If you are experiencing infertility issues you should not be embarrassed, you are not alone, actually half of the cases of infertility all over the world are caused by an issue with the man's fertility. And, obviously, as you may have guessed, the other half of the cases are due to issues with the woman's fertility.

The most common causes of male infertility are a result of a low sperm count, poor sperm motility, or sperm that are abnormally shaped. Poor sperm motility results when the sperm is not able to swim fast enough or in the right direction to be able to reach the egg and fertilize it.

The following are 5 Ways that you can naturally improve male fertility:

1. Take more Zinc.

Semen is full of zinc, which is a mineral that is required for healthy sperm to form. You can find zinc in seeds and nuts, bee pollen, hemp seeds, and seaweed.

Oysters are actually one of the greatest sources of zinc, but they should not be eaten regularly, as consuming too much zinc may cause interference in your body's ability to absorb the various other minerals that it requires and can lead to severe abdominal cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea. Oysters may also contain water borne pollutants, pathogens, and have a large amount of mercury in them.

2. Start Eating Organic Foods.

The hormones and pesticides that can be found in non-organic foods can cause infertility problems in men. The easiest way to switch to organic food is to transition gradually. This can be accomplished by replacing just one non-organic food with an organic one slowly until you are eventually eating nothing but organic vegetables, fruits, meats, seafood, poultry and nuts.

Some research has shown that organic foods also contain an increased nutritional value because they are free from genetic mutations.

3. Change the Personal Care Products You Use.

When I say change your personal care products, I am referring to switching your body washes, shaving creams, shampoos and conditioners, hand soaps, hair spray, gels, tanning lotions, etc. to ones that are made up of all natural ingredients, or as many as possible. Products you should avoid that could lead to infertility issues in males include ones that contain ingredients like parabens, fragrances, colorings, sodium lauryl sulfate etc.

4. No More Fast and Processed Foods.

Processed and fast foods are some of the most nutritionally absent foods on the market and the fact that they are full of additives, chemicals, and food colorings, can contribute to male fertility problems. For example, FD&C Yellow No. 5 or Yellow food coloring, also referred to as Tartrazine, is an extremely toxic chemical that can cause fertility issues in both women and men.

5. Start Drinking More Water.

I am sure you have heard this suggestion for many other health related problems out there today, but it is just as helpful for male infertility issues as well. Sufficient water intake is very important for proper function of the body's natural processes, and this includes sperm production, motility, and conception. The best sign to know that you are drinking enough water is that your urine is always clear whenever you go to the bathroom.

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Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are the common infection that can be transmitted from infected person to sexual partner. Human sexual behavior through vaginal intercourse, oral sex and anal sex are common ways to transmit the infected virus with your sexual partner.

However infected person can also spread virus through syringe or if infective person is currently pregnant the unborn child is a possible carrier of such disease.

Unsafe sexual attachment may develop such infection. Basically the risks of sexually transmitted disease is incrementing and more alarming to woman's part for if sexual partner has infected virus the cervix or the neck of the womb narrow portion has an opening hole which allows the sperm to flow and transmit the disease to another human being. Infected person doesn't have obvious symptoms that can possible linked to it, however by seeking medical help it might be treated accurately and eliminate such turmoil.

Sexually transmitted disease could be asymptomatic therefore turmoil maybe present but without any signs or symptoms. Though no signs are visible yet unsafe sex might transmit the virus to your partner the safer to do is protect yourself use condoms or at regular basis have STD screening.

Transmitted virus based on sexual contact common to men and women:

Bacterial infection usually at your genital tract is affected without any visible sign to detect and prevent early-stage of infection. After sexual intercourse usually 7-21 day period you been exposed to Chlamydia but still without visible appearance or smelly odor. However if sudden changes are present where painful during urination, successive abdominal pain, smelly discharge to most women and men, painful sexual activity are some of the visible signs and symptoms of infection.

Bacterial infections are visible after 7-10 days of exposure or even in months. Usually infected person has bloody discharges, painful urination, abnormal menstrual bleed, anal itch and painful sexual intercourse.

Minuscule parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis usually spread throughout sexual intercourse with infected person. Symptoms appear to infected person are irritation, inflammation, discharges and internal irritation.

Human immunodeficiency virus affects human ability to fight virus and bacteria that leads to life threatening turmoil. Flu like symptoms is present to infected individual usually the complication appears 14 to 42 days from initial development of virus. Early indications are fever, sore throat, headache, rash and fatigue.

Genital herpes
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) inters human body through skin breaks or mucous membranes. Usually no exact indication that you almost have the turmoil the later part appears to be the worst condition involves swelling, itching genital area and red bumps.

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Genmaicha is the Japanese name for green tea combined with roasted brown rice. While sometimes referred to colloquially as "popcorn tea," because of a certain amount of popped rice, Japanese varieties do not contain any actual corn


Genmaicha is a blend of bancha green tea and Genmai (roasted rice grain). The proportioning of tea to rice is important, the more aromatic Genmaicha teas have a higher amount of rice. Other blends are known including Matcha and Genmaicha. The tea should be infused with high temperature (not quite boiling) water, but let it only infuse for 30 seconds. Use approximately 5 grams of tea for each deciliter of water.


A very common beverage in Japan, Genmaicha can be drunk late into the evening without disturbing sleep. The tea is said to help digestion and is often served after a meal in Japan. Genmaicha is a modest source of vitamin B1 and, like bancha and hojicha, is low in caffeine.

Flavor / Aromoa

The flavor of Genmaicha is a melange of green tea and roasted rice. The roasted aroma of genmai in tea has the effect of lightening the bitterness of the lower-grade sencha. The brown rice gives the tea a nutty flavor. Like green tea, genmaicha should be prepared using hot, but not boiling, water.

Green Sencha Leaf Tea

Over three quarters of all tea produced in Japanese tea gardens is Sencha, a tea selected for its pleasant sharpness and fresh qualities complementing a leaf of high uniformity and rich emerald color. Historically prepared by roasting, today Sencha is steam treated before further processing with hot-air drying and finally pan-frying.


Most regions make a number of kinds of Sencha, which are named according to the kind of processing used. Needle leaf Sencha is processed in Shizuoka and in the Yame region of Fukuoka. In other areas, including Kyushu, the comma-shaped leaf form is processed.


Sencha is the tea most likely to be offered in a Japanese household or restaurant. The higher grades of Sencha are available outside Japan


However, the flavor, color and quality of Sencha varies, depending not only on origin but also season and leaf processing practices employed. Later harvests of Sencha have more astringent qualities, a more robust flavor and generally less aroma.

The earliest season Shincha (first month's sencha harvest) is available in April in the south of Japan, and prized for its high vitamin content, sweetness and superior flavor.

Gunpower Green Tea

Chinese gunpowder tea is a green tea from the Zhejiang Province in China. It takes its English name from the fact that each grey-green leaf is tightly rolled into a tiny pellet, "exploding" into a long leaf upon being steeped in hot water.

Gunpowder tea production dates back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907) but it was first introduced to Taiwan in the 1800s. Although the individual leaves were formerly rolled by hand, today most gunpowder tea is rolled by machines (though the highest grades are still rolled by hand). When buying gunpowder tea it is important to look for shiny pellets, which indicate that the tea is relatively fresh.

Gunpowder tea is exported to the Maghreb where it is used in the preparation of traditional North African mint tea. The Moroccan tea ritual is at the heart of any social gathering, from an informal visit to a neighbour to lavish soirees with dignitaries. A minimum of two cups need to be drunk as not to offend the host.

Gunpowder tea production dates back to the Tang Dynasty (AD 618 - 907) but it was first introduced to Taiwan in the 1800s.

When buying Gunpowder it is important to look for shiny pellets, which indicate that the tea is relatively fresh.

Jasmine Tea

Jasmines are widely cultivated for their flowers, enjoyed in the garden, as house plants, and as cut flowers. The flowers are worn by women in their hair in southern and southeast Asia. Some claim that the daily consumption of Jasmine tea is effective in preventing certain cancers. Many species also yield an essential oil which is used in the production of perfumes and incense.

Jasminum sambac flowers are also used to make tea, which typically has a green tea or Oolong base. The delicate Jasmine flower opens only at night and is plucked in the morning when the tiny petals are tightly closed. They are then stored in a cool place until night. Between six and eight in the evening, as the temperature cools, the petals begin to open. Flowers and tea are "mated" in machines that control temperature and humidity. It takes four hours or so for the tea to absorb the fragrance and flavour of the Jasmine blossoms, and for the highest grades, this process may be repeated as many as seven times. Because the tea has absorbed moisture from the flowers, it must be refired to prevent spoilage. The spent flowers may or may not be removed from the final product, as the flowers are completely dry and contain no aroma. They simply add visual appeal and are no indication of the quality of the tea.

Kukicha Twig Tea

Kukicha, or twig tea, is a Japanese blend of green tea made of stems, stalks, and twigs.

Kukicha has a nutty, slightly creamy flavour. It is made of four sorts of stems, stalks and twigs of Camellia sinensi. For best results, kukicha is steeped in water between 70 to 80 C (155 - 180 degrees Fahrenheit) during three minutes (otherwise, like all green teas, the result will be a bitter, unsavoury brew).

Uniquely flavourful, kukicha is also one of the preferred teas of the macrobiotic diet. Kukicha can also be added to juice to make an excellent children's drink. Kukicha is a powerful anti-oxidant and is very low in caffeine, in fact the lowest in caffeine of all traditional teas.

White Peony Tea

White tea from the Fujian province of China. White Peony, known locally as Pai Mu Tan, is a delicate tea made from tea buds collected and withered prior to opening. The latest medical findings suggest that white tea may be a more effective cancer fighter than even green tea. These findings have brought white teas to a much wider audience.

Modern-day white teas can be traced to the 18th Century Qing Dynasty, a time when they were harvested from ordinary tea bushes. White teas differed from green teas in that their processing did not incorporate any steaming or pan-firing. The teas were simply shaped, and allowed to wither. The resulting leaves were thin, small and did not have much silvery-white hair. It wasn't until 1885 that specific varietals of tea bushes were selected to make white teas. The large, silvery-white leaves of the Silver Needle came into being in 1891. And the production of White Peony began around 1922.

White Silver Needle Tea

White Silver Needle Tea is chiefly produced in Fujian Province in China with only limited or negligible production outside and more commonly just known as Yinzhen. Amongst white teas this is the most expensive variety and the most prized as only top buds are used to produce the tea. Most Yinzhen is made from the Da Bai or Large White tea tree race, however there are exceptions such as the big bud teas from Yunnan.


The very best Yinzhen are picked between March 15 and April 10 when it is not raining and only using undamaged and unopened buds, however lower graded Yinzhen may not be strict on all of these attributes. Yinzhen tea is considered to be good for health, as it is extremely low in caffeine. According to the researchers at the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University, white tea may be used to fight cancer as well as acting as a deterrent.

The tea is nowadays mostly grown in the Fujian Province and there are generally two major producing counties, Zheng He and Fuding.

Tasting and Brewing

This tea is best prepared with below boiling water (at about 75 degrees Celsius) and produces a slightly viscous glittering pale yellow color with evidence of floating white hairs that reflect light. The flavor and fragrance should be delicate, light, fresh, and slightly sweet. Steeping should be for slightly longer than other white teas, up to 5 minutes, and the amount of tea to be used is usually higher. There are few parallels to be drawn as the taste is not similar to any other teas but Bai Mu Dan.

Yerba Mate Tea

Yerba mate is a species of holly native to subtropical South America in northern Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and southern Brazil and Bolivia. Yerba Mate has a characteristic mature flavor which is somewhat sweet, bitter, withered leaf like, and alfalfa-like. This is also called the fat burning tea. It comes from South America and has been consumed there for eons.

The yerba mate plant is a shrub or small tree growing up to 15 meters tall. The leaves are evergreen, 7-11 cm long and 3-5.5 cm wide, with a serrated margin. The flowers are small, greenish-white, with four petals. The fruit is a red berry 4-6 mm diameter.


The plant is grown mainly in South America, more specifically in Paraguay, Northern Argentina (Corrientes, Misiones), Uruguay and southern Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná). The Guaraní are reputed to be the first people who cultivated the plant; the first Europeans to do this were Jesuit missionaries, who spread the drinking habit as far as Ecuador.

When the yerba is harvested, the branches are dried sometimes with a wood fire, imparting a smoky flavour. Then the leaves and sometimes the twigs are broken up.

Researchers at Florida International University in Miami have found that yerba mate does contain caffeine, but some people seem to tolerate a mate drink better than coffee or tea. This is expected since mate contains different chemicals (other than caffeine) than tea or coffee.

From reports of personal experience with mate, its physiological effects are similar to (yet distinct from) more widespread caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea, or guarana drinks. Users report a mental state of wakefulness, focus and alertness reminiscent of most stimulants, but often remark on mate's unique lack of the negative effects typically created by other such compounds, such as anxiety, diarrhea, "jitteriness", and heart palpitations.

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During pregnancy, the baby is like a parasite and will take all the nutrients that he requires from you. If your diet is sufficient in nutrients for both, it does not cause any problems. If on the other hand your diet is insufficient for both, then your recovery after the birth will take longer and if you still do not replenish your body stores during the confinement period, you may remain weak for a long time. This is probably why our elders make such a lot of fuss about eating well during the confinement period.

Wherever you are in the world, everyone will try and tell you what to eat and if possible how to eat it. The most important thing to do is follow your own body's needs. Whatever you eat, do make sure that you have a good balance of proteins, vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates, and water in every meal.

Just remember the following pointers:

1. If you are breast feeding whatever you eat will be transferred to your baby via your breast milk therefore it is important that you eat a balanced diet so that your baby will get the right nutrients for optimum growth and development.

2. Some food does cause the baby to become 'windy' or have loose stools. If you find that your baby is suddenly quite unsettled, try and think of what you ate during the last 12 hours. Avoid that food for a few days and then try again. If the same happens again, then you should avoid that particular food for a while and re-introduce it into your diet by taking a very small amount and see how baby reacts then slowly increase the amount so that baby gets used to the food.

3. You may find that your appetite is slightly low especially during the first week. This is normal as your body is readjusting to its non-pregnant state both physically and mentally therefore it is better to have small frequent meals instead of the normal 3 big meals a day.

4. You need to drink plenty of fluids in order to make sufficient breast milk and if you are forbidden to drink water, you can get the amount of fluid from other sources such as soup.

So what should you eat?

Most Eastern cultures believe that your body is cold after delivery therefore you should avoid cooling or cold food but eat a lot of yang or 'heaty' food to warm the body up. However, if you are normally a yang person, eating too much 'heaty' food may cause rashes and fever. In this case it would be better to reduce the amount of 'heaty' food and eat more neutral food. If you are normally a Yin person, you should not have any problems eating 'heaty' food (lucky devils). The following table gives you a quick review of the types of food to eat or avoid.

Types of food to avoid

'Cooling food' for example: banana, cabbage, cucumber, coconut and Chinese cabbage
Contribute to mother's poor blood circulation and stomach ache in the baby if you are breastfeeding. Salt as a condiment and salty foods in general are to be rejected, too, in the belief that use reduces breast milk production

'Acidic food' for example: pineapple, mango, lemon, lime
Contribute to excessive lochia in the mother and diarrhea in the baby.

Too much 'Heaty food' for example: chilli, pepper, spices, tonics, spirits and medicines.
Contribute to diarrhea in the baby and maternal headaches

'Windy food' for example: jackfruit, tapioca, pumpkin, onions.
Contribute to baby being colicky and may cause indigestion for mother and baby.

Poisonous food such as prawns, shellfish, crab, eel, ginger
Delay healing of the mother's wound and may cause allergies and eczema in the baby. These foods may cause stomach upsets and vomiting

Type of food recommended

To improve milk production

Chicken, squid, clams (small varieties), fish (especially carp), millet, mutton, pork, rice wine, sea slug, soybean milk mixed with powdered walnuts, wheat cakes, wheat noodles with egg, green papaya

To provide strength to the mother so she recovers quickly from the exertion of labor.
Chicken, frog, Panax ginseng, licorice extract and razor clam

What you eat also depends on what you believe in and who cooks for you. If it is your mother or MIL you may not have many choices. I have seen women quarrelling and not talking to each other because of this issue. Try and work out a compromise which is acceptable to both parties. Use a persuasive and logical approach instead of confrontation.

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Wait--what? Everything I've heard or been told is that breastfeeding is the best thing I can do for my baby. And I've heard people say that "when their baby had colic it was the worst time of their life." So now you are saying that nursing is a possible cause of colic?

Well, it's not the most common cause of colic but it is a possibility.

First, just to be clear, let's define what colic is. The medical definition is:

A healthy, well-fed infant who cries for more than three hours per day, for more than three days per week, for more than three weeks.

When an infant cries inconsolably, one night can seem like a lifetime. Two nights and most new parents have made an appointment with their doctor.

Given that the misery of colic can persist for a month or more, it is advisable to explore all possible causes--and, believe it or not, that list can include breastfeeding. Studies have shown (National Health and Medical Research Council 1996 Infant feeding guidelines for health workers. Australian Government Publishing Service, Commonwealth Australia) that breastfeeding can occasionally cause colic. But why? How can this be?

There's no question that breastfeeding is nearly always the best thing for your baby. However, for an unfortunate few, it can contribute to colic. There are a number of potential reasons for this--but don't lose hope, and don't give up yet on nursing: changes in behavior or diet can often cure your baby's colic.

The first thing to look at is how you are feeding your baby. Is there good suction? This is also known as a good latch. Occasionally, the size or shape of the breast makes it difficult for a baby to latch on properly. Sometimes the way the nipples are formed can make it difficult for a baby to get the nipple all the way into his or her mouth. A large breast can make it hard for a baby to latch on correctly.

One of the ways you can tell if your baby's latch is not as good as it could be is to watch to see how much work your baby is doing to get at the milk. Does he tend to struggle and wiggle around as he feeds, or does she tend to spill a lot of milk? These signs can mean that your baby may be getting too much air with the milk. This can result in excess gas and can lead to the symptoms of colic. If you've tried repositioning and nothing seems to work or is comfortable, considered getting advice from a lactation specialist. Check with your pediatrician or organizations like La Leche League.

Another potential cause of colic is the active letdown reflex--that is, your baby gets too much milk too fast. When feedings are too infrequent, your breast becomes engorged. It is like a balloon that is filled with too much air. When your baby then first starts to feed, the milk comes out forcefully and will often spit from the breast. This pushes air down into your baby's stomach and can result in cramps that lead to colic symptoms. There's a simple solution for this: feed more frequently.

Timed feedings are also a possible cause of colic. One doctor noted that, in countries where watches or clocks are common, colic seemed to be more prevalent than in parts of the world where they are rarer. Sometimes, taking a baby from the breast too early, before a feeding has truly concluded, can result in some subtle side effects that may contribute to colic. Early in a feeding, much of the content of breast milk is sugar or lactase. This is known as the fore milk. Most of the calories, fats, and complex carbohydrates are in the hind milk. Your baby gets to this milk when the breast is almost empty. When a feeding is artificially concluded too soon, your baby gets mostly the milk sugar. Their bodies are not capable of breaking this down, which often leads to gas and bloating. It can even lead to very soft stools or diarrhea.

In addition, because the caloric content of fore milk is not high, your baby will be hungrier. This, in turn, makes him or her more likely to attack the breast, which can result in a poor latch, leading to air and gas that cause symptoms of colic. What do you do? The simple solution is to feed often and avoid switching breasts. Don't time your feedings; allow your baby to finish one breast thoroughly in a feeding. Let your baby tell you when to stop the feeding. When they are done, then the feeding is over.

If none of these strategies seem to work, try to start a Misery Journal: record when your baby cries; how long; his or her affect (e.g., bent legs, clenching fists). This will help your health care provider come to a quicker diagnosis.

It may come down to your diet. It is possible your baby is allergic to something you're eating. (If you're lucky, it's something you really hate.) Keeping a record of your diet will probably pay off, as this is most likely the first thing your health care practitioner will ask for. Hopefully, she will tell you that the issue lies in the low chocolate content in your diet.

Make sure you are always checking your baby for other symptoms of fever, excessive drooling, vomiting, or diarrhea. If your baby is showing any of these symptoms, call your doctor right away as these are indications of a more serious illness.

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Reducing the exposure to carcinogens is one of the "Major Recommendations for cancer prevention." The American Cancer Society.
Charles Jacobson, compliance officer of the US. Consumer Product and Safety Commission in the area of toxic chemicals, said, "If every carcinogenic ingredient were banned, there would be hardly any products on the market."

Do you know anyone who is troubled by respiratory problems, liver damage, kidney problems, chest pains, rashes, dizziness, convulsions, shortness of breath, vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, fatigue, headaches, nervousness, nausea, drowsiness, irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, and skin or cancer ?
Well, ! It is likely caused by the "SEA OF CHEMICALS THEY ARE LIVING IN" !

These chemicals are found today in most Name Brand household products that are sold in your Grocery Stores, products that most of us have bought. At the time, we believed that they were safe for us to use in and around our home and family.

1: Isopropyl Alcohol poisonous, toxic & carcinogenic

2: Isopropanol poisonous toxic & carcinogenic

3: Benzyl - (benzene) poisonous, toxic & carcinogenic

4: Chlorine poisonous, toxic & carcinogenic

5: Phenol highly toxic & highly carcinogenic major killer in the US

6: Ammonia highly toxic & carcinogenic

7: Halogenated hydrocarbons highly toxic & carcinogenic

8: Aromatic amines carcinogenic

9: Amino Azobenzene carcinogenic

10: Methylene Chloride poisonous toxic, birth defects & carcinogenic

11: Perthloroethylene poisonous, toxic, birth defects & carcinogenic

12: Sodium Nitrite carcinogenic

13: Toluene toxic & carcinogenic

14: Xylene toxic & carcinogenic

15: Is amyl Alcohol toxic & carcinogenic

16: 4-Dimethylaminoazobenzene carcinogenic

17: Diethylene Glycol poisonous

18: Diethyl Ether poisonous

19: Sodium Hydroxide causes lung damage & destructive effect upon tissue

20: Sodium Hypochlorite bleaches) poisonous & toxic

21: Borax toxic

22: Hydrochloric Acid poisonous & toxic

23: Phosphorus highly poisonous & toxic (explosive)

24: Dichlorine monoxide extremely toxic

25: Chlorine monoxide extremely toxic

26: Chlorine dioxide extremely toxic

27: Chlorine hex oxide extremely toxic

28: Chlorine heptoxide extremely toxic

If you need more, read "A Consumers Dictionary of Household Yard and Office Chemicals" by Ruth Winters.
You can find a copy at your local Library.

If you are ready to change the products you currently use and make your home environmentally safe for your family, I can show you how. I can also show you how to make a part time or full time income showing others about the harmful chemicals found in household products and how to replace the products loaded with carcinogens to products that have natural ingredients but are very effective.

For more information you may email me at tc@thewinnersteam.net or visit my web site at [http://tc.thewinnersteam.net/].

Tami Calendo

posted by Tami Calendo @ 12:29 PM 0 comments

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Distemper is usually a disease of young cats, which, having once had it and having recovered, are protected from future attacks. It is however, sometimes seen in older cats, especially so when the disease occurs when the disease is constantly present in an animal community but only occurs in a small number of cases or affecting a large number of animals at the same time.

The first symptoms of distemper are those of fever, with the combination of symptoms such as an inflammation of one of the organs, or an injury which is somewhat serious, it shows that it is ill more decidedly than any other animal. It appears sicker with troubles of the same severity than do other animals.

In the beginning the cat loses its appetite, and seeks a dark corner, where it wants to remain out of sight. These may be more or less severe according to the gravity of the attack. Shortly after the beginning of the fever you will find a watery discharge from the eyes, which may become crusty later: a discharge from the nostrils of thick mucus at first, and crusty later which may even be tinged with blood.

The disease may be followed later by diseases of the respiratory system or of the digestive system, which in their local appearance are Gastritis, Constipation and Diarrhea, including those of the stomach, the intestines, but which are more severe than they are in their sporadic form, because they are grafted onto the body of an animal already suffering from fever and weakened by it.

Let it be understood, however, that in cases which have been going on for some little time, while the present condition of the animal is perfectly evident, it is not possible to make a diagnosis between these two following conditions;

1. A cat which has been infected first with distemper, has developed fever, and has the complication of a severe bronchi-pneumonia or of a severe diarrhea, or is excessively debilitated and weak; or

2. A cat which has been affected with a severe bronchitis and bronchi-pneumonia , or a severe diarrhea which is continued for some little time, and has produced by the local irritation and inflammation a fever which is secondary, and the cat has been weakened and is greatly debilitated.

These two cases are absolutely identical, and the treatment for it is practically the same. Suppose, however, that not one cat alone, but several, are found in the same house or stable in the same condition, or in variable degrees pointing toward the same disease, or other cats have been presenting the same symptoms, then you can assume it to be distemper.

The cat with distemper must be isolated at once, and put into a quiet room where it is well protected from drafts of air, while still supplied with fresh air. Consult with your veterinarian distemper can be very contagious. The strength of the cat must be kept up, but do not force food unless it is absolutely necessary.

This information is intended as an informational guide only. This is not to be substituted for professional veterinary care. Always ask your Veterinary for advice and have them explain why they have chosen that treatment and what the side affects are.

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Constipation occurs when waste material moves through the bowel too slowly. It is characterized as infrequent bowel movements and the passage of hard and painful stools. Usually constipation is caused by a diet low in fiber, ingesting too much dairy products such as milk and cheese, not drinking enough water or waiting too long to go to the bathroom. Waiting too long to go to the bathroom is very common among young children. It is amazing how kids will ignore the urge to use the bathroom until they are two seconds from wetting their pants. Talk about procrastination!

If a child has hard and painful stools, he will typically hold in his bowel movements to prevent it from hurting again. This makes the constipation continue and worsen. Remind your child to go when they have the urge and not wait until the last minute.

Constipation is best treated by making dietary changes. Until the constipation has improved stool softeners and natural remedies may be used. Some measures that can be used to treat and prevent constipation in your child include:

Increasing fluids: Increase the amount of water and fruit juice that your child drinks each day.

Increasing fiber: Increase the amounts of fruits and vegetables. Raw, unpeeled fruits and vegetables such as beans, sweet potatoes, peas, turnip greens, raw tomatoes and corn contain an excellent amount of fiber. Vegetable soups are especially high in fiber and also add more liquids to your child's diet.

Increasing bran: Increase bran in your child's diet with bran cereals, bran muffins, shredded wheat, graham crackers, or whole wheat bread.

Reducing constipating foods: Foods that cause constipation include cow's milk, yogurt, cheese, cooked carrots, and bananas. Drinking too much milk (your child may only be drinking 2-3 cups a day, but it may be too much for his system to handle) is heavily associated with having constipation. Soy milk has been shown to soften stools.

Stool Softeners

Many medicines used to prevent constipation can be purchased over the counter at your local pharmacy. They include Colace Syrup, Maltsupex, Metamucil, Milk of magnesia, Citrucel, mineral oil.

Unlike laxatives, stool softeners are usually not considered to be habit forming. You should use them once or twice a day and work up on the dose until your child is having a soft stool each day. If you child starts to have diarrhea, then you are giving too much and should cut back on the dosage.

Acute Constipation

If your child has been constipated for a long time he may need to be "cleaned out" before the stool softeners will work by using an enema, a glycerine suppository or high doses of mineral oil. A stimulate laxative such as Senokot can also be used. Miralax is an effective medicine used to treat constipation but is available only by prescription. Avoid the frequent use of enemas, suppositories and laxatives because they can become habit forming. Contact your physician before treating a child with acute constipation.

Natural Remedies

Natural remedies and dietary supplements that aid in the preventing constipation


*Garlic - destroys harmful bacteria in the colon.

*Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids - has a cleansing and healing effect.

*Chlorophyll Liquid - eliminates toxins and bad breath.

*Vitamin E - helps heal the colon.

*Aloe Vera - heals and cleans the digestive tract and softens stools when taken internally.

*Ginger - stimulates the digestive system and helps food pass through the intestines.

* Flax seed - You can buy flaxseeds and crush them yourself and add it in your food. Make sure to drink plenty of water.

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Allergies are resulted from the over reaction of our body immune system towards allergens (things that trigger allergies) such as grass, dust, pollens, fungi, molds, particular foods, and any other things containing chemicals which include cosmetics, soaps, perfumes, cleaning agents, and sunscreens. Symptoms of allergies are various depending on the allergens. Commonly, people who suffer from allergies tend to have watery eyes, repeated sneezing, runny nose, skin irritation (e.g. inflammation, rashes, itching), and sinus headaches. Others may also have wheezing, shortness of breath, diarrhea, nausea, and chronic indigestion. Many plants around us have healing properties to cure or lessen the symptoms of allergies. Here are some commonly used ones:

1. Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

This root is the most common remedy used to relieve allergies. This tropical plant is about two feet in height, has lanced-shaped leaves as well as yellow- or white-colored flowers. Some symptoms that can be relieved by ginger among others are colds, nausea, arthritis, and asthma. Ginger can also be used for protecting our digestive system and liver from parasites and toxins. The root can be used fresh or dried. Fresh ginger is beneficial for dryness and heat symptoms, while the dried one is used for relieving chill and dampness. For preventing infection, chopped ginger roots are usually used; meanwhile, powdered ginger is used for asthma and other allergies.

2. Eucalypts (Eucalyptus globulus)

Eucalypts is a member of clove family. This plant is used for many symptoms of allergies such as infections, fevers, colds, flu, and sore throat. Eucalypts is also beneficial chest infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia as it can clear nasal passages, improve blood flow in muscles, loose phlegm, and protect our skin from bug bites. To relieve the symptoms, the plant is commonly made into aromatic or essential oil. Besides made into oil, eucalypts is also made into capsules and teas.

3. Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica)

When accidentally touches the skin, this plant's leaves can leave pain that can last for one hour or more. To relieve it, rub crushed Yellow dock leaves onto the stung area. Although quite dangerous (still, not toxic), nettle has many healing properties. Its leaves, roots and seeds are particularly beneficial for our health. Drinking nettle daily can help breastfeeding mothers maintaining lactation, treat anemia (as it is high in iron, Vitamin C, and chlorophyll), and serve children with good source of vitamins and minerals. Nettle can also be alternative to processed milk and high-sugared juices since dark green nettle leaves taste like milk. The plant's root extract can relieve seasonal allergies symptoms (e.g. watery eyes, itching, and sinus congestion), while its fresh leaves and seeds are made into tinctures and medicinal oil.

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In the hustle and bustle of moving your kids out the door in the morning, it can sometimes be a tough call to send them to school or keep them home sick when they complain about not feeling well. While it is not a good habit to allow them to take a lot of sick days for minor discomforts and complaints, there are certain situations in which they really do need to stay at home. The following list has several cases when it really is necessary to keep your sick children home from school.


Regardless of other symptoms, a child experiencing vomiting should be kept home from school. Keep them home until you are sure that they can stomach a normal diet.

A High Fever

A fever is the body's way of fighting off infection. If your child has a fever of 100.5 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, this means that their body is in this process and attempting to become well. You should keep them home from school until they have been free from their fever for at least 24 hours.

"Tummy Trouble"

If your child is going to the bathroom too frequently or if they are severely constipated, they should not be sent to school. Any case of diarrhea with extremely frequent bowel movements is definitely a good reason for them to stay at home. When a child experiences diarrhea that is bloody or diarrhea that comes with vomiting, a fever, or a stomach ache, they should see a doctor as soon as possible. Constipation isn't as serious, but chronic constipation or constipation that is accompanied by fever, vomiting, abdominal swelling, or blood in the stool warrants a visit to the pediatrician.

Certain Rashes

A rash is not necessarily reason enough to keep a child home from school, because many that develop will be harmless, minor cases of irritated skin. However, there are certain red flags that help you to decide if it is time to head to school or time to visit the pediatrician. If the rash appears with other symptoms, like a fever or trouble swallowing, it may be a sign of something serious and should be checked out by a doctor. The same goes for any rash that is itchy or scaly because it may be contagious and put other students at risk.

Severe Cough

Most coughs are not a reason for a sick day. However, when a child is coughing in a way the produces a lot of phlegm, keeping them up at night, or experiences a cough that is accompanied by a fever or difficulty breathing, they should be kept home and have an appointment set up with their pediatrician.

A Doctor Recommends It

When you are really in doubt as to whether or not you should send your child to school, give their doctor a call. Sometime a simple phone consultation will be able to help you to decide, especially with a doctor that is already familiar with your child and their medical history.

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