Believe it or not, your pet may be allergic to certain things more than you do. It was shown that some dog breeds are more prone to allergies than human beings. Being allergic to something results in a disturbed immune system of the dog because of food, dust, dirt, etc. That particular item is a threat to the life of the dog. Occasionally you will find your dog has watery eyes or scratching his body constantly. It is the sign that your dog has some allergic problems. This constant scratching will result in infected welts and loss of hair. Some dogs may suffer from the allergic problems for the entire life but most of the allergic problems are curable.

There are mainly four types of allergies that may affect your dog. They are airborne allergies, flea-bite dermatitis, food allergies and contact allergies. You might have observed some dogs sometime inhale dust or dirt. This is termed as airborne allergies. If your dog has this type of allergy, then he may be suffering because of dust, molds, pollens, etc. Flea-bite dermatitis is a result of flea-bites which your pet had from some other insects. Some dogs are also found allergic to plastics, carpet fibers or detergents. However, this type of allergy is less common in dogs.

You will come to know by closely observing your pet if he is suffering from allergic problem or not. There are few symptoms by which you will know that your dog has allergy. They are as follows:

1. One of the indications that your dog is suffering from allergic reaction is it will constantly shake his head or he might be rubbing his face always and you will see red spots around his eyes.

2. Your dog will have red or black patches all over the body. Sometimes that part of skin will be irritated.

3. Your pet will sneeze and coughs a lot. While coughing, you will see discharge coming from his nose, eyes and sometimes waxy discharge will come from his ears.

4. The dog may feel uncomfortable and has difficulty while breathing. He loses his appetite. If he eats something he will have vomiting or diarrhea. The dog has sudden change in his mood and he will be in less playful mood than normal.

5. If your dog is allergic to pollen, then it's possible that he will constantly chew his feet or rub his ears. He will rub his whole body against furniture or the floor and gives a very bad smell.

If you observe any above mentioned symptoms in your dog, it's probably a good idea to take him to doctor for examination. You need to go through certain skin tests and find out what is the exact problem. However, it may be possible that your dog has some other issues that are causing the problem like dogs face sometimes emotional problems if his master is facing emotional problems. Allergies may distress dogs, so do what you can do to help to manage his allergies.

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Reasons for blood in stool may vary from person to person. Various factors such as colon cancer, haemorrhoids, anal fissures and ulcers can cause rectal bleeding. In order to detect the cause of this bleeding at an early stage, it is always advisable to conduct fecal occult blood test.

A special diet plan is always recommended before this test. You should maintain strict instructions for obtaining the best possible results from the diagnosis. Mostly rectal bleeding is caused due to problem in digestive system. Fecal occult blood test is extremely important for preventing colon cancer, which can be fatal.

Home Remedies

* Constipation is the most common reason for the appearance of blood in stool. The hard stool breaks tissues while evacuation. Due to the breakdown, blood is seen in your stool. Constipation is mainly caused due to unhealthy colon. When your colon becomes unable to remove those toxic substances, the harmful toxins get clogged and forms hard stools. In order to soften them, you should use natural laxatives such as high fibrous foods and psyllium husk. Natural laxatives clears up your digestive tract and encourage proper bowel movement.

* Colon cleansing is touted to be the most efficient technique for treating rectal bleeding. Different types of colon cleansing methods such as Enema and juice fasting can be performed from the comforts of your home. This processes not only treats your bowel movement but also rejuvenates your mind, body and soul.

* You can perform Enema by introducing warm water into your colon through rectum via anus. You should continue this process for 40-45 minutes in order to clean up your colon properly. This method can also stimulate weight loss in your body. Rectal bleeding can also be cured through juice fasting. You should perform liquid dieting for 2 days, for attaining a healthy body.

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Every parent often has a thing to say when it comes to their kid's health. Some are facts, but a lot are mere theories and personal beliefs handed down through generations, which we now call "myths". It is sounusual how myths have become deeply rooted, and influenced one's disposition concerning certain health concerns when a lot of it weren't even found to be true.

Let us look into some of these well-known myths about childhood illnesses and learn the fact behind them.

1. Limit water consumption to cure watery diarrhea

This is a lethal myth for the reason that it can literally kill the child. In my practice, I have had a lot of pediatric patients admitted in the hospital for severe dehydration. At times, the child is already lethargic, or even worse-comatose. And each time I asked the mother why rehydration was not given at home, a lot answered what they feel was correct. They felt withholding drinking water from the kid would stop the diarrhea with a straightforward reasoning that, if the baby doesn't take in water, he doesn't have water any longer to expel from the body, and therefore the watery diarrhea must cease. But this is not true, even if it may sound like common sense.

There are a lot of pathologic causes of diarrhea. It can be triggered by infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses or parasites which change the intestinal lining milieu, enabling body water to flush back to the intestines. Or it could be that, water from the body is osmotically pushed into the intestine by undigested foods. Whatever the reason, only the medical doctor can say. The most important thing to do though, is to keep the baby hydrated by offering oral rehydrating solutions. It is vital to replace the total amount of water loss by the kid because this could lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalance, resulting to seizures, shock, and death.

2. It is typical for the infant to get fever and oftentimes diarrhea, as soon as he starts to grow teeth.

Some mothers and fathers don't seem concerned when their child gets fever and mild diarrhea at the time when their kid is beginning to grow teeth. For them, that is a natural phenomenon that comes along with teething that should resolve spontaneously. It ought to be understood however, that once the child starts to grow teeth, he has tendency to put anything into his mouth, introducing viruses and bacteria. When these are swallowed, they lead to infection to the gastrointestinal tract creating milddiarrhea and fever. But because the most typical offending organisms are viruses, the problem will usually resolve without treatment. Viral infection is self-limiting that could normally resolve after 7-10 days.

3. Children are more likely to transmit colds and flu just before the symptoms appear.

Viruses that bring about colds and flu are passed through oral or nasal droplets which are coughed-up or sneezed-out. Therefore, they distributemost easily when symptoms of coughing and sneezing are at their worst.

4. Having chickenpox confers a lifetime immunity to the virus that causes it.

If the child has chickenpox, the virus known as Varicella zoster develops a latent infection in his sensory neurons. That virus may get reactivated usually at an adult age. If reactivated, shingles develops. Although shingles is uncommon in youngsters, immunocompromised kids still remain vulnerable to it.

5. Exposure to measles does not warrant isolation.

Measles is a very contagious viral infection characterized by high quality fever and a macular pinkish rash that starts in the head, spreads downward, and fades in the same manner. To prevent the spread of measles, sufferers should be isolated from the 7th day after exposure till 5 days after the rash appears.

6. It is very best to treat mild fevers right away

At times, it is best not to deal with mild fevers right away especially if the child is reasonably joyful and energetic. Fevers helpbattle infections by killing viruses and bacteria which can not endure higher than regular body temperatures. Fevers also stimulate the body's immune system eliminating infectious organisms which have specialized forms of resistance. Therefore, one may forego offering Acetaminophen to a feverish but lively child, except if the family has a strong background of benign febrile seizure. But if the baby is miserable and weaker even at low grade fever, it is therefore far better to treat it right away.

There are countless of myths that surround us. Myths vary fromvarious places and cultures. Many are simply misinterpretations of science, or a product of one's creative imagination. Perhaps, other people are still based on outdated science. But wherever they come from and how sensible they may possibly sound, lots of them simply aren't true.

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Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a disorder of the large bowel better known in medical circles as colon. Irritable bowel syndrome is not a disease. It can be defined as functional disorder, meaning that certain organs do not function correctly. IBS is a health condition when the bowel overreacts even to a mild stimulus, such as eating or the presence of gas. The nerves and muscles in the bowel appear to be extra sensitive in people with IBS. Muscles may contract too much when you eat. Some of the major symptoms of IBS are acute abdominal pain, flatulence, irregular bowel movements, white color mucus in the stool, persistent urge to move bowels, diarrhea and/or constipation, occasionally heartburn, nausea and vomiting.

Women with IBS often have more pronounced symptoms during their menstrual periods. IBS generally occurs in persons between their 20s and 30s, and is said to affect more women than men and the intensity of the problem also varies from patient to patient. But IBS does not damage the colon or other parts of the digestive system nor does it lead to other health problems.

IBS is due to an abnormal, exaggerated response of the muscles of the intestinal walls. It is not clear why some people develop the disorder. Doctors believe there could be a number of factors that may cause IBS - like dietary, psychological, hormonal and genetic factors. There are no prescribed medical tests to determine irritable bowl syndrome. Doctors generally diagnose IBS on the basis of the patient's symptoms and after ruling out various other disorders - such as colon cancer and other abdominal diseases. Diagnostic tests that may be done to rule out other abdominal disorders include blood tests, stool analysis, x-ray and endoscopy. Treatment for IBS is subject to the intensity of the problem and the degree of symptoms. Some patients may find consuming particular foods as the cause of their IBS and to such patients, some sort of diet control will help to control the symptoms.

Adopting a high-fiber diet including fruit and green vegetables, whole-grain breads and cereals will soften the stools and relieve constipation. Avoiding tea and coffee and spicy food and drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day is found to relieve symptoms. Having proper foods and supplements, substituting milk products with soya or rice products, avoiding fresh fruits and vegetables that are high in insoluble fiber and eating frequently smaller quantities of food, can all help to lessen the symptoms of IBS.

Many doctors believe that physical stress and mental strain can often aggravate IBS symptoms. They consider stress management should form part of treatment. This can entail counseling, stress reduction and relaxation therapies, some simple exercises and adequate sleep. For some, mere dietary and lifestyle changes may not be enough to get rid of symptoms and medical treatment may become necessary. Generally anti-spasmodic drugs are prescribed by doctors to lessen the involuntary muscular contractions. This will also help to stop diarrhoea and relieve pain. The doctor may advise you to take mild laxatives if you are suffering from constipation or have difficulties in moving bowels.

The use of antispasmodic drugs may help patients, especially those with cramps or diarrhea. Antispasmodics are of two groups- neurotropics and musculotropics. Neurotropics, act at the nerve fibre but can also affect other nerves and cause side effects. Musculotropics act directly at the smooth muscle of the gastrointestinal tract, relieving spasm without affecting normal gut motility.

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All reputable rescue shelters provide their wards with proper veterinarian care. Diseases such as distemper, parvo, rabies, leptospirosis, are detected and treatment administered if treatment exists and does not come too late to offer a cure. The mission of these shelters is to find loving, caring homes for these unfortunate creatures; and, delivering an unhealthy animal serves no one. But, it is advisable for the perspective adopting family to be aware of the signs and the prognosis of the most common ailments in the event that something was overlooked at the shelter. The sooner detection occurs, the better chance for a full recovery. 

So, here is a brief primer that will help you screen for any unhealthy condition your new family member could possibly be harboring. Please understand that this is in no way a substitute for veterinarian care. I try to cover a very broad range of maladies so all have been given only cursory coverage. Hopefully enough that will enable you to at least suspect your dog may require treatment and what that treatment might entail and how serious the infirmity is.


Look for symptoms similar to the common cold - like runny nose and eyes, coughing, high temperature, and diarrhea. These are early symptoms. If the disease has progressed, you may observe nervous twitching, convulsions and even paralysis. This is a very serious disease for which no treatment or cure exists. Canine distemper is caused by a very contagious virus transmitted by air. Dogs are normally vaccinated against distemper. So, a neglected rescue dog may not have had such treatment.


If your pup or dog is lethargic, feverish, exhibits vomiting, bloody diarrhea and rapid dehydration, he could be suffering from canine parvovirus. It is spread by contact with infected stools. It is deadly and highly contagious. Treatment will entail rigorous intravenous fluids to combat the diarrhea and resulting dehydration. Supportive therapy may also be required. Like distemper, cared for animals are vaccinated against parvo.

Tracheobronchitis (aka Kennel Cough)

This ailment is caused by a variety of viruses and bacteria. It attacks the respiratory system and inflicts a chronic, dry, hacking cough. Its very transmittable but generally remains a mild infection. However, in young pups and older dogs, if untreated, it could develop into pneumonia. There is treatment and recovery is the norm. Shots can be administered as a prevention.


Infects the kidneys and is caused by bacteria and spread through contact with mucous, urine or saliva of infected animals. Leptospirosis is of particular concern since it can infect humans. Symptoms in dogs include vomiting, diarrhea, and jaundice (detected by yellow color to gums, whites of the eyes and skin, excessive drinking, and extension of the dog's abdomen).   Intensive care treatment requires antibiotics and intravenous fluids. Animals that do recover are often left with permanent kidney damage. Vaccinations do exist, but the multitude of strains of this disease often thwart the effectiveness of preventive measures.

Canine Infectious Hepatitis (Adenovirus)

Transmitted through most animal excretions - urine, feces, saliva. Look for fever, depression, loss of appetite, coughing, and a tender abdomen. It affects the liver and kidney as well as the blood vessels. Intensive care will most likely be required which may include blood transfusions. A complete recovery is not at all certain.

Corona (Canine coronavirus)

This disease is far more prevalent in puppies since older dogs have built up immunity. Very similar in symptoms to parvovirus, except it is normally milder and more treatable. It's highly contagious and attacks the gastrointestinal tract. It causes moderate to severe vomiting and diarrhea and will lead to dehydration if not treated. Loss of appetite and depression and blood in the stool are also signs of the disease. It may even mimic poisoning. Treatment generally attempts to prevent the symptoms from worsening. Specifically, dehydration needs to be prevented through IV fluids, or even force-fed water.


A well-known viral infection of all mammals, including man, transmitted by the bite of an in­fected animal. Rabies attacks the central nervous system and causes encephalitis, and infection of the brain. It's a slow moving disease that causes the animal to go through several stages of varying symptoms, starting with nervousness, anxiety, and solitude. Next comes restlessness, irritability and extra sensitivity to noise and light. Then over salivation and difficulty swallowing. Finally, deep labored breathing, paralysis, and respiratory failure. If a dog isn't vaccinated and contracts rabies, death is certain. 

A primary responsibility of a conscientious owner of a rescue dog is to maintain your new dog's health. While many of viral and bacterial diseases are fatal if left untreated - and several cannot be treated at all after contraction - early detection certainly increases the chances of a successful cure, if one exists. Knowing the symptoms will help you with this early detection. I strongly recommend you immediately take your dog to the vet should you observe any unusual behavior or any of the aforementioned symptoms. Best of luck.  

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There are a number of different worms that can inhabit a dog's intestines. These dog parasites are most common in puppies and young dogs, and although they can make the dog unwell, are not considered life threatening. Generally, dog parasites, particularly roundworms, are passed from the mother to the puppy either before or right after birth.

Tapeworms are also quite common, and dogs of any age that are infested with fleas or who like to snack on the occasional gopher are at risk of acquiring them. Older dogs, however, are also very susceptible to a wider range of worms, including roundworms, whipworms, hookworms and tapeworms.


Tapeworms grow inside the small intestine, and are a very persistent dog parasite. The tapeworm is made up of a number of parts, including a head that stays attached to the intestine wall, and dozens of segments filled with eggs that break off and exit the body in the dog's feces. If you see what looks like rice grains or cream-colored maggots in the feces or around your dog's anus, that's likely to indicate tapeworms. They're usually about one quarter to one half of an inch long. These parasites can move a little, but only very slowly. Once the feces are dry, you can sometimes still see what looks like a rice of grain lurking in hair around the anus.


Roundworms get around a bit more than tapeworms, and can be found in both the small and large intestines of dogs. It's generally found in young puppies, and is passed on from their mother. It's extremely to check for roundworms yourself, as their presence basically requires the feces to be tested for traces of roundworms. Most of the time a light dose of roundworms won't cause the puppy too many problems, but heavier infestations need to be treated.


This particular parasite isn't as common as the first two, and generally only occurs in areas that are crowded and unsanitary. It does need to be treated, however, because it can cause serious health issues for the infected dog. Basically, the hookworm sucks up the animal's blood, which can result in anemia. It's important to consult your vet if your dog shows any symptoms of anemia, so that treatment can commence immediately.


Whipworms are common, but their presence usually doesn't cause any symptoms. Most of the time this parasite is dormant. Sometimes, though, your dog may develop a persistent watery diarrhea, which can indicate the presence of whipworms.

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The allure of a green tea diet attracts many to give it a try with the hopes of sizing down without lifting a finger. Popular culture programs us to constantly strive for svelte figures and washboard abs, so we seek opportunities far and wide to lose weight and look our best. This awesome diet will bring about better results if the following recommendations and guidelines are contemplated before indulging.

Note that changing your daily nutritional habits will cause changes in your digestive system. You should realize beforehand that the possible side effects may include stomach cramps, diarrhea, or loose stools. Take the necessary precautions to lower any future potential discomfort by heeding warning labels and dosage recommendations.

People with high blood pressure and hypertension would be wise to seek the advice of a medical professional before investing time in this wonderful diet. The caffeine in green tea could raise heart rates to alarming levels, so its best to put your personal well-being first by checking with your doctor to see if it is okay to begin, and worry about a diet's effectiveness later.

Thyroid problems arising from hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Green tea has a chemical (fluoride) which adversely affects the body's thyroid gland. People with thyroid conditions should discuss this with their primary health care provider to make sure the safest course of use is taken.

Achieve at least one sweat session per day, three times per week. No act by itself will cause you to melt off the excess pounds, you will achieve quicker results if you combine with daily exercise. Even a spirited walk after lunch will help you raise your metabolism. This, along with your green tea, will together boost you to a higher rate of fat loss.

Hazards of green tea consumption when pregnant, breastfeeding, or nursing infants. Teas are not given to very young children, and should not be administered to minors, so why raise the unneeded risk when caring for your kids. There will be plenty of time for consuming when your baby is older. For now, understand it is best to sacrifice and abstain from partaking of any tea - for the sake of your child's health.

Do not drink more than six cups of green tea per day. Moderation is usually the presiding rule when undergoing some form of nutritional program, and this is no exception. If at all possible, drink your six cups throughout the day, at reasonable intervals. Resist gulping down the daily quota in one fell swoop, your digestive system will be shocked at the sudden influx and eliminate the excess tea as fast as it can. You'll probably make frequent visits to the bathroom, so to avoid this, sip a cup here and there. A gradual introduction is best and will avoid those perplexed looks from fellow office mates.

As discussed, this diet is a helpful tool in the battle against expanding waistlines. Use sensible and common sense guidelines to make the most of participating in a green tea diet.

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Canine inflammatory bowel disease, or canine IBD, is not a specific disease. The condition occurs when inflammatory cells penetrate the stomach or intestinal wall. IBD normally affects dogs that are middle-aged or old.

IBD simply means that your dog is suffering from one of many different disorders that affects the gastrointestinal lining. Symptoms will occur frequently, and some dogs may have a very hard time in their daily lives since the disease can be quite debilitating.


Unfortunately, there is no specific cause known for canine inflammatory bowel disease. However, certain factors can lead to an increased risk for developing the condition. These factors include genetics, diet, and immune system deficiencies. Your dog may also be allergic to a specific food protein and develop a case of canine inflammatory bowel disease.


Canine inflammatory bowel disease can affect certain parts of your dog's gastrointestinal system. If the condition affects his stomach or upper part of the small intestine, your dog's most noticeable symptom will be vomiting. Canine inflammatory bowel disease that affects the intestines will cause chronic diarrhea. Sometimes, mucus or blood will appear in your dog's stool.

Both the stomach and intestines can be affected in some cases of canine IBD. This will cause both vomiting and diarrhea. If the condition becomes too severe, your dog may lose weight, lose his appetite, and develop a fever.


If your dog has chronic bouts with vomiting and diarrhea, your veterinarian may suspect a number of other conditions. These conditions can mimic the signs of IBD. Therefore, he would have to rule out other causes of the diarrhea and vomiting before making an accurate diagnosis.

There are a number of other things that need to be done in order to diagnose dogs with IBD. Starting your dog on a food trial is very common. X-rays and abdominal ultrasounds can also help the vet determine what's going on with your canine. The vet may also elect to do a biopsy of the intestinal walls if he suspects that IBD is to blame.


Canine inflammatory bowel disease is usually most effectively treated with corticosteroids. Corticosteroids are medications that help get rid of the inflammatory cells in the gastrointestinal system. You will also likely need to change your dog's food to a hypoallergenic diet. If canine inflammatory bowel disease is mainly affecting the colon, then your dog would likely benefit from foods that are high in fiber.

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Teething process usually starts when the baby is approximately six months old, some may experience it faster or slower than that. The first symptom that can be observed is the swelling of gum.

There is a sequence in how tooth starts to erupt, first the lower incisor, then the upper incisor, the molar and lastly canines. Although not all baby have the same symptom, the general symptoms are described below.

First, some babies may experience earache. If you observed your child been constantly touching his or her ears, there might be a high chance that the pain from the gum has transfer to the ear. Then, the baby drools more constantly.

Excessive saliva wets the area around the mouth. Be sure to wipe away the saliva gently as further aggressive actions might injure the already-sensitive area. Next, if some objects is place in front of the baby, he or she might grab it straight away and placed it in his or her mouth.

The chewing action is easily observed as babies in teething stage needs some object that can help them to ease the pressure and pain caused by swelling of gum. In some babies, they might experience rashes in the stomach area. Bum cream is required to cure the rash.

However, if the baby is also having diarrhea at the same time, it is advice to take the baby to a doctor. Other signs include higher body temperature, irritable, fussy and not able to sleep soundly.

To ease the discomfort, a teeth ring is usually given. Parents are advice to have some extra and keep in it the fridge to cool the teeth ring.

However, do not place it in the freezer as the frozen object can cause frost bit. In the market these days, teething gums with inflammation function can be given to the baby as well; anesthetic is found in these gums to help pain relief. If, nothing can help, it is better to see a GP for some medicine.

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Don't be surprised if your child quickly learns to resist using the toilet for pooping. Using the toilet for bowel movements can be difficult for a toddler to understand, as well as scary and undesirable. Try to make potty training as easy for your child as possible, even if he or she has a difficult time overcoming resistance to using a toilet for pooping.

First, find out why your child is resisting using the potty for bowel movements. He or she may actually be causing harm to the body by holding it in, but perhaps if the process is painful he or she may find a diaper more comfortable.

Toddlers who are constipated or suffer from diarrhea may find it difficult or embarrassing to use an adult toilet or to use the toilet with an adult present. Talk to your family doctor for advice. Simply changing your child's diet may make it more comfortable for him or her to go. Mineral oils can be especially useful here and you will find that it is easy to disguise in your child's drinks or sandwiches. You may also find it useful to have your child take medicine to help the problem. When bowel movements are easier, your child is less likely to resist.

Teaching your child to use the toilet for bowel movements may be difficult in itself. First, try emptying dirty diapers into the toilet. Have your child flush the toilet by his- or herself. Also use dolls and books to learn the process and have your child accompany you and their older relatives to the restroom. Take baby steps that build up to learning to use the toilet for bowel movements.

First, encourage your child to poop in the bathroom, even with a diaper still on. Next, have him or her learn to sit down in the bathroom, on the edge of a bathtub, on a potty chair, on the toilet with the lid down, or even on the floor, still wearing the diaper. The final step is to remove the diaper and have him or her use the toilet for bowl movements, just as adults do. Reward your child as he or she is successful with each step.

It is not uncommon for children to hold their stool, but this can have consequences. Often, a child will hold in the stool because he or she is afraid of using the toilet or simply does not want to stop what he or she is doing to waste time using the bathroom. This can cause discomfort in the abdomen, pain when using the toilet, decreased appetite, and other problems. If your child experiences this, talk to you paediatrician to be sure he or she is not significantly compromising his or her health.

Remember that your child simply may not be ready to use the potty. Resistance to bowel movements on the toilet is very common, but if it continues for a long period of time or results in other problems, you and your child may just need a break. Potty training is a difficult step in a child's life, but it will happen eventually with a little hard work and understanding, so be sure to give your child support throughout this stage of life.

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