In some cases, items will need to be deposited at Customs, but you can take them out when you leave the country. The stamped form should be kept safely with you, as you will need to submit it to the Customs Officer on your departure from the country.

Departure: Upon your departure, show the items that you had declared on your arrival and as mentioned in the Customs Luggage Declaration Form. In the case of any missing item, a certificate issued by the relevant department needs to be submitted, or else you will need to pay import duty. The Departure Card will need to be filled out, followed by the security check.

There are a number of articles that you will be forbidden from importing into the country, namely:

• Arms and ammunition

• Counterfeit currency

• Forms of media like photographs, films, audio and video CDs, gramophone records, printed material, storage device for computers, for example.

• Poisons, marihuana, heroin, opium, morphine, as well as other drugs that cause hallucinations or that are addictive

• Plants and animals transmitting deadly diseases, as well as harmful organisms.

• Food items, medicines, and other items that are coming from plague-stricken locations, and which are harmful to domestic animals and humans.

The articles that are forbidden exports include all of the imports, as well as cultural relics which are of immense value, rare and endangered animals, and specimen plants and seeds.

Important Travel Documents To Take

• Your passport and valid visa prior to your entering the country; a single-entry visa is usually valid for 3 months from the date of issue. You will be allowed to stay for 30 days, at the most.

• If you have any medical record, you are recommended to take it, which also includes your doctor's name and contact information, an emergency contact and your insurance company's contact details.


Travelers are recommended to buy travel insurance from a trustworthy insurance provider prior to their departure from their hometown.

Health Requirements

The following vaccinations are required to be taken 4 to 6 weeks prior to your travel:

• Hepatitis A & B or immune globulin (IG)

• Typhoid

• Rabies


Prior to your departure, make a check list of the important items that you should carry. Some of them include:

• Your passport and necessary visas

• International airline tickets

• Authorized medical certificates, medicines, first-aid kit, insect repellant

• Clothes and accessories, depending on your place and time of visit, as well as the occasion (formal wear is mandatory is some dining places)

• Wallet, credit cards, traveler's checks

• Contact information of your travel agency (if you have made arrangements through one), friends and relatives back home, the hotel at which you will be staying.

Ensure that your check-in luggage is lightweight. For those traveling via first-class, a weight of 88 pounds (40 kg) per person is allowed. Those traveling in business class are allowed 66 pounds (30 kg) per person, while those holding economy tickets are allowed to carry up to 44 pounds (20 kg).

As far as hand luggage or "carry on" luggage is concerned, first-class ticket holders are allowed two pieces of luggage, while the business and economy ticket holders are allowed only one piece, the dimensions of which must not be more than 20 x 40 x 55 cm. The total weight must not exceed (11 pounds) 5 kg. If the luggage does not meet these requirements, it will be considered as check-in luggage.


To ensure that your baggage is safe and secure, it is recommended that tags displaying your name and contact information be attached to and inside your baggage. Hardcover suitcases having built-in locks are ideal for travel.

When traveling by domestic flights, the same rules apply as discussed in the section on "Packing."

Here's a tip for those traveling in a group: The baggage allowance can be shared while checking-in. For instance, if two people are traveling economy class, one can carry 35 kg and the other 5 kg. This rule applies to those traveling in groups of three, four, five and more, as long as they are checking in at the same time.

You should know the items that you will be allowed to carry with you on your journey.

• Items that are not to be taken: materials that are poisonous, flammable, corrosive, radioactive, magnetized, explosive and polymerizable; guns, knives, ammunition and sharp objects.

• Items that should not be packed in your check-in baggage because the airline carrier does not take responsibility for them: all vital documents, currencies, valuables and other important items that are needed to be safeguarded by someone.

• Items that can be packed in your check-in baggage: scissors, knife and wine or alcohol.

• The baggage that you check in must be properly locked and able to withstand pressure. If it does not meet with the specifications of the carrier, they may refuse to take it on board.

• If baggage is lost, you will receive compensation to not exceed RMB 50 yuan for every kilogram. If the value of the baggage is less than that, then compensation will equal the actual cost of the loss.

• If the value of the checked-in baggage is more than RMB 50 yuan per kg, a passenger can declare the cost of his baggage, the value of which cannot exceed RMB 8,000 yuan. However, in the case of lost baggage, the amount that was declared prior to travel cannot be more than the current baggage.

Safety And Security

To have a hassle-free visit to China, here are a few tips for safe travel:

• Pre-travel: Prior to departure from your country, make sure that several copies of your passport, credit cards, airline tickets, traveler's checks, itinerary as well as other travel documents are made, and that one copy of each item is left with a family member back home.

Ensure that your driver's license, passport and other IDs are current and valid, and that photographs on them are up to date. These forms of identification should not expire before you return from your tour.

• Hotel safety: Once in your hotel room, be sure that the door and windows of your room are locked at all times. Answer the door only after verifying who it is. It is always better to carry bottled water, as the tap water available in hotel rooms is not drinkable.

• Money Matters:

1. Traveler's Checks: The safest way to carry money for your trip is by traveler's checks. Ensure that you take a note of the denominations, serial numbers, date and the agency that has issued them. The checks should not be signed until they are used.

2. Credit Cards: Carrying too many credit cards is unsafe. Besides taking only what is required, take the credit card company's contact information in case the card gets lost or is stolen. A loss should always be reported at once.

3. Exchanging Money: Money should be exchanged in the hotel counter or Bank of China. Exchanging money in the black market is illegal and chances are that you may get cheated.

4. Small Cash: Always keep change on you as it will be useful when purchasing from street vendors. Check the change that you get back carefully.

• Travel And Transportation: When traveling from one city to another, it is safer to leave your driver's license, passport and other IDs in the hotel room's safety box or at the reception desk. If, however, you need to carry them with you, ensure that they are kept safely. When traveling by train, do not trust anyone who is not in uniform to keep your luggage safely. The railway stations in China are crowded, so always ensure that your luggage is with you. If you are traveling by taxi, it is better to have the hotel call for one. Ensure that contact information of the hotel, as well as the place that you wish to go to, is written in Chinese and in English. Once in the taxi, take a note of the driver's name and registration number. This will ensure you get back your items, if you have left any in it.

• Dress: You do not want to attract the wrong kind of attention, so avoid dressing up. Expensive jewelry and watches should be left back home.

• Communication: Carrying a phrase book that translates English to Chinese is important as most Chinese people do not speak English, nor do they understand it. This will help getting around on your own easier. A guide book to know Chinese culture is also useful.

• Medical Care: Hotels usually provide a doctor in the case of minor illnesses. Carrying a first-aid kit for headaches and a cold is always advisable. Pharmacies, which are usually indicated by a Green Cross, are found in many stores. There are several Green Cross pharmacies open 24 hours. However, if the condition is serious, it is recommended that you go to a hospital. To call for an ambulance, you need to dial 120.

• Staying Fit: Sometimes conducted tours can become hectic and be the start of some illness, more so with the change of climatic conditions in China. So, to avoid falling ill, ensure that you get enough rest, wear clothes depending on the weather and drink plenty of bottled water. If your tour is during the summer, make sure to wear sunglasses and a hat, put on sunscreen lotion, frequently change your clothes, and drink even more water. The moment you feel an illness coming on, seek treatment.

• Photography: Taking pictures is allowed in most places. However, in some it is either prohibited (as in certain museums and archeological sites) or a fee is charged. It is always recommended you get permission before capturing images of the locals.

• Toilets: Public toilets are usually not very clean, so carrying a roll of toilet paper in your bag is a good idea. Public toilets charge an amount of RMB 5 for usage.

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Loose, watery stools can be a symptom of a condition called diarrhea. It is the body's means to rid itself of harmful substances. Diarrhea in itself is not really a bad thing. What make us worry are the symptoms and problems associated with it, such as fever, vomiting, thirst, and dehydration. Diarrhea is more dangerous in children and older people.

The main danger with this digestive tract problem is in the loss of fluid. When the body does not have enough fluids inside, it cannot perform normal functions thus rendering you weak. There are several causes of diarrhea, including excessive caffeine consumption, bacterial contamination, food poisoning, and adverse drug reactions.

Due to the fact that a person could suffer from diarrhea at least a few times in his lifetime, it would be helpful to be aware of some useful home remedies. We will provide you with the top 4, and hopefully, from this list you will be able to get a home remedy for diarrhea that will work for you.

Remedy #1: Tea

Several kinds of tea can help fight diarrhea. Blackberry tea is known to relieve a person of mild diarrhea. On the other hand, ginger tea is helpful in getting rid of stomach pains brought about by the ailment. Drinking any of the abovementioned teas 2-3x daily can aid you in getting rid of diarrhea.

Remedy #2: Water Therapy

As mentioned, the danger in diarrhea is the loss of fluid. For this reason, it would really help to take in lots and lots of water. Not only does this help maintain electrolyte balance, but will also help flush out the toxins and bacteria in the body that are causing diarrhea. Drink at least 10 glasses of water when suffering from diarrhea.

Remedy #3: Charcoal

Since the early 19th Century, charcoal has been used to expel intestinal gas because of its absorptive properties. It is also being used as remedy for nausea, indigestion, intestinal bloating, and yes, diarrhea. There are charcoal tablets you can take to help you get relief from the pain and discomfort caused by diarrhea.

Remedy #4: Arsenicum

One homeopathic medicine that is recommended to treat diarrhea is Arsenicum. This is especially helpful if you ate rotten food, which caused diarrhea. In addition, cuprum Arsenicosum, which is another option, can be taken if you feel burning pain in your mid-section.

Always talk to your doctor before you start any therapy or remedy.

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Once treatment has concluded, depending on the type of treatment and the stage that the cervical cancer was in, you will most likely feel some side effects. Here are a few, based on the three most common treatments: surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy.


It takes time to heal after surgery, and the recovery time is different for each woman. You may be uncomfortable for the first few days. However, medicine can usually control the pain. Before surgery, you should discuss the plan for pain relief with your doctor or nurse. After surgery, your doctor can adjust the plan if you need more pain relief.

If you have surgery to remove a small tumor on the surface of the cervix, you may have cramping or other pain, bleeding, or a watery discharge.

If you have a hysterectomy, the length of the hospital stay may vary from several days to a week. You may also experience hot flashes and menopause occurs immediately.

It is common to feel tired or weak for a while, you may also have bladder and bowel problems. The doctor may restrict your diet to liquids at first, with a gradual return to solid food. Most women return to their normal activities within 4 to 8 weeks after surgery.

Radiation therapy:

Side effects depend mainly on the dose of radiation and the part of your body that is treated. Radiation to the abdomen and pelvis may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or urinary problems. You may lose hair in your genital area. Also, your skin in the treated area may become red, dry, and tender.

You may have dryness, itching, or burning in your vagina. The radiation may also make your vagina narrower.

Although the side effects of radiation therapy can be distressing, your doctor can usually find ways to relieve them.


The side effects of chemotherapy depend mainly on the specific drugs and the dose. The drugs affect cancer cells and other cells that divide rapidly:

Chemotherapy can cause a poor appetite, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, or mouth and lip sores. Chemotherapy can cause you to lose your hair. The hair will grow back, but it may be somewhat different in color and texture.

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Constipation is one of the most common complains among Americans. It hit even the babies. It is more common to someone who suppresses their bowel when there is the urge for bowels to come out. Lack of exercise can contribute to the symptom. Those who don't drink much water too suffer from constipation. Constipation, though not a disease can be really alarming. Constipation is the number one cause of bowel obstruction, hemorrhoids, IBS and all other colon diseases. Impacted bowel is cause by a large and dry stool. This large and dry stool cannot pass through the rectum and clogged there. Impacted bowel may cause diarrhea. How? When our colon is impacted by this large and very dry stool, soft watery stools on top of this will move around the colon and leak, which causes diarrhea. But the impacted bowel still remains there causing obstruction. Those who are at risk of bowel obstruction are those people who are bid ridden patients because they cannot move. Their body is in a stationery position. Even us who can walk and move freely still get constipated without exercises just imagine these people who have limited reflex to move their body. People who take anticholinergic medicine are most likely to suffer bowel obstruction. This type of medicine can interact muscle spasm. Anti diarrhea medication can also help stool to obstruct more in the colon. When you take diarrhea tablet, it suppresses bowel from coming out that's why diarrhea stops. But the bowel that is supposed to be coming out is obstructed.

Symptoms of impacted bowel

o Abdominal cramping and pain
o Passage of liquid stool in a small amount but continuous
o Blood in the rectum
o Small and round like stools similar to that of goats'

Upon examining your stomach, lumps can be felt around the lower abdomen. And when your rectum is press hard mass is also felt. Treating impacted feces would mean removing what causes the obstruction and that is removing obstructed stool. Stool softeners are given to help soften impacted stool and laxatives are also given to give liquid to softened stool.

Suppository may also be given along with bowel retraining program so that regular movement will be established once again. After the medication, dietary measure should be observed. Eating more fiber containing foods should be your main meal. Whole wheat grains, vegetables and fruits should be the main course instead of meat and burger. Exercise should also be one the main changes that you should have to. Exercise is a proven activity that aid in relieving constipation. Drinking a two glasses of water in the morning when stomach is empty also helps in bowel movement. Another thing is inserting finger into the rectum and breaking the impacted feces. When doing this you should use lubricant in between to avoid rectal laceration.

If you experience one of these symptoms call the attention of a doctor right away:

o Abdominal pain
o Abdominal bloating
o Abdominal cramps
o Inability to pass out flatulence
o You passes out stool but its too thin like pencils.

In this case do not do anything, do not take any laxatives or any medication that helps in passing out stool. Medical attention should be your priority first instead of medications. Always remember that prevention is better than cure.

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GRAVIOLA is a name that has been widely discussed in almost all internet forums, blogs, web sites etc. related to medical treatment, especially in the field of Oncology. There are hundreds of thousands of testimonials and claims authenticating the fact that GRAVIOLA is a sure panacea for the cancer disease which is one of the most dreaded ills in the modern history of mankind. This South American tree and its fruit are believed to have been used very successfully in killing cancer cells across the entire globe. The botanical classification of the tree is as follows:

It belongs to the family of Annonaceae with the Genus of Annona under the Species of Muricata, known also under the Synonyms of Annona Macrocarpa,Guanabanus Muricatus and the Common names of Graviola, Soursop, Brazilian paw paw etc. and the parts believed to be used are its leaves, fruit, seeds, bark and roots. Some of the most active elements scientifically researched, testified and confirmed with regard to Graviola are a group of Annonaceous Acetogenins only to be found in the family of Annonaceae and to this great family does our graviola belongs.

A brief report on the herbal properties and actions of the Graviola will definitely help those who are concerned about the cancer disease and long awaiting a practical cure for the same.

The main actions of the medicine prepared from graviola are killing the cancer cells, the bacteria, parasites and viruses, slowing down the tumor growth, relieving depression, reducing spasms, blood pressure and fever, stimulating digestion and dilating blood vessels.

The standard dosage of the medicine is prescribed as infusion of 1 cup 3 times daily, tincture of 2-4 ml. 3 times daily and capsules of 2 g 3 times daily.

Graviola is a small tree upright and evergreen, growing 5-6 m high with large, glossy, dark green leaves. Its fruit with around 20 cm in diameter is generally edible and yellow green in colour with white flesh inside. The tree is native to most of the warmest tropical regions in South and North America including the Amazon. The fruit is sold in the local markets with the name as guan獺banain Spanish-speaking countries and graviola in Brazil.

Graviola has both tribal and herbal medicine uses.

The tree with its bark, leaves, roots, fruit and fruit seeds are used in natural medicine and each of these parts has certain special properties and uses such as killer of worms and parasites, fever coolant, enhancer of mother's milk after childbirth, astringent for diarrhea and dysentery, remover of head lice, sedative, antispasmodic, hypotensive etc. In herbal medicine also this tree is reported to have been widely used in certain parts of the globe. The graviola leaf tea is very famous in some regions of the Amazon where it is used for a lot of diseases such as rheumatism, asthma, arthritis etc.

The Chemical Properties of the Graviola

Since almost the year 1940 or so, the scientific world has been very seriously researching on the various uses of this Graviola, with the result that many active chemical compounds have been found in it, the most spectacular among them being Annonaceous Acetogenins produced in the stem, bark, fruit and fruit seeds of this tree. These chemical components have some very great properties namely the antitumorous characteristics which can be substantially utilized for the production of a very significant cancer cure. One very spectacular achievement in this direction was that the cure so produced could undoubtedly be relied upon, because of its special nature of keeping the healthy cells intact while performing its activation. This finding was indeed a serendipitous move in their research. Even at a very low dosage the medicine could work out miraculous achievement by creating selective toxicity to the cancer cells, that is the healthy cells in the adjoining areas of the body of the patient would not be affected at all, with the medication of this cure, a characteristic so widely acclaimed in the scientific and medical world at a time when a cure, if at all there was one, could hardly be completely relied upon simply because of the very nature of its non-selective quality. Graviola has come to the aid of the entire humanity in that case.

What accounts for this particular quality of graviola?

Acetogenin, the chemical component extracted from the graviola treeis a very successful enzyme inhibitor, decreasing the enzyme activity in the membranes of the cancerous cells, while remaining passive in the case of the healthy cells. Purdue University, Indiana, has progressed so much more in their research on the tree, the chemical component and its quality.

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While obesity is bad for health but the wrong way to diet can also be harmful to your health. Common examples are anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorders. These are illnesses where extreme emotions, attitudes, and behaviors surround weight and food issues. These are serious emotional and physical problems with life-threatening consequences.
Anorexia Nervosa is an illness by self-starvation and excessive weight loss.

Symptoms of the illness include:

Refusal to maintain body weight at or above the minimal normal weight for height, body type, age, and activity level

Intense fear of gaining weight or being "fat" or "obese".

Feeling "fat" or overweight despite being at a below normal body weight

Overwhelming obsession with body weight and shape

Bulimia Nervosa is a condition of marked over-eating followed by purging through vomiting or diarrhea using laxatives, all done in secrecy. These patients stuff themselves on large amounts of food - within a short period of time, and then get rid of the food and calories through vomiting, laxative abuse, or over-exercising.

Symptoms of this illness include:

Repeated episodes of bingeing and purging

Feeling out of control during a binge and eating beyond the point of being "full"

Purging after a binge (typically by self-induced vomiting, abuse of laxatives, diet pills and/or diuretics, excessive exercise, or fasting)

Frequent dieting

Overwhelming obsession with body weight and shape

Compulsive Overeating is characterized primarily by periods of uncontrolled, impulsive, or continuous eating beyond the point of feeling "full". While there is no purging, there may be fasting or repetitive dieting and often feelings ashame of one self following a binge. People who overeat compulsively usually struggle with anxiety, depression and loneliness, which can contribute to their unhealthy episodes of binge eating. These patients can be normal in their weight, slightly overweight or obese.

Peer pressure that values "thinness" and obtaining the "perfect body" can be a social force for some patients to enter this pattern of self-destruction. Learn to beat Obesity the right way. Through exercise and the right diet, I believe that obesity can be beaten.

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Microsporidiosis is define as an illness that is due to infection with microscopic organisms called microsporidia.Microsporidia are small simple single-celled protozoan parasites that form spores widely found in nature that produce disease in both animals and humans. These parasites must exist within other cells and are grown in the liver,intestine, kidney, cornea, brain, nerves, and muscles. These spores moved to other cells or are eradicated in the stool or urine.

There are more than 1,200 species belonging to 143 genera have been known as parasites infecting a various number of vertebrate and invertebrate hosts. Species identified as causing disease in humans include the following such as encephalitozoon hellem, enterocytozoon bieneusi, encephalitozoon intestinalis, encephalitozoon cuniculi, pleistophora species, trachipleistophora hominis, trachipleistophora anthropophthera, nosema connori ,nosema ocularum ,brachiola vesicularum, vittaforma corneae, microsporidium ceylonensis, microsporidium africanum & brachiola algerae.These organisms infect the lining of the small intestine and can result complex loose bowels and unable to absorb food. Some organisms can also cause eye, sinus, and kidney symptoms.


Scientific report shows that microsporidiosis may be water-borne microscopic organism, that causes disease and may be transmitted from human to human. In most conditions the patients with HIV infection appear with complex immunodeficiency. Individuals who are immunocompetent are reported to develop self-limited lose bowles due to microsporidia.

Microsporidiosis is produced by small protozoan parasites called microsporidia, the most common of which is enterocytozoon bieneusi. A number of scientific reports shown that enterocytozoon bieneusi infections of the small intestine are an important result of chronic diarrhoea in people with AIDS.

The microsporidia spores are discharged from the gastrointestinal and urinary tracts of infected animals. The spores are then inhaled by people. In the bowels it is used to penetrate a cell. Once within the cell, the microsporidia develop and increase in large number cause chronic diarrhea, hepatitis, myositis, or sinusitis.


Infection with microsporidia can cause blood in the urine, kidney failure, bladder inflammation, and bowel perforation. Microsporidia can also moved in the hole body to produce inflammation in the brain, pancreas, gallbladder, sinuses, and ears. Lung symptoms are irregular breathing & cough.

Microsporidiosis is occurs with heavy watery diarrhoea In the condition of microsporidiosis persons body not able to absorbed nutrients & results weight loss. Some other symptoms can include such as cramping stomach pains, nausea, wind and irregular bowel movements.

There are some common symptoms of microsporidiosis are:

  • Vomiting.

  • Pain in abdominal.

  • Weight loss.

  • Appetite loss.

  • Dehydration.

  • Flatulence.

  • Pain in stomach.

  • Wind bowel movements .

  • Irregular bowel movements.


There is no proper treatment, however a drug called albendazole is an efficacious treatment for some kinds of microsporidiosis. But it appears less effective against enterocytozoon bieneusi.

To cure microsporidiosis there are some other treatments are available such as itraconazole,metronidazole, atovaquone, nitazanoxide and thalidomide. To ebb diarrhoea metronidazole has shown some success,but does not able remove the parasites themselves from the gut. In a number of conditions itraconazole has been shown to be efficacious against microsporidiosis impacting the eye.

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