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The presence of blood in your cat's stool may send you in a panic. Why not? Feline bloody stool is not a joke. This can be a sign of a serious medical problem in your cat. In order to determine what could really have caused this problem in your cat, the best thing for you to do is to take your cat to the vet. Before you take your cat to the vet, though, it may be helpful to figure out other symptoms that may be noticeable aside from the presence of blood in the cat's stool. A little information about your cat will help the vet determine the real problem behind the cat's situation.

If your cat has been suffering from feline bloody diarrhea, try to see if you will notice any one or more of these other symptoms:
o Excessive drinking
o Exertion and pain during defecation
o Sudden weight loss
o Loss of appetite
o Lethargy

If your cat shows any of these signs aside from diarrhea, chances are that it may be suffering from a more severe problem. There are many factors that can lead a cat to excrete a bloody stool. Some of these factors are the presence of parasites, bacterial infection, colitis or bowel inflammation, food intolerance or allergy, ingestion of poisonous substance, and ingestion of certain drugs.

The vet will know how to treat the different symptoms associated with the blood in the cat's stool. He can also advice and prescribe medications that can best treat your pet. However, if for some reason you cannot go to the vet to have the animal diagnosed and treated, you may want to try treating the problem at home.

Since feline bloody stool and diarrhea may be caused by intolerance or allergy in the diet, you can try changing your pet's diet. Be sure to feed it with high quality food. It would be better if you feed the animal natural food that is high in fiber, rich in protein, and contains low levels of fat instead of giving it processed food. Processed cat food may contain preservatives, fillers, and additives that may not be good for your pet. Also, avoid giving your cat food scraps from your table.

If you suspect that the animal has parasites, you may give it a de-worming medication. However, be sure that the medication you will be giving is safe. Some medications can induce feline bloody diarrhea.

Another way to treat feline bloody stool and all the symptoms associated with it is to give the pet herbal remedies or homeopathic remedies. Many cat owners have used these remedies in treating several problems in feline's health. Herbal remedies and homeopathic remedies have properties that are as effective as antibiotics in treating the problem in cats, but they do not have the side effects that antibiotics may have. This makes herbal and homeopathic remedies a good alternative treatment for any problem in the pet's health.

However, be wary when choosing the right homeopathic formula for your feline friend. Not all natural alternatives are created equal. There are homeopathic remedies and herbal remedies which may not be able to give you the effect you expect. When buying homeopathic remedies, be sure that the product you are buying contains ingredients such as uva ursi, berberis vulgaris, cantharis, and staphysagris. These ingredients are helpful in addressing the problem in your cat.

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Many people are affected every day by a horrible disease that unless treated could make them unable to even leave their home. It is important to not only manage colitis but to also know that not one treatment fits all. Colitis can be attributed to many factors such as heredity, stress and some have even said spiritual issues. The fact remains that every year many Colitis sufferers never get their condition managed because they simply believe they are doomed to a suffering.

There are many situations that colitis can surface in. Colitis can begin as what seems like the flu but never quite recovers. One might have severe explosive diarrhea during a period of stress and believe it is just something that will pass. Often however when mucous and blood exist in the intestinal tract an infection can create complications.

Some cases of Colitis can become so severe that removal of the colon would be recommended. Once inflammation, infection and bleeding begin it is difficult to eliminate.

Colitis Complications

Ulcerative colitis, an inflammatory bowel disease that typically affects those between the ages of 15 and 40, can cause abdominal cramps, bloody diarrhea and fever. If left untreated the condition can eventually become life threatening.

More than one third of patients in a new study who had colitis that did not respond to steroids were infected with cytomegalovirus (CMV), the investigators found. A form of inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis causes the large intestine to become inflamed and ulcerated, leading to bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramps and fever. Colitis can also occur in patients with Crohn's disease, a chronic inflammation of the intestinal wall.

More than half of the population is infected with CMV, a type of herpesvirus. The virus rarely causes problems in adults with healthy immune systems, although it can cause symptoms in people with weakened immune systems, such as those infected with HIV -- the virus that causes AIDS.

Colitis Treatments

Whether bacterial or viral, colitis can be treated and when treated effectively people are able to return to a life of normal living.

Nutritional and natural means are getting more and more effective in the treatment of Colitis. From removing grains and sugar from the diet to taking garlic and high doses of probiotics, many have seen complete recovery.

In dealing with Colitis all sources whether a Natropath or a Medical Doctor will agree that the whole patient needs to be treated. Oftentimes depression and withdrawl can occur from the fear that an episode will reoccur that is out of control. Colitis is a whole-body disease that deserves more than just a diet change or steroids.

Colitis Maintenance

While this author is not a medical doctor, I have experienced personally life threatening Colitis. A combined approach of nutritional supplementation and diet, along with stress reduction routines has allowed me to live a nearly symptom free lifestyle. Resources like http://www.mercola.com have been invaluable to me. I recommend you not only treat your Colitis but also achieve a maintenance program that you can live with.

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Your dog should see his veterinarian at least once yearly for a medical exam and vaccinations. It is not only very important for your pup to receive his vaccinations to protect him from diseases, but it's important for your vet to do a thorough exam to uncover anything that might be going on, that is not obvious to you as the pet parent. Just because your pet does not look or is not acting sick, does not mean something might not be going on with his general health. This is also the time to discuss with your vet anything unusual happening with your dog, or anything that is not normal such as decrease in appetite, changes in behavior, etcetera.

Your veterinarian is going to do a physical exam checking for lumps, bumps, sensitivity and anything else that might be out of the ordinary. Although as a good pet parent you have your dog on continuous year-round heartworm preventative, your vet should still do a heartworm test at the annual exam to ensure your dog is in fact heartworm negative, as there isn't a medication in existence that is 100% effective.

Not every dog will get every vaccine every time. Your vet will talk to you about which vaccines your dog should have based on his age and overall health. There is only one vaccine that is absolutely required by law, and that is the rabies vaccine. There is now a 3 year rabies vaccine available in addition to the 1 year rabies vaccine that has been standard for so long.

Some of the important vaccines your dog should receive will protect against:

*Parvovirus - This deadly disease is highly contagious and very easily passed from one dog to another. Symptoms include vomiting, fever, lethargy and bloody diarrhea. If caught in time, dogs often make a full recovery. The younger the dog is, the more deadly it is. So catching it in time can mean the difference between life and death, a very painful death, for your dog. More commonly referred to as Parvo, this disease is very common among puppy mill dogs and dogs from backyard breeders.

*Coronavirus: Causing diarrhea and dehydration, this disease is highly contagious, especially among young and old dogs. Although not often fatal, it's still very serious.

*Distemper: Very common among feral dogs, this illness can cause nasal and ocular (eye) discharge, coughing, fever and vomiting. This disease is fatal if not treated.

*Leptospirosis: This disease causes fever, vomiting and lethargy. Renal failure as well as sudden death is common with this disease.

Another important, but not quite as vital, vaccine your dog might get protects against Bordetella, also known as Kennel Cough. Bordetella is contracted from places such as dog parks, kennels and grooming facilities and the main symptom of this illness is coughing.

You can talk to your vet about the individual health needs and requirements of your dog to decide which vaccines he will receive. By making sure your dog receives all of his vaccines and physical exam once yearly, you are reducing the chances you will have to bring him back to the vet before the next annual exam. And that's good for you, your pet, and your wallet.

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Are you a victim of ulcerative colitis? Have you experimented with sulfasalazine, corticosteroids, immuno-suppressive drugs and even considered partial removal of your colon to treat your ulcerative colitis? The permanent solution is here. Aloe Vera. It is an all natural, non-toxic medicine with no negative side effects. It can rid you of the abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, weight loss, anemia, fever, dehydration, arthritis, constipation, liver inflammation or skin sores; whatever your ulcer symptoms are. Aloe vera has the ability to heal internal diseases thereby reinforcing the health of your digestive system.

For the quick recovery from first degree burns aloe gel is the best external cure. It is also used to shrink warts and reduce pain caused due to shingles. Psoriasis, another skin disease can be treated with the use of aloe gel. Bleeding gums, denture somatitis and other dental problems can all be solved using Aloe Vera. Cleansing your bowels and clearing constipation are internal diseases that aloe-vera can cure. Its antioxidant properties are also much famed. In European alternate medicine aloe is used to cure heart burns and ulcers. It has also been speculated that it can be used in the treatment of diabetes. Patients who suffer from Irritable bowel disease (IBD) benefit significantly from use of aloe vera. Bowel residue accumulated in the colon is tackled by aloe when it is used regularly. Aloe-vera is also used to heal internal lesions and ulcers.

The soothing, anti-inflammatory capability of aloe is used to treat colitis, peptic ulcers and other irritations of the digestive tract. Another function of aloe vera is its acidity removal. Its anti-inflammatory fatty acids such as alkalize digestive juices keep acidity well under control.

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Compared to employees from other occupational groups, professional drivers are at a greater risk of suffering from a wide range of illness due to their job's nature and unfavourable working environment. In fact, higher mortality and morbidity rates associated with these conditions have been recorded in professional drivers.

Professional drivers are more likely to experience high levels of occupational risks than employees in other working groups. In fact, they are more at risk of suffering from blood vessel and heart disease, musculoskeletal problems as well as digestive disorders.

Long term driving which normally elicits unhealthy lifestyles which trigger the development of many serious health conditions including cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, cancer and even gastrointestinal (GI) disorders.

Gastrointestinal Disorders and Their Nature

Gastrointestinal disorders, commonly known as digestive diseases, are a group of diseases which affect the digestive system composed of the mouth, esophagus, gall bladder, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, anus, liver and the pancreas. These organs are responsible for the digestion of food.

The most common symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders include inflammation in the lining of small and large intestines, rectal bleeding, weight loss, chronic diarrhea, cramping and abdominal pain. Other symptoms include persistent fever (low-grade), unexplained weight loss, bloody stool, tarry, black and foul-smelling stool, bloated-feeling every after meal, vomiting blood, reduced heart rate and inability to have bowel movement.

The most common forms of GI disorders include Crohn's disease, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, colon cancer, secretory diarrhea, gastro-oesophageal reflux and gastric ulcers. According to studies, people diagnosed with any gastrointestinal disorder are at higher risk of suffering from anorexia due to the condition's unpleasant symptoms which causes them to eat less.

What Are the Most Common Causes of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders

Functional disorders are a group of health conditions wherein the bowel seems to look normal but they don't actually function properly. The most common causes of these disorders include inadequate physical activity, frequent travelling, a low-fibre diet, stress, excessive intake of dairy products and resisting the urge to have a bowel movement.

They can also be caused by excessive use of laxative, resisting the urge to have a bowel movement due to painful haemorrhoid, intake of iron pills, antidepressants, narcotic s and antacids which contain aluminium or calcium.

Gastrointestinal Disorders in Professional Drivers

Professional driving is a type of work that demands optimum vigilance and is associated with long irregular hours of sustaining a sitting or reclining position. Professional drivers are actually prone to suffer from gastrointestinal disorders such as peptic ulcer and other digestive problems.

The irregular driving schedules and strenuous working conditions are considered as the major causes behind the gastrointestinal complaints of many drivers. Other causes include poor eating habits and irregular meal hours. Some scientists believe that prolonged sitting posture negatively affect breathing and digestion process.

Also, occupational stress can bring adverse impacts to gastrointestinal health of patients. In fact, there are gastrointestinal disorders which do not have any apparent physical cause but are strongly linked to stress. High levels of stress can actually slow down the digestion rate, which in the long run, can trigger the development of gastrointestinal disorders. Stress is mostly derived from constant time pressure, traffic congestion, social isolation, irregular work schedule and even insufficient amount of sleep or rest.

Professional drivers are less likely to eat their meals in appropriate hours but are more likely to eat unhealthy snacks while driving. According to research, eating while under a stressful situation may cause indigestion especially when the digestive system is not in a relaxed state.

What Professional Drivers Can Do To Prevent the Occurrence of Gastrointestinal Disorders

Professional driving is a stressful job that requires high psychological demands but gives people less control in making decisions. In the long run, this can result to high level of stress which can trigger the development of gastrointestinal disorders.

Adequate Intake of Healthy Foods

Intake of healthy snacks and meals are high recommended to professional drivers. It is one of the most effective ways in keeping the body nourished enough to deal with stress while driving. Drivers should take less of fatty foods. Meanwhile, their diet should be composed of high amounts of fibre, whole grains, fruits and vegetables for better digestion.

Stress Avoidance

Stress is one of the most important factors which you need to deal with to prevent the development of gastrointestinal disorders. Refrain from eating while under a stressful situation as it can trigger indigestion.

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Do you know that irritable bowel syndrome diet is the best and most effective way of dealing with the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a condition that affects around ten to twenty percent of the population in the US alone? Seventy percent of this ten to twenty percent are said to be women. The irritable bowel syndrome is manifested by different symptoms including constipation, explosive diarrhea, and abdominal pain, among others. If you want to learn more about the irritable bowel syndrome diet, continue reading this article.

There are two main symptoms of IBS: diarrhea and constipation. Diarrhea is caused by the spastic contraction of the colon while constipation is caused by the freezing up of the colon. Because these two IBS symptoms are diet related, the best way to deal with them is to go for irritable bowel syndrome diet which mainly involves reducing or probably eliminating the intake of stimulants or irritants such as caffeine, alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee, and chocolate, since they all cause either stimulation or irritation of the GI tract that causes the IBS. The irritable bowel syndrome diet is about healthier food choices in order to reduce the IBS symptoms, because as mentioned earlier, there is no exact cure for IBS.

The irritable bowel syndrome diet or the IBS diet also suggests eating more often in a day in smaller portions. Instead of following the traditional way of eating thrice a day, it is a good idea to eat around 5 times or 6 times a day with smaller amounts. This means that when you combine the amount of foods on your 5 or 6 meals, the amount would be equivalent to the amount of your 3 meals. Large and fat-filled meals serve as irritants that cause stomach pain, diarrhea, or constipation. If you will go for the IBS diet, you need to eat healthy and conscientiously. Increase intake of fruits and vegetables, whole grain breads, and lean meats can keep your stomach on a balanced plane thereby preventing any flare-ups.

Some physicians say that fiber-rich irritable bowel syndrome diet is good for reducing the symptoms of the IBS. Some of the best sources of fiber that you can include in your irritable bowel syndrome diet are whole-grain breads, cereals, kidney and lima beans, cabbage, peas, broccoli, carrots, apples, and peaches. When the stomach is empty, it is good to eat fiber first for the IBS symptom reduction. A lot of people think that the IBS diet is hard to follow but it's simple. All you need to know is the foods you are allowed and not allowed to eat and you will realize how easy it is identify the triggers and of course to reduce the symptoms of IBS.

In essence, healthy eating is the secret to successful irritable bowel syndrome diet. If you keep yourself disciplined and make the effort to stay away from the foods that trigger IBS and to keep close to healthy, small-portioned, and low-fat foods, then expect to significantly reduce your IBS syndromes. Of course, it doesn't mean you have to deprive yourself of what you want. You can still eat SOME of them. It's just a matter of choice because in the end, your health is still dependent on how you manage it.

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I can only guess that the last time your pup had diarrhea, you hoped it would be the last right? Not only can it be extremely messy, but it can be very expensive. Most pet owners will bring their dogs to the vet or canine ER, at the first sign of diarrhea. Most of the times, your pet's upset stomach is generally due to a change in diet or perhaps some tasty garbage he found outside.

The tip to your dog's diarrhea is to catch it as soon as possible. The earlier you detect it, the quicker you can fix it. Plus your carpet cleaning bill may not be as high! I always try to focus on natural remedies as you never know when you may need something. Sometimes your vet may be closed and you simply can not get the medicine you need, and that is where holistic remedies come into play. Many of the ingredients can be found at your local supermarket or drug store. Although this is a natural remedy if you happen to notice blood in your dog's diarrhea or vomiting in conjunction with the diarrhea, please visit the vet or ER as quickly as possible.

Here are two very simple tips to help with your dog's diarrhea.

Sweet Potatoes

You may have heard in the past to give your pup boiled chicken and rice, and this is a fine solution to an upset stomach. Although I have found it is not as effective for diarrhea and can become rather costly. So a better solution is to give your pup boiled, baked or even steamed sweet potatoes. Believe it or not your dog will love these and so will his stomach. Research has shown that the phytonutrients in sweet potatoes has a anti-inflammatory effect on the digestive tract. Not only is this going to be a great natural remedy it is also very inexpensive.

Po Chai

The next remedy can be found in many health food shops as well as online and is called Po Chai. You will swear this is a miracle drug for your dog's diarrhea. Po Chai will go to work on your dog's intestines and "miraculously" corrects any imbalance. Po Chai is available in tiny pills that come in 10 vials per box. For a dog up to 25 pounds give 1 1/2 vials three times a day. For medium and large sized dogs it is OK to give your dog one vial three times a day. You can expect to see results after you administer the first vial. Generally you will only need to treat for just one day.

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When 13-cis retinoic acid or isotretinoin first came out as an acne medicine, it was regarded as a wonderful new way of treating acne, especially severe acne. It appeared to be able to cure acne, especially the severe from known as cystic acne.

I have a friend who has very severe acne. She is actually quite pretty. Unfortunately, it is hard to notice that as the acne seems to take all the attention away from her features. It was so bad everyone could see the problem but nobody dared to talk about it for fear of upsetting her further. Her face was constantly looking red and inflamed. Scars had begun to form from the healing lesions. Her self-confidence was really low and she had tried everything to cure her acne.

One day, we noticed that she looked like she had a bad sunburn. Her face was dry and peeling and she looked quite uncomfortable. When one of us finally plucked up enough courage to ask her about it, she explained that she was on a new acne medicine.

This new acne medicine works by reducing the amount of the natural skin oils (called sebum) produced. It also works by having a peeling effect on the skin.

We asked if the drug had any side effects. She looked at us like we had asked her if elephants could fly. All medications have side effects, she said. Acne medicine is no exception.

I looked up the side effects of this wonder acne medicine. The list was quite shocking, to be honest. The first highlighted side effect was a warning that this drug can cause deformities in unborn babies. Under no circumstances should a patient who is pregnant or who has the possibility of getting pregnant take this drug. Effective contraception is a must.

Other side effects included dryness and soreness of lips, eyes, skin, liver and other major organs. Eyesight could be affected. Liver tests needed to be done to ensure there was no harm done to the liver. Even bloody diarrhea was a potential side effect.

To add to the list of more side effects of this acne medicine, it could also increase blood fat and sugar levels. These too had to be monitored, especially in patients who had other problems such as high cholesterol and diabetes.

It could even cause depression, anxiety and mood changes.The list of warnings was longer than the paragraph on how this acne medicine worked !

Fortunately, the side effects were said to be short-lived and would be reversible if the medicine was stopped. However, we were worried as isotretinoin needed to be taken for at least 12 to 16 weeks.

This wonder acne medicine did not sound so wonderful to us. We did try to talk her out of it. She became unhappy, saying we did not understand how much she had gone through, suffering with her acne problem for years. She explained that with any acne medicine, one had to weigh the benefits and the risks. To her, the risks were worth the potential promise of a cure.

There are few lessons that can be learnt from this story. The first and most important is that while acne is not in any way a fatal disease, it can cause debilitating effects on its sufferers. It affects their self-confidence, the way they see themselves, the way others see them. It can control their lives. Acne has been known to cause depression in some, especially if it is severe.

Unfortunately, while there are acne medicines available, many have side effects. These medicines can cause problems in themselves.

However, in the end, it is the sufferer who must decide if the risks outweigh the benefits.

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A way to ensure you don't get hemorrhoids is by getting exercise. By simply exercising you will be able to improve your digestion of foods you eat, which will help you to get rid of that food quickly. If you fail to exercise, the stools are more likely to dry out. The drying of stools causes it to harden and potentially it will damage the skin inside your anal canal and cause you to have hemorrhoids.

Another thing that may lead to you getting hemorrhoids is diarrhea. Irritation and even damage to your anus may come from explosive stools. Additional cleaning after diarrhea may also cause you to have irritation.

You will find that you can really reduce potential hemorrhoids by walking at least 20 minutes every day.

Women may prevent this condition by doing hemorrhoid exercises with the PC muscles through an exercise called Kegel. These exercises help to strengthen the muscles of the anal canal and help the flow of blood to that area. These hemorrhoid exercises are especially good for pregnant women because it helps with the extra blood flow regulation near their vagina and anus. You can do this exercise by tightening your vaginal muscles while urinating. The muscles are used to control your flow of urine, so when you are tightening them you may cause it to start and stop the flow.

Hemorrhoid exercise may be painful when you already have hemorrhoids, so only do what you can do without causing more pain.

Another problem you may experience is whether to lift weighs as hemorrhoids can be caused by lifting weights. Body builders may experience hemorrhoids because they add a lot of pressure on their veins in the anal canal area when they lift weights. You can alleviate this pressure by regulating your breathing while lifting weights. Simply breathe out when lifting and when lowering you should breathe in. Also try to keep yourself from putting to much strain on the back or the rectal area.

Because you may feel extra irritation of external hemorrhoids when exercising, you may want to take a sitz bath for about 15 minutes in a tub of warm water when you are done.

Another problem that may cause you to get hemorrhoids is being obese. This places additional pressure on the veins in and around the anal canal as well as making your circulation poor and may lead to having hemorrhoids. Doing hemorrhoid exercise will help you to lose weigh and ensure you don't get hemorrhoids.

If you do have hemorrhoids, it is important to get information about the possible causes and cures as quickly as possible so that you can stop hemorrhoids from getting worse.

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If you are wondering if it is possible for your dog to have an allergy to food, the answer is "yes." Many dogs have a negative reaction to food that goes undetected. However, others are extremely intolerant to some of the ingredients in dry food and have serve reactions to the food. If your dog has some of the signs and symptoms listed below, he may need hypoallergenic dog food.

Signs of a Food Intolerance

The most common food intolerances among dogs include beef, milk, chicken, and eggs. Most of are found in popular dog foods and are healthy. Dogs may also experience an allergy to the preservatives that are used to help keep the dog food fresh. Preservatives are not uncommon in dog food, but different brand names use different preservatives. Dogs can experience symptoms such as diarrhea and other digestive problems if they are intolerant to the food they are consuming vomiting may also occur. Skin problems may develop as a result of a food intolerance. Dogs that are intolerant to their food often experience excessive licking and itching. Look for these signs to determine whether or not your dog has a food intolerance problem.

What can be done about it?

If left untreated, your dog can be at serious risk with a food intolerance. This is especially true if your dog is experiencing digestive problems such as vomiting and diarrhea. Losing key nutrients is detrimental to you dogs health. Most owners do not realize the food allergy exists. If you suspect that your dog is allergic or intolerant to his food, you must tackle the problem as soon as possible. Begin by monitoring his diet. Try to determine what food he is struggling with. Choose a hypoallergenic food that is careful in using preservatives, artificial flavors, and food coloring. Many people see the problem go away after they eliminate these aspects. If the problem does not go away, continue monitoring his diet by excluding the key ingredients that cause most allergies such as beef, dairy, chicken and eggs. If the problem continues, you know that you have not pinpointed the problem. If after several months of trying new hypoallergenic dog foods and eliminating key ingredients, contact your dog's veterinarian. He can help you determine if your dog is suffering from a food allergy and what to do about it if he is. He may be able to recommend the top hypoallergenic dog food available.

If your dog is experiencing the symptoms mentioned above, the food that he is eating is not agreeing with him. Buying hypoallergenic food may be the answer. Most dog food brand names already have a selection of products that are deemed hypoallergenic. The price of the hypoallergenic dog food may be more expensive, but it is well worth it. The health of your dog will improve significantly one you get his diet under control. Hypoallergenic dog food may be your answer.

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Thinking back I have never forgotten how I would get scared to death if one of my young babies not yet two or three years old got watery diarrhea. They always attracted a fever. What is going on with the inside of my baby's body? This watery diarrhea was getting worse by the minute. Whatever my wife or I gave one of them it didn't matter. Our remedies were not relieving our children's problems. Keeping the food in their bodies did not take place. It was one diaper after another. I felt so awful I often suffered like my wife did.

When my kids had watery diarrhea they looked so pale. They had a colorless face and a wasted appearance. Like there was nothing left inside them. This watery diarrhea knocked them for a loop. This watery diarrhea made me feel so helpless. Hopefully you never went through this with your kids. But if you did you know how punishing this can be.

What is Acute Watery Diarrhea?

A greater number of stools or looser form of bowel movement is a symptom of watery diarrhea. This will last less than 2 weeks, and is frequently combined with abdominal issues such as cramping, bloating, and gas. Although frequently gentle, acute watery diarrhea can be a pre cursor to dehydration as a result of large fluid and electrolyte losses. Often the person feels weak. Patients have often had to rest for hours when they have contacted watery diarrhea because they are just drained of energy.

Acute bloody watery diarrhea suggests a bacterial force like Campylobacter, Salmonella or Shigella. One way that this can happen is to visit underdeveloped locations of the world. Some of these places lack the technology to maintain a higher level of hygiene. Eating rotten foods such as ground beef or fresh fruit can cause diarrhea due to E.coli.

Watery diarrhea causes

Acute, watery diarrhea is usually caused by a bug (viral gastroenteritis.) Applications such as antibiotics and drugs that
specialize in magnesium products are also routine offenders. Sudden changes in your eating pattern can again contribute
to acute watery diarrhea. An intake of coffee, tea, colas, dietetic foods, gums or mints that contain poorly absorbable sugars can contribute to watery diarrhea.

Acute bloody watery diarrhea implies a bacterial consideration like Campylobacter, Salmonella or Shigella. Visiting to newly developed areas of the world can result in exposure to bacterial pathogens common in certain areas. Some of these areas lack the waste removal technology present in more developed countries. Eating unhealthy foods such as bad ground beef or unfresh fruit can cause watery diarrhea due to E.coli.

Do not rest your intestine during this time. This can cause dehydration. Drink plenty of liquids. Like water and herbal teas. There has not been a safe and effective drug to treat watery diarrhea. There have been herbal remedies that have worked.


Cleveland Clinic

Family Practices Notebook

American College of Gastroenterology

CS Mott Children's Hospital

Feel free to pass this article on to anyone you think it would help

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The development of a needle-free vaccination delivery system has been identified by the Grand Challenges in Global Health (GCGH) initiative as one of the major challenges facing global health care today.

Millions of needles and syringes are used each day in health care. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 12 billion injections are given each year. Only about 5% are used in the delivery of vaccines for immunization and prevention of infectious diseases. Even though vaccinations have saved lives over the years, there are some hurdles to overcome. One of these is the use of needles or "sharps" to deliver the vaccines.

According to Myron Levine of the Center for Vaccine Development, University of Maryland School of Medicine and member of the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) "three fundamental themes remain in common worldwide: first, high immunization coverage of target populations generally must be attained for maximal public health impact; second, most current vaccines are administered parenterally using a needle and syringe; third, there is a broad recognition of the need to find ways to administer vaccines without the use of 'sharps' (that is, needles and syringes)."

The disadvantages of needle delivery of vaccine include:

(1) Pain and irritation of vaccination site. A large fraction of our population is scared of needles, probably as consequence of a previous bad experience. The majority of patients at the delivery end of vaccination are very young children under the age of two and needle pricks in this patient population can cause a lot of pain and distress. Needles may also cause discomfort at the injection site long after the shot has been applied.

(2) Lack of compliance. The World Health Organization's Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) has recommended six basic vaccines for infants in developing countries: diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus toxoids (DPT), bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG), and attenuated polio and measles. In developed countries such as the US, more vaccinations are required by health authorities. However, for the so-called "herd immunity" to work, a certain % of the population must comply with vaccination schedule.

(3) Safety. Vaccination with needles produces dangerous infectious waste that come with serious health threats to both patient and health care professionals. The reuse of unsterilized needles has facilitated the transmission of blood-borne infections such as HIV and hepatitis.

(4) Speed and efficiency. Recently, the threats of bioterrorism and pandemic flu have highlighted the need of fast, easy and safe vaccine delivery to the masses should the need arise. Definitely, vaccination using syringes and needles was not designed for these situations.

(5) Cost-efficiency and logistics. Doing away with syringes and needles can make vaccinations in less developed countries cheaper and more accessible. Syringes and needles need to be transported and stored for vaccination purposes. Injectible vaccines need to be refrigerated during transport.

Although needle-free delivery systems exist for many drugs, vaccines present a challenge because they usually consist of large molecules that cannot be easily delivered transdermally. Myron Levine summarized in a review article the different methods of administrating needle-free vaccines.

(1) Vaccines delivered through mucosal surfaces. Though theoretically possible, this form of delivery hasn't caught on except perhaps with the use of the nasal spray.

(2) Oral vaccines. Specific vaccines can be given orally in the form of pills. Oral polio vaccine has already been around for awhile. Other vaccines can be delivered via this route including certain types of cholera vaccines and the new rotavirus vaccines. However, this delivery route presents some problems for very young infants who might not be able to swallow properly and whose digestive system may not be able to withstand the effects of the vaccines.

(3) Nasal vaccines. The nasal vaccine through the respiratory tract is a very popular alternative to the flu shot. The FluMist" nasal spray, made from live, attenuated, cold-adapted vaccine, has been approved by the FDA and is delivered using a single-use spraying device through the nostrils.

(4) Aerosol vaccine. This mode of administration through the respiratory tract has been tested for measles vaccine. This is an alternative to the nasal spray and can be used with liquid aerosol and dry power for mass immunization.

(5) Needle-free percutaneous jet injection. This device works by propelling liquid through a small skin pore under high pressure. The liquid is then transported to the dermis and underlying tissues and muscles. There are multiple dose injectors available, making this type of delivery fast and practical for mass immunizations. However, it has the disadvantage of a high incidence of local irritation at the vaccination site as well as the possibility of transmission of infectious diseases.

(6) Transcutaneous delivery. This is commonly known as the "vaccine patch" and is delivered via the skin. The adhesive patch is applied after a preliminary hydration, directly on the skin. The occlusive patch makes the skin permeable to the vaccine. The cutaneously applied antigens are then taken up by Langerhans cells found in the upper layer (epidermis) of the skin allowing the immune-processing cells to migrate to the lymph nodes.

In recent years, several biotech companies have invested millions of dollars in developing, testing and finalizing different forms of needle-free delivery systems for all kinds of drugs, not only vaccines. The most promising of the needle-free vaccination systems at this juncture is Trans Cutaneuous Immunization (TCI).

Several advantages of the TCI have been identified. including cost-effective, safe, fast distribution, easy storage (can be stockpiled!) and easy administration, with the potential for self-administration.

In 2007, American researchers tested the efficacy of TCI with Clostridium difficile toxoid A in mice, with positive results. The bacteria C. difficile is the leading cause of nosocomial diarrhea, e.g. infectious diarrhea transmitted in the hospital setting. Also in 2007, Johns Hopkins University researchers tested the protective efficacy of TCI with the heat-labile toxin (LT) of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC). The results showed that the patch "induced anti-toxin immune responses that did not prevent but mitigated the illness.

Apollo Life Sciences has developed and patented a needle-free drug delivery and in May 2007 it released the results of preliminary studies on needle-free transdermal delivery of tetanus toxoid vaccine in mice. Apollo has developed the non-invasive transdermal carrier, TransD" which works by delivering "a protein-laden water layer across the skin and into the surrounding dermal and sub-dermal layers. It has potential to replace injections for biodrugs based on molecules such as interferon, growth hormones and anti-TNF (tumor necrosis factor)."

The TCI developed by the biotech firm Iomai, now owned by the Austrian company Intercell has recently made the headlines. Drug Delivery Report described how it works: "Administration is a two-step process. First, the skin is prepared by placing the device on the patient's arm and pulling a tab. The tab draws a mildly abrasive substance across the skin, making a painless and nearly imperceptible dent and simultaneously leaving an ink mark to indicate where the patch should be applied. The patient then wears an adhesive patch [with the vaccine] for several hours." The innovative design company Ideo helped designed the patch which required removal of an extremely thin layer of skin (about one-thousandth of an inch!).

Currently, Intercell's vaccine patch against traveler's diarrhea or the so-called Montezuma's Revenge is showing promise. The disease is a major cause of diarrhea among travelers, with symptoms ranging from stomach cramps to vomiting and diarrhea. Dr. Herbert DuPont of the University of Texas is one of the researchers involved in testing the vaccine. He told Reuters: "I think it's one of the most exciting new developments in travel medicine. People could buy this and put it on themselves whenever they take a trip. It is the most convenient form of immunization I have ever seen."

The vaccine has been tested on visitors travelling to Guatemala and Mexico and showed 70% efficacy against traveler's diarrhea. In another field study of 170 travelers as part of the vaccine patch Phase II trials, the vaccine patch reduced the risk of developing moderate to severe traveler's diarrhea by 75%. Phase III clinical trials are in process. If approved, this will be the first vaccine to prevent traveler's diarrhea. The study results were published in the Lancet and conclude that "the vaccine patch is safe and feasible, with benefits to the rate and severity of travellers' diarrhea."

A second promising Intercell vaccine patch is targeted against the pandemic flu. If successful, the patch will expand the limited vaccine supplies by allowing fewer or lower doses of vaccine. The program is funded by a United States Department of Health and Human Services contract." The patch contains a vaccine made from the H5N1 influenza virus. Results of a Phase I/II trials showed that a small amount of the vaccine triggered a protective immune response in 73% of the study participants. Phase II trials are expected to begin in 2009.

Vaccination and immunization technology has changed a lot in recent years as it tries to meet the health challenges facing both developed and developing countries. The TCI or vaccine patch is a promising tool which will hopefully help solve some of the problems facing traditional vaccine delivery systems.

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Most dog owners live completely unaware of the fact that those potted plants and the flower garden they tend so well may actually be a grave danger to a dog or cat. Many common household plants and even more common garden plants can have toxic properties that could seriously harm your favorite pet.

Cyclamen - This five petal flower is usually accompanied by rounded or arrow-like leaves that can be very toxic for dogs. The whole plant is toxic to dogs in generally, however the most poisonous part is the roots. You may notice your dog having intestinal issues and may vomit violently.

Tulips - This spring favorite can be very dangerous for a dog. The real threat is the bulb, which contains a toxin that will irritate a pet's bowels. From the start, your pet might lose interest in his food. This toxin could also depress your pet's central nervous system, causing convulsions or even cardiac arrest.

Lilies - These garden staples are most toxic to cats. Severe kidney damage is likely to result if your cat ingests its toxin, though the chemical to blame has not yet been identified.

Azaleas - Commonly found in many gardens, these plants could cause pets to go into coma in serious cases. Less severe poisoning will result in drooling and loss of appetite and may depress your pet's central nervous system.

Hibiscus - This common houseplant can lead to loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, and general nausea in your pet.

Autumn Crocus - The autumn crocus is a death sentence for a pet. Ingestion can lead to serious organ damage, vomiting and diarrhea, possibly bloody, and could suppress bone marrow functions.

Chrysanthemums - These flowers are pretty popular and can be found both outdoor and indoor. They can cause serious gastrointestinal upset, excessive drooling and diarrhea. Occasionally, ingestion of this plant can lead to depression.

Apples and Apricots - It is shocking for many owners to realize that apples can in fact be very toxic for pets. While the fruit itself is safe, the seeds, stems, and leaves all have a form of the poison cyanide in them. Symptoms will include difficulty breathing, bright red mucous membranes, and shock.

Begonia - Begonias contain chemicals known as insoluble oxalates that will cause your dog or cat's mouth to burn. They may find it difficult to swallow their food.

Yucca - Popular in desert climate, this plant can cause serious bouts of vomiting and diarrhea. Luckily, the plant has sharp thorns that keep most pets away.

Chamomile - This plant is commonly cultivated for teas or as calming agent for humans, however, it is dangerous for your pet. Simply brushing against it will give your dog dermatitis, and ingestion can lead to anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, and bleeding.

Avocado - Eating avocados can cause mild poisoning which lead to vomiting and diarrhea.

Garlic - If your pet eats garlic in big quantities, then it might be time to head for the vet's office. Too much garlic can result in hemolytic anemia, a condition whereby your pet's red blood cells are being broken down. You will also notice vomiting, weakness, possibly bloody urine, and a very fast heart rate.

Burning Bush - Taken in large dosage, the toxin from this bush can cause the heart problems, leading to abnormal heart beat rhythm. In small quantity, symptoms would be vomiting, diarrhea and pain in the abdominal area.

Grapefruit - The toxins of this plant, found mostly in the leaves and rind of the fruit can lead to light sensitivity, depression, and vomiting/diarrhea.

Daffodils - This common garden flower is immensely toxic to dogs and cats. Ingestion can cause diarrhea, vomiting, convulsions, arrhythmia and low blood pressure. Common as they are, it's very important that your pet stay away.

The above list is definitively not exhaustive and is only a collection of the common plants that are harmful to pets. If you intend to start planting new plants in your garden, it would be advisable to take some time to research the new plants first. Many are mildly toxic to dogs, though some can cause serious internal damage or death.

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A nagging stomachache, diarrhea and nausea are symptoms that can lead to a number of different diagnoses from food poisoning to the stomach flu. Those symptoms can also indicate Colitis, an inflammation of the colon (large intestine) that can be caused by an infection, poor blood supply, or an autoimmune reaction. Additional symptoms can include abdominal pain, vomiting, bloody stools and fever. Because these symptoms can often be associated with other medical conditions, here are ten things you might not know about colitis:

1. Colitis and other inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's Disease are chronic conditions that can last from years to decades. There is no known cure for colitis, therefore the goal of treatment is to keep the condition in remission.

2. There are several different types of colitis. Infectious colitis occurs when disease causing bacteria are ingested and get into the intestines. Ischemic colitis occurs when the colon loses its normal blood supply and becomes inflamed. Diabetes, high blood pressure and smoking can trigger ischemic colitis. Ulcerative colitis is thought to be caused by over activity of the immune system and its symptoms include abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea.

3. Colitis affects about 500,000 to 2 million people in the US, and affects men and women equally. Colitis typically begins during adolescence and early adulthood, however the condition can also begin during childhood or later in adulthood. The most common age range is between 15 and 40 years old.

4. In addition to a physical exam and a family history, tests to establish a diagnosis may include a colonoscopy with biopsy and barium enema. Other tests may be done depending on the symptoms.

5. Although the condition is found all over the world, colitis is most prevalent in the United States, England and Northern Europe. Interestingly, the incidence of colitis in developing countries is low.

6. Many colitis patients have been able to minimize their symptoms by avoiding certain foods like soft drinks, alcohol and caffeine, and limiting others such as spicy foods, dairy products and foods that are high in fat.

7. Colitis is not contagious. Although it can be caused by an infection that is contagious, a person cannot "catch" colitis from someone else.

8. Colitis is hereditary. A person is more likely to suffer from colitis if they have an immediate relative who suffers from colitis. Approximately 25% of people with ulcerative colitis have a first-degree relative with the disease.

9. Complications of colitis can involve other parts of the body. About 10% of patients develop arthritis and lower back pain. Colitis can also cause inflammation in the joints, skin, eyes and the liver.

10. Colitis cannot be cured; however it can be treated with medications such as antibiotics and anti inflammatory drugs, and in some cases, surgery. Adequate hydration is a key element in the treatment of colitis and in some cases IV fluids are required.

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The chicken pox is an infectious disease caused by the varicella zoster virus (VZV), which is related to the herpes family. It is extremely common amongst children, but can also occur in adults as well.

It usually takes about 10 to 21 days before the first signs of chicken pox to appear in someone after contact with another person that is suffering from this contagious virus (also known as the incubation period).

What are the first signs of chicken pox?

The first signs of chicken pox include symptoms such as tiredness, low-grade fever, and a loss of appetite. These are usually the earliest signs of the disease that occur, which about 1-2 days later is next followed by a rash or red spots. However, the first signs of chicken pox do not always occur before the rash develops.

When the rash appears, it most often appears on the face, scalp and trunk first. Then it is usually followed by about 50-500 blisters that consume the entire body. Although many of these factors are determined by age (for instance, adults get it much worse than children), as well as how your immune system is functioning.

There are over 26 potential symptoms, here's some just to name a few:

  • High fever

  • Severe itchiness

  • Red spots/blisters all over body

  • Diarrhea

  • Vomiting

  • Dehydration

  • Worsening of asthma

  • Fatigue/low energy

  • Insomnia

  • Headaches

  • Abdominal pain

  • Chills

  • Sensitivity to light

  • Mood swings

About 1 in 10 children who first have the first signs of chicken pox will have a complication and will have to go to the hospital. Many cases can lead to serious infection, so please be sure to not leave this disease untreated. There are over 4,000 to 6,000 people who end up in the hospital each year in the United States due to this disease.

The best thing to do is make sure that your child or whomever is suffering from this disease is getting the proper care. A good start is lots of rest, drinking fluids, and staying away from other people as this illness is highly contagious and it's easy to pass it on.

If you have had any vaccination, then you are still not completely immune from the disease. The varicella zoster virus vaccination is only about 80-90% effective. However, if you do get this disease and have had the vaccination, then it usually will be more mild. But still, take precaution and take the necessary steps to get your health (or your child's health) back in order.

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The symptoms of colorectal cancer often present at a later stage of the disease. Usually, at a later stage, it would be difficult to treat the cancer and treatment of symptoms is a part of the treatment plan. It is said that the average length of time when symptoms show from onset to actual diagnosis is 14 weeks. Symptoms are often vague and actually bear no bearing on the extent of the tumor.

Initially, colon cancer like any other orm of cancer does not feel painful or present any symptoms. Lack of symptoms does not mean that the cancer is no longer present of spreading. One common symptom during the early stages may be due to the cancerous cells eroding blood vessels and nerve cells, causing a painful sensation. The pain may increase as the tumor grows.

Oftentimes colorectal cancer presents with symptoms which is relevant to the location of the tumor. Development of signs and symptoms also mean that colorectal cancer has spread to other parts of the body, a process we know as metastasis.

The symptoms may be generalized, or localized usually at the place of the tumor. The most unpleasant location that tumor my present itself is the anus. This may result in changes in bowel movements. How often you eliminate may change. You may have constipation or diarrhea The stools may be different as well. Stools may pass as narrow width, or thin ribbons. Afterwards, there us a feeling of incomplete emptying. This is due to the mass of the tumor growth in the intestine, creating a "full" feeling.

Bleeding from the rectum may also result, which will give rise to bloody stools. Bleeding in the stools may either present as black stools or tarry stools. Black stools would mean that the cancer is present in the upper part of the colon. The black material in the stools is blood which has undergone digestion in the esophagus, the stomach, the small intestine and in the colon. However, not all black stools are due to colorectal cancer. Black stools may also be seen in peptic ulcer, so that it is best to check with your doctor about your symptoms.

Bright red stool, on the other side present when the cancer is in the lower colon or rectum. This is because the cancer invades blood vessels and undermines them, leading to bleeding.

It is often impossible to see the blood using the human eye. The occult fecal blood test is used to determine if even a tiny bit of blood is present. This test is usually included in the tests that the doctor would order for a patient to diagnose a peptic ulcer or colorectal cancer.

Anemia can result from bleeding. This makes colon cancer patients looking weak and pale. It also makes a person lose weight and tire easily. The tumor.can give rise to the anemia. This is because cancer cells tend to take from the body nutrients and other essential vitamins and minerals such as iron. Vitamins, iron and other nutrients are often needed by red blood cells, so that if there is a deficiency of these vitamins, the body's red blood cells are destroyed in the bloodstream due to the cells being of poor quality and fragile.

Once the tumor spreads and grows in size, it tends to block the part of the colon. In this case, the belly may swell and grow in size. Sometimes a tear or perforation of the intestine can occur. The pain results from leakage of intestinal contents in the pelvic area, which the other surrounding tissue inflammation and infection that results. The resulting flatulence, inflammation and infection can cause nausea and vomiting.

Fever, hormonal changes and a condition where a clot in a blood vessel blocks the circulation of blood are other symptoms not usually seen.

The info offered in this article is NOT a substitute to licensed care and shouldn't be used for diagnosing or treating a health difficulty or condition. You need to talk to your health care provider in case you have or believe you may have a health problem.

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Canine parvovirus is a highly infectious and deadly disease. It can be spread to your dog when he comes direct or indirect contact with infected feces. Puppies are usually affected because dogs older than four months are usually vaccinated. So, what are some of the symptoms of this disease?


Dogs with parvovirus begin to display symptoms within ten days of being exposed to the virus. Also, the disease can take on two different forms, namely the intestinal and cardiac forms. The intestinal form causes symptoms such as severe bloody diarrhea and vomiting. This can quickly cause dehydration and open up the dog to secondary infections.

If the virus attacks the intestinal tract, it may damage the intestinal lining. This will lead to loss of proteins and anemia. In worst cases, the damage to the lining can allow toxins to enter the bloodstream. The cardiac form of this disease causes symptoms such as cardiovascular and respiratory failure.


Canine parvovirus is diagnosed partly based on symptoms displayed by your dog. Since the virus is shed in feces, a stool sample will also be analyzed. However, dogs that have been vaccinated can cause a false-positive result within two weeks of vaccination. To make diagnosis even more difficult, dogs can also have a false negative if the test is done too late or too early in the progression of the disease. To make a conclusive diagnosis, a complete blood count is also usually done.


It is important to start treatment for this disease as soon as possible. Treatment involves administering electrolytes and fluids to help prevent dehydration. Medications will also be given to combat diarrhea and vomiting. As you learned earlier, secondary infections can become a problem with parvovirus, so antibiotics may also be prescribed. Some dogs also require blood transfusions to deal with anemia.

It is important that you understand that there is no cure for canine parvovirus. These treatment protocols will only provide support while the virus runs its course. Without this treatment, your dog will die from dehydration.

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You know what it's like if you are a dog owner, it's a bit like having a baby and many of you will have experienced a baby vomiting all over you just when you have got yourself all dressed up and ready to go out. That's half the fun isn't it? If you own a dog you will have probably experienced something similar, except the dog will vomit all over your beautiful new rug. They never seem to quite manage to get it on the tiled floor, do they? That would have been far too convenient wouldn't it? Assuming your dog isn't throwing up because he has just swallowed the cakes you put aside to eat yourself later, or hasn't been running around like a mad thing straight after eating his own meal, then obviously you need to know what is causing it. Any dogs vomiting for these reasons is to be expected but it's important to discover that it isn't anything serious.

So, what are the things to look out for?

The dog may have diarrhea or showing signs of lethargy, he may have lost weight, or showing signs of dehydration and constant wretching. If your dog vomits repeatedly and especially if the vomit is projectile or you see signs of blood in. He may also show signs of fever so it's important not to attempt to give the dogs treatment at home and instead you need to get your dog to a vet as soon as possible. Your pet may also be in pain because we all know what it feels like when we need to vomit, it's really unpleasant and the vet can treat him, at the same time for any pain or discomfort. When my dogs vomit it is usually when they have refused to eat their food for some time, probably because they are fed up and bored with it and they then sometimes throw up what looks like, a whitish yellow frothy foam that is probably caused by excess gastric acid. It seems to occur most when I resist giving into them with food they really love, which is usually mine! So, it ends up as a battle of wills!

The best way to avoid this happening is to try and persuade your dogs to eat twice a day, morning and evening. I know that a lot of dogs gulp their food down very quickly but some, mine included, have been very spoilt and make it quite clear that the food I am offering is unacceptable. I am aware that I have made a rod for my own back but I confess to treating my dogs like kids. So, when they are not feeling too good I try to feed them on cooked chicken with some rice and potatoes because it's easier to digest. I try to feed them this type of menue frequently because and if I change what they eat too often I then get problems spouting from the other end, namely diarrhea. Plus, I find that this method of cooking for the dogs cheaper than buying canned food and although dried dog food can be cheaper, my dogs were not brought up on it and will not touch it. Have you ever smelled that dried stuff? It smells like manure, so I don't blame them.

Try these step by step tactics first when your dog starts vomiting:

· Restrict water and food for about 24 hours but much less time than this if its a small dog.

· If you notice any signs of blood in the vomit then get the dog to a vet as soon as possible.

· If after this time there is no more vomiting, then you can gradually introduce some water, a little at a time.

If there is still no vomiting then offer a small meal of chicken, rice and potatoes and follow with their normal food when the vomiting has subsided.

However, your dogs vomiting may be a sign of something much more serious that needs to be investigated and you need to monitor the frequency, as it could be a sign of a disorder stemming from a disease such as cancer or diabetes etc. Or a viral infection disease, so it's important to quickly seek the professional expertise of your vet who will be able to diagnose your dogs problems once all the other tactics have failed.

Hopefully a diagnosis will come back as nothing too serious.

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Hyperthermia is an alternative cancer therapy that is designed to kill cancerous tumor cells by exposing them to temperatures higher than what is normal in the human body. Because of the abnormal characteristics of tumors and cancer cells, they tend to be more easily destroyed when exposed to heat, as compared to normal cells. The work of oncologists and researchers such as Dr. James Haim Bicher has led to this promising cancer treatment, which is often used with great success in conjunction with other cancer treatments and protocols.

When is Hyperthermia Used?

Because hyperthermia can make it easier for certain anti-cancer drugs and radiation to kill cancer cells, it is often combined with these therapies. The end result is generally more effective than when these other therapies are used alone. It can be used locally for small tumors, for entire regions in the case of larger tumors, or even in a whole body fashion for cancers that have metastasized. It can be used to treat a variety of cancers, such as those occurring in the cervix, breasts, lungs or liver. Although the exact temperature and method of application varies depending on the cancer being treated, in many cases a temperature not exceeding 108 degrees Fahrenheit proves effective. Although some people tend to turn to hyperthermia only when more conventional cancer therapies have not proven to be effective, it is currently being used as an accompanying therapy even in the beginning stages of cancer treatments. Especially when combined with other therapies, it has proved effective at shrinking or killing cancer cells, helping patients achieve remission. Additionally, because the heat helps to increase blood flow, hyperthermia can help increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy and other medications in the bloodstream.

Risks and Side Effects

As compared to many conventional cancer therapies, hyperthermia treatments include very few serious risks or side effects. In some cases, the patient may experience reddening of the skin, discomfort, blisters or possibly a few minor burns. Even in the case of whole body hyperthermia, as long as the body temperature is kept under 111 degrees Fahrenheit, most body tissues will not experience any significant harm. However, sometimes side effects such as nausea, vomiting or diarrhea can result from the increased body temperature. In the case of whole body treatments, serious side effects such as cardiac arrest are not unheard of, but are quite rare.

History of Hyperthermia

The roots of hyperthermia go back thousands of years to when the ancient Egyptians used heat therapy to help treat tumors. Heat therapy was also used in Europe after the Renaissance age to help shrink tumors. Over the years, time and time again scientists have observed the power that heat seems to have on the human body. Scientists and physicians such as Dr. James Haim Bicher have spent years researching and gathering evidence to support the effectiveness of hyperthermia. In 2010, the prestigious Duke University conducted clinical trials as part of its extensive hypothermia program. These clinical trials were focused on combining hyperthermia treatments with other cancer therapies to produce more effective results. The results of these and other tests and trials show great promise for the future of hyperthermia as a cancer treatment.

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Imagine you are out in the middle of the wilderness, hiking across tundra or through fields of grass, thousands of tiny flowers surrounding you of every color and hue imaginable. The sun is beating down raising droplets of perspiration on your brow and in the distance is a glistening, snow-capped mountain range. Between the snow in your sights and the sweat on the skin, you are developing a raging thirst. You come upon a creek with icy-cold water rushing across rocks and pebbles, crystal clear as the best bottled water you could find in the store. Before dipping your water bottle in the creek and raising it to your parched lips for that needed draught of cold water, stop! That water is probably not very healthy. Even though it may be glacial runoff from those mountains in the distance, along the line animals have walked through it, urinated it, things may even have died in it. Yes, disgusting thought, I know. But important to remember because all of that contributes to Giardia, cryptosporidium, E. coli, cholera, just to name a few. These can cause bloody diarrhea, cramps, kidney failure, dehydration, typhoid fever, etc. If you are out in the wilderness with no possibility of emergency help, these could end in death. Not a pleasant way to end a trip, wouldn't you agree?

There are three different possibilities for ensuring you have safe, drinkable water. The first and easiest is to just boil your water. Bring the water to a rolling boil and then continue for three more minutes. If your water was cloudy, filter the sediment before boiling using a coffee filter or paper towels. I have been told that if you are over 1000 feet above sea level, you should boil the water an additional minute for each 1000 feet. The drawback to the boiling method is that it takes both time and fuel. The time does not bother me, but using precious fuel for drinking water does.

The second possibility is the use of iodine tablets. There are many different brands and not all brands kill everything dangerous in the water, you may need to do some research. They are inexpensive, easy to pack and lightweight. Pop a pill in your water and wait approximately an hour, give or take depending on the manufacturer. That is quite a bit of time, but can be done before you go to sleep at night and water will be ready in the morning. Unfortunately, some of them do leave an aftertaste of chlorine. Another thing to be aware of is that once the packet of tablets is opened, there is a limited shelf life. Incidentally, if allergic to iodine, consider instead boiling your water or purchasing a filtration system which I will discuss next.

The third method is to carry a water filter with you. There are many different systems ranging in size, weight, and cost. They typically operate by use of a hand pump. One end of the tube goes in the water, and the other side into your water bottle or cook pan. Pump until you have the amount of water you need. These systems work by filtering out large particles first. As the water goes through the system, there is a second filter which screens out the bacteria. The final result is a bottle of very safe, drinkable water. Water filtration systems are much more expensive than iodine tablets and may take as long to pump the water as it does to boil it. However, filtration systems don't have a shelf life and the only energy they require to work is your own.

Always remember, if you plan to be someplace where the water may not be the best, be prepared. Humans can go without food longer than we can go without water.

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