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There are a number of health issues that can affect a chinchilla. Some preventative measures include providing fresh water, proper food, and plenty of exercise. Common health problems associated with chinchillas include heatstroke, dental issues, and digestive complications.

The chinchilla has a thick coat of fur that is necessary in the Andes Mountains where they originate. Unfortunately, this can cause a chinchilla to suffer heatstroke when the temperature is over 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Symptoms of overheating include panting and lying on its side. As an active animal, it can be very obvious when these symptoms occur. There are cooling rocks available to help prevent over-heating. They will often be the most popular accessory in the chinchilla cage. If these symptoms appear, the pet must go to the vet, as this can be fatal.

Dental Problems
As a member of the rodent family, the chinchilla's teeth will continue to grow. Providing something to gnaw on is essential. This can include a wood block and lava rocks that be kept in the chinchilla cage. Malocclusion, or the misalignment of teeth, can cause serious problems for a chinchilla. If the front teeth have become overgrown, it is possible for a vet to trim down the teeth. If there is misalignment or spurs on the back molars, it is generally fatal. Symptoms of Malocclusion include slobbering or drooling, watery eyes, weight loss, unwillingness to eat. Watery eyes are often caused by problems with the back molars because of the proximity to the eye socket. Diet also plays in important role in tooth development. Low calcium and high sugar diets are often to blame for dental problems.

Digestive Issues
Chinchillas have a sensitive digestive track. The best way to prevent a problem is to make sure that its food and water are not contaminated. Bacteria can grow when the water bottle and food dish is not properly cleaned.

Constipation is very common with chinchillas. Hay is essential to a chinchilla's digestion and will help with constipation. Stress from a new environment, a new chinchilla, or other things can also cause constipation. If this occurs, be sure to give the chinchilla fresh food, water, and hay, remove any possible causes of stress, and allow the chinchilla to get plenty of exercise. If the problem persists, see a veterinarian.

Diarrhea is another illness that can occur. The most common cause of diarrhea is an improper diet, which generally includes an excess of treats. Other possibilities include moldy hay or contaminated food and water. If the diarrhea continues, the chinchilla may suffer from enteritis, or the inflammation of the intestine. Medicine for this can be provided by the vet.

Bloating is typically a sign that the chinchilla is not getting enough exercise. It is important to let a chinchilla run around outside of its cage, especially if it is a small chinchilla cage. As with other digestive problems, make sure the food and water is fresh. When the chinchilla is bloated, the fecal dropping will often be covered in a mucous-like layer.

Many health issues can be prevented by using common sense. Clean water, clean food, and plenty of exercise will be the major factors in a chinchilla's health. By watching for symptoms, most health problems can be caught early.

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All expectant mothers readily accept the idea that they will experience morning sickness during the first trimester. Of course their expectations are that the experience will be one of mere annoyance and mild symptoms. That is a reasonable expectation considering that 60% of all pregnant women have no ill effects from the experience. It's true that there are no verified causes for morning sickness, but years of experience have led to the development of medicines and processes that provide symptomatic relief.

It's unfortunate that a small percentage of pregnant women experience more serious morning sickness symptoms, with nausea and vomiting continuing with increasing severity into the second and third trimesters. These women require close medical supervision until the baby is born and the symptoms cease. When the symptoms are severe, problems with poor nutrition and dehydration are serious concerns for the health of both mother and baby. Most of these severe cases can be effectively managed by changing eating habits, substituting different foods, and prescribing medicines to deal with the symptoms.

When the extreme symptoms are exacerbated by chronic diarrhea, dehydration can become more probable because liquids that the woman has been able to keep down are lost in the diarrhea. Severe diarrhea can cause premature births, and severe diarrhea can be fatal to both mother and baby. Initially, failure to absorb adequate nutrition can be more damaging to the mother than to the baby. The baby will take what it needs from the mother without regard for the mother's health.

For a successful pregnancy and a healthy child, excellent nutrition and hydration are critical. When there is a nutritional deficiency and rapid weight loss, the mother-to-be can have metabolic problems, gastric ulcers, ketosis, and may be unable to perform simple daily activities. Extreme cases of dehydration generally require hospitalization in order to conduct intravenous feeding to stabilize the body's fluids. Only about 3% of pregnancies experience problems this severe, but it could happen. If it does, immediate medical intervention is critical.

When diarrhea occurs during the third trimester, obstetricians don't exhibit the same level of concern as they would in the first trimester. Diarrhea occurring in the third trimester is commonly attributed to changes in the levels of various hormones in preparation for the imminent delivery.

Diarrhea that occurs in the first trimester is thought to be caused by outside causes. The body's operation is altered by food poisoning, changes in diet, or even a change or introduction of different vitamin and mineral supplements. Dietary changes like eating more soups instead of solids, or starting on a new exercise regimen are also known to have caused diarrhea.

The expectant mother must keep herself well hydrated by drinking enough fluids regularly. Supplementing water with sports drinks often ensures the proper balance of electrolytes. Good hydration is critical. Dehydration can cause serious problems for both mother and baby.

When the bouts of diarrhea are mild, the problem can often be alleviated by eating a bland diet. Yogurt, potatoes,
bananas, wheat toast, and honey are great. Avoid eating spicy foods, greasy foods, or foods that are high in fat. There are over-the-counter medicines that can help, but never self-prescribe. Check with your physician.

For most mothers, diarrhea may be a problem that they experience a couple of times just before the baby is born. These events are usually mild. If you experience chronic diarrhea, however, you should speak with your physician. An occasional day of diarrhea is no cause for panic. If it only lasts one day, nothing needs to be changed. If an episode of diarrhea lasts for more than 48 hours, however, it could indicate a serious problem and you should contact your doctor immediately to avoid the dangers of dehydration.

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Nuts are one of the most common food allergies. Although peanuts are what many usually think of when talking about nut allergies, reactions can happen when any kind of nut is ingested (eg, walnuts, cashews, pecans, almonds etc.). Here we will discuss what you need to know about peanut allergies, keeping in mind that it may apply to all nuts.

Common Reactions to Expect from Peanut Allergies

Those who suffer from this type of allergy can have a mild or severe reaction to them. Time wise, an allergic reaction can be immediate, or delayed - as in, a few hours after ingestion. Following are some common body reactions these allergy sufferers may experience:

Skin Reactions: Redness, swelling, hives, itchy rashes, etc. are all common skin reactions to peanut allergies. Skin reactions are the most common type of effect most nut allergy sufferers will experience.

Gastrointestinal System: Peanut allergy sufferers may experience diarrhea, have severe stomach aches, nausea and/or vomiting after ingesting nuts.

Respiratory Reactions Caused: Asthma-like symptoms can occur. These can range from watery eyes and stuffy, itchy noses to coughing, sneezing and wheezing.

Cardiovascular Reactions: Lightheadedness and/or other symptoms of faint are common cardiovascular reactions.

Now that you know the common symptoms associated with peanut allergies, you may be wondering how it is diagnosed.

How to Diagnose a Peanut Allergy

There are several ways physicians test for this type of allergy. The most common method is conducted by an allergist, a physician who specializes in allergies.

The allergist will ask you a series of questions. These questions will range from your past reactions to nut ingestion, to your family history as it relates to allergies (eg, does anyone in your family suffer from nut allergies, or other food allergies). It is common for food allergies to run in families, so this is extremely useful information.

After this is done, the allergist will most likely conduct a skin test. This involves putting a very small amount of the nut in question (a liquid abstract of) on your skin to see how it reacts. If your skin reacts, (eg, turns reddish, gets raised, bumpy and/or exhibits signs of a rash), then you are considered allergic.

Peanut Allergies: You're Allergic, Now What?

Once you've determined that you are allergic to peanuts, you can take concrete action. Most physicians advise simply avoiding the offending nut all together, as there are no cures for this type of allergy.

Medical Cautionary Alert for Peanut Allergy Sufferers

Avoiding peanuts can get tricky as many foods contain nut derivatives. It's important to learn how to read food labels and ask how food is prepared when you eat out to avoid accidentally coming into contact with them.

Accepting the fact that you have a nut allergy is a life-style change; one your body depends on to stay healthy. Consult your physician (allergist) about concrete steps you can take to avoid the dangers common to this type of allergy sufferer.

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Hemorrhoids are not only embarrassing, but also painful and uncomfortable to bear with. People who are suffering from hemorrhoids feel embarrassed and most of them avoid talking about this condition even with the doctor. That is why most people prefer to seek home remedies to treat the hemorrhoid condition at home. Hemorrhoids can be easily identified when you have bleeding during bowel movements, rectal pain and itching sensation around the anal region. Chronic constipation, pregnancy, chronic diarrhea, aging and even anal sex are some of the factors that cause hemorrhoids.

There are over the counter medicines like ointments, creams and suppositories to get relieved from the hemorrhoid symptoms. These medications provide quick soothing relief from itching, painful burning and discomfort. However, they are of little help. Some people prefer to use stool softeners or laxatives. These soften the stool and make it less painful during a bowel movement. This is effective if you have constipation. However, overuse of the laxatives or stool softeners can cause watery or running diarrhea.

Hemorrhoids can be treated at home by merely changing your diet, lifestyle as well as applying some home remedies. You should change your diet habits and avoid the junk, fatty foods. Instead of them, you should it food items that are enriched with fiber. Therefore, your diet should include fruits, cooked vegetables, salads and whole grains. You must drink 8-10 glasses of water during the daytime so that your digestive system will not have solid substance that causes constipation which is the main reason behind hemorrhoid. A lukewarm sitz bath is recommended thrice a day and after a bowel movement for 15-20 minutes is considered as the best home remedy to lessen the pain and swelling of hemorrhoids. Another treatment for hemorrhoids is applying aloe vera on the swollen area to lessen itching and burning.

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When you have a bunch of symptoms and you can't seem to identify any cause, you might consider something that so tiny it's almost impossible to see, and that something is mold. An incredible variety of health problems - some of them seemingly unrelated - can have mucky mold at their root.

So you can better understand what you're dealing with and what to do about it, here's a short review for you - common questions and important things to know.

What is mold?

Molds, (sometimes spelled "moulds") are fungi that grow many-celled threads, or strands or filaments called hyphae. There are well over 100,00 types that have been identified. Luckily only a few cause problems for people, but those few can cause big problems, while another few, penicillin, for example, have been of considerable benefit.

What does mold get from our bodies that allows it to grow?

Mold loves environments rich in water, oxygen and nutrients along with a favorable temperatures, going dormant in temperatures below 40 F or above 100 F, and waiting until the temperature returns to their liking. They like dead organic material like paper, wood and fabrics, but they can also extract what they need to grow from some synthetics like adhesives or paints. Some molds can get enough moisture to grow from humid air (relative humidity above 70%). Of course, our human bodies have all of these qualities.

How does mold get into your body?

Mold can enter your body through a wound or be inhaled into your lungs.

How does mold cause you bodily harm?

Once inside it starts growing by branching out from its tips (called ' ''hyphal growth'). Picture a lot of branches growing in your lungs and you can readily understand how mold can cause major problems with breathing. Then as it grows it invades blood vessels causing hemorrhages and death of tissue cells. If it continues growing, it can spread to other sites. Some molds also cause illness by producing toxins that damage cell tissues (called a mycotoxin). And some stimulate the immune system, causing an allergic reaction.

How would you know if you have a mold problem?

One way is to suspect a mold problem by the symptoms harmful molds can produce. For example, short term mold symptoms can include:


Shortness of breath, labored breathing
Unexplained bodily irritation, including rashes, itchy skin.
Sensitivity to light.
Runny nose, congestion, sinusitis.
Coughing, throat congestion.
Vision problems (eyes red, sore, dry, blurry or watery.

Long term symptoms can include:

Tiredness, fatigue
Headaches, migraine.
Achiness, pains or fever (including in ears, sinuses, joints and muscles, swollen glands) or other symptoms of infection.
Breathing problems, including wheezing, shortness of breath, asthma attacks, chronic bronchitis.
Neurological symptoms such as loss of short or long term memory, speech problems, unexplained changes in personality and mood.
Nose bleeds.
Coughing up blood or blackish debris.
Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, diarrhea.
Hair loss.
Skin rashes, open skin sores.

Addressing bodily mold problems:

Many practitioners have used mold's hyphal growth process against the little buggers. When hypal growth occurs, the mold also secretes an enzyme inside its cell that works outside its cell (called exoenzymes).

Here's how it works: the person experiencing the mold problem takes digestive enzymes, only instead of taking them with meals, which would aid the digestion of food, the enzymes are taken on an empty stomach, where they can circulate through the body, apparently coming in contact with the growing ends of the strands or filaments and digesting them.

A strategy for dealing with allergic symptoms caused by mold involves various homeopathic remedies such as Allium Cepa, butterbur and biminne.

After the mold seems to be cleaned up, the next task at hand is to repair the tissue involved. For this a combination of herbs and nutrients can be used. For example, to support lung tissue repair, one combination (designed by MediHerb of Australia for that specific purpose), includes herbs such as fennel, Chinese skullcap, Malabar nut tree leaf, Grindelia herb and Turmeric rhizome.

Health practitioners have employed some or all of these strategies with good results, so even though you might have a mold problem in your body, you don't have to keep having it!

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Exotic illnesses such as amoebic dysentery or yellow fever may never have crossed your radar prior to planning a trip but could be quite common at your destination.As a solo traveler, you'll want to be especially aware if a health related issue affects you, as you'll be the only one looking out for yourself and your best interests.Always consult a doctor who's well-versed on travel vaccinations prior to your departure, or consult the websites listed in this chapter's Immunizations section for more information.

Sunburn-Melanomas caused by the depletion of the ozone layer (there's actually a hole in the ozone hovering over the southern hemisphere) can be thwarted by wearing sunscreen and sun-protective clothing, including a hat, and staying out of the sun. Even short periods of time spent under cloudy skies in the tropics can cause sunburn.

Travelers' Diarrhea-According to the CDC, travelers' diarrhea (commonly called Delhi Belly or Montezuma's Revenge,depending on where you're traveling) is the most common illness affecting travelers. It's caused by bacteria in unhygienic food and water. In addition to watery bowel movements,symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping,and fever.

Insect Bites, Scratches or Skin Rashes-Even the most innocuous insect bite can turn into an inflamed nuisance if not properly taken care of, especially in tropical areas. Keep any breaks in your skin clean and far from water of dubious quality.(This includes a dirty ocean.) Immediately use an antibacterial topical cream to prevent infection, and lessen itching by using an anti-itch cream.

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All episodes of blushing are not the same. There are many different reasons why an individual might experience flushing on the face or neck area. Some episodes are brought on by emotional triggers, and other episodes may occur as a result of other factors. If you want to try to control your blushing episodes, it's a good idea to investigate the different causes. In order to change, you need to first identify what factors are triggering your blushing.

Emotional Reaction

Episodes that occurs as a response to dealing with an emotionally stressful situation is emotional blushing. Most people experience blushing when they experience the emotion of embarrassment, for example. This is a normal physiological reaction resulting from an emotional trigger.

Some people experience extreme episodes brought on by anxiety or other emotions that are likely to arise during situations involving social interactions. These episodes can be uncontrollable and severe, and may be referred to as excessive blushing. This type of problem is often believed to be part of a social phobia, and is often treated with attempts to manage stress and anxiety.

Exercise Triggered

Any time people exercise, their faces are likely to turn red. This is a perfectly normal physiological reaction. When a person exercises, the blood vessels located in the muscles dilate, which increases blood flow to the working muscles and can result in a reddening face. The same physiological response can occur as a result of exposure to extreme heat.

Hormonal, Related to Menopause

Women often experience reddening of the face, neck, and chest areas when in the peri-menopausal stage. This flushing is triggered by reduced estrogen levels, and tends to be episodic, lasting only a few minutes at a time. Women who experience hormonal blushing related to menopause often also experience increased problems with perspiration, palpitations, trouble sleeping, and increased anxiety.

Drug and Alcohol Related

Many people experience blushing related to consuming alcohol or using certain types of drugs. It is believed that people who experience this type of flushing, which cannot be treated, lack enzymes necessary to completely metabolize ingested alcohol. This type of blushing is particularly problematic among Asian populations, with approximately 50 percent of the population being affected by facial and neck reddening triggered by alcohol consumption.

Related to Dermatological Conditions

There are several skin conditions that can manifest themselves through what appears to be blushing. Rosacea is the most common dermatological condition associated with facial reddening. Rosacea is a chronic condition characterized by extremely reactive capillaries. It often manifests itself through redness of various areas on the face such as forehead, cheeks, nose, or chin. It sometimes leads to general facial flushing, visible facial blood vessels, red pimples or bumps on the face, and watery eyes.

Carcinoid Syndrome, which is related to a tumor, can also lead to flushing. Symptoms include facial flushing, heart valve abnormalities, and diarrhea. Another dermatological condition associated with blushing is Mastocytosis, in which flushing is triggered by the release of abnormally high quantities of histamine and other substances into the individual's blood stream.

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Vitamin B12 injections, also known as cobalamin or cyanocobalamin injections, are administered to patients with deficiency of B12 and symptoms associated with the deficiency, such as fatigue and anemia. B12 injections are given to patients who have low resistance to diseases and remain sick from common illness for long period of time.

Although it is better to consume foods rich in vitamin B12 naturally, such as meat, fish, and dairy products, often the doctor may recommend the supplement of Vitamin B12 in injection form. Injections are beneficial to those individuals who show signs of vitamin B12 deficiency but are unable to absorb it into the body.

Injecting B12 shots are often painful to those sensitive to injections, because they are injected deep into the muscle under the skin.

Common Side Effects

Side effects of vitamin B12 injections vary from person to person depending on the mode of delivery and the health of the person. Some side effects are temporary and may last for just a few days.

Some of the most common side effects are:

1. Muscle cramps:
Some people get cramps or spasms in their muscles after injecting vitamin B12 shots. This will occur usually within 6 hours of receiving the injection.

2. Sleeplessness:
Insomnia, or the inability to sleep, is a commonly-occurring side effect of receiving a vitamin B12 injection.

3. Skin infections and Acne:
Shots of Vitamin B12 may lead to some skin infection, known as Folliculitis, around the hair follicles. Acne may also develop on skin accompanied by skin rashes.

4. Nausea and Headache:
Runny nose and headache are other common side effects after injecting vitamin B12. Some people might experience shortness of breath, unusual coughing, or unusual wheezing.

5. Stomach upset:
Another common side effect of B12 injections is upset stomach followed by diarrhea, difficulty in swallowing food, and feeling of extreme dizziness. A few patients may also feel extreme thirst and tiredness.

6. Rapid heart beat:
Some patients have reported rapid palpitation of the heart and a sensation of heart burn accompanied by chest pain.

Uncommon Side Effects:

There do exist some side effects, though not very common, that may be severe, and possibly life threatening.

1. Clotting of Blood:
Blood clots in the arteries of legs and arms, followed by swelling of the affected areas known as peripheral vascular thrombosis, a serious condition that has the potential to cause loss of limb or even loss of life.

2. Severe Allergic reaction:
Severe allergic reaction is very rare but can be life threatening. Researchers and medical professionals alike question whether the allergy is caused by preservatives in injection or by the vitamin itself. Vitamin B12 injections should be avoided by persons who are allergic to cobalt or cobalamin, as it may lead to allergies.

3. Vision loss in case of "Leber's Disease":
A person who has or has had Leber's Disease should not take vitamin B12 injections, since it can result in optic nerve damage (and possibly blindness). Leber's Disease is hereditary optic neuropathy which will cause slow vision loss, first in one eye and then in the other eye.

4. Pulmonary Edema:
In very rare cases, fluids get accumulated in the lungs of the person taking vitamin B12 injections, a condition known as pulmonary edema. The person may experience pain in the chest and shortness of breath.

This is not an exhaustive list of side effects. There are others. Please do some research to become informed, and always consult with your doctor if you suspect that you are experiencing side effects to any medication.

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Allergies: Cough, Cough, Sneeze, Sneeze, Ohh what a relief!! NOT........

Having allergies can be one of the most annoying conditions you can have the pleasure of being blessed with. Your head is clogged or nose is running a marathon, your eyes are watery or itchy and you have been blessed so many times you would think God himself had heard you sneezing. It makes your day miserable and most medications you can take will only make you sleepy.

Allergies can be caused from almost anything, mold, dust, pollen from trees or flowers, animal fur, insect bites, household chemicals and more to list the most common. The excess of mucus can be caused by a poor diet and even stress can bring allergies on. To get rid of allergies naturally with no side effects, we suggest some of the following remedies and then changing your diet for continued prevention.

For relief of your allergies you can go to any local health food or herbal store and pick up these herbs. You should pick the one that fits you best and if you don't see improvement within three days discontinue and re-evaluate your symptoms and back to the drawing board. Use the remedy that best fits your symptoms. Again, only choose one remedy for three days before trying another. Stop taking remedy as soon as you experience relief.

  • Allium Cepa- If you have burning, watery eyes and a runny nose. Your symptoms feel better outside in the open air.

  • Euphrasia- Can be taken if you're experiencing burning teary, red eyes. You can also use Eye-Bright, 5 drops ratio to 翻 ounce saline for your irritated eyes. Apply twice daily.

  • Sabadilla- Take this if you suffer from repeated "ah choo's" i.e. sneezes and runny nose.

  • Histaminum- Are you experiencing normal allergy symptoms which have a sudden onset? This helps!!!

  • Natrum Muriaticum- Take this if you sneeze at the sun and get re-occurring cold sores. Craving salt might also be a concern for you.

  • Silica- Can be used when upper respiratory problems develop into an infection, do you feel irritable and tired??? Silica screams "USE ME!"

  • Nux Vomica- You may wake up sneezing and crave stimulants such as tobacco or sweets.

  • Arsenicum Album- You will have burning eyes and constant runny nose causing red and sore irritation under the nose. You are sensitive and have many allergies.

  • Lycopodium- For people with only one-sided nasal congestion and throat issues. If you are in this category, you might also experience bloating after meals.

  • Pulsatilla- Do your allergies get worse in warm conditions or have a lot of congestion at night. This one is definitely for you...

  • Stinging nettles - For Hay Fever.

I would also suggest taking 1,000 mg of Vitamin C which is a natural anti-histamine, three to five times daily. If this gives you diarrhea you can decrease the dosage or try taking Quercitin. Also, Butterbur has been studied and found to be better than Allegra and comparable to Zyrtec. In the evening, take a hot bath with Chamomile or Lavender to induce sweat and clean out toxins.

Now that you have gotten rid of the symptoms of your allergy, try some of these dietary changes to prevent further episodes.

We Recommend:

  • Increase your whole grains. This is something we should all be doing anyway.

  • Increase you intake of fresh vegetables and fruits to help with detoxification. You might try a 3 day vegetable juice fast for best results.

  • Cold pressed oils and raw seeds and nuts.

  • You will need to increase your lean protein such as seafood and tofu.

  • Drink all the water you can. This will cut mucus secretions.

  • Take flaxseed or flaxseed oil to reduce inflammation, 2 tablespoons every day.

We do not recommend:

  • Dairy products, fried foods or processed foods, refined flours, chocolate and eggs. Dairy only makes mucus secretions thicker.

  • Cut down on fats and oils and trans-fatty acids.

We also have many products in the surrounding areas of this page; please click on any of these remedies for reoccurring symptoms and relief remedies.

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What are allergies?

Allergies are the body's instinctive response to external substances known as allergens, or allergy-causing agents. Almost everything external to the human body qualifies as an allergen.

Pollen makes some folks sneeze, while others might suffer an adverse reaction after consuming a specific food. Common allergens include: nuts, cosmetics, dairy products, dust, pollen, molds, poisonous plants, specific medicines, insect stings, seafood, tomatoes, chocolates, as well as certain fruits and grains.

What causes a person to become allergic?

Allergies occur when the body feels threatened by a foreign material ingested, inhaled, or simply touched by the skin.

When the external threat is perceived, the immune system responds by producing antibodies which cause various reactions to a allergen -- a sneeze, a gag, a rash. If an individual is sensitive to a specific allergen, he or she will react when exposed to it, while people not sensitive to that particular allergen remain unaffected. Genetics and environment both play a part in susceptibility to allergies.

What are the symptoms of allergies?

There are almost as many different symptoms as there are allergens and people! The degree of sensitivity to any particular allergen varies among individuals. Two people may both be allergic to cats, for example, but exhibit different reactions; one might sneeze, while other develops watery eyes or a rash. Among the most frequently observed symptoms of allergies are:

o Congestion

o Headache

o Dizziness

o Itching

o Vomiting

o Wheezing

o Diarrhea

o Watery or dry eyes

o Hives

o Swelling of the feet and hands

Depending upon the severity of the allergic reaction, the symptoms can range from mild to moderate to serious. In some extreme cases, allergies can even be fatal.

Are there natural treatments for allergies?

Everyone knows exercise, such as yoga and engaging in outdoor activities, is key in maintaining physical fitness, but it's also beneficial in fighting allergic reactions, too. In addition, consuming certain foods found have been shown to minimize the body's hypersensitivity to allergens as well:

BANANAS (provided you're not allergic to them!) are rich in vitamins and nutrition and offer an excellent means for controlling and avoiding allergic reactions, especially those that involve stomach upset.

CARROT, CUCUMBER, AND BEET JUICE combined and consumed daily helps combat allergies, too. Mix three parts carrot juice to one part cucumber juice and one part beet juice and you're good to go.

LIME OR LEMON halved and squeezed into a glass of lukewarm water with a teaspoon of honey eliminates toxins and fights allergens (for those not allergic to citrus fruits, of course).

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Stomach disorder is the most common type of disorder in the world. Stomach disorders are also called as the gastric disorders. Stomach is the most important part of the body that digests the food we eat. If the stomach is disturbed, we feel like hell. All the things in world we do, the money we earn, and money we spend is for our stomach to fill. Thus, if can not keep our stomach healthy then it is the most bad thing we have faced. When a person suffers with a problem of stomach, it is called as the stomach disorder. But, it is true that once or twice or more than that in a year we suffer with the stomach disorders. Indigestion and heartburn are the most commonly occurring stomach disorders.

Here, are some commonly occurring stomach disorders:

1. Heartburn: It is the most frequently occurring stomach disorder. Around 90 million individuals all over the world suffer with heartburn. As the name suggests, it is the burning sensation in the lower part of heart and upper part of the stomach. Heartburn is caused by stomach acid that washed up into the esophagus. Heartburn sometimes even moves up to the chest, throat, and even up to jaws. Heartburn is found to be felt more when you are lying down or bending forward.

2. Indigestion: Every man in this world suffers from indigestion. I think indigestion has become the individuals most known and occurring disease in the world. Indigestion is commonly called as stomach upset or dyspepsia. Indigestion is caused by the heartburn, ulcers, food intolerance, bloating and flatulence, or by eating excessive amount of food. Nausea, loss of appetite, and vomiting are commonly occurring symptoms of indigestion.

3. Diarrhea: The watery stools occurring more than thrice in a day is called as diarrhea. It is very common problem that lasts for day or two. The causes of diarrhea are food poisoning, excessive intake of food, over consumption of alcohol, emotional stress and tensions, and in rare instances by the intake of antibiotics. Symptoms of diarrhea are abdominal cramps, abdominal pains, and frequent passing of loose, watery feces. Please note that if you notice blood or pus in the feces contact the doctor immediately.

4. Ulcers: Stomach ulcers are caused by the destruction of the gastric or intestinal mucosal lining of the stomach by hydrochloric acid, an acid normally present in the digestive juices of the stomach. There are basically 2 two types of ulcers---duodenal ulcer and gastric ulcer. Duodenal ulcer affects the upper part of the stomach that is small intestine and gastric ulcer affects the main and lowermost part of the stomach i.e. large intestine. The main symptom of an ulcer is a burning or gnawing feeling in the stomach area. Heartburn, hunger, and indigestion are other symptoms of ulcer.

5. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): It is commonly called referred as the acid reflux disease. In GERD, the liquid content of the stomach regurgitates (backs up or refluxes) into the esophagus. GERD is a chronic condition. Once it begins, it usually is life-long. GERD is a result of transient or permanent changes in the barrier between the esophagus and the stomach. Vomiting, nausea, wet burps or wet hiccups, failure to gain weight, and choking or wheezing are the symptoms of the GERD. The causes of GERD are hiatal hernias, esophageal contractions, emptying of the stomach, and lower esophageal sphincter.

6. Zollinger-Ellison syndrome: This disorder is caused when the level of the hormone gastrin is increased that results into the production of more hydrochloric acid. This disorder leads to the formation of tumors in the pancreas and duodenum and ulcers in the stomach and duodenum. These tumors secrete large amounts of a hormone that causes excessive production of acid by your stomach. The excess acid, in turn, leads to peptic ulcers.

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This is a peculiar disease which spreads through the spores of the fungus Strachybotrys chartarum. Black molds infest the dark corners of the dwelling places where sunlight or aeration are not there. They appear as greenish black spots. The fungus produces spores and these spores enter the human body through breathing or through the consumption of contaminated food.

Black Mold Sickness and Symptoms:
Once the molds come in contact with the body, allergic response is triggered. Some of the symptoms are running nose, itching, watery eyes, coughing, sneezing and the like. If the infection is severe, the serious symptoms of toxic black mold sickness are noticed.

Some of the symptoms are:

• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Diarrhea
• Loss of appetite
• An attack of asthma attack
• Chronic infection of the upper respiratory tract
• Pain in the ear
• Recurrent infections in the ear
• Pain in the muscles
• Pain in the joints
• Fatigue

In chronic cases of toxic black mold infection, mucous membranes of the body get damaged, resulting in bleeding from nose, lungs and the rectal. The infection may lead to brain damage causing problems in concentration, amnesia, swings in mood, anxiety, depression and neurological disorders.

Having known the toxicity and the severity of the disease, you should take care to avoid mold infection in the place you live. The longer the molds thrive in your body, the more toxic they are. Look for damp places in the house such as bathroom, kitchen and basement. If you find the molds, get them removed immediately. Repair the leaky pipes in the house to avoid dampness. Provide sufficient air circulation in the home to avoid mold development and growth.

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Constipation happens to be a highly common complaint in today's day and age; even babies suffer from it. It is even more common to somebody that suppresses his bowels whenever there is some sort of urge for the bowels to come out. A lack of physical exercise could also contribute to this symptom. People who do not drink a lot of water also suffer from constipation.

Although constipation isn't a disease, it can be very alarming. Constipation happens to be the top cause of hemorrhoids, bowel obstruction, irritable bowel syndrome and various other diseases of the colon. Impacted colon tends to be caused by huge dry stool that cannot get through the rectum and stays clogged there. Impacted colon might cause diarrhea. Whenever the colon gets impacted by large and dry stool, the watery and soft stools on top of them will move inside the colon and leak, causing diarrhea. However, the impacted colon will still stay there, causing an obstruction. People that are most at risk of bowel obstructions would be the people that get bed-ridden since they can no longer move and their bodies need to remain stationary.

Even people who can move freely and walk, however, can still stuffer from constipation if there is a lack of exercise. But people that have restricted reflexes in moving their bodies have higher risks. People that take anti-cholinergic medicine are highly likely to suffer from this, as well, since this kind of medicine can create muscle spasms. Medications for anti-diarrhea can aid stools in obstructing the colon even more. Whenever you take any kind of diarrhea tablets, the bowel gets suppressed from coming out, so the diarrhea ends. However, the bowels that need to come out remain obstructed.

The symptoms of impacted colon include abdominal pain and cramping, blood inside the rectum, passage of wet stool in small but continuous amounts, and round and small stools similar to goat stools.

To know you are suffering from impacted colon, lumps should be felt in your lower abdomen after stomach examinations and mass should be felt when your rectum gets pressed hard. Treating impacted colon would involve removing whatever is causing the obstruction by getting rid of the obstructed stools. Some stool softeners might be given to aid the softened impacted stool, while laxatives might also be given to provide the softened stool with liquid.

Suppositories might be given, as well, with retraining programs of bowels so that normal movement can be restored. After medications are taken, dietary measures need to be properly observed. Consuming foods that contain more fiber need to be your primary meal. Fruits, vegetables and whole wheat grains need to be the primary course in place of burgers and meat. Exercise also needs to be a primary change that you need to do since exercise proves to aid in constipation relief. Drinking several glasses of water every morning on an empty stomach can also help when it comes to bowel movement.

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The healthiest thing you can do for your puppy is to make sure that he has Parvo Virus immunizations as soon as he is at the right age for it. Also, make sure to attend follow-up visits and boosters as recommended by a qualified animal doctor.

Parvo Virus in Dogs acts quickly to debilitate the digestive system. You will need to work promptly if your dog begins to vomit, experience a loss of appetite or thirst, or have continuous diarrhoea. This is an emergency situation for your dog because he is rapidly dehydrating and literally drying up inside. Your canine may die within hours of you noticing dog Parvo illness symptoms.

Not all dogs experiencing digestive disorders are suffering with the Parvo Virus. There are some distinct signs that you will notice in the dog's symptoms and behaviour that indicate more likely than not that he is certainly infected with this deadly virus or an illness that is just as life threatening.

o The dog has diarrhea and is unable to control where he deposits his faeces. The faecal matter will have a strong foul odour and most likely be very watery and yellow in colour, it may also be laced with visible blood and have a strong scent of blood or decay.

o The dog is starving of thirst. He may approach his water bowl and whine or cry and you will identify that he is thirsty but isn't drinking from the bowl of water. He may lie down near the bowl or in common cases he may fall over into the water and be too weak to stand.

o The dog may seem disoriented, lost, or confused. Instead of the usual greeting of a wagging tail from the dog, he may only acknowledge you with a slight raise of his head and a glance at you and then lay his head back down. You may notice that he appears to be lost as he decides to get up and walk to a new location and then seems to change his mind as he turns around and walks back to where he was previously and just lays back down.

o The dog will not eat. He has a complete loss of appetite because his digestion system is in such turmoil from the Parvo virus attacking his intestines. He will not accept food. He recognizes the distress of being starved, but is in so much pain that he cannot do anything about it. He will appear to be poisoned or have symptoms like a human does when suffering from food poisoning.

For the most part, dogs live a long healthy life. However, it is vital that you pay heed to the dog's illness symptoms whenever you notice him acting strangely. It is especially important to take action in cases where he refuses to nourish and hydrate himself, cannot hold anything in, or seems very weak.

You won't be able to cure dog Parvo virus, but you surely can prevent it with Parvo shots and by keeping a consistent regimen of timely immunizations. It is possible to effectively treat active Parvo cases when caught early enough, but this is a fast acting viral infection. Make necessary visits to your animal doctor when there are dog illness symptoms or dog Parvo symptoms present.

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It may come as a surprise, if you're a new cat owner, that many health problems may befall your feline friend. Some problems are easily preventable, while others are hereditary.


Hairballs are among the most common of cat health problems. Cats groom themselves almost constantly, and swallow the loose hair that comes off their tongues. Occasionally, the hair gathers into a ball and lodges in the cat's digestive tract instead of passing on through the body. If your cat starts coughing and hacking, he probably has a hairball. While the end product is unpleasant for the owner, most cats don't have a problem dislodging hairballs.

However, hairballs can occasionally pass into a cat's intestines and cause a blockage. This can be a life-threatening problem. There are a few signs to look for to see if your cat's hairball is dangerous. If your cat is constipated, off his feed, or is lethargic with a dull coat, then he could have a serious blockage. A vet exam is definitely in order.

To prevent hairballs, groom your cat frequently to remove loose hair. In addition, feed your cat food that helps control hairballs.


For many cats, worms are a recurring problem. Roundworms, tapeworms, and hookworms most commonly infect cats. Cats can occasionally develop heartworms, as well. If your cat seems unable to gain weight, is infested with fleas, or has white specks that look like grains of rice in his stools, take him to the veterinarian for worm testing.

Worms are easily cured with a few doses of medication, but if left untreated, they can be fatal.

Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections are another common health problem in cats. This infection is particularly common in unneutered male cats, although female cats can also develop this problem. If your cat suddenly stops using the litter box, a urinary tract infection is suspect. If your cat's urine smells strong, again a urinary tract infection may be the cause. These infections need to be treated by a veterinarian. Ask about cat foods that reduce the likelihood of another infection.

Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)

FIP is caused by a mutation of the corona virus. According to some experts, cats living in multi-cat environments tend to test positive for enteric corona virus. Cats can live with that virus remaining quietly in the intestines with no sign of disease for their entire lifetime. In other cases, probably a genetic pre-disposition, the virus mutates into FIP.

Once a cat has contracted FIP, it will display symptoms of a mild upper respiratory infection: sneezing, watery eyes, and nasal discharge. It may also have diarrhea, weight loss and lethargy. Most cats fully recover from this primary infection, although some may become virus carriers. A small percentage of exposed cats develop lethal FIP weeks or even years after the primary infection.

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus

FIV, or cat AIDS, is not always fatal. FIV decreases the ability of the cat's immune system to fight infections. Cats with FIV may remain free of symptoms for years. It is when the cat contracts other illnesses in the chronic stage of FIV infection that FIV is first suspected. This long list of illnesses includes oral-cavity infections, upper-respiratory infections, weight loss, ear infections, kidney disease, and many others. Although there is, as yet, no vaccine, all cats should be tested for the virus. The virus is transmitted through saliva, usually when a cat is bitten in a cat fight.

Feline Leukemia Virus

FLV was, until recently, the most common fatal disease of cats. But with a vaccine now available, the number of cases is dwindling. Although the name leukemia means cancer of the white blood cells, this is only 1 of the many diseases associated with this virus, such as other types of cancer, anemia, arthritis and respiratory infections. FLV is preventable if the cat is immunized before being exposed to the virus. Although the disease is not always immediately fatal, cats with FLV rarely have a long life expectancy. NEVER bring other cats into your household when you have a cat with FLV.

Lyme Disease

If your cat spends time outdoors, you should check him regularly for ticks. If you find a tick on your cat's body and he has been lethargic and acts as if he is in pain, ask your vet to test for Lyme Disease. This disease is transmitted to people and animals by deer ticks.

Some cats may show subtle symptoms while others may show none -- symptoms are hard to recognize and often may be confused with other illnesses or old age. Be observant of your pet's behavior. It is the only way to know if your pet has contracted Lyme disease if no tick was found. Some symptoms of Feline Lyme Disease include:

(a) lethargy,

(b) reluctance to jump or climb stairs,

(c) limping, or reluctance to put weight on a paw,

(d) loss of appetite.

The key to dealing with Feline Lyme Disease is prevention and early diagnosis and treatment. You should reduce the tick population around your home with simple landscape changes and spraying.

Good Health Care

Taking your cat for a regular check-up with the vet, and keeping all vaccinations on schedule will help assure your cat a long and healthy life. Prevention is the first line of defense for most feline illnesses.

Many owners keep their cats indoors to protect them from cars, from cat fights which may expose them to deadly viruses, from ticks, and other hazards.

Outdoor cats will enjoy greater freedom, but require a watchful eye, loving attention to their health status, and regular visits to the veterinarian.

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When it comes to a gluten allergy, you'll discover several misunderstandings online. Gluten is more pervasive in the American diet than most people understand and celiac disease has more serious long-term consequences than most people appreciate. In addition, few people are aware of the differences between wheat allergies, a gluten allergy and celiac sprue disease.

What Exactly Is A Gluten Allergy?

The umbrella term gluten allergy is often used to talk about three different medical conditions. These conditions include celiac disease, wheat allergies or non-celiac gluten sensitive (often abbreviated as NCGS).

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease that is triggered by gluten consumption. This condition will be diagnosed by genetic testing, a blood serum panel or an intestinal wall biopsy. A biopsy is the most accurate and widely accepted test to diagnose celiac disease as the intestinal wall where the biopsy is taken is the target of the damaging immune response.

Wheat allergies manifest themselves more like classic allergies, such as hay fever. They do not represent an autoimmune disease, therefore they manifest differently from the symptoms of celiac sprue disease.

Non-celiac gluten sensitive is the expression used for people who test negative for celiac sprue disease but who still experience a potent and consequential reaction to eating foods with gluten in them.

Statistics show that around 1% of all people are afflicted with celiac sprue disease. About 2-5% suffer from wheat allergies. Another 10% are diagnosed as non-celiac gluten sensitive. So collectively nearly 15%, or nearly one in every six people, suffers from some type of gluten allergy.

Wheat Allergy Vs. Celiac Disease

A wheat allergic reaction includes symptoms like itchy, watery eyes, hives, a rash and swelling. The reaction is immediate and is considered a Type 1 Hypersensitivity.

Symptoms of celiac disease tend to be a bit different and sometimes take days or even weeks to present themselves. Celiac symptoms include stomach pain, intestinal cramping, diarrhea, constipation and weight gain or more commonly, weight loss. Some people have silent celiac symptoms or don't experience symptoms at all (they are asymptomatic).

A recent study revealed that it takes more than five years for the average celiac patient to be diagnosed after they initially take their concern to their doctor. Because so many individuals endure health problems for far too long before receiving an accurate diagnosis, you ought to better understand these separate conditions and better appreciate when you should take your concern to a medical professional.

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Good health depends not only on what goes into your body, but also on what comes out of it. All too often, we underestimate the vital importance of a healthy, properly-functioning colon, and only pay attention if we experience diarrhea or constipation. The reality is that constipation isn't a disease itself, but a symptom of something wrong with the gut. The good news is that, while constipation can be an indication of a more serious problem, it's usually possible to get the colon back on track simply by what you put in your mouth.

The colon is the first four to five feet of the large intestine; it empties into the rectum, which transports stool (feces) to the anus. The colon takes runny, liquefied food from the small intestine, absorbing most of the water and some nutrients, and turns it into solid stool. Water absorption depends on how much time the stool spends in the colon. If it passes through too quickly, it results in watery diarrhea. More commonly, if it stays too long, it becomes dry and hard, and difficult to pass. There can be underlying medical reasons for this, including certain diseases and conditions, advanced age, pregnancy, irritable bowel syndrome, and the effects of prescription or over-the-counter medications, but the primary cause for many Americans is simply poor diet and lack of exercise.

The colon depends on fiber, a substance it cannot digest, to keep everything moving smoothly. Soluble fiber, which dissolves in water, forms a soft gel in the bowel, while non-soluble fiber bulks up the stool and makes it softer and easier to pass. Fiber is found primarily in fruits, vegetables and whole grains, but most Americans eat only a small percentage of the daily recommended amount. Incorporating more fiber-rich foods, and using fiber supplements such as psyllium, will help stools pass easily through the colon.

If the diet has been lacking in fiber for some time, a more intensive plan is often recommended to cleanse the colon and restore it to health. It's not a good idea to use chemical laxatives, especially habitually, as the colon can become dependent on them and become unable to move stools on its own. More natural methods include fiber-intensive diets, a series of dietary supplements, or irrigation with fluid. Once the colon has been cleansed, it should be kept healthy with a fiber-rich diet, enhanced with dietary fiber supplements if necessary, plenty of water, and exercise. Foods and supplements rich in probiotics - the "good bacteria" necessary for nutrient absorption - should also be part of the diet.

The frequency of bowel movements depends on the individual, but the clinical definition of constipation includes fewer than three bowel movements per week, along with hard or lumpy stools, straining to pass stools, or a feeling of still "having to go" after a bowel movement. Hard stools can also cause hemorrhoids or anal fissures. The appearance of the stool is a clue to what's going on inside: it should be medium-brown and almost odorless, and should not be yellow, grey, green, too dark, sticky, or pencil-thin, which can indicate bowel obstruction. The colon is one of the most important organs in your body, and its condition is vital to your overall health.

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Caring for puppies is a rewarding experience, but can also be a difficult one. The health of your puppy can be fragile, especially in their first weeks. One of the most common health problems that can appear in puppies is diarrhea. Diarrhea is, of course, strongly connected to your puppy's diet, but can also be indicative of other health problems. Although it is not always cause for alarm, it should be taken seriously, as it may mean that your puppy is not getting or not able to properly digest the nutrients it needs to grow up strong and healthy.

The first thing to consider is that your puppy's stool can vary in appearance from completely liquid to completely solid, and anywhere in between. If the stool is simply soft, but not watery, it may not be a serious. This can occur from improper digestion caused by poor diet, change in diet, stress or over-feeding. While it is most commonly not serious, you should monitor your puppy closely until it's stool returns to normal consistency.

If the stool is liquid and quite watery, it is a much more serious problem. Firstly, watery diarrhea can cause dehydration. In puppies, dehydration can become life-threatening in as little as 24 hours. A puppy can survive a day without solid food, which may be beneficial in that it helps give the digestive track a rest, but it is absolutely imperative that you give your puppy lots of water. If your puppy will not drink, or has had continued diarrhea for more then 24 hours, you must take it to the vet.

Be sure to monitor any diarrhea for signs of blood, as blood is a key indicator that your puppy could be very sick. Do not hesitate for a second to take your puppy to the vet if you see even a tiny drop of blood in the stool. Watery diarrhea and blood in the stool can both be caused by intestinal parasites, or other serious digestive problems. This should not, under any circumstances, be taken lightly.

The majority of dogs will experience some kind of diarrhea at least once in their lives. It's up to you to know what to do, and when to take your puppy to the vet. Keeping a close eye on your puppy's health is necessary to ensure that your German Shepherd, Dutch Shepherd or Belgian Malinois will grow up to be both strong and healthy.

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Milk and its associated products such as cheese, butter, mayonnaise or yoghurts are popular foods that are considered to be high in proteins and calcium while being tasty at the same time. Most popular foods like pizzas, pastas, sandwiches contain cheese in them to make them taste good while butter and toast is considered as the staple food for the majority of the population. While most people are able to have these as a part of their regular diets, there are others who suffer from milk allergy and have to refrain from these dairy products.

Casein intolerance

Cow's milk has been identified as one of the leading causes for food allergies among children which may lead to nausea, giddiness, diarrhea and other sickness. Adults are equally affected by milk and experience bloating, nausea, gas and heaviness after consumption. Inability to digest milk proteins happens to adults who are sensitive to milk and it finally leads to allergies. Allergies related to casein have serious symptoms such as vomiting, stomach cramps, and skin irritation and may lead to anaphylactic reactions in the body. In the long run it leads to weight loss as the patient is unable to absorb any nutrients from any food. Casein intolerance is a much more serious condition than lactose intolerance and can prove to be harmful for health. People who are allergic to casein have to avoid any kind of milk or milk based products since even traces of casein in their food might trigger a reaction.

About casein test

Milk constitutes of two important proteins namely Casein and Whey. Casein is derived from Latin caseus which means milk. It is the most important ingredient in milk and account for more than 80% of proteins in cow's milk and cheese. This phospoprotein is not soluble in water and is the thick part of the milk which helps in setting the curd. Whey is the watery part of milk which makes up nearly 87% of the milk. Some individuals are allergic to the casein in milk which others are sensitive to whey. Casein is found in all milks of mammals, but in varying degrees. A casein test helps in determining if a certain food product contains casein.

Research has shown that a casein free diet is better for autistic children since they are able to digest it much more easily. It is proven to be effective in their overall development. A casein test is very important to determine and label food and drinks which are casein free, since consumption of even traces of this allergen can be very harmful for individuals.

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Researchers have yet to find a specific cause for irritable bowel syndrome or IBS. It is known as a functional disorder, which means that the way the bowel words is affected. However, there are yet to be found any physical abnormalities that can explain the symptoms.

One theory that has been proposed is that people who have IBS have a large intestine, or colon, that is quite sensitive and reactive to both stress and certain foods. It is thought that the immune system may also be involved.

Symptoms of this seem to be caused by contractions of the muscle in the bowel wall some researchers think. These contractions are thought to be stronger and more frequent in people that have IBS. The contractions seem to worsen after eating certain foods and in stressful situations. If a person is intolerant to certain foods such as dairy products, tea and coffee, it may trigger symptoms.

Irritable bowel syndrome may often develop after a bout of gastroenteritis which is an inflammation not only of the stomach but also of the bowel linings. This often causes diarrhea and sickness. An infection with a bacteria or virus may be the culprit here as well as food poisoning.

These are some other causes of IBS which you may want to think about:

Normal movement, or motility, may be absent in the colon of someone who has IBS. The motility can be spasmodic, also called spastic colon or it can even temporarily stop working. Spasms are strong and sudden muscle contractions that may come and go periodically.

The lining of the colon which is also known as the epithelium is affected by both the immune and nervous systems. It regulates the flow of fluids both in and out of the large intestine or colon. In a person who has IBS, the epithelium seems to work properly.

However, when the contents inside of the large intestine move too quickly, the colon is not able to absorb the fluids. This results in watery stools. In other people, the movement inside of the colon is much too slow.

  • This causes any extra fluid to be absorbed, and thus the person suffers from constipation.

  • With a person who is suffering from IBS, their colon may respond very strongly to certain foods or to stress that would normally not bother other people.

  • Recent research has found that serotonin and normal gastrointestinal functioning are linked together. Serotonin is a chemical, or neurotransmitter, that delivers messages from one body part to another. Approximately 95% of the serotonin in a person's body is found in the GI tract, and the other 5% is located in the brain. Cells which line the inside of the intestines work as transporters and work at carrying the serotonin out of the gastrointestinal tract. People who suffer with IBS do not have as much receptor activity as normal people, and this causes a build-up of serotonin in the GI tract. As a result, people with IBS suffer from problems with bowel movement, sensation and motility since they have more sensitive pain receptors located in their GI tract.

  • Researchers also have reported that IBS may be linked to a bacterial infection in the GI tract. Studies have been documented that people who have had a bout of gastroenteritis may sometimes develop IBS.

These are the main causes of irritable bowel syndrome. If you think that you may be suffering from this disease, it would be wise to consult your physician.

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