King Arthur had a lot to be grateful for, didn't he? Born of noble blood, his parents sent him to live a pauper's life to save his own and, when the time was right, he pulled his sword, Excalibur, from the stone and became King. All during his reign he appreciated his life, his friends, and the gifts he was given. When he was betrayed by what he held as sacred, he discarded his grateful attitude (along with Excalibur) and his Kingdom went into the "crapper" (that's a technical term). His subjects would murmur, "The King without a sword, the Kingdom without a King." Such is the way for all of us when we discard our swords of gratitude - "YOU without an attitude of gratitude, your life without a purpose." Being thankful for all the blessings in your life will not only make you happier, it will make you a better person to be around and research shows that it will help you live longer as well! To help cultivate an "attitude of gratitude" and keep your sword close, try these simple strategies:.

Keep a Gratitude Journal

When you wake up or right before you go to bed (or both), take a few minutes to jot down the things you are thankful for that day - big or small, every little bit of concentrated effort in focus on the positive will do marvelous things for your disposition. Even the darkest cloud can have a silver lining if you look deep enough.

Pass it Forward

Do something nice for another and expect NOTHING in return (especially if you are having a particularly difficult day-it will lift your spirits). My wife enjoys cruising through the coffee shop drive-through twice a week on her way to work. Occasionally, she will purchase the coffee for the person in the car behind her. This not only surprises the receiver of the free coffee, but the cashier, too.


There are two types of people - carriers and converters. Carriers carry every negative thing that happens to them around like a disease and try to pass it along to you. If their day is going really bad, they want yours to be just as bad. The carrier isn't happy unless you can truly understand his misery and that can't happen unless you are as miserable as he is. To maintain your attitude of gratitude, you need to surround yourself with converters. Converters take the bad and make it good. It makes no difference if they woke up to four flat tires, explosive diarrhea, or an eviction notice; a converter has a smile on his face and tries to lighten the load of those around them. Surround yourself with converters and work to be a converter yourself - then watch the atmosphere around you change!

Maintaining your thankful attitude isn't always easy because, let's face it, there are days that each of us wants to scream, "do over!" If it were only that easy! But those days can go much smoother if your attitude sword is sharp, clean, and on your side. To keep it that way and feeling like a King (or Queen) every day, try to work the strategies I suggested into your daily routine - the more you practice the easier it will be to wield the sword of gratitude.

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Many times, clients call us with concerns about their pets' bowel movements. Sometimes, the complaint may be diarrhea or a change in normal consistency or frequency. Sometimes, a worm-like object may be observed. Whatever the concern, if your pet is not actually sick, we may ask you to bring us a stool sample. In today's article we will provide you with some helpful pointers on ways you can collect a fecal sample from your pet. Please read the steps below to obtain a proper sample.


An animal's feces (excrement, stool) can provide important information about the function of internal organs, including pancreatic and intestinal health, the presence of intestinal parasites, and many other useful indicators. Therefore, microscopic evaluation of a sample of the feces is an important, noninvasive test that many veterinarians use for identifying the causes of certain illnesses and gastrointestinal (GI) disorders.

Getting Started

Materials needed for collecting a fecal sample include:

Latex medical-type gloves (can be purchased in a drugstore or pharmacy)

Plastic ziplock bag or other small, plastic container that can be sealed

Plastic disposable spoon.

When collecting a fecal sample, it is important to remember that with improper technique, there is a health risk to you: if the feces contain an infectious organism, that organism can be infectious to people. Examples of these infectious organisms include several types of GI worms, coccidia, Giardia, and Toxoplasma. Utmost hygiene is essential. Wearing medical-type latex exam gloves is appropriate for collecting a fecal sample, and whether you wear them or not, it is essential that you avoid any chance of fecal-oral transmission of germs. This means:

Wash your hands immediately after completing the collection of the sample, before touching your face, clothes, or anything else

Keep the container (ziplock bag, other) wide open when depositing the sample so as to not contaminate the edges

Avoid bending or placing tension on the plastic spoon when collecting the sample so there is no risk of spreading the sample (flicking/splashing)

Properly done, fecal sample collection is simple, safe, and medically important for your pet.

Troubleshooting Beforehand

For a valid analysis, the feces should be submitted to the veterinarian within 24 hours of being passed by the pet, and preferably within 12 hours. If this is not possible, the sample should be kept in a cool area (but not frozen) out of direct sunlight.

In multicat or multidog households, it can be challenging to know with certainty which pet produced which feces. For dogs, a basic first step is to allow a dog to defecate without other dogs present, either on a walk or in an enclosed area like a yard. If he/she is not accustomed to this, then waiting for the pet to become comfortable may take some extra time.

When many puppies live together and diarrhea is noted, it can be difficult to determine the exact source-which puppy has the diarrhea? And is it just one of them or more than one? The simplest but most time-consuming approach is to watch the puppies until each one has defecated. If this is not possible, an alternative approach is to add a small piece of a nontoxic wax crayon in the pups' food, with a different color for each puppy. Keep track of which color goes with which puppy, and when the crayon color is then passed in the diarrhea, the color identifies which puppy has diarrhea. It is important to note that even though only one puppy may have diarrhea, a veterinarian may recommend treating all puppies with a dewormer. Puppies often expose each other to parasites or acquire parasites together at birth or in the milk during nursing.

Before beginning, it is important to note that pregnant women and any person with a compromised immune system (such as someone undergoing chemotherapy) should not be collecting fecal samples. Additionally, because of the risk of exposure to toxoplasmosis in cat fecal samples, pregnant women are warned by their physicians to have someone else in the household clean cat litterboxes once daily for the duration of their pregnancy. (Toxoplasmosis can be present in a cat's stool even in the absence of diarrhea.)

Procedure: How to Collect the Sample

To collect a sample from a cat litterbox, scoop the feces from the litterbox with the disposable plastic spoon and seal it (with the spoon in the bag) in a ziplock bag. It will not harm the sample if some litter is included. If the stool is formed/solid, it may be possible simply to invert the plastic bag inside out, use it as a glove to pick up the feces, and invert it with the feces inside and seal.

To collect a sample from a dog, walk the dog on-leash outside. Confirm that the feces sample to be collected is fresh and not old. Collect the sample with a plastic spoon or, if the feces is firm, use the inverted plastic bag approach, as described above. Only a small amount of feces (approximately 1 tablespoon) is necessary for most testing. If the sample is watery or if the pet has very little patience for leash walking, it may be necessary for one person to walk the pet and a second person to collect the sample.


Dispose of latex gloves and any leftover materials (e.g., plastic spoon if you did not put it in the ziplock bag) appropriately, and wash your hands immediately.

The fresher the fecal sample is, the better it is for analysis. Ideally, a sample should be examined at your veterinary hospital within 4 hours of collection, but samples that are up to 24 hours old are still valuable. If immediate delivery of the sample to the veterinary hospital is not possible, store the sealed container in a cool, dry place away from sunlight and deliver within 24 hours. Then dispose of the latex gloves and paper towels appropriately.

Alternatives and Their Relative Merits

Fecal analysis is the simplest test for evaluating a dog or cat's intestinal symptoms like diarrhea. Up to three analyses may have to be performed to identify a parasite, because the parasite eggs may be shed only intermittently. If a fecal analysis is negative (no parasites or parasite eggs seen), further testing may be needed if the problem persists for weeks or longer and does not respond to initial treatment. Such tests can include abdominal ultrasound (to examine the structure of the intestines), blood tests (to evaluate general function of the liver, kidneys, blood cells, pancreas, and other organs), x-rays (to show the position and proportions of the internal organs), and intestinal biopsy, either via endoscopy or surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions

My dog only goes outside to urinate and defecate. How can he/she have GI worms or parasites?

The eggs of worms and parasites are microscopic and cannot be seen. They are carried and passed on to pets through the stool of wildlife, and in this way, a dog takes in the worm eggs when sniffing the ground. These same eggs also are often passed from mother to puppy at birth or in the milk during nursing.

My pet is on a monthly dewormer. Why did my vet recommend a fecal analysis?

Not all infectious organisms are worms. A pet can be on a monthly dewormer and still be exposed to other parasites (like protozoa) that cause diarrhea. Additionally, there are other reasons for examining a fecal sample beyond parasites, including fecal enzymes and bacteria, that can explain a pet's symptoms and identify the best treatment.

My pet's diarrhea is very watery. How can I collect it? It is best to collect it directly from the ground or floor (or litter, for cats' litterboxes) immediately after it has been passed. Use the technique described above, keeping in mind that 1 tablespoonful is usually sufficient, and that some contamination with soil or litter is acceptable. Alternatively, your veterinarian may have to keep your pet in the hospital, typically overnight, in order to collect the sample necessary for testing

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Anxiety is psychological disorder that causes someone experiences excessive worry without logical reason. Anxiety caused by many factors, could because of environment is not conducive, neurological disorders on the brain and genetics. Treatment of the disorder differs between one to another depending on the cause. People who suffer from anxiety often characterized by symptoms such as irritability, anxiety disorder, nausea, lethargy, tense, sweaty, difficult to concentrate, tingling and some other abnormal symptoms. Anxiety disorders that occur because of the nerves in the brain can be overcome by taking vitamins and supplements. Some of the vitamins for anxiety symptoms that are most often recommended by the experts are vitamin B, C, D, and E. Vitamin has the function for improving the body's metabolism and assists the work of several enzymes for the production of certain chemical compounds. Here are the types of vitamins that can help reduce anxiety:

Listed below are types of vitamins:

- B1

This vitamin is also known as thiamine. By consume this vitamin can increase energy metabolism and nerve. This vitamin is very useful to maintain healthy nerves and muscles and improve memory. Lack of vitamin B1 for a long time can cause the disease beriberi. It's characterized by neurological abnormalities of the brain and hearth. People who lack vitamin B1 can be seen from symptoms such as impaired memory, difficulty sleeping, weakness, irritability and other symptoms of malnutrition.

- B2

Deficiency of vitamin B2 could also cause neurological disorders such as depression and anxiety. This vitamin can be found in various types of green vegetable, beans, mushrooms, avocado, fish and other nutritious foods.

- B3

This vitamin is also known as niacin can reduce tension and anxiety. This vitamin deficiency can cause neurological disorders characterized by symptoms such as irritability, easily confused, diarrhea. Vitamin B3 can be found in the daily diet such as eggs, poultry meat, mushrooms, and other green vegetables.

- B6

This vitamin is often known as pyridoxine may help the formation of neurotransmitters and improve the immune system. Deficiencies of these vitamins can be seen from the symptoms caused such confusion, dermatitis, and nerve damage. There are many vitamins in the daily diet such as meat, fish, bananas and green vegetables. -

- B 12

This vitamin is often known as cobalamin, beneficial in maintaining and protecting the nerves and helps the metabolism of bone cells. This vitamin deficiency causes a neurological disorder characterized a number of symptoms such as confusion, memory loss, depressed, hearing loss.

- C

Vitamin C is very useful for improving endurance and function as anti oxidants

- D and E

Both of these vitamins can also relieve your anxiety naturally. Vitamin D is useful in helping the absorption of calcium.

In addition to these vitamins for anxiety, you will also need to take supplements containing calcium, zinc and magnesium. Vitamins and minerals needed by the body every day but in small amounts. Food substance that contains lots of vitamins and minerals can be found in various types of green vegetables. Poultry meat, eggs and meat contains vitamin B which has played a part in maintaining healthy nerve and helps other metabolism.

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The Shar-pei that scratches constantly due to itching is a common problem. The great majority of these dogs suffer from atopic dermatitis which is an inherited skin barrier deficiency. Breeders of Shar-pei dogs are still in denial about the hereditary nature of this disease has allowed the problem to advance to such alarming levels.

Most of the itchy Shar-pei dogs itch and scratch constantly. They have greasy skin. They have constant skin infection. They chew the feet from sun up to sun down. They lick, bite and scratch themselves and keep their owners awake at night. They get ear infection after ear infection. There are natural treatments that can really help.

The cornerstone of managing these dogs is corticosteroids such as prednisolone. They are cheap and effective however there are many side effects associated with long term use. Cyclosporine "atopica" is another drug commonly used which does not have the severe side effect risks as long term corticosteroids. Cyclosporine does however cause vomiting and diarrhea in many dogs and the dose rate has to be reduced significantly in many dogs which sometimes means it isn't effective. Some dogs adapt to the drug and the nausea, vomiting and diarrhea subsides. Some don't however. Cyclosporine is expensive.

The Shar-pei has terrible ear problems as a result of the atopic dermatitis. Consider a total ear canal ablation if your dog is having problem after problem because it will develop middle ear disease. If you have a very young Shar-pei that has started having ear problems, consider a lateral wall resection as chronic scarring will close the dogs' ear canals.

Many of these dogs have Demodex deep in the skin. It is often hard to find unlike other breeds. Skin biopsy can help. Many get Demodex as a consequence of long term corticosteroid use from prednisolone. If your dog gets constant prednisolone, you should have it skin scraped twice a year. Every itchy dog needs a food elimination trial.

There are many natural treatments that can make a difference.

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In some cases a bout of diarrhea can be good for you, as it is your body's way of eliminating something that you have ingested that could be harmful to you, or a harmful strain of bacteria. In this case it is not good to take an over the counter prescription to stop the diarrhea, as it would stop the cleansing process. You could however use an alternative home remedy that wouldn't stop the diarrhea, but soothe your digestive tract and make the experience more comfortable for you.

A good option for soothing relief is the herb slippery elm. Slippery elm is believed to help soothe the inflamed and irritated lining of the colon, which can help to calm your diarrhea. Slippery elm is very safe, and you will need to open two or three 370 milligram capsules and mix the powder with water to form a gel. You should take about a tablespoon of the paste at a time. To make it more palatable you can mix it with mashed banana or applesauce, which are both good for diarrhea.

Probiotics will also help to normalize the colon and ease your diarrhea. Make sure that you buy probiotics that are stored in a fridge. If you go abroad, it is recommended that you start taking probiotics a week before you travel and then also during your vacation abroad, as when you travel you are going to be more susceptible to diarrhea.

Colostrum is another good alternative which many practitioners believe in. Colostrum is a milk like substance that is produced by female mammals in the first hours after giving birth. Look for a concentrated and purified form of bovine which is from a cow and follow the dosage directions on the label.

There are also a few homeopathic remedies that work well for diarrhea. They include Veratrum for violent and very loose diarrhea, and Phosphorus if you have burning and watery stools and are very thirsty. For both these remedies you will need to dissolve two tablets with a 6C potency under your tongue every fifteen minutes until the diarrhea calms down.

Another excellent remedy is activated charcoal. This is especially good for relieving diarrhea that is caused from food poisoning. It will drag the offending toxins out of the system. You will need to take four to six 250 milligram capsules every 2 hours until your symptoms are relieved.

If you have chronic diarrhea and it is the kind that goes on for a long time, you will obviously need to see your doctor to find the cause. Experimenting with home remedies is great, but in this case should be used under a doctors supervision.

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Cranesbill is a short plant of up to 0.5 metres, with very aromatic, deeply dissected, green-red leaves, small pinkish flowers and oblong pointed fruits which resemble a stork's bill. Other species which are used in traditional medicine and as gardening plants include G. maculatum (American cranesbill), G. dissectum (English cranesbill) and G. sanguineum (bloody cranesbill). Geranium nepalerise and G. wailichianum are used for dyes and tanning.

Latin: Geranium robertianum

Common Names: Herb Robert, erba roberta, herbs a Robert (French), geranium robertin, Ruprechtskraut (German), czcuta rossa (Italian).


Originating in Europe and Asia, Cranesbill was naturalised in North and South America (G. robertianum); central and eastern and North America (G. maculatuni).

Parts Used

Whole dried herb (Geranii robertiani herba).


Anti-inflammatory, anti-diarrhoeal.

Properties and Uses

Cranesbill has been traditionally used to treat urinary tract infections and mild diarrhoea. It has also been used externally as a styptic, to cure slow-healing wounds, eczema and mucosal inflammations. Cranesbill has also been used in the treatment of stomach ulcers, heavy menstrual bleeding, and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). Fresh rhizomes from G.robertianum are used by homoeopathic practitioners.

Dosage and Preparation

Cranesbill tea can be prepared using two teaspoons of the dried herb, or one teaspoon of the dry root. When used in homeopathy, it is usually at a potency of D1. Cranesbill is also available in capsules, powder, liquid extracts, creams and salves.

Active Ingredients

An essential oil can be extracted from Cranesbill leaves, but it has an unpleasant smell since it contains geraniol, germacren D, limonene, linalool and terpineol. The main phenolics of Cranesbill leaves include ferulic acid, caffeic acid, rutin, kaempferol and quercetin. Cranesbill has a high concentration of gallo- and ellagitannins (up to 30%).
Geraniin is the main compound in Cranesbill.

Pharmacological Effects

Cranesbill's tannins are astringent and have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects because of their ability to non-selectively disrupt and cause proteins to lose their tertiary structure and secondary structure. These tannins have anti-diarrhoeal effects, can form a protective layer over skin and mucosa and thereby have a vasoconstricting effect on small vessels, which will produce fluid loss from the skin.


Severe diarrhoea (especially in children) can be dangerous due to the risk of dehydration and must be treated by a health care professional.


Traditional medicine.

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Colon or colorectal cancer is the cancer of the large intestine, the last portion of vertebrates digestive system. It begins with the uninhibited expansion of epithelial cells that line the inner surface of the colon. The colon in most mammals is the final portion of the gastrointestinal tract. Its chief task is to get hold of water and other materials from solid waste products before these are eliminated from the body.

It has been established that majority of colon cancer cases begun with polyps which are hyperplastic masses. But these small balloon structures may undergo a succession of alterations into pre-tumorigenic (e.g. Tubular adenoma) and finally tumorous metastatic (e.g. Colorectal adenocarcinoma) growth.

For many years, colorectal cancer still remains as one of most regularly diagnosed cancers throughout the world with hundred of thousands of newly diagnosed cases each year. The elevated cancer incidence is often accompanied by high mortality rates. Colon cancer is among the leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide.

There are a variety of risk factors linked to the dvelopment of colorectal cancer. Age being one of them. Cancer risk rises proportionally with age. And males constitute a higher risk group than females. A further group at great risk of getting colon cancer are people with personal or family history of Hereditary genetic mutations (HNPCC: Hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer or FAP: Familial adenomatous polyposis). People with inflammatory bowel disease have greater risks of developing colon cancer as well.

Further major risk factors included obesity, extreme consumption of red meat, elevated fat diet, diet low in calcium, vitamin D, selenium and folate, inadequate uptake of vegetables and fruits, inadequate exercise, smoking, and aging of the immune system. Conversely, studies have found that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin and ibuprofen, estrogen-containing medications and cholesterol reducing drugs may protect against colon cancer. These drugs are however not endorsed at this point in time as alternative prevention.

While several symptoms may indicate the presence of this cancer, many of these symptoms are not unique to colon malignancy and are in fact, quite analogous to other ordinary illnesses and diseases. These symptoms may possibly appear suddenly or may grow little by little over a period of time. Symptoms include bowel movement alterations; continuous diarrhea; constipation; total bowel blockage (with extreme pain); bloody stools; sudden or chronic abdominal cramping and pain, just to name a few.

Surgical intervention is still the most effectual treatment if the tumor have not become invasive and metastasize. This is done by eliminating the tumor along with a portion of normal colonic tissues and adjacent lymph nodes.

Other types of treatments also include chemotherapy, radiation therapy and immunotherapy. Individual or combinatorial therapies may take place depending on patient's physical condition and stage of disease.

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Crohn's disease (CD) is an inflammatory bowel disease.

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is the general term for inflammation diseases of the small intestine and colon. Ulcerative colitis (UC) is another form of IBD.

In Crohn's disease, the inflammation is generally in the lower part of the small intestine. But CD can also affect the entire digestive system from mouth to anus. Colitis, on the other hand, usually only occurs in the lower colon or rectum.

Crohn's Disease Symptoms and Complications

The range and severity of Crohn's disease symptoms can vary. This makes CD complicated to diagnose. However, the most common symptoms are:

o Abdominal pain, generally in the lower right area,

o With the pain being accompanied by diarrhea.

Other common Crohn's disease symptoms are:

o Rectal bleeding,

o Weight loss,

o Arthritis,

o Skin problems,

o And fever.

Persistent rectal bleeding is serious and can lead to anemia. Children with CD often suffer from malnutrition, delayed development and even stunted growth.

The most common Crohn's disease complications are:

o Blockage and narrowing of the intestine from inflammation and scar tissue;

o Sores or ulcers in the bladder, vagina or skin that often become infected;

o Small tears called fissures, which develop in the lining of the anus;

o Nutritional deficiencies caused by poor diet, loss of nutrients or mal-absorption;

o Arthritis, skin problems, inflammation of the eyes or mouth, kidney stones, gallstones and development of diseases of the liver and biliary system.

Who Gets Crohn's Disease and Why

A tendency towards Crohn's disease often runs in families, affecting both men and women. About one out of every five CD patients has a blood relative with IBD problems, usually a brother or sister and sometimes a parent or child. Scientists are not clear if this connection is genetic or environmental, relating to diet and other family habits.

It's difficult to distinguish between Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, since they both have such similar symptoms. These include:

o Abdominal pain and cramping,

o Frequent and often bloody diarrhea,

o Loss of body fluids and nutrients,

o Poor appetite, weight loss

o And persistent fatigue.

Medical tests are therefore necessary for the accurate diagnosis of an IBD.

Neither the specific cause nor cure is known for CD. Drug therapy and surgery can relieve symptoms, but do not offer any cure. Most patients are usually treated with anti-inflammatory medications, which have unpleasant and often serious side effects.

Most Crohn's Disease patients also need to avoid foods they personally find upsetting. This varies from one patient to another, but these usually include highly seasoned foods, raw fruits and vegetables and high lactose dairy products.

Natural Help for Crohn's Disease

Several recent studies reported in the Journal of Gastroenterology have shown that natural anti-inflammatory omega 3 fish oil, high in EPA, DPA and DHA fatty acids, can reduce the severity of inflammation from Chron's disease by more than 50%.

Taking fish oil also allows those suffering from the pain of inflammation from CD to discontinue potentially harmful anti-inflammatory and steroidal medications.

Because of the symptomatic loss of nutrients and dietary restrictions, natural, full spectrum food supplements, including pure, non-toxic fish oil capsules, are highly recommended to insure the nutrition necessary to stay as healthy as possible.

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Hypertension or high blood pressure is a condition where in the blood pressure or BP in the arteries are high. Continual high blood pressure can lead to heart attacks, strokes, heart failure and aneurism. An increase in BP may shorten the life expectancy of a person. There are two kinds of hypertension, the essential hypertension and the secondary hypertension.

The causes of Essential Hypertension include the lack of regular exercise, lifestyle, old age and genetics. Lack of exercise or what is medically termed as sedentary lifestyle or most commonly called as being a couch potato contributes a lot in the cause of hypertension. This is characterized by being inactive for most of the day with very little or no exercise at all. This will include watching TV, using the computer and reading.

This can also lead to obesity in which the complications include blockage of the arteries that also leads to high blood. Lifestyle may also be a cause of hypertension if they drink too much alcohol and smoke a lot. Most persons aged 50 years old and above usually have an elevated BP than younger people, this make them more vulnerable to hypertension. Hypertension can also be inherited.

Secondary Hypertension is somewhat different because its root cause is not identified or difficult to identify as many conditions result to this. This is the result of the imbalance of the glands that produce certain hormones that regulate plasma and the heart. Other causes include kidney disorder, pre-eclampsia during pregnancy, congenital defects and use of some prescription and illegal drugs. Symptoms of Hypertension and Secondary Hypertension include dizziness, throwing up, nausea, disorder of the sight and drowsiness.

Hypotension is the opposite of Hypertension. This is a condition wherein the pressure of the blood is lower than normal. There are several causes of low hypotension, and the most common is hypovolemia or reduced blood volume. Hypovolemia can result from blood loss, lack of fluid intake that result from starvation or too much fluid loss from vomiting or diarrhea. Reduced blood output of the heart can also cause hypotension because the body will not be able to have sufficient supply of blood. Symptoms of low BP include dizziness, chest pain, and shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, headache and fever higher than 38.5 degrees Celsius.

Hypertension and hypotension are called silent killers because they can strike any time that is why it is very important to constantly monitor blood pressure. One can go to some local drugstore as some of them have blood pressure monitors.

Visit the doctor regularly to be able to have your BP monitored. Or one can buy his or her own sphygmomanometer or BP monitor device. There are different kinds of blood pressure monitors; the manual which needs training to operate, the digital which can be operated by anyone and anywhere even in noisy places, and the portable digital finger blood pressure monitor. Whichever method is chosen, one must make sure to monitor blood pressure.

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One of the things that people complain mostly is about problems related to the intestine, associated with the reduction of carbohydrates and can include problems like diarrhea and constipation. These can occur at any time to anybody and the people who are following a low carbohydrate diet have a higher chance of getting it.

Dieters always have diarrhea in the first few days of starting, because, while doing so, the body expels carbohydrates from our body and marks the starting of ketosis. Actually, having diarrhea in the first few days of training are good and are the indicator that shows that you are indeed on your way to be a machine that burns fat.

A side effect of the low carbohydrate diet is constipation which is because sources fro fiber like fruits, legumes and grains are all not allowed while in an Atkins diet.

You must not be afraid of the low carbohydrate diet because of this. There are solutions that are very simple which can prevent these symptoms and give you allowance for staying in the diet plan.

First, you must ensure that there are enough low carbohydrate vegetables in your food. During the first few days that is the induction phase, unto 20g of carbohydrates can be eaten per day, almost 3 salad vegetable cups. Many people prefer to use their limited allowances for carbohydrates in cheese and also artificially sweetened soda. Eating vegetables that are acceptable is a very important part in maintaining the health of the intestine. Also, about 8 8ounce glasses of water must be drunk daily and the body must be exercised. These steps can aid in reducing problems with the intestine.

If there is only constipation specifically, there are many ways in which it can be relieved. When you move from sugary treats and diets, your body takes a small amount of time to adjust to the low carbohydrate food that you will start to eat. Also, the intake of fiber like fruits and vegetables must be increased. Even sugar free Metamucil can be used as a supplement for fiber.

Also, you must eat a lot of oil and fats. If there is very little fat, you can end up having constipation. A tablespoon of oil in your salad cup or something like that can augment the health of the intestine. Also, try to include as many vegetables as possible in your salad. Pale iceberg lettuce is something that does not have fiber in it. Instead of using them, try using dark green lettuces for serving dark green colored veggies.

If these have no effect, remove salt totally from your eating habit for a few days. Pickles, mustard, ham, diet soda, bottled salad dressing and bacon are all to be avoided. It will decrease the retention of fluid and also aids in the movement of the bowels.

Diarrhea will not be something that is to be concerned about after a few first weeks. But, in some cases, it does indeed last longer. You must first analyze your diet and if you eat low carbohydrate bars of protein and sugar free products, stop them immediately. Sweeteners like sorbitol, glycerin and malitol that create gas and diarrhea problems are present in them. Also, homemade desserts that are of low carbohydrates also may cause problems. While baking, a sweetener, maltodextrin is used. It is made of corn and has the potential to cause problems to a few people.

Diarrhea may also be caused because of raw vegetables if they are new additions to your diet. Your body will indeed adjust itself so that the side effects do not last long. But you must also chew your food very well before swallowing and also, instead of eating raw vegetables, lightly steamed ones can be used.

The initial part of the Atkins diet always has some intestinal problems like these and they are not permanent. They go away as soon as the body gets adjusted to the new diet. If the problem actually persists, then some other method must be tried for getting relief.

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